100 Themes Challenge - 5 - Seeking Solace

100 Themes Challenge - 5 - Seeking Solace

A Poem by Iyasumi

I'm doing a 100 Themes Challenge. I have currently done the 12 first (I chose to do them in order). All poems in the cahllenge can be found at my tumblr or my deviantArt. Links in blog entry.

In pain and all alone
It hurts but no one cares
You tripped and fell
Hurt yourself on the ground

Hands all dirty
You daren't wipe your wound
Children all around you
But no one looks at another one crying

Nowhere to go
Nothing you can do
Helpless and alone
So small in the big world

Tears stream down your cheeks
Despite your efforts to hold them back
You wanted to be a big child
And big children never cry

In a desperate search for comfort
Seeking solace
A plaster for your cut
You begin to cry out loud

And there a grown up comes
With a plaster for your bruise
Soothing words
Promises that it will all go away

The consolation that you needed
And the world is not so big anymore
The pain disappeared
Because someone cared
Someone gave you solace

© 2011 Iyasumi

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Excellent flow and feel to your words

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 25, 2011
Last Updated on October 25, 2011




I'm currently in between studyings, so this fall (2011) I'm mostly writing. I'm working on a book in Swedish, 100 Themes Challenge in poetry and maybe anothe rbook in English with a friend where peopl.. more..

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A Poem by Iyasumi