Rebirth--Baptism by desire

Rebirth--Baptism by desire

A Chapter by Jack E Khthon

Dick comes down from the high of battle, licks his wombs and finds solace in his dogs...things get worse before they gte better as he's raped by Her


What now?

I think I just coughed up a li’l of my own crimson mercury.  --Not a pleasant experience.

The lady's gone.
My team's dismembered.

And I have a feelin’, Thompson went Judas Iscariot on us.


No, it's not what now...It's find that scurvy coward Thompson. 


As I make my way back through the carnage. It's the pungent aroma that hits me first.  The air is a thick concentration of  black, thanks to the little bond fire Nuts decided to start.  I drop to my knees and begin to crawl; the air isn’t as inundated down here.  No matter how torrid the breathing is, it’s always the smell that's most unbearable.  The burning of flesh creates a sweet aroma with a vicious after taste that sticks hard.  I can't even tell what's what, and what belongs to whom as I crawl through the mayhem. Charcoal body part here, vino saturated limb there…it’s all the same. I’d like to make my way over to where the big blue guy was, but the blaze from the blast convinces me otherwise.  Its best I leave before I'm swallowed up by the flames.  I make my way out the back of the building. 


I inhale deep, but the flash of pain emanating from my ribs quickly alerts me that it wasn’t such a bright idea. 


Each step I take is more cumbersome than the next.  My ribs have this constant humming feeling, and with every strenuous step the burning sensation is embedding itself deeper.  My ribs are beginning to push into my lungs, and my throat is swelling.  Each swallow feels as though a baby porcupine is doin’ jumpin' jacks in my esophagus.


--Adrenalin is wearing off.



Some PCP could do wonders for me, but I’ve been off the junk for months now.

Oh that superman feelin’ is just what I need right now.  I could just pop one and take off.


Gotta think back, gotta think back to what I've learned.  Pain is merely an existential manifestation of an inert force.  Once in motion it remains in motion, only the mind can actualize the force and only the mind can quell this force.


Focus, zone in-- free yourself.


Focus on the prison that pain is placing the body under.  Now unlock the cell door and break through.


This isn't quite workin’, but pain or no pain I have to push.  I'ma find that F****r Thompson, smack that Pee Wee Herman mustache off of him, and get some answers… if it's the last thing that I do.


As I further myself from the wreckage, the thick fog of the atmosphere lightly prickles my skin.  We're near the peer, it's to be expected.  I make my way towards where that slimly f**k said he was positioned; from where I am it's a bit of a climb. 


What a minute?  Thompson did have a sniper, and he's situated in perfect position to pluck my feather.  No… No if he wanted me dead by now the deed would have been done.


As I reach the apex of my climb, I look around to discover that there is no Thompson. Not even a trace.  Just as expected, scattered like the roach he is.  


There goes that plan.

 Wait a minute. 


The R.V. 

With the new found inspiration I feel a surge of energy flow through me. 

Yah! --The R.V.  

And I'm gonna need every last drop of that energy to make my way this mile to the rendezvous point. 



I'm greeted by the barks of two Boston Terriers.  I can hear them in the distance as I'm drawing nearer to the sight.  --No R.V.  But these are definitely Peanutbutter's Mutts.  --Feel kinda bad for the guy.  At least he had the foresight to leave something for his children. 

 What am I going to do about these mutts?  There tail's wagon back and forth, can't remember when the last time anything was that happy to see me.  F**k it… I'll take em’ with me.  They can keep me company through the night, as I lick my wounds.  --Time to head back to my place of solitude. 


“Whoof Whoof!  Whoof Whoof!”


“You’re an excited bunch aren’t you?  I think I’ll call you turbo.”  He’s a multi-colored little bugger.  From his shoulders back his hair had a brownish teal to it.  And from his shoulders toward the tip of his nose, his fur was a dingy off-white.  “Yah turbo, cause you’re an eager little guy.  And you…I’ll call you Don Juan.”  This dog was slightly bigger built, had broader shoulders.  Its fur was white all over except for a dark patch around the left eye region.  --Nice vigorous loquacious barks.


“We have a about forty-five minute journey ahead of us chaps, settle yourselves.”  I like these guys, very up beat bunch.


“So Turbo, what do you do for fun when you’re not lappin’ up peanut butter?  A bit of a low blow…I know.  You have to admit…It was quite the jolly.  I can’t blame yah for bein’ a bit sore; the bloke was takin’ advantage of yah…on the account of your affinity for the smooth and creamy.”


Yah…I’m talking to Mutts, and bartering the severe pain of each decibel uttered from my mouth for a little creature comfort.


“What’s that?  You wanna know more about me, on account that I know so much about your private endeavors.  So what do you want to know first? ”


I look at the little buggards, they couldn’t be more oblivious to the conversation I was attempting to have.  They’re just waggin’ there tails in earnest toward the new environment they’re encountering.


“My hair?  My locks?  You want to know about my locks why they’re this hue of Blue.  Call it a Samson complex, my strength is in my hair.  Why the blue you say?  Well…it’s… sort of rebellious…Symbolizes everything my father was against.”


I hear the crackle of lighting in the distance.  Great we got about an hour before the night begins to cry out.


“--Why the animosity toward my pa?  Rest in peace, maybe it’s a bit misplaced.  �"But the uncertainty ate at me.  You know, I’m as faired skinned as me pa, but any man with two eyes can tell I have some chocolate in me.  My hair just a bit thicker, my rthym just a little more keen, I’ve always just felt a little different you know.  And all I wanted was answers.  Two opal white humans can not give birth to the likes of me, and all I wanted was answers…closure you know…  Did you have an affair?  Was my mom raped?  I’d always receive the same disparaging answer.  Let matters of adults remain as such, you will know in do time.  I mean it’s an answer but not the answer I needed.  He had to see the toll it was taking on my soul.  I mean I was so overweight … so big.  So insecure…closed off to the world and it’s like he never even tried.  Never even bothered…it was like I was just another task on his list of responsibilities.  He was just so distant…You know…I mean...I dunno… My moms was hot and cold…She’d be obsessive and then next month detest the sight of me…You must be tired of my past troubles, its less than flattering…I know.”




---The story progresses.  So I’ve found an alley near the docks where this rollin’ stone can lay his hat. We houseless are a tight group and usually have our own highways and byways.  We know who likes to stay where and who stakes claim to what.  This alley is typically vacant.


It’s been a long night.  My feet are aching.  I’m drained.  I just need to rest my head.


“Hey bruda!  Could you spare me some change? --ha ha ha ha…” says Hubert.  He’s a grimey son-na-nabitch.  A true low life.  The type of scum who steals and take-advantage of those who already have nothin’…we have a name for his type…we call em leachers, catfish�"bottom feeders and he’s a rat leacher extraordinaire.


“Whoa… you’re not lookin’ too good me bruda…How bout me share some of me carboard to keep ya out the rain…The lightings been active and the rain should be here any second now.  What do ya say?”  He’s bartering. At least one good thing came from Thompson, he paid a quarter of my earnings in advance.  I reach in my pockets and accept his negotiation.  “Smart boy…How bout ya li’l barking mangles ya got witcha…You’ll need some kibbles and gibbles for you and ya mangles.  Bark, bark…cute little tikes.”  I muster up what strength I have and give him a curt look.  Under any other condition, that would be his a*s but he knows I’m in no position to physically oppose his haggling.  So I nod and reach for a few more greenbacks.  “It’s been a pleasure mate…nice lit’le doggies ya got there.”


I find a spot in the back corner of the alley, its dark, isolated just what I need.  I look up at the moon and let out a sigh.  Full moon, I guess crazy things do happen on full moons.  As I approach my temporary resting spot, I can feel the hair on the back of my neck begin to perk.  The dogs’ ears begin to pin back and their tails begin to ossify.


--Something ain’t right.


The dogs’ once loquacious barks transform into violent and intimidating�"besetting barks.  They sense what I sense, but like me they can’t see a thing.  --Even beyond the veil of darkness, there is nothing there.  The dogs aren’t budging, and they’re barking at nothin’…absolutely nothing.


“Calm down boys…easy…easy…I know…I feels it too but there’s nothin there,”


The boys gradually let down their guard.  The sense that something was there has suddenly vanished, almost as quickly as it had appeared.  I take several steps closer toward the darkness.  The spot I want is right beneath a ledge, which will avert the rain when it starts comin’ down.


The sense is flaring up again and I can feel the dogs tensing up.  I turn to look behind me and see nothing, yet  the moonlight has illuminated the vaporous trail of a violet haze.


It’s her.

--But why?


As I turn back around, I here a whisper.




A flash and it’s as though time has been forced to slow involuntarily and is without any sense of its own direction.  And within the flash I can see the halo of her. She’s as beautiful as before, but I know she isn’t here to flaunt her appeal. 


Across my chest I feel a pinch.  I look down, and my garbs torn. 

--Deep cut.

I look up to see and anticipate her next maneuver. The dogs are barking mad.

All I can see is the violate haze. --The vapor again.




I can hear her elicit voice again.  So smooth, so inviting…it almost places me at a much so, that the pain is of no issues. The pain is the furthest thing from my mind; I just want to hear more.


Another Flash, this time she’s transfigured. She her, but no longer appears as her.  She’s something, but nothing of this natural world. 

I’m inundated with the vapors, inhaling and exhaling her essence with every breath I take.  My back tenses as my body is flung to the ground.  She has fastened herself around my upper body.  My buttocks clinches and my back arches from the intense force she has placed upon me.  Her flesh provides a comfortable friction with mine. 




There’s that alluring voice of hers.  Please give me more…I need more.  Like a constrictor I feel her body engulfing mine.  I have no idea what’s occurring.  But my naval is being stimulated, it’s a euphoric feeling.   It’s being moistened, and something of hers is gently rubbing back and forth against its fragile folds.  Whatever it is, its now burrowing but the feelings isn’t intense…it’s subtle and pulsating.  The pain all over my body is replaced with pleasure, my mind’s freeing and my head is feeling thin.  In:out…in and out…in and then out… There’s an exchange taking place…I feel her.  I see her.  I begin to know of her.  I feel a rush of things…Just different things…Anxieties…Knowledge…it’s like an unlocking is taking place.  




Whisper more.  Tell me more.  Please I need more. 

--An Abrupt halt. The transference has stopped.  Her constraint is lifting.  My body is in shock.  It can’t move.  It won’t move.  I can sense her caressing my face, but I can neither feel her nor see her, my empirical senses have short circuited.  But I sense her attached once more to me.


--She’s feeding.  Yes she’s feeding, but I’m fading…I’m fading into the nothingness…   






I’m awakened by the slimy saliva of a dog. 


“Looks like you could use a little help buddy.”  A sarcastic bum, Great!  --Just what I need.  The reek of mayonnaise and cod oil is enough to keep me in focus.


--End Chapter

© 2011 Jack E Khthon

Author's Note

Jack E Khthon
The format's a little off...but all criticism is welcomed...from one word to 300...

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Added on April 18, 2011
Last Updated on April 18, 2011


Jack E Khthon
Jack E Khthon

I'm a digger, chanes are if you ever spot me...It'd be in some hole that I've dug. more..
