Love is Blind

Love is Blind

A Poem by Joyce S. Greene

Love is blind but still can smell . . .








One morning she lies in her bed

and looks at him, the cat she wed


She's happy as a puss can be

for he and she are now a we


She met him just the night before

behind some bushes right next door


And though no moon lit up the skies

and she could only see his eyes


The light within them turned her on

and they were wed before the dawn


Now she looks down at his sweet face

and strokes his nose so she can trace


The line dividing his black cheeks

as white as all his other streaks


Then suddenly she cries, 'Oh my,

what is that smell, has something died?'


But he was having a bad dream

and let out an ungodly scream


'We are in mortal danger, run,

I will protect you, honey bun!'


And fast away that cat did fly

and did not even say good-bye


For she had learned and will all tell

that love is blind but still can smell!



© 2013 Joyce S. Greene

Author's Note

Joyce S. Greene
For my friend, Tom, a great fan of Pepe le Peu

Graphic credit: Patty Vicknair's post on YouTube found on Google Images

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Oh, another poem I had to giggle at! Lovely. It remeided me of the cat mydaughter and her man (no children) adopted. She LOVES this cat, but he keeps bringing in little half eaten offerings! He must feel terribly rejected when she turns her nose up and puts them in the bin! Actually, they say smell is a very powerful, but little realised sense. Those old smell hormones can do a lot, without anyone knowing!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thanks for your insightful review, Astri. I don't think that skunk's scent is going to attract many.. read more
great read joyce!.........

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thanks, Jeannear, for such a nice review. It makes my night much brighter!
Smartly cute and humorous . What a clever genius !

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thank you, Neil. I'm so happy you liked this one. You have made my evening much brighter!
'And though no moon lit up the skies
and she could only see his eyes'

Haha! totally bizarre. a catlicious poem about desire and dry sex under a moonlit sky. very entertaining indeed. fantastic.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thanks again,Dawn. I do so appreciate your taking the time to read my work. I know my work isn't a.. read more
Very funny and when we got to the smell part, even though it has been years, old Pepe is the first thing that came to mind. Nice Joyce

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thanks again, Jack. That Pepe seems to have a lot of friends. There should be a fan club on WC. I.. read more
Haha. I enjoyed reading this so much! Humorous and witty. Thanks again for another good laugh, Joyce!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

You're very welcome, Blue. Thank you for the very nice review. You are a good friend.
Cute, and a tad raunchy, so much better the the run of the mill "ode to cat."

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thanks, Brian. I really appreciate your kind words. So many of us wake up with skunks for a long .. read more
What a wonderful piece, Joyce. I think poets tend to take themselves a bit too seriously at times (myself included) and I thought it was great that you broke out of that and wrote something as charming as this! This made me smile all the way through and once you mentioned 'Pepe le Peu', it was evident why I loved this so much. I love Pepe le Peu!

An absolutely delightful read!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thanks, again, Lola. Maybe you and Tom could start a Pepe le Peu fan club. lol I have to go to be.. read more
Rat in the hen house, skunk in the barn... Love is a tricky thing that can turn sour quicker than we can imagine! Fun read :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Joyce S. Greene

11 Years Ago

Thanks so much for your enjoyable comment. Yes, indeed, a skunk's aroma is enough to turn even the .. read more
Emerald Seas

11 Years Ago

Oh yes, I quite agree ;)

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26 Reviews
Added on September 13, 2013
Last Updated on September 13, 2013
Tags: #poetry, #humor, #love, #disenchantment, #cat, #skunk


Joyce S. Greene
Joyce S. Greene

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