Silent Killer

Silent Killer

A Poem by Dream Weaver

Germaphobes rejoice



A silent killer is on the run, neither a man nor beast, neither with a knife nor a gun.


Oh so minuscule that the eye can’t see, a mutant strain on a killing spree.


It festers and cultivates within its host, it has no ego and no time to boast. You’re not fully aware until it’s too late, race creed or color it doesn’t discriminate.


It spreads like wildfire streaming through your veins, until your lifeless carcass is all that remains.


You better notify your next of kin, there is no cure for this “Pathogen”. On to its next host through water and air, are you the next victim in search of medical care?



















© 2013 Dream Weaver

Author's Note

Dream Weaver
Gotta love biology ;)

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Incredible job. Never thought anyone would write about a disease. Still, excellent and so very true.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thanks so much, I appreciate the look..and yes a very strange topic to write about I must say. :)
aaww man this is killer!! Creative/original. I haven't seen anyone write about something like this. I really like the pic you chose, sik. Helluva job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thanx Creeper, I designed the pic myself, I'm into graphics...and thanx for the glowing review my fr.. read more
Rob Santana

11 Years Ago

Really? Damn you got skills brother.
Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thanks again bro...I'm just too lazy to use em tho :)
This is done quite well and as we know there are some diseases that take the life of people. No cure and traumatic pain before death. I like the creative way you wrote this.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thank you Kristina, it is quite informative... :)
Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

I did redo this one, I wasn't happy with the old version...
love it. Original subject matter interestingly put. Good flow, I had that intrigued smile all the way through reading it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

oh wow you nailed this subject is a scary thing when you really think about it....this was very creative writing...good work...

Posted 13 Years Ago

These days I barely want to shake hands with anyone......chills from this one and my hands are in my pockets. Well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Its actually really scary... antibacterial soap is good.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A philological warfare of difference, sometimes the mind weakens and scares when faced with such sidepieces, however once again you have faced it head on, well done, great read.

Posted 13 Years Ago

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Still....I think I'll wash my hands a few extra times today. This gave me creepy chills up and down my spine. You're a complete genius....I love the concept and creativity that went into this. Indeed, biology is wonderful ;)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 18, 2011
Last Updated on March 28, 2013


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..


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