Is it you

Is it you

A Poem by Dream Weaver

Lovers in conflict



Is it you who drives me to the brink of madness with your suspiciously over active imagination that thrusts me into this perpetual purgatory.


Is it you who lifts me up when I have fallen by the wayside consuming my every thought with such cataclysmic insinuations.


Is it you that has lapsed into antiquated ideals force feeding me twaddle from a rusty spoon. I pause then ponder and in conclusion I say, of course it’s you, it’s always been you.


It’s truly preposterous as we argue in vain; metamorphosing into this emotional strain. From dusk to dawn this carousel we ride, another day of reckoning another day denied.


What we had wasn’t meant to last; we’ve come full circle, let’s not dwell in the past. We gave it our best but we’ve become insignificantly lazy, letting rumors and hearsay simply drive us crazy.


Now is the time to give the Devil his due, to sever the ties between me and you.
















© 2013 Dream Weaver

Author's Note

Dream Weaver

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I enjoyed this one DreamWeaver...and I loved the illustration ha...Im still laughing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thank you Rose, sometimes it's nice to sprinkle a little humor into tragic situations...

11 Years Ago

Yes I know what you mean..Im glad you thought it was funny too.
Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

I really hate dramatic pieces and love them at the same time, I figure with humor it sort of balance.. read more
communication is the key-when is it going to get keyless entry?
the keys have been lost again-and there is no quick copy key company when you lose communications keys-they are so hard to find
thank you much for sharing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Unfortunately most of us have forgotten how to communicate, which leads to failure every time... Tha.. read more
Lots of home truths flying off the pages of this endearing piece which I am sure many can relate too. Endless bickering and silly fights over silly things that manifest into huge things..... if only they understood one another well enough to come up for air and talk things out. Instead.....Love and Anger collide and can not take no more...... Which one gives in?

Then that dreading thought comes crashing into your mind......

Is it you ...or is it me?

Between two people.... love just isn't enough...

Sad but true - nicely penned...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thank you Y.B. lots of truths and lots of heartaches, chalk another one up to lack of communication... read more
Awesome write and I love the image and the text inserted. :) Too funny

Posted 13 Years Ago

I've been there many a time ; )

Posted 13 Years Ago

i did get a giggle from this but there is an underlying message well recieved. When its over, it should most definitely be over. Seems so many try to drag it out like a limp dead dishrag lol Sigh...relationships are hard enough, without trying to get sparks out of a stale thing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I soooo love it's perfect..xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

I couldn't help but smile as I was reading this excellent write with all its intensity, highly charged emotions and elements. Ironically, I thought of Dave Mason's song which you posted above. I can relate and understand this verse all too well based on my own past experiences and relationships.

You're an amazing writer. You understand the heart and soul of humanity including "relationships" with all its good, bad and ugly. I gather you've been writing and playing music forever. Do you play for yourself or do gigs?

Posted 13 Years Ago

Positively satirical, well placed and written, great read.

Posted 13 Years Ago

The picture made me laugh :) The poem is wonderfully written and so painfully true. Well done once again.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 26, 2011
Last Updated on February 4, 2013


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..


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