

A Poem by Jeremy Baker

I’ve killed millions

of pixels,

destroyed worlds, armies

and yet somehow

always managed to survive.


No sounds, no stains to show where once

stood a soul.


No PTSD for me, no nightmares

except THE ONE:

that my connection might lag,

drop out, or die.


What is death? A blue screen,

nothing more.


I fear not death, nor pain,

nor any enemy.

For when my tour of duty

is complete,

I will have my medals.


And I will turn off my computer

and go home.

© 2013 Jeremy Baker

Author's Note

Jeremy Baker
I was inspired when I read that the human operators of remotely controlled drones will now be eligible for bravery awards.

My Review

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Interesting perspective, it made me think what's worth of a machine if we don't want it anymore. very nice.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Jeremy Baker

10 Years Ago

Thank you!
A beautiful comment on the hilarity of life.

Posted 11 Years Ago

The true Gamers Mantra

Posted 11 Years Ago

Its been a while since I have read you Jeremy and I am so glad to review this.

Unique and insightful words. Write on poet!


Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thank you Helena, I'm honoured!
Ever since I first read Jeremy`s poems some time ago I am really impressed by his talent.
He is a tremendous writer, full of quality, writing of the highest literary standard. I really like his work, and this is up to his own very high standard. Great

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thank you Leslie, both for the feedback and the compliment!
This is a great piece. It makes you wonder what has come of this world where we give awards for "sitting at home" to put it simply. Really love this though.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thank you for your feedback and kindness :)

11 Years Ago

Your welcome :))
You strike deep into the heart of modern warfare... as if a video game could teach us justice or mercy... There is much we can do... and there is much more we should reconsider.. Rebirth.. yes.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thank you, Craig. It's heartening to find kindred spirits here :)
that is really a mind provoking poem. it brings endless questions to mind thinking of what death is and what happens after death..since nobody died and came back to tell us what is there..

i liked how you penned this in such a nice way..

Posted 11 Years Ago

Brave girl

11 Years Ago

i agree!
Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thank you both!

11 Years Ago


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9 Reviews
Added on March 12, 2013
Last Updated on March 13, 2013


Jeremy Baker
Jeremy Baker

Busselton, South West, Australia

I'm a former English & Literature teacher who has always enjoyed the magic, power and simple romance of words well written. My favourite writers include Pablo Neruda, Liam O'Flaherty, Anthony Eaton.. more..


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