Born to lose

Born to lose

A Poem by Dream Weaver
















Through endless days of even the murkiest of haze

I shall prevail, let it be told I can’t be sold, through

wisdom I now unveil.


I was a giver with too many takers, becoming hollow

inside, all became fakers that spanned many acres,

expecting love and hate to collide.


If love is blind it would be harder to find a direction

in which to choose, as for me I can clearly see that

most of us were born to lose.


If I seem a bit dreary and a just a tad leery, my advice

to you is this, leave it alone then write it in stone, the

numbers are hard to dismiss.

© 2010 Dream Weaver

Author's Note

Dream Weaver

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A very sorrowful, bitter poem, where we have faith and lose faith, in love. We are not born to lose, although some days it would feel this way, and you say you will come through, showing strength, and you are strong! Some times being down in life makes us down on ourselves, and what we see going on around have written a powerful piece every one has felt at some point.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Good write. It has a very nice, steady flow and you get your point clearly across. Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

excellent use of rhythm this poem drips in pain with faint echo's of words that are hidden for there seems to be much content underneath the words and in between the lines...sometimes it is the unseen words that scream the loudest...beautiful write -DannyLynne

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thought provoking love, a great poem :) Thats just the thing, love is blinded by the faults of those who aim it to be so in charge of humanity! We can all find it once more, its just a case of choosing love over fear!
Awesome work

Posted 14 Years Ago

I actually believe there are those that are born "destined" to
lose. To balance life as sad as it sounds. Your words challenge
ones thoughts.

Posted 14 Years Ago

this was deep. a little dark, but sense-making. I almost like the rhyming pattern, the way it's not divided up like traditional works. Intersting...

Posted 14 Years Ago

"Leave it alone then writ it in stone!" wonderful lines. Great poem and good advice.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I don't know. I try to stay positive for family. Nothing is easy anymore. Big companies have no respect for people. Government is controlled by big business. Each day we lose more freedom. When I get down. I remember my Ojibwa Grandmother. She said in the Ojibwa language" my child never get caged. Never be blinded by lies. Dance with the wind. Roll with the great water. Breath the air of a free man. Only walls we have blocking our view and life is what we create. Walk like the wolf. Be strong like the bear and fly with the eagles. A sad poem. We can ever allow this world to take us down. Better to died in battle then lay in your own pity and die. A excellent poem. You made me think.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A very sorrowful, bitter poem, where we have faith and lose faith, in love. We are not born to lose, although some days it would feel this way, and you say you will come through, showing strength, and you are strong! Some times being down in life makes us down on ourselves, and what we see going on around have written a powerful piece every one has felt at some point.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sometimes we struggle in this life to recompense mistakes we made in the past. It may seem that most of us are born to lose, it is more correct to say "born to struggle"; those who have achieved thier spiritual zenith do not repeat life, only those who did not live to the highest laws are doomed to do it over. The "sins" of the past must be corrected and atoned for in the next life.

Posted 14 Years Ago

deep deep meaning love this poem

Posted 14 Years Ago

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39 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 22, 2010
Last Updated on November 3, 2010


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

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