The Sales Men

The Sales Men

A Story by Jack Pollard

When all you worked for is taken from you some times your only left with on option and that is how one man feels after being fired. Now he will do any thing to keep his family afloat.


The Salesmen
By Jack Pollard
“The grandest scam always starts off small, invisible; you wouldn’t know it’s a crime to start with. Until they start to want more, so that’s when they start to slip through the suffering of others.” An author /ex professor of the University of Harvard says on TV. Which caught the attention of a suited dwarf: Steve, just without the blazer, sleeves rolled up, standing in a decent one bedroom. Pouring himself a nice glass of Russian ice, from his liquor cabinet, while glancing over at the tube.
A day time talk show interviewing Professor Garza , who is promoting his new book on American crimes. “F**k.” Steve says as some vodka goes overboard. Wipes down his glass, takes his first shot like a punch in the face then downs his second shot more gracefully. “Yes in your Book: Freemasons:” the interviewer says displaying the cover of the book for the cameras. “You mention something about testing beacons. Now would you please elaborate on this professor?” “Yes you see there are; these testing beacons that provides the invisible sounds from the mounta....” Steve cuts out Garza clicking to another channel. That already begins preaching drugs to him; prescription drugs of course and if not that constant nicotine ads. But his mind begins to slip away from the tube and over to his closet underneath his stair case. Rivers himself another shot, takes it then approaches it carefully and pulls out his cell phone. Goes through his contacts and hits up “Spence the Fence.”
Inside of a warehouse across town somewhere, Spence in his office sees Steve pop up in his cell. “F**k, its Steve.” Spence replies to his assistant sitting across from his desk. “Yo Steve what’s happing bro, how can I help you?” Spence replies
“Ahh uhhh hmmm...nothing it’s just ...”Steve answers with aw, as his world around him slowly faints away and echoes within the distance. His heart beat gets drawn to the closet and he seems to can’t escape its clutch, until the phones voice exploded back in his ear.
“Yo Steve! You there bro? Look man you don’t have to call us for the s**t..Shipments you bring in, just bring them by ok, no calls.” Spence says
“Yeah but I really think an appointment would be best, because you have to see this. It’ll be worth your investment.” Steve answers with confidence
“You really got something this time?” Spence asks
“For real this time.” Steve replies
“Alright..” Spence shuffles through some paper work looking for his schedule, then pops out his pen.
“Let’s make it at eight how’s that sound?” Spence asks
“Sounds good to me.” Steve concludes the call slipping his cell back in his pocket.
He resumes back to the closet and attempts to open it, until his door down the hall begins to thumb and ring melodies. Wedging him between him and his objective on the other side of the closet door. About to ignore it, he turns the door knob slightly but then six more ringing melody’s echoes through his apartment. He abandons his objective and marches down the hallway. Slightly opening the door with the chain still hooked on, to baffled sandy haired sales men.
“ What?!” Steve boldly asks
“Hmm uhh ummm...?” The salesmen replies
“Well come on spit it out, i ain’t got all f*****g day.” Steve replies
“AHhhmm hmmm...good afternoon sirb, I work for the Charles Edge Master Appliances and I would like to ask you if you have all the kitchen ware you need?” The salesmen pitches. Steve sighs sandwiching a smoke between his lips and fires it up.
“I think i got enough shiny spoons and forks but thank you.” Steve replies shutting the door but it halted by the foot of the sales men.
“Arkb you sure sir coulb help your home security sir.” The sales men replies with a slight wobble in his head
He then opens up a brief case, displaying a fine selection of steel kitchen blades shining like a mirror. Steve baffled upon the salesmen pitch and his slight mad stare, Steve then looks back down the hall towards his closet and back to the sales men exhaling in his face, forcing a cough out of him.
“Alright you got yourself a deal.” Steve answers closing the door to unchain it.
Then as soon as the sales men could hear the chain bouncing off the door, he then hurls his shoulder with tremendous force into the door. Tossing Steve off his feet onto the floor boards bouncing his head off the floor. 

Then Steve quickly infiltrates, kicks shuts the door and pulls out some mace and begins pinning him down in a cloud of mace. “Racoon...recognize me now m**********r!” the salesmen yells as he keeps spraying. “ mother...f**k!” Steve replies
The sales men kept spraying so much that his own eyes begins to itch and tear up. So he backs up taking a breath, wipes his eyes and locks the door. He pockets his mace, sees that Steve is battered enough and begins dragging him into the living room. Then drops him in the center of the living room and checks out the windows to see if anyone heard anything out of the blue. But everyone kept to their routines. So then the sales men takes off what turns out to be a wig and uncovers his real black hair.
“Remerbb me meow..f**k! You remember me now mother f****r?!” The sales men yells
Steve still fumbling and crumbling on the floor he then throws his foot into the sales men’s leg immediately stumbling him to the floor. Steve dash’s for the kitchen while the sales men pushes himself off the floor, Steve then pulls open a drawer to a chrome shine snub nose, grabs it but then as soon as he looks back up the sales men quickly shoves him into the counter of the sink. Then Steve points the barrow in his blurry state at the sales men but the sales men grabs Steve’s wrist with the chrome shine risk, swings his arm in the air. That still pops off a round into the ceiling, then the sales men takes Steve’s throat with one hand and keeping the revolver in the air. Then Steve took the salesmen’s throat with his non busy hand.
Both slowly running out of air the salesmen then delivers his knee into Steve’s groin, painfully curling him up on the floor. Then the sales men, quickly pulls away his snub nose. “You f**k!” Steve yells holding his groin. The sales men then grabs him by the hair and hurls him back into the living room. Throws his cross hairs on Steve, then turns up the TV and switches to a music channel.
“You nop...going hold this back fromb me now.” The sales men says with a bit of a slur
“Caone more time mother f**k..WHERE IS IT?!” The salesmen yells sending more kicks into Steve’s guts. After a few more of the same questions and kicks, he realizes that Steve can’t keep his eyes off the closet. So then the salesmen approaches, while keeping his death sights on Steve, took a deep breath and swings it open.

The back door of a furniture store (Cloud Comfort) is opened by the salesmen. He unfolds a check and wasn’t impressed with his petite eighty bucks that he struggled to make. He took one last look at the view he would always adore leaving work; a peach orange sun set sinking into the mountains. He then folded up his tiny check, stuffed it in his pocket without pride and got in his barly alive Geo. Struggled for about two or three minutes just to bring her back to life, revved the engine for a bit and took off.
Once he got home, he just collapse’s upon his recliner throne, poured himself some bronze medicine in a glass on the coffee table and pounded his shots back. Which only masked his pain for the briefest of moments, but he sure cherished it. Until his head slowly dragged him back to them rocky shores.
“You know that never helps Chris.” A voice of his wife Kim approached behind him
“Yeah’s surb..sure fun to find out.” Chris replied
He lifts his head up from his drink, looking into her gorgeous moon light eyes, wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his head on her stomach. “Did they let you go today?” Kim asked to which Chris just nods “There are still lots of options out there.” She ads
“Yeah well who’s gonnabb kire this mess?!” Chris replies
“I would.” She says softly while brushing his hair back.
“Have you checked more information about these several migraines?” Kim asked
“There’s nothing else to check parrently...apparently. Been to the doctors like six times and they just keep throwing more pills at me like a f*****g lab rat, which still isn’t even enoughvvvbb.” Chris answered without to much gibberish
“Do they know what kind it is?” She asked
“There’s surprisingly so much head ach types out there I forgot. All i want is it just to go away, because they did give me time off for it, which wasn’t enough. Then it came down to chewing my hours down. Then bam! I’m gone just like that, f**k i can’t talk in public anymore it’s like it gets worse out there.” He answered
“Have you checked your EI?” Kim asked
“Nop..not enought hours, like i said they give me a lot of time off.” Chris answered
“Well you know this never helps.” She said taking away his drink “I’m going to run to the pharmacy and you watch some TV or something the baby’s a sleep.” Kim said placing a soft kiss upon his fore head
“I just got to get my purse.” She said heading up stairs
So then Chris decided to flip on the TV only to watch trillions of changing black and white dots not to mention that horrific tsunami sound. Chris expectedly sighed and laid his head back, when suddenly a rising sharp screeching noise, like the ringing in your ears after getting hit by a foot ball began to weave through his head. Relentlessly getting loader and sharper, that made him felt as though if someone was stabbing his head with knitting needles then shaken his head about. He then crunched up in pain, head down with his hand holding him up. But as soon as Kim stepped off the last step coming down with her purse around her shoulder, he threw his head back up. They expressed their love for each other before she left like “I love you honey.”
Then as she left he got up filled himself a glass of hooch, then just about to take his shot his cell phone explodes a melody out of nowhere. That jumped his sensitive head, making him spill a bit of sauce. He picked up his cell phone off the coffee table but then his house phone erupted a ringing. Which made no sense to Chris, since that he haven’t paid for his phone bill on either of them? About to answer one of them his door down the hall exploded knocks. He looked at both his phones and the door, the cell in his hands and the phone around the lamp. Then out of the frustration he hit the green phone icon on his cell that shut everything up out of nowhere, so then he slowly raised his cell to his ear.
“Answer the door.” A voice said
Then the phone went dead, he looked down the hallway and slip his phone back in his pocket. He went down the hall and peeked throw the eye hole and was unsure. He tried to dig through his chewed up head as much as he could but could not remember this guy. It was an old timer in an all black suit underneath a black fedora as well. He knows he didn’t owe any body money, at least not lately so then he rolled the dice and just opened it up.
“Hello sir I represent the Retail Sales Reinforcement Agency.” The old man replied
“The what?” Chris asked
“Our agency ensures recently terminated sales associate a second chance if they can meet our requirements of course. As well as....” He kind of went on for a bit but it slowly slipped away to the back like echoes for Chris. Due to the torturous ringing slowly over lapping the old man, then baby began to cry loudly. So Chris tried to keep his mind to him but kept having to look back up stairs back and forth. So then the old man could see the drooping in his eyes.
“Which you prefer another time to discuss this?” The old man asked offering a business card
“Ye..yeah sure.” Chris answered taking his card
After shutting the front door Chris just held his barely alive head and just wobbled his legs up stairs.

Chris looks around the closet, slides the coats aside, checks above throwing anything off the top shelf. Then he can see it at his feet, a corner of the floor boards was sticking out of the floor. So then he pulls it out and almost half the floor came up. So he puts it onto the side, checks behind him to see if Steve is still down which he is and reaches down into the abyss of stolen goods and starts pulling up all kinds of jewelry and even straight up cash. “ This is ooo....your punishment.” Chris says looking back at Steve pocketing the cash that was at least twelve hundred. “Chubb(Gibberish) Bet..better be f*****g down here.” Chris adds throwing his arm around in the dark
Then he feels the cold steel and handle, of what he’s been looking for, so then he pulls up a silver suit case. He quickly glances behind back at Steve and sees him still trying to get up, Chris then flips the locks free and opens it up. There shines a luscious blue light beaming into his eyes, shrinking his pupils and completely freeing his mind from the keen pain. Right then he feels as though he can sell air force one to the president. But as soon as he close shuts it he slowly fell back into the jagged rocky cave.

 He gets up, holding the case like if it is his heart and threw his cross hairs back on Steve, while backing out of the apartment. He steps out into the real world, so he quickly pockets his silver piece, pops some more pills for the road and gets in his car. Steve drags himself off the floor, wobbling towards the kitchen immediately splashing water all over his face.
Sees Chris take off so then he takes a few breaths then whips up stairs into his room. Flips over his mattress to a small black pistol, most likely a Glock nine, he pulls back the lever and belts the piece and grabs his coat on the way out.
Chris ripping through the streets with his high pitched engine, feels a bit of relief apart from his mental hell that what he was looking for is back in his possession. He then realizes how much he’s gunning it, so he ease’s off the pedal but then at the corner of his eye, literally on a corner within a crowed. He can see the old man just staring at him, confused and looking at him still nearly turning his whole head. Causing him to swipe an oncoming car spitting up a bunch of sparks nearly spraying at his face making him rip right as best he can but only to end up in an ice ring dilemma sliding and screeching into a wall.
Chris raises his head off the deployed airbag, looks around and can see the women’s car he swiped getting out of her car. So he picks up the suit case off the passenger seat, looks at the street sign and can see he’s closer then he thought. He gets out to foot the rest of the way. “Sir, are you ok?” A man on the sidewalk ask “Sir? Sir?” But Chris just huffs it with a bit of a limp. Chris pulls out a bottle of pills and could only hear the rattling of four pills. “F**k!” He expresses
Chris making his way down the streets, he finds the old man still amongst the crowds in the shops, on the sidewalks and even inside apartments, staring at him. So then he gulps the last of his pills to get rid of this vague illusion out of his already crumpled up brain. He turns into an ally way that leads down to a red metal door and pounds on it. Six rugged locks then slides open on the other side of the door and it opens up to the old man in the black hat.
“CIIAM...I’m here.” Chris replies
“But your late.” The old man replies
“What?” Chris sadly expresses
Then suddenly the old man looks over Chris’s shoulder.

As Chris stood in the doorway of his baby’s room with his arms crossed, his wife sat in a nice recliner that was probably going to be taken back due to their non payments; she was humming a soft melody to her infant in her warm arms. Which was the only thing that could lift a smile out of Chris, but the longer he looked at them the more he felt them slipping away. “You ok honey?” She asked
“Of course...It’s just you look beautiful right now.” Chris said coming in for a kiss
“I got a job now.” She replied
“Where?” He asked
“The fish plant.” She answered
“You mean boot camp for employment.” Chris replied sarcastically
“Yes exactly.” She replied
“Well hopefully you won’t have to work there for long.” Chris said
As he was leaving the room, he saw a blonde wig sitting on the drawer that raised his eye brow while he picked it up. This then brought a chuckle out of her. “I can’t believe I found that. It’s just something from high school, from drama.” She commented
“You use to play a guy?” He asked
“Sometimes.” She answered
He just smiled placed back down and went down stairs into the kitchen. Poured himself some water and gulped back some painkillers. Then while looking out his kitchen window, he could see across the street in some ones living room on a huge flat screen an ad for Cloud Comfort; that slowly began to drag him back to memory lane. That occurred eight weeks ago; back at Cloud Comfort Chris scanned his environment and saw his new costumers that was a young couple. So he straightened his tie and approached them, however the boy friend looked a little upset. “Hello I’m Chris Robert, how may I help you today?” Chris greeted himself
“Yes hello sir, were looking for a queen sized or a king sized bed.” The young lady replied
“Well you couldn’t have chosen a better place for that.” Chris replied with a chuckle
“Yes my husband has been having trouble sleeping on our old bed.” The husband says
“Well if it’s not your back, we already checked your doctors and they just keep throwing pills at you.” She said
“HHHmmm.” He implied
“I know how it sounds but it’s just...” she get interrupted
“A two month f*****g head ach.” He interrupts
“Well I can a sure these mattress will make you sleep like a baby again.” Chris pride fully replies leading them amongst the rolls of mattress.
As he was pointing one of the doctors recommend beds his sales pitch slips a little. “What clabba..shcamits.” He holds up his hand and tries to recover; “Shshamininin...just a minatbbb.” But by now his heart began to pound. So while trying to gather himself another sales man across the store notices his struggle and then he tightens his tie then moves in.
“Hello folks, is my associate helping you with everything you need?” He asked
“Well actually hmm....” She gets cut off
“You have to forgive my associate, here; he’s been having a rough week. Why don’t you take a break Chris.” The salesmen said
Chris just stood and stared at him then watched his first pitch walk away for the first time ever.

       Then suddenly a ringing noise like when someone gets smacked over the head, progressively got loader and sharper. It felt as his head was burning crunched up paper; causing him to bow to the migraine which was making his environment fade and fade. The only thing he could feel and hear is the razor sharp needle growing in his head. “Chris can I speak to you in my office?” Suddenly his manager popped up right beside him
He just shook his head in agreement and followed him to his office to an unfortunate conversation, since that day his days felt like it turned into months, due to his distorted train of thought. That disrupted many nights of sleep for him, now Chris realizes why that man from the couple give him a strange stare as he was being sold away by the other sales men.
          After he got back from memory lane and back in the distorted present, he took his eyes off his neighbor’s TV and turned around to his reality; no TV, internet, cheap food and furniture on the verge of being taking back due to their payments of course. He also had to trade in his Audi for a rusty Geo, his fiancé having to pawn her wedding ring and the worse of all slowly being unable to feed his new born.

            Which he could already sense the foster care; swarming about like a vultures and he would rather have his car, his TV and his house taking away rather than his child. But then he a light bulb came to his head, so then he began feeling up his pocket and found that card. Pulled it out, examined it closely to see if it was solid enough. He checked the symbol on it and it looked real enough; so then he punched in the numbers on his cell. Waited as the dial tone passed by and then he checked the time on his watch and it read out seven pm.
“Hello.” A Voice answered
“Ahh yes you came to my beforbbb...” Chris replied the best he could
“Ahh yes Mr. Roberts.” He replied
“Yeah how do you know me?” Chris asked
“Your name came to my desk as soon as you were terminated from Cloud Comport. As it is my responsibility to ensure recently terminated sales associate a second chance as well as doing a physiological test for our agency.” He answered
“And it’s a paibb...paid job test?” Chris answered
“Yes of coursem, if you are interested and wish to discuss more; meet me at the Oak Tree Cafe. At two-clock tomorrow, would that be alright Mr. Roberts?” He asked
“Sam samm..sounbbs..subs..good.” Chris barley answered
“Alright good I’ll see you tomorrow.” He concluded
He hung up and went over to his fridge and scribbled it down instead of his usual elegant cursive writing. By the next day Chris was ready but not ready at the same time, his body felt twenty percent read and his mind felt eighty percent of the opposite. When Kim step down from the, she was dressed for her battle of the day, sweet pant, black pull over hoodie and a back pack strapped to her back. He got up from his throne with something latched to his mind. “You look pretty f*****g hot right now.” Chris replied sarcastically that brought a smile out of her
“No really i think i prefer this look over the office look. I think I got a new idea for roll playing nights.”
“Oh shut up Chris.” She laughed
“No it’s just I hope you don’t have to do this forever.” He said
“Every partnership needs to support each other. That’s why I’m doing this.” She said throwing her arms around him and tip towing for a kiss
“I got a job interview in a fee..few hours.” Chris said
“Are you sure you can do this?” She asked
“Are you sure you want to do this over the teaching gig.” He asked
“No but there’s a difference between wants and needs and I need to do this.” She answered
“Well I need to do this to.” Chris answered
“What company is to anyways?” She asked
“I’m not too sure some corporation that gives fired salesmen a second chance. Reinforcement retail something, something...”
“Something, something dark side.” She comically added
“(chuckles) Exactly, i don’t know it’s a paid test that i can do hopefully it’ll be a lot.” He replied
“Test?” She asked
“Yeah I don’t know it’s probably like testing my salesmen ship or something but it’s all good cause it’s a paid thing.” Chris reassures her
“Ok.” She replied
Once he got to the Oak Tree cafe, he was thrown into the wilderness; he couldn’t tell whom he was looking for, he know he forgot to ask what he looked like cause almost all the coffee sipping faces were blending together. Then out of all the faces one of them slowly san into his vision and tunneled his vision. One that was underneath a black fedora, wrapped in an all black dress suit and skin as pale as the moon light and as much wrinkles as a worn out shirt. Chris tightened his tie, checked his breath and commenced forward. “Mr. Roberts, how are you doing today?” The old man asked with a hand shake
“My name is Simon, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” He replied
“Finally meep me.” Chris asked
“Yes you are quite the legend in the retail world actually.” He answered
“Really?” Chris asked
“Well cai bwasa.” Chris replied that give the old man a stumped puppy dog look
Any..ways you said something about a paid job opportunity.” Chris replied more fluidly
“Well first I would have to ask you a series of controlled questions, for reason on why you were terminated from you previous work. Which I’m pretty sure I know why then we will provide you with this test, which we will pay you; ten grand for.” The old man answered
“Hmmhmm wow.” Chris was shocked
“Now Mr. Roberts, what was the reason for your dismissal at cloud comport?” He asked
“Servabb..sevvvy..savana..heavy head achs.” Chris struggled to push those words out
“Has it effected your speech in public?”
Chris just sighed and nodded “I used tuubb..use to flourish in that place.”
“When do you feel comfortable talking?” He asked
“Just around my wife.” Chris answered
“Has it effected your motor skills?”
“Has your doctors giving you anything?” He asked
“Yeah but I seep running our.. out.” Chris answered
“Well I believe we have all the answers we need here.”
“Really?” Chris asked
“Yes it seems you were terminated under unjust causes, due to a physiological effect out of your control.” Simon said
“So what,whacba..haps..hapens now?” Chris asked
“Well you pass the questions and have all the requirements we need. You may perform the paid test we will provide you with. We will also examine the physiological problem you have and try our best to extinguish it.” Simon said
“Wait..wait you coulb..can help me head too?” Chris had confirm
“Yes if you choose to yes.” Simon answered
“Well what do I do?” Chris asked
“It’s simple...(Brings up a silver suit case from underneath the table) You must deliver this tomorrow at two pm at this location.” Simon said handing him the suit case
“From point a to point b?” Chris asked
“Precisely.” Simon answered
“That’s just ahh...” Chris gets cut off
“Oh and one more thing do not open it because the people you are deliver this to, will know.” Simon said getting up
“So I call this card once i get there?” Chris asked holding the card looking at the address he gave him
“Yes once you get to B, they will help you from there on, just do not open it.” Simon finished
As Chris was driving home he kept the suit case glued to his thigh kind of sitting on it, he jsut couldn’t get the future money out of his head and that they can fix him. When the next morning rolled up, Chris was still wide awake, this time not from the migraines but from the sheer excitement of the opportunity just around the corner. He then heard Kim coming down the stairs. “Were you up all night Chris?” Kim asked
“Of course not.” Chris answered giving her a hug
“Your smiling Chris.”
“I know.” Chris replied still smiling
“Well what is it?” She asked
“it’s amazing is what it is.” He answered
“You’re not going to tell me are you?” She asked
“Well I don’t want to get to excited or jinx it but it’s really going to help us a lot. Like a lot.” Chris expressed with bigger smile
“Your found a job?” She asked
“Something like that.” He answers
“What’ll you mean something like that?”
“IT’s an odd job.” Chris answered but still worried Kim
“But don’t worry, Iccb..I already ask what they are and they’re just a legit company.”
“Well what will you have to do?”
“Just a simple Joe shmo job delivery job.” He paused himself as she gave him bigger doubted stare
“Yes of course it doesn’t sound right like that but it’s a hundred percent legit I swear to you.” He then adjust her to the couch “Not just that this company will totally help my head problem they can fix me.” He replied with sheer excitement
“Really.” She asked
“Yes.” He answered
“(Sighs) Ok Chris just be careful ok.” She concluded
It was just one more hour till it was go time, most of the day Chris just spent walking around in the same circles in his living room, as he was checking the baby of course but with no internet and TV out of the picture his day felt like a century. They’re was books of course but with his migraines pulsing through his head he wasn’t going to push his way through a book just to pass the time. Then it started to cross his mind as he looked at his throne; with every thought of it his heart began to beat more and more to the point of teeth grinding. “I’m not going to open it of course I’m not going to open it.” Chris was trying to convince himself. “I’m going to f*****g open it.” Chris finally convinced himself otherwise. So he kneeled down and slide it from underneath the throne.
Clicked it open and then popped the mouth open that unleashed an irresistible beautiful baby blue light that shined and hugged his face. Then intercepted his mind through his eyes, with every second he was staring into this portable abyss he felt awake, alive mind was clear and just felt like before his migraine storm. Then as the second grew into minutes the more his world became distance. Then a bell in the distance slowly fell into his realm more and more. So then unlatched his eyes from the suit case and shook his head out of the aw and shut it. And as soon as the case was closed his mind fell back onto the jagged rocks. Finally heard the door bell, so he went to the door and checked through the peep hole and saw a short suited dwarf fellow holding a brief case. Then he opened it to this harmless dwarf.
“Hello sir my name is Steve Mach and I am ....” Steve struggled to open his suit case and when he did, he displayed a selection of three D pictures.
“That’s nice but I really...(Phssst)” Suddenly while Chris was checking out the pictures and rejecting the guy his face gets scorched like a dragon by Steve unloading paper spray into his face.
Then Steve chucked his brief case at Chris and kicked him into the hall way. “AAAHHHHH YOU F**K!” Chris yelled in blistering pain. Then Steve dragged him into the living room then delivered one more ensured kick to Chris. Ran back down the hall to pick up his suit case and brought it back into the living room. Then popped open the case and unzipped a hidden pocket behind his display of pictures. Steve looked around grabbing DVDs, CDs and that was pretty much it. “Ahh f**k.” Steve expressed looking for anything of value but all there was left was the flat screen which he couldn’t fit in his brief case.
Chris still in blistering pain, physiological and physically began to laugh, then said; “Cuob gots the wrong m**********r.”
Steve then notice the silver suit lying on the coffee table, “No you fucjk.” Chris said as he saw Steve’s beastly eyes lay upon it. “Please don’t f*****g do this man.” Chris begged him
Steve looked at the hurting Chris, then got on one knee and popped it open; to a gorgeous gleaming cherry red light wrapping his face then emerged through his eyes and into his mind. Almost giving him a high like feeling for him, but he knew he couldn’t be too absorbed in its beauty and so he shook the echoes out of his head. Shut the case without looking at and headed out with the case. “YOU FUUUUUUUCK!” Chris yelled just before he shut the door.
“ahhhhahah!” Chris replied crawling to his phone. Picked it up, hit nine one and was about to hit the last one until he saw what Steve left behind. Whipped his eyes clear a lot, rushed to the washroom and embraced as much water as he could. Huffing and puffing at the mirror, he then remembered one of his first Jobs; which was a door to door salesmen, selling kitchen knives. He then burst into the hall way and , engaging the suit case Steve left behind and began pulling out some of the loot, from previous house’s. Goods like blue rays, jewelry and people’s phones but what he was looking for was Steve’s phone; which he found as he decided to pop out the frame of the three D picture and found his white smart phone. He then slide the lock bar open then saw a wall paper of Steve and his pals. Checked the internet icon and dived into a tab still up and found his face book displaying all about him and most important his address.
“Dumb f**k you.” Chris expressed then he booked it back up stairs to the baby’s room and grabbed that blonde wig his wife found in the closet. He pulled out the first salesmen brief case of merchandise, popped it open to what was still a fine selection of steel kitchen blades. Closed it back up, stood in front of a mirror amongst the wall adjusting his wig then grabbed the case of knives and Steve’s phone. As well as his own cell, then scrolled down to baby sitter and hit it up.
But hit a dead wall of a message board. “Fcuk...f**k!” Chris said getting in his Geo. “Alright Amy caca, you bebber get my f**k get your a*s to my place because there is now no one watching my little Jack, I can’t explain why just get your a*s here NOW! Oh and have a nice f*****g day.” He yelled
Then he cut the engine as soon as he found Steve’s place, checked the address once more on Steve’s face book going through his pictures and saw the house he arrived at. Checked his wig once more while mouthing the sales pitch and remembering the company he use to work for; Charles Edge Master Appliances. Got out of the car, brought his case with him and knocked on Steve’s door.

Chris turns to what the old man was looking at; which is Steve aiming his death sights upon Chris, so Chris quickly swings his chrome shine scythe towards Steve and they both just relentlessly begins exhaling bullets piercing lead through each other. Both of which were tossing themselves to the wall, Chris jumping left and Steve throwing himself to the right. Then they both begin dragging themselves amongst the walls still exploding rounds into each other until their guns dried. Then the screeching gun echo slowly fades. Then they both drop to the ground and Chris still clutching the suit case, slowly closes his eyes but then the old man appears above him in a blur just before his eyes shut completely.
“That wasn’t expected.” The old man says
“Yes but we still got what we need.” Simon says stepping in over Steve’s body
“So the frequency did work.” The old man replies
“Yes and his body did absorb the light; so extract the some of his blood, then bring it back to the lab to form it into a capsule substance. Then strengthen the frequency maybe enough for babies to pick up.” Simon says
“Yes sir, what about this one.” The old man asks looking down at Steve
“Well it seems the light is coursing though his body as well, so strengthen the light in his body so he can work for us.” Simon answers
Two weeks later, the couple that was Chris’s last attempted customers, sat on their couch watching TV. The boy friend had his head down with his hand supporting it. “Youchcppp...could you get more of this medicine honey?” He says holding up and empty bottle. “Your already ran out?” She asks
“They really work well I might be ready to go back to work at the dealer ship.” He says
“Alight.” She answers grabbing her purse off the coffee table “Oh and little John seems to be crying a lot more then lately.” She says
“Alight find him something too.” He says handing her more money
“Thanks.” She replies grabbing the money and giving him a peck on the lips
Then as she leaves he starts to channel s surf and finds that weird program interviewing Professor Graze. “Because these guys will and always get away with everything. They can get away with murdering thousands of people, why? Because the people will never want to hear the truth, rather just embrace the pretty lie and they will continue to step upon our heads at any cost just to make a dollar.” Professor Garza concludes

© 2016 Jack Pollard

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This story made me so full of suspense! I love the last sentence so true!! Please come join my group Thriller's Critique, it will fit with you perfectly!!!

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 22, 2014
Last Updated on September 6, 2016


Jack Pollard
Jack Pollard

Port Alberni, B.C, Canada

I am a part time student for a community collage and I love writing thrillers. Mind bending stories that give a unique prospective of the simple things in life. more..
