She was a tormented soul inching
to the edge, when along came a man
dragged her back from the ledge. He
at her and said everything was
alright, as
he grasped her hand beneath the luminous
He whispered life is too precious for you to
be taken so soon, we all have bad days my
dear and nobody is immune.
She gazed upon his trusting eyes
she felt so silly so demoralized. She said why
would you save a total stranger, his reply;
I used to be Tonto and now I’m the
Lone Ranger.
She managed a small smile as she brushed back
a tear, I was about to leap until you pulled me
back from all my despair.
They laughed joked and sat for a while, spoke
of life, love emptiness and denial. The stars
above were aligned that night, for two lonely
people to be bathed in moonlight.