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I Drink therefore I am

I Drink therefore I am

A Poem by Dream Weaver


I drink to forget, so don’t ask me why because I’ve already forgotten…


I’ve forgotten our hopes and dreams, collapsing into nothing more then a quixotic chaotic crap shoot.


Forgotten every precious moment which in the end, were much too few and far between?


Forgotten all of the joy and laughter, now a ghostly reminder of what once was and shall never be again.


Forgotten how it felt to be embraced with such beautiful passion, tantalizing kisses that once caressed my now hollowed soul.


Forgotten the closeness of your sweet breath pursed lips that once whispered the words I love you, that now have grown cold and silent.

I drink to forget, so don’t ask me why because I’ve already forgotten as I wipe away the tears of forlornness and desolation.


© 2016 Dream Weaver

Author's Note

Dream Weaver

My Review

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How does that old proverb go ..."a man takes a drink, the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man."

I drink, therefore I am...nicely done!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

8 Years Ago

That's how it goes... and thank you for the review Kelly. :)
Lie as we may, we will never forget, less Alzheimer's or ECT comes to the rescue. You are a talented poet, Dream Weaver.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

10 Years Ago

Thank you Lourisa, nice to hear from you again it's been a while...

10 Years Ago

Had to go away for a while, but it's good to be back.
Dream Weaver

10 Years Ago

...and happy to have you back...
An absolutely marvelous, sobering tale ! (No pun intended)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thanks Tom and none taken....
Wow this was powerful. Very gripping. I love the style and the flow of your words.
Beautiful work!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thank you E.M. much appreciated... My style is taking on all genres of writing by the horns! :)
You had me with the title. I really enjoy reading your down to earth style of writing, you don't pull any punches, just tells it like it is. I find that rather refreshing.

' dreams, collapsing into nothing more then a quixotic chaotic crapshoot.'

Very descriptive way to put it, charming.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thank you Frieda, I appreciate that...I try to be as real as possible with everything I do...Coming .. read more
Oh golly...this is so sad I almost wept, but your ability to produce suchlikes makes it a wonderful piece, full of want and wishes, despair and doom...thoughts of what used to gone :(
Thanks for sharing your art
Babs xx

Posted 12 Years Ago

very powerful you bring the page to life for all to see

Posted 12 Years Ago

truly a wonderful piece speaks of many drunken lives

Posted 14 Years Ago

Ahhh... and the departure... makes for great poetry straight from broken hearts...
Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

You have definitely expressed something here that many people do, and their reasons for drinking.

My favorite line-
"Forgotten the joy and magic of our sensuous love truly solidified. Now a ghostly reminder of what once was."

I like this line because it's simply true. Many relationships and marriages are ended because the romance is gone. The love once shared simply floats away because they quit trying, or one of them quits thinking about it, etc. Your write definitely shows that and that is what makes it wonderful. The sequence of events that pushes somebody to drinking.

Great write hun. [=

Posted 14 Years Ago

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18 Reviews
Added on August 26, 2010
Last Updated on July 25, 2016


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..


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