9th Grade... Again

9th Grade... Again

A Chapter by J. F. Charleston

"Attention class", Mrs. Greensby shouted over the roar of her 9th Grade Intro to Agriculture Class. "For the next few weeks, we will have a guest who is going to be teaching you about the National FFA Association. Her name is Miss Kingston." Lauren sat by Mrs. Greensby's desk that was at the back of the room. In front of her sat fifteen fifteen year-olds who had turned to see her. She smiled and waved at them. After a couple of seconds, they all turned back to the blackboard.


The classroom was a reasonable size, but still bit small. The rows of desks were very close that the rows were very difficult to walk through. The floor was an old, hard blue carpet, that stunk no matter how many scents you tried to put in it. The walls were painted white and in desperate need of a new coat of paint. Posters of flowers and agriculture life covered the cream-white walls.

Mrs. Greensby had started her lesson. She wrote so elegantly a list of the events of the FFA Association. "Could anyone tell me what happened in the year 1928", Mrs. Greensby asked the class. A little, blonde haired girl, that sat at a desk on the far right side of the room, raised her hand; "The FFA was founded."

"Yes, that's right."

The class had slowly begun to murmur amongst themselves; exchanging their own answers. After a few minutes, the small murmurs turned into loud conversations.

"Class!" Mrs. Greensby shouted over the roaring students. The roar died down about twenty seconds later. "Start on your FFA timelines. Your bell for lunch will be ringing any moment."


Mrs. Greensby sat down at her desk and put on her half ovel reading glasses. A pile of papers sat on the corner of the metal and wood desk almost to up to her chin. Lauren looked down at her spiral, that only had a few words written down. During the past hour her mind had wandered off. Mrs. Greensby hadn't paid attention to her for the most part.


"Would you like some help with those", Lauren asked, wanting something to do. Mrs. Greensby looked over the pile of papers and smiled; "Thank you. Here take half."

"Ok. What am I going to be looking for?"

"Look for why their event is significant. If it's not expressed, what so ever, then give'm a zero. If you have an idea of what they were trying to say, then take 25 points off."

"When do you want these back?"

"I'm going to return them in two days."





The class rushed out of their seats and out the door like a scared herd of cattle in a stampede. A couple of minutes later, the hallway was silent as a mouse. Lauren could make out the faint sound of boots coming down the hallway.

'It's probably another teacher.' She thought to herself. The sound got louder and louder as the seconds passed. Then the beat of the sound slowed and faded as it stopped right out of the doorway.


"Can I help you", Mrs. Greensby asked. Lauren sat with her back turned to the door as she was unpacking her lunch at the back table against the wall. She just thought it was another teacher with a question or come to make small talk with Mrs. Greensby, so she didn't bother to turn to see who it was.


After a few seconds, she suddenly became very curious of why the person didn't answer Mrs. Greensby's question.

"Guess who", a familiar voice said behind her with his hands over her eyes. She smelled the familiar scent of aftershave that neither her father nor her brother wore.

"Ummm... The sheriff's deputy?"



The hands came off of her eyes, and she turned around. It was Jacob. He was dressed very nicely in his khaki sheriff uniform. His gold, five point star badge reflected the light in the ceiling. His straw hat was still on his head and his gold and black aviators were in his shirt pocket. His utility belt held a Colt .45, flashlight, three extra magazines, two sets of handcuffs, and pepper spray.


"What are you doing here", Lauren asked as she got up from the table to hug him. His arms were cold like his clothing. His face no longer had a goatee, but a mustache that was brown with a little shade of red in it.

"Thought I'd bring you something", he said holding up a white paper bag.

"You didn't."

"I did."

Lauren opened the bag and a strong aroma filled the air. BB-Q buffalo wings sat in the bag wrapped up in foil with a couple of ranch dressing dipping sauces and a bottle of Coke. They sat down and she unpacked the bag, and set the box of wings and Coke on the table. She opened the box and ranch dip. Her taste buds in her mouth bounced all over the place like a little kid on a sugar rush.

"Hey, I've gotta go help a deputy at a bust", Jacob told Lauren as she finished her second wing. "Ok", she said wiping her mouth. "Please, be careful." They both got up from the table. She hugged Jacob again, and before she let go she kissed him. His lips were dry, but with hers being soaked, they no longer were. The bell rang again; ending the lunch period. Their lips parted right before the first student walked into the classroom. Lauren gave him another hug before he was ushered out by Mrs. Greensby.

"Who was that", asked one of the students. Lauren just stared at the doorway as the tardy bell rang. The class now began to whisper to one another about Lauren and Jacob. "He's my cowboy", Lauren answered with a sigh.

"He's cute", one of the girls whispered to her group of friends.


The rest of the period went by more quickly than Lauren thought. She was reading and grading papers. Most of them were ok, but there was some that were really, really good. One kid even had very nice hand writing that got every detail that was needed and just a little bit more.


Mrs. Greensby had the rest of the period be time to do make-up work as she worked on somethings for the next day. When the day ended and Mrs. Greensby no longer needed Lauren there, she gave her a few more worksheets to grade with a grade key.


As Lauren got to her truck and opened the door, her cell phone rang; "Hello?"

"Hey, sis, are you doing anything tonight?" Her sister Kristen asked.

"I kinda do..." Lauren said putting her purse and the stack of papers on the front seat.

"Well, I've got to go back tomorrow, and I wanted to do something with you before I head back to San Antonio."

"How long are you planning to stay out?"

"Not late. I've got to be on the road early in the morning."

"What do you want to do?"

"Probably go catch a moving or shoot pool or something like that."

"Well, I've got to get some papers done, so let's say seven-thirtyish?"

"Sure. I'll see you later."

"Ok, love you."

"Love you."



© 2018 J. F. Charleston

Author's Note

J. F. Charleston
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I think this section of the chapter is too short. Missing details that could help clear up the scene. Good start.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

There are some mistake words here which you can check if you reread it again, overall it needs descriptive words(though I'm not good at that)

~ Keep writing~

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 20, 2013
Last Updated on October 7, 2018


J. F. Charleston
J. F. Charleston


"Write from the brain and heart. Join them to create one great piece of writing." J.F. Charleston. more..
