

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on the mind

We see our lives as through
A filter,
Thus does the world seem
Out of kilter;
Perhaps if we could see
We might behold a
Different sight.

© 2023 John the Baptist

Author's Note

John the Baptist
As we grow, we are exposed to many beliefs, some of them quite negative. If not corrected, they can comprise a negative worldview, which would impact our lives
for the worse.

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So true, “If the doors of perception were cleansed..”

Posted 1 Year Ago

Change the scenery. Move on. Its never wise to get too comfortable. Nice work John.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks, Duff. And if you can't move on, try to see the thing differently.
A brilliant bit of penning here John. You say it so well. Not one of us sees the world without our own filters. Influenced by too many on our journey passing through. Religion and governments playing a large part.


Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks, Chris. Critical thinking should be applied to all topics, including religion. But don't let .. read more
Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Yes, he is one of the problems as are our universities who no longer teach critical thinking, just i.. read more
Unfortunately, our filters, our blinders, are from the minds of others. We are so indoctrinated from a young age by society as a whole that I doubt we will ever truly know the magnitude of such influences. You've captured this well. The trick is to grow wise and mature enough to overcome the filters. Well done.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks, Linda. Yes, we are programmed from the gitgo. I don't know which is worse, the religion or t.. read more
Perspective is everything...and perspective is determined by there are as many worlds as beings in the world...perhaps each possessing a piece of the Truth. All your poems are perfect little gems of wisdom - this one is no exception.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks, and you're right. Perspective is determined by experience. Unfortunately, some of that exper.. read more
So true John. Everyone seems to think that the only right view is theirs. Like light through a prism there are many colors to white light. Very nice, I truely enjoyed this one.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks, Soren. If there is anything a filter can't stand, it's white light.
Great meditation on the perceptions of mind. The mental belief system is the primary filter responsible for sour cherry-picking in the vast orchard of life. But then again the filters are relatable, and although I myself may be weighed down by these, the advice holds good no less, and is certainly worthy of imbibing. Kind regards.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks. There is really no way to avoid filters, especially when you are young, but a road to enligh.. read more
We see the world through a thick lens of our lifelong conditioning, our experiences and biases. It must be very difficult to view the world in a clear, right and unfiltered way. It also set me thinking as to how it can be done. Perhaps, we cannot get perfect but we can get close. A great meditation John.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks, D. From infancy on, we are bombarded with a mass of "truths" which we cannot evaluate becaus.. read more
Ayvid N

1 Year Ago

Indeed, they have. You're most welcome, dear John.
I think if we could see our lives without filters we might be traumatized. The more clearly we see the world, the more overwhelming it becomes. Interesting how the filters protect us while they obscure our view.

I hope you don't mind company while you meditate.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks. I can see how filters might be protective in some situations, but the truth, while unpleasan.. read more
sometimes no matter what filter we put in, the view is still the same...and it can be quite negative.
Unfortunate, but true.

Posted 1 Year Ago

John the Baptist

1 Year Ago

Thanks, j. Unfortunately, some views will be uniformly negative. But we cannot let them dominate us.

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12 Reviews
Added on April 26, 2023
Last Updated on April 26, 2023


John the Baptist
John the Baptist

Suffolk, VA, United States Minor Outlying Islands

I am a 78 year old retired human services worker. During my career I saw much human suffering. My writing is geared toward easing that suffering. more..
