If Only....

If Only....

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on perspectives

If only I could get out of
This town....

If only I had a better 

If only I could find someone
To love me....

If only....


Momentary boulders in the
Middle of the road.

Clouds passing steadily across
The face of the sun.

Every wall is a door unnoticed,
Every ditch a ladder unseen.

Be done with if onlies and claim
The future unfolding,

And be unjudging, that you
Cast not the chalice away.

© 2019 John the Baptist

Author's Note

John the Baptist
If you despair of the present, you will probably despair of the future when it arrives.

My Review

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This poem really spoke to me. I also really like the structure.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. I have found that the difficulties we encounter can actually be opportunities for getting wh.. read more
How long does it take before our dreams, our wants become reality? When and if we finally reach it are we satisfied? Must we be content with what we already have, yet continue to strive for that which we seek?

Take care - Dave

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Dave. I think we can have satisfaction with what we have and still strive to go higher. Th.. read more
This poem made me think about "confirmation bias" and our tendency to see what we're looking for. Though our perspectives are often influenced by past experiences, especially bad outcomes, we seem to ignore the possible goodness of what lies before us. Of course, some also look for the obstacles as rationalizations for their own bad decisions or failures. Like your other work, this is worth reflecting on for a while longer. Well written, sir.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks for your thoughtful review. I think of "if only" people as dealers in self fulfilling prophe.. read more
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
I remember reading once that a pessimist is one who builds dungeons in the air. It's really the mental chains that bind, and I think life is learning to set yourself free. It's easier some days more than others, but I think it's our human will that keeps us forging ahead. When the glass looks half empty, we need to fill it with the ocean.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. Really liked the last sentence of your comment. Many pessimists think of themselves as real.. read more
Linda Marie Van Tassell

4 Years Ago

You're very welcome. That last sentence just came to me as I was writing the review. I think I mig.. read more
Not a fan of if only, especially if there's a lot of them. You just have to accept that things won't always go your way and get over it. Turn a negative into a positive. It makes you feel so much better. Interesting topic for a poem.


Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Chris. You might have noticed there are quite a few "If Only" poems on this site.
Pouring out His spirit. Embrace the visions and dreams. Stride boldly, in the light, holding it high. They will come out of the darkness, seeking the way.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. Yes, if we use darkness to find light, it can lift us to a higher level.
If when we take our humanity too seriously we tend to lose perspective. We are fragile, finite creatures who are lost to wisdom until life and the life-giver teaches us its meaning. It seems to be a truth: that only when the clouds pass across the face of the sun do we see things as they really are . . . and in the seeing we come to understand. Great poem John. Thanks.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, Tom. Adversity should be a guide, not a verdict on life.

4 Years Ago

Amen to that!
Cast not the chalice away, you say, but what if the chalice is broken? We must toss it into landfill. This seems to be a religious poem.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Actually, this is not a religious poem, as I don't embrace any established creed. It's just a commen.. read more
Gerald Parker

4 Years Ago

"claim he kingdom unfolding" and your non de plume "John the Baptist" sound religious to me but I ap.. read more
John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

I chose that pen name because a mentally ill man at the program where I worked used to call me that... read more
some people are just disgruntled individuals no matter what befriends them or befalls them.
never satisfied....something else always seems better...big problem with that is never ever enjoying the now...or what we have now...the present offers so much if we let it.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks, j. Many choose to resist life, seemingly unaware that affects their experience of it.
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To me this poem is a sort of fairy tail, a far-cry type of promise. But I imagine to someone better than me, it's an absolute truth, worded in poetic beauty. But I guess that's the point, right? A shot on perspective, which is varying and inconsistent. How difficult this is to read as a severely depressed 21 year-old that has no big picture perspective.

Posted 4 Years Ago

John the Baptist

4 Years Ago

Thanks. I'll be 74 next month. When I was 21, even unrepressed, I might have seen this as a fairy t.. read more

4 Years Ago

Amen to all of that!

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10 Reviews
Added on September 29, 2019
Last Updated on October 1, 2019


John the Baptist
John the Baptist

Suffolk, VA, United States Minor Outlying Islands

I am a 78 year old retired human services worker. During my career I saw much human suffering. My writing is geared toward easing that suffering. more..
