De-constructing a Dream

De-constructing a Dream

A Poem by Dream Weaver

You've had them; you believed in them, they shape the world you live in.


They give you purpose and hope in a dismal existence you call a life.


Some in vivid color, some in black and white, and some are clear as day while others obscured and fleeting with each passing moment.

What happens to those dreams that have been trampled ripped from your heart and soul with a sense of humiliating failure?


Feeling lost defeated helpless as you watch them De-construct everything you've ever lived for.


So in-parting this life of now nonexistent dreams destination unknown, I bid you all fare thee well. 

© 2013 Dream Weaver

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Well, I was kind of in a good mood until I read this...lost dreams will certainly kill our best's not easy make new dreams but what other choice do we have, except to bid thee all fare well, which shan't be an option. Very thought provoking read.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thank you Frieda, very true. It takes a strong will to rebuild them if indeed all were lost..
A great descriptive on dreams. Ends with such sorrow bleeding into the reader giving transfering the expressed hopelessness. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dream Weaver

11 Years Ago

Thank you Priscilla, hopelessness indeed...

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2 Reviews
Added on January 19, 2013
Last Updated on January 20, 2013


Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

Paradise, FL

Just a few vids from my musical side.. more..
