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Thin Air

Thin Air

A Poem by Dream Weaver



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Such beauty envelopes my very existence.

Each sweet breath tugs at my vulnerable

heart drawing her effervescent spirit to

fuse with mine. An aura of idolatrous drifts

unimpeded I welcome her with open arms.

Hypnotic eyes that speak to me, caressing

my deserted soul. Every curve of her body

I beg to touch every so gently, to see lips so

eager ready to engage in amorous behavior.

I embrace such potency and acceptance that

benevolence would certainly follow.

Enamored hopelessly with all she exudes.

I've become a slave to this treasure of

such dazzling immensity, I reach out to her

grasping only thin air.


© 2011 Dream Weaver

Author's Note

Dream Weaver

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..caressing my deserted soul... loved it very romantic put on your hat :)
and bring a bodygard the girls will be chase'n ya

Posted 12 Years Ago

You've melted my heart and soul with this. You weave the word magic for sure my friend... xo

Posted 13 Years Ago

An aura of idolatrous drifts
unimpeded I welcome her with open arms.
I've become a slave to this treasure of
such dazzling immensity WOW!

When we find someone we want so badly......and can't have it. It is like grasping at thin air. Life can be cruel my friend. Gorgeous writing. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Firstly the picture is absolutely beautiful... then, comes your words, as beautiful, as complimentary, as appropriate. That final line is gasp-making, sad, so sad,
'.. I reach out to her ~ grasping only thin air.' Elusive love has that edge, that magick and more. This is one your very best poems, you write in two styles .. you know which I prefer.

Posted 13 Years Ago

The person in our dreams often elude use in real life. We would embrace that person with everything we have only they aren't close enough for us to actually hold them. The descriptions come through clearly and the emotions tug at the heart.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I held on to each breathtaking word! The ending was unexpected and left me feeling longly like the person in the poem. Your wording was exceptional! Loved it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on October 8, 2011
Last Updated on October 8, 2011


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..


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