

A Poem by J Carly

For S.S.P. , because your writing inspires me so...


Are you a poet?

Or do you just write poetry?

Do you travel on the scenic and winding backroads,

Or do you take the highway to get from A to B?

Do you make your own rules,

Living with a sort of  "balls-to-the-wall" approach?

Or do you stick to the huddled masses,

Never colouring outside the lines drawn by others who came before you?


Anyone, with enough practice, can take eloquent words

And follow guidelines absorbed through some sort of virtual osmosis

To later regurgitate some cheap imitation of a legend's work.

But only a true poet can make sense of madness,

And create something truly original in a world full of

Mass production and assembly line literature.

So, I ask again, are you a poet?

Or do you just write poetry?





© 2010 J Carly

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wow!!!! i love this!!!!

this is something i ask about people when im reading their stuff all the time

(im proud to say that i am a poet!!, and proud of it!!!)

Posted 15 Years Ago

I dig this. I make madness of sense, and vice-versa. Excellent cheeky gauntlet tossed.

I figure poetics extended into every edgy nuance of every discipline is more like it. Mere versification ain't enough. Even with language art only, poetics has to do with the context of what one purports to do.

The joystick of context gets very interesting when one is seeing through the interminable onion layers of faux assumptions. . .Paradoxically, the greatest dynamic stability rests on no-thing-ness.

This piece is a great reminder to all slavish sentimentalists. Cheerz!

Posted 15 Years Ago

God this is the day that true talent are showing their faces wide and clear..
Who wrote these words is surely a poet for he must have experienced the feelings
he will not write with his pen he feels his way through the white paper,its his feelings and
somewhere deep inside or at times I feel the mind takes the lead and wonders high and far
till I lose control on what surrounds me,and i dont feel whats around,i am only called to a beautiful world faraway
from here yet I am still in my seat,but I am never here,I understand words differently ,i see feelings strangely from others
I see the world different than others,i see pictures of my own colored with colors of my own..I see people like me
different from others,they look the same ,feel like they are the same ,yet its somethings strange about them
for everything about them is so beautiful,their words ,there speach the way they feel things and talk about things they see
is very different from others..these are poets my friend,its a gift from God,they are a wonderful people,Poets are
How i loved this writing,I have lots more to say,but i think I have done the job well and replied to you well
lovely write..

Posted 15 Years Ago

You KNOW that I understand where you're coming from here ;) Well said!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 9, 2009
Last Updated on June 2, 2010


J Carly
J Carly

Milton, FL

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