Drawn to you

Drawn to you

A Poem by Dream Weaver
























I’m drawn to you, I so justly exclaim
two dysfunctional organism’s that

are one in the same.


Like two stray dog’s set free to
roam, probing desperately for a
compassionate home.

A pessimistic pair so misconstrued,
mangled and tangled lasciviously



Misguided fools well who’s to say,

life isn’t always a cabaret.


You my armor and I your shield, to

never submit to never yield.


All who think it a travesty could

never fathom the gravity.


Drawn to you it's hard to explain, 

I really don't want to keep it contained!


















© 2012 Dream Weaver

Author's Note

Dream Weaver

My Review

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This is very good! Two tethered souls attract,They both Love the other,Two flawed souls find semblance together,Pessimistic,misconstrued.Mangled and tangled lasciviously lewd,WOW I Love it.. Awesome write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

...You my armor and I your shield, never submit never yield... great line and poem

Posted 14 Years Ago

A piece of art. Perfect

Posted 14 Years Ago

Line to line we are drawn like a dog to a bone...I love the different
metaphors you used for different words. Good or bad, no matter
whom one is drawn to...it just happens..

Posted 14 Years Ago

the wording is magnificent love it

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like it! Very nice! I also think it's really cool how you put pictures into your writings. How exactly do you do that?

Posted 14 Years Ago

A pessimistic pair so misconstrued,
mangled and tangled lasciviously

Excellent write! One of the things I like about the man I love is that he is just as crazy as me. You put it all in words. Thanks. The last stanza may have been missed. It would look better in the same font/color.

Posted 14 Years Ago

a delightful entwining~ everyone has a pair~ =)~ lascivious or pure~ there's a matching set of each ~
love the word choices throughout~

Posted 14 Years Ago

nailed it yet again joe :D what can i say.... A pessimistic pair so misconstrued,
mangled and tangled lasciviously
lewd. .. so deliciously well written..

Posted 14 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on September 29, 2010
Last Updated on July 19, 2012


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..


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