The Man of Power 2

The Man of Power 2

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on loyalty

The man of power cannot see
A greater love than loyalty.

Sure, love thy neighbor sounds
Sweet and fine, 

But it cops no sway on the firing

Where the key is to do what it takes,
And broken commandments are no
Great shakes,

For the holy grail is simply to win,
And coming in second is the only sin.

So let them be the wind driven chaff,
The liars, toadies and sociopaths;

If they seek to run the foe off the tracks,
They'll know full well that the man has
Their backs.

But the crew should remember this one

The man's gratitude has the life of
A gnat.

Speak too freely, or kneel not enough,
And you'll find your ball in a world class

For the man of power has a solitary

Look out for number one, and the devil
Take the rest.

© 2020 John the Baptist

Author's Note

John the Baptist
"Love only me and you'll get off scot free."
The man of power

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when I get upset at men of power I always have to remind myself of the true motivations for the need of such things to alleviate some of my questionings:( and in this is a bit of solace. every once in a while you find a guy that doesnt want power as much as they want to help it does happen every once in a while

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Bunny. Glad you are considering their true motivations. They don't bother to do it.
This is a well done winner and perfect description of the man with the golden hair.
A sorry sorry situation in the crazy house

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Dave. Although the attributes could characterize any totalitarian type, Mr. T. qualifies on .. read more
An interesting view of loyalty and empowerment. Jesus answered Pilate by saying, “You would have no authority over Me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed Me over to you is guilty of greater sin.” He did not criticize the source of the authority but rather the corruption that distorted it. Voltaire said, "Power corrupts..." but that was not the perspective of Christ. It isn't power that corrupts but the frailty and unreliability of those entrusted with it. There are no faithful men, only flawed sinners and a faithful God.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. Indeed, power, like electricity, is neutral. It is the way people view it that can make it .. read more
It is interesting that this could, (and does) refer to many leaders, (and I use the word advisedly) through history. I think it was Aristotle who said we get the leaders we deserve. What is infintely worrying is that trends do not ever change. The present Caligula notwithstanding.
This is a remarkable piece, pithy, witty and yet seriously layered.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. Men of power have appeared throughout history, either by royal succession or coups d'etat. F.. read more
I must be honest and say that as I finished reading this, an internal reel of faces flickered into life of all those I could think of that seem to be a humility free zone, and perhaps it isn't that surprising I failed to pick out anyone who wasn't a politician.
It is a disease that's always done the rounds, but in these ever-connected times, are magnified and multiplied until we are awash with believing false smiles and promises as sincere.
I wonder if it were possible that those clever tech boffins could conjure up a soul viewing machine, just how black theirs would be.
One things for sure, they'd all have to find new jobs instantly... Or perhaps just be better human beings, doing their actual job of the greater good for all.
We can hope.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Lorry. The concept of a soul viewing machine is fascinating. Hell, I'd settle for a picture .. read more
Loved this poem full of power and intrigue. For those in high places with their positions in peril every moment, loyalty must count for a lot! No wonder they won't tolerate the smallest infraction!

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. I believe the traits in the poem are true of most autocrats, especially the malignant narcis.. read more
Dhara_Ditzy Kat

4 Years Ago

I can of quite a few! I agree!
Dhara_Ditzy Kat

4 Years Ago

I meant I can think of quite a few examples!
Have a safe and lovely weekend.

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6 Reviews
Added on May 8, 2020
Last Updated on May 8, 2020


John the Baptist
John the Baptist

Suffolk, VA, United States Minor Outlying Islands

I am a 78 year old retired human services worker. During my career I saw much human suffering. My writing is geared toward easing that suffering. more..


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