Chic Resilience

Chic Resilience

A Poem by Dream Weaver

No more shall I be a slave to your superficial beauty, for beneath the skin dwells something so repulsively disturbing I must avert my eyes at all cost.

Besotted with envy, ambivalence is destroying your once mortal soul. The very essence of attractiveness lasts forever is all but an absurdity.

I loved you for what and who you were, it’s now apparent you are no longer you, but a prisoner of you’re own vanity…

My heart withers, secretly crying for the unpretentious love you once knew. Deficient now of this I must bid you a poignant adieu…

© 2016 Dream Weaver

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The person who came up with the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" wasnt kidding. some people just dont know how to look at each individual with your eyes and mind wide open instead of judging at first glance, but then again its not always their fault because there are some nasty, deceitfull people out there. This is yet again another poem that can be easily related to!! those poems are always the best it seems!! great write! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

The ending of this is very solid; 'bid you poignant adieu'. I adore that. Though, I will say that the set up of the sentences disturbed the flow of the poem for me. I would make the text smaller and break it up in a way that sentences aren't getting cut in half at the wrong point.

I will say that your world flow is nice, simple and to the point. I don't find much imagery in this but instead, tons of unresolved emotion. Very raw and very true. Something a lot of us witness.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Such truth and and angst preception

Posted 13 Years Ago

perceived beauty can reveal such ugliness the more you scratch the surface and in turn one who goes unnoticed the greatest beauty when the inner person is revealed...I think your words capture this so well...peeling off the window dressing to reveal the reality beneath.
Wonderful write which shows great depth of character on your part. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Outer beauty is mesmerizing only for a while. A beautiful face does not a beautiful heart make. A good one.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Sometimes i think you're in my head. This is another of your poems I could appily to relationships I've had. I've felt these emotions and had theses same thoughts running through my head. Great poem!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I am a true believer that Beauty may be only skin deep but Ugly goes all the way through.

Thank God true love is blind ;-)

What others seek to correct that they think are flaws are usually most endearing in a lovers eyes.

Wonderfully written and proud but true!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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19 Reviews
Added on August 4, 2010
Last Updated on July 27, 2016


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..


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