Gone Home

Gone Home

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on death

She has gone home.
The passage was a troubled
One and fraught with storms,
Some of which she created,
But that means nothing now.
The final act has been played,
The curtain has come down,
And she has returned at last
To that from which she emerged,
Understanding fully now who
She is and has been all along.
She has gone home.

© 2020 John the Baptist

Author's Note

John the Baptist
An old friend of mine died today. She had a difficult life. May she rest in peace.

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Another lovely piece; I'm becoming a fan of yours. Though it's a sad event, that's life. There can be no life without death; it's how it works. My one issue is your use of a capital letter to start each line. I've been guilty of this too, but now I'm trying to only use a capital when the line starts a new sentence. Since you use periods to end a sentence, it seems odd to use the capital letters in the middle of the sentence. In no way am I intending to take away from the beauty and poignancy of your lovely poem.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks for your kind words. In many ways I am old school, and years ago I was taught that each line .. read more
this was really moving, thank you for writing this. In an odd way, this poem almost makes me feel better about death. More at peace with it.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. If the poem had that effect on you, it is gratifying for me to know. It's something we all h.. read more
Our pilgrimage may be short or long upon this earth and our adventures, many or few but we all return to the ether from which we came; the vast mysterious unknown which we hope is more kind and gentle than the suffering we leave behind, both for ourselves and for those which pass before us. Blessings of peace and light. F.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. Marcus Aurelius said death is just a natural process, and therefore not to be feared.
Fabian G. Franklin

4 Years Ago

If we took our lessons from nature we might begin to understand that nothing ever truly dies. The un.. read more
dearest John... perhaps some day we will discover where our Spirit is returned. To dream of what we know has served us for so long... must surely live on. gently, Pat

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Pat. I believe life continues, though in what form I cannot say.
My deepest condolences on your loss. With your words you have marked her journey so well. We come from nowhere and slip away into the nowhere and what transpired in between means nothing in the face of eternity. Or perhaps it does. We'll never know.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. The only way to find out is to look within.

4 Years Ago

Yes....to look within!
and even sadder when we don't discover ourselves until the very end...
but at least that wisdom might the last breath easier to take.
Sorry for your loss, John.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, j. I don't know if she gained any understanding or not. I think she just gave up a long time.. read more
jacob erin-cilberto

4 Years Ago

and that is such a shame if that is true...
my heart breaks at this.
you created a few tears with this
A very moving farewell
You are a good person
Take care

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Dave. It's a sad tale. Still, we are all responsible for both our acts and our attitudes.
Dave Brown

4 Years Ago

Sad story is some are weaker than others
Sorry to hear of your loss John.
A beautiful tribute for its honesty that we are all just imperfect beings tryong our best to get through the maze of life, with as few wrong turns as possible. So much of it feels so familiar that I've probably looped into a cycle of wrong turns myself, but some things we do have to figure out for ourself, or maybe if I'm a little more optimistic, can just say some of us take the scenic route while others prefer off the beaten path.
Who knows when that next turn will set us straight again. It's what keepsus going.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Lorry. Wise words. We do choose the paths we take, if only in the way we look at things.
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Beautiful words John! I'm sorry for your loss.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Li. Loss is a part of this life, but I believe that which is ultimately real is never lost.
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Sorry to hear about your loss, John. This is a very touching piece... I really was moved by the concept of returning home. From dust we rise, to dust we will return. And all of the troubles in between cease to matter. Technical suggestion... "And she has returned / To that from which she emerged," drop "at last" so you're not using "last" twice in three lines, and the flow is pretty tight... returned and emerged go together like peanut butter and jelly :). Very touching tribute, my man.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, JR. Interesting how poems can emerge swiftly when emotion is involved. Your suggestion is a .. read more

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13 Reviews
Added on May 16, 2020
Last Updated on May 16, 2020


John the Baptist
John the Baptist

Suffolk, VA, United States Minor Outlying Islands

I am a 78 year old retired human services worker. During my career I saw much human suffering. My writing is geared toward easing that suffering. more..


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