

A Story by ♥ EmeraldHeart ♥

Jonathan Daniels , a soon-to-be husband of Lillian Hope.

They had been together for 6 years and they are madly in love. He is working a low-paying job as a substitue teacher and she is working on becoming a pediactric surgeon.

He comes home everyday to beatiful Lillian. But one night wasn't the same, Lillian seemed to be distracted in her work. She seemed to not care at all. Jonathan continuously asks her what is wrong and she yells and screams at him. Turns out not all was so happy in paradise, Jonathan and Lillian were having troubles financially for all the wedding plans, bills, college payments due, it all seemed to be too much to handle.

That one night Jonathan fall into the deep grips of temptation, he goes to a near-by bar and runs into one of his coleagues, Jean Rose. He asks her what she would like to drink, his treat. One thing leads to another and he goes with Jean to her downtown apartment, he then comitts adultry.

He could bear the thought of what he had just done. He can't seem to live with himself.

Jean has indeed know that he was engaged to Lillian and she didn't care one bit.

She had liked Jonathan for a while now and she has finally gotten what she wants.

But Jonathan didn't want this guilt on his mind. He leaves Jean and goes home to Lillian.

He walk through the door to her crying, and appologizing for the earlier argument. She promises she will work harder to get a part-time job to make ends meet. He wouldn't think of a worse time to tell her on what a had just happend. But he had to because if he didn't he would indeed lose her forever. So he calms her down and gives her a kiss on the cheek and tell her to take a seat in a near-by chair.

He explains what he had done before he had come home. The look in her eyes breaks his heart and he is miserable. She explains to him that this deed he had done is going to be extremly hard to get over and it pains her inside to know that the man she loves, the one she has fuly committed herself to for 6 years has done this to her.

She tells him he doesn't have to leave her, but he must go sleep on the couch and they will discuss the situation in the morning. She spends all night laying awake thinking and contemplating on where she went wrong. She wishes that she had never fought with him earlier, if she hadn't maybe they would still be in the same bed. Jonathan hears a small knocking at the door, he rolls off the couch to answer. He opens and it's none other than Jean. Jean appologizes if she has caused any discomfort between him and her. He explains that she has to leave at that moment because her face is of pure discust to him.

 Lillian leaves her bed to see who is at the door when she walks into the room she finds Jean at the door. Jean sees Lillian and grabs Jonathan by the neck for a kiss. He backs away but it's too late, Lillians heart was completely torn in two. Jonathan appempts to explain but Lillian doesn't want to listen, she tells Jonathan to leave, to go with Jean and hopes that they have a nice life together.

Jean was thrilled that she had finally let go. But Jonathan was everything less than thrilled, he was devistated.

So he grabbed his belongings and left, the last thing he wanted to do was push his "luck" with Lillian. Lillian ran to the door as he stepped out and slamed the door shut. She fell against it a bawled. The next morning, she opened the door to two police officers. The attempted to tell her what had happend,

 but she was numb, she couldn't hear anything.

They took her to the scene of the crime, and there he was, Jonathan. He had shot himself that night, and he left a note for her. The note read, " Lillian, my dear, I never wanted to disappoint you, I love you with all my heart. I hope you'll forgive me, but I just can't live with myself..."

 She couldn't believe it. Once again she had felt guilty.



One year has gone by now. Lillian is hiding her pain behind a bottle for a year now. She stil gets letters, cards, phone calls to help her feel better , but they never work.

Lillian decides to visit her beloved, the whole in her heart that she feels everyday.

She believes that if she had just forgiven him the moment he thold her that he had cheated, maybe just maybe, he's still be with her.

They could've solved all their problems and gone back to normal.

Tears run down her cheek, she falls to the ground.

After a while, she regains a little bit of strength and rises to her feet.

She whispers to the head stone, " I can't do this without you."

She then returns home, and stares at the picture of her and Jonathan, together. They were so happy, no problems, no worries, just eachother; together and happy.

She stumbles to her closet and pulls out a gun. She stares at it for a while.

Asking herself if it's really worth it all.

She contemplates all the posibilities, soon enought she comes up with more bad than good in her life. Lillian had dropped out of college after Jonathan's death, she's piled underneath debt, and her family and friendships are falling appart.

She can't take it anymore. The only person she had ever loved, is gone forever. Her whole world is shattered in two... Nothing the alchol can cure. So she took the gun to her head, and pulled the trigger.

She fell into the couch as her body turned cold.

 Finally her troubles were lifted. She did leave one thing behind though. Besides her carcus she left the picture of her and Jonathan.

They were together again, all their problems were atlast resolved.

Her family came by the next day to greet her, to attempt to help her but they were too late. They found her dead, on the couch. The last place Jonathan was before he left. Their both in the beyond now, and their two souls united as one at last.

© 2010 ♥ EmeraldHeart ♥

Author's Note

♥ EmeraldHeart ♥
This is for all the people out there who have someboday in their lives that they'd die for.

My Review

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The story was very good. You create two people with a strong love. The story was sad. Errors in judgment can destroy years of happiness. A very sad ending to the story. Life can be tricky. Better to think with your brain then the groin area. Death was the end to a excellent story of love and disappointment.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This has a good start but it needs some deep revision lol. I loved the concept and i know you could make it a really good story but your tenses are all mixed up and it needs a little more description. You know, describe the pain they felt a little better and maybe the sound of the trigger as it did a slow-motion thing. I liked this a lot. it was really sad though. a new romeo Juliet thing :) I would have kicked him out forst thing if i were her. He wouldnt be given a second chance after that! And at the end i think if i were losing all of the love I ever had like that id immediatly blame it on the s**t-bag girl who caused everything. id kill her then me. I mean she indirectly caused two deaths.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 17, 2010
Last Updated on December 19, 2010


♥ EmeraldHeart ♥
♥ EmeraldHeart ♥

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