Drunk with power the fair Maiden resists, she removed this brave
Knight from her readers list!
Forlorn is she far disheveled from the light, the walking wounded hapless
and contrite
Her life a dungeon shackled tightly and stark, relinquished her once
roaring fire reduced to a spark!
The Knight dares not revel in this quest he had won the battle in this
verbal jest!
is she… cursed and forgotten, the blackest of souls sullied and
rotten. Drunk with apathy, this fair maiden did
fall, presently a shadow on her dungeon wall.
Never again will she challenge the brave Sir Knight, never again
to put up a fight. And so it goes the good knight prevails, he took the
wind right out of her sails.
This angry the fair maiden with a perennial
rage, is fit to be tied as she’s torn from this page. Her silver spoon fed notoriety,
means absolutely s**t to you and me!