"Add Name Here"

"Add Name Here"

A Poem by Dream Weaver





















Dear  add name here”  why did you leave me so

vulnerable so unprepared. Wasn’t all my love

enough to withstand any outside interference?


I adored you, cherished your every move, yet you

reject me after all this time. I supported all that

you needed with my blood sweat and tears.


You loved me once and now you just snap your

fingers and poof…. it’s over…as if waking from

a bad dream or from being hypnotized.


I should have seen this coming, oh how you’ve

played your part so beautifully. Unsuspecting

unchallenged unambiguous, fool that I am!


I despise all that you’ve become, heartless

demanding egotistical, maybe you did me

a favor by  Jumpstarting  your broomstick

revealing all that you are, a hideous wicked






© 2011 Dream Weaver

Author's Note

Dream Weaver
I wrote this for all the people who were duped into a false sense of
security, thinking love lasts forever...henceforth add name here ;-)

My Review

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It is almost like a letter, getting the last word out. I can relate to many aspects within. Very clever!

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is witty also sad as it tells of a broken relationship and heartache....things that are not easy to accept never mind deal with.
Revenge is sweet and I think I can smell it coming after she gets on her broomstick to fly away with her cloak between her legs.
I believe love...true love...does last forever. Well that's what my heart tells me....all the time !!

Thanks for share
Babs xx

Posted 14 Years Ago

The last line was my FAVORITE!!!!!(singing this word)

You continue to embellish you works with new imagery and a structure of sentences that makes me purr. Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

very strong emotive push through every line~ that's why sincerity is forever the right way to approach any given relationship~ I'm a b***h in that when being wooed I have a tendency to demand "What do you really want?" I usually get colorful answers and can respond with "Um, no." saves a lot of heartache ~

Posted 14 Years Ago

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oh - that was heart wrenching and bitter...cutting title..great idea

Posted 14 Years Ago

loved it because it was unexpected
you sure know how to ignite curiousity :)
gorgeous image
i have a black cat and would love to re-enact something like it

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is wickedly creative. I love it! Perfect being so close to Halloween, too.

Posted 14 Years Ago

But tell us how you really feel. Just kidding. I'm not sure how to take the insert name here part. Are you a revolving door for this kind of rejection. If so, sorry. Or is it to preserve anonymity? In which case, hey, let's call her out! Seriously though, you feelings are quite demonstrative. And paint a picture of hurt. Good job on the poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love the sexy picture:)) It seems that you've been hurt a lot..
and I can relate. I love the ending...the damn witch...how dare
she LOL!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on September 13, 2010
Last Updated on March 28, 2011


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..


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