the ... L  Word

the ... L Word

A Poem by J. Hampton


As I child I spent lazy summer afternoons in a field,by the river behind my Grandparents house.  I lay on my back endlessly plucking wildflowers petal by petal…"  He loves me " …" He loves me not "

Real Love does not fluctuate, cannot be ripped from ones' heart. Nor does it stop ,when someone lets us down ( again) ,or hurts our feelings….it just doesn't quit,it is not revocable.!!

Did your parents throw you out of the house when you lied…fought…broke something, or failed a class?…. Would you stop loving your kids if they came home pregnant, got locked up …chose a hairstyle, fashion, sexual orientation or religion that you were against???

Do we consider divorcing our spouse over hair loss/ weight gain, denting the car, snoring, or severe health problems? Do we put our house on the market when our neighbors' leaves continually blow over that property line…or their dog does his business on our sidewalk?

Should we quit our job at the first sign of injustice ,…when someone else gets that promotion, or over conflicts with Bosses, coworkers or customers ??

No….LOVE is based on COMMITMENT not feelings……or circumstances  They change !!!!!

Shhhhhhhhh….( our children are watchin')…Lets Not continue raising a generation of " quitters", following our trail of broken relationships,…unkept commitments and unfinished business,….whose "word" means…JACK !!

If you let circumstances or feelings determine your level of commitment ~

 ( you'll never make or keep one ) – or determine your level of Love ( you'll never find it) !!!

If we let day-to-day things start  affecting  the heart we have for the people we "claim" to Love…

Well…. what kind of Parents ,Husbands,Wives or friends would we be ???

People WILL… fall short ,…act ignorant, and  show their behinds ...regularly ,but…..

What if God quit on us when we fall short ???



" Love never gives up or loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through ALL circumstances."  ~ 1 Corinthians 13:7

So….. Look at people with a gentle eye…Listen with an non judgemental ear….and Love with a forgiving and steady heart .


© 2007 J.Hampton [email protected]


© 2008 J. Hampton

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So inspirational! So very true. People use the word "love" so loosely these days not understanding the very depth of it meaning. When its real and true whether it be something you do, have, or someone, in shows no prejudice, it sees beauty in all thats fall, and potential in something that may be deemed hopeless. Its a beautiful and powerful thing that goes beyond any human control. I enjoyed reading this and it truly lifted my spirits.

If you let circumstances or feelings determine your level of commitment ~
( you'll never make or keep one ) � or determine your level of Love ( you'll never find it) !!!

Spread these words to the world!!! Those that are ignorant may learn something from it.
Thanks for sharing this piece.

Posted 17 Years Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.


Wise words, as you usually have J.! "LOVE is based on COMMITMENT not feelings...... or circumstances..." So very true but also very forgotten. Remind this world what the real is!

Posted 15 Years Ago

I am left speechless with joy. I had begun to question whether I was the only person I knew who held these beliefs and understandings. This goes into my favorites and receives a perfect 100 (if you utilize ratings).

Posted 15 Years Ago

You are awesome!!!! Where was this hiding anyway? I thought I had read everything you'd ever posted.

Love to you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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Would to God...
Beautifully done J.

Posted 16 Years Ago

How true this is, Jen...and like Dr. Dobson has said..."Love is a decision, not a feeling." It's something we choose to do regardless of a person's actions, and I think unconditional-unselfish love is one of the hardest things we will ever do, especially when someone hurts us. We will all slip up from time to time but I think love is one of the most monumental signs of a Christian. The Bible says, "We will know them by their fruit which is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, and Self Control."

Self examination and observation is a good thing. :-)

You went right to the heart with this write. You never pull any punches! Thanks for the reminder.

Carole :-)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Awesome! So very true. Beautifully expressed! Brilliantly stated.
Lovingly felt.
Love All, Mejasha

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

COMMITMENT ? What's that ? This was great. Somewhere along the way we lost the meaning. You remind us. It's something that requires sacrifice, which is another word that has become meaningless. This piece really makes you think. I love it. Rain..

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

"No�.LOVE is based on COMMITMENT ....NOT feelings��or circumstances �They change !!!!!"

I agree with you on this 100%...Love is based on our devotion and commitment, because anyone can just feel something, come on now, we are human, but it takes a real person to love, care, honor, and trust the other...And yes, i agree with you also because real love doesn't change, it remains forever....(the puppy love is what changes off and

"People WILL� fall short ,�act ignorant, and show their behinds ...regularly,but�..

What if God quit on us when we fall short ???"

I agree with this statement also because we ourselves can act so ignorant and foolish, but we will always wasnt someone to forgive us and put up with us, so the question is, why do we feel we have the right to disown others who doesn't meet our standars because we never know if we meet theirs?

~~~~~~Kimberly Tickle~~~~~~Diamonds Of Life

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What a beautiful sentiment here. You are so unbelievable right. We live in a world full of young minds completely ignorant of the idea of true "commitment." Young generation of them having babies, starting families, with no concept of strength and fighting, of ever-lasting, thinking that everything is about feelings and "love" in the form of making out with a guy in a parked car after the game on Friday night, thinking that that moment is love and how it always should be, then quitting when they realize that after that... you have to actually talk and learn and live with that other person.

Wonderful words!


Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

"Look at people with a gentle eye�Listen with an non judgemental ear�.and Love with a forgiving and steady heart ."

This should be headlined around the world and preached from every pulpit!

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 11, 2008
Last Updated on February 11, 2008

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