Becoming a murderer

Becoming a murderer

A Story by XIBerSerkErIX

An average day at school is interrupted by gunshots. A young boy named Dylan is forced to make a decision that he very quickly regrets.


It was a day like any other as 17 year old Dylan White sat in his Culinary Arts class. Dylan was what you might refer to as a "problem child" at school. He often found making people laugh in class was far more important then getting class assignments in on time. Barely forcing his way through the grades with straight d's, Dylan found himself a grade behind. His junior year had to be repeated due to an excessive amount of days suspended out of school. His poor acheivements in school didn't come naturally however. In fact, Dylan would think nothing of going out of the way to fail an assignment just to make even one person laugh. Most who saw Dylan without knowing him would dismiss him as a goof-off, nothing more then an unimportant person who's soul purpose was to do no more then exist.


Perhaps it was these pre-rendered thoughts about him that decided his choices that day.

Today was Dylans chance to make everyone know that he was capable of great things.


"PAY ATTENTION DYLAN!" roared the Culinary Arts teacher, Mr. Volt, as he pointed towards the now boiling pot of water on the stove.


The class had been split into four groups for an assignment that involved cooking a numerous amount of dishes from different countries. Dylans group was ordered to prepare the noodles for spaghetti, and to prepare a drink for all of the groups.


Dylan was assigned to boil the water for the noodles. With such a simple task Dylan couldn't help but fall into a quite intense daydream about what he would do when he got out of school at 2. Even after being scolded by Mr. Volt, Dylan found it easy to return to his dreamland. It seemed as if nothing could pull him from his mental slumber. That was until the gunshots erupted in the hallway.


Now very much alert, Dylan did as all of the other children had done... He found himself a spot on the floor out of view from the open door, and prayed to god. The site of a body on the ground directly in front of the door prevented Mr. Volt from following school procedure that required the door to be shut and locked. The site of this door opened widely, the only thing protecting the kids inside from most certain death, served as a devastating blow to everyone inside. They were helpless little ants, waiting for the foot to come smashing down on their world.


Gunshots rang out for what seemed like hours, but in reality was no more then 10 minutes. The last dieing screams of their friends in the hallway caused uncontrollable crying to spread throughout the room like wildfire. They could hear their fate calling for them, screaming for them. This was how it was going to end.


For most, seeing fellow human beings reduced to crying heaps of flesh is enough to send even the most fearless person spiraling into despair. There are, however, a select few who see these screams of terror as a call to arms. Those that stand and fight, as opposed to those laying and hoping that all will turn out right. Dylan was one of these select few.


Dylan quickly scanned the room, looking for anything he could use to ambush his attackers. His eyes immediatly fell on a rather large knife that had fallen to the floor during the scramble to take cover. He picked it up and then slowly made his way towards the front door. The pleading of the teacher to remain seated was drowned out by the beating of his own heart. Soon after arriving at the door, Dylan heard somthing that froze every muscle in his body.


It was the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway.


The steps advanced slowly but surely onto his position.

"He must be looking for kids hiding..." Dylan thought.

Stepping to the side of the door out of view, he tried to prepare mentally for what was about to unfold. How does one go about preparing to take the life of another human being in a matter of seconds? Dylan was no killer, but now had to force himself to be one. He nearly dropped the knife and crumbled to the ground from such a sobering thought. The only thing that kept him standing was his hatred.


What kind of a monster would do this?  Walking around taking lives at will, forcing kids such as Dylan to abandon their childhood prematurely and become murderers themselves. How dare he do such a thing? The man coming towards him was the one responsible for making him do this deadly act that he wished so hard he did not have to do. It was in this thought that Dylan found the inner strength he needed to murder. Closing his eyes, Dylan prayed that the gunman would stop, turn around, give up his advance and find another route to pursue.


Opening his eyes would reveal no such luck. The barrel of a shotgun had appeared in the doorway. Time slowed to a near stand still. Seconds passed like hours. Nothing seemed to be real. His move had to be made now or never. Closing his eyes once more, Dylan stepped out from behind his cover and lunged the knife forwards with ravenous ferocity.


The blade found it's mark and went sailing deeply into the chest of his victim. A scream let out, followed by a burning sensation in Dylans chest. His eyes remained closed as he fell to the ground.

Dylans one regret before he died was opening his eyes. Doing so revealed that he had not stabbed the gunman. He had instead injected it deeply into the heart of a police officer. With his last few living moments, Dylan eyed all of the officers now swarming his body.


He had murdered a man that had come to his rescue. His hopes of selflessly defending his classmates had been dashed. In it's place stood a ghoulish figure, staring into his soul, as if from the depths of hell itself. A grim sign that he will not be forgiven for his action.

© 2008 XIBerSerkErIX

Author's Note

Written at 4 am. Sorry for any grammar problems. Please pardon them.

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The ending was great, but it was sad (in an embarrassing way). This was a really good story. Someone who is constantly being underestimated, trying to prove themself only to fail. :( God, that must suck. It reminds me of me. lol Anyways, Great job! It was excellently written. ^^

Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


that is great and pull at my heart and make be cry but i sad at the end becuse he thought he doing the right thing and find out he have don't worng befor he dead.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The ending was great, but it was sad (in an embarrassing way). This was a really good story. Someone who is constantly being underestimated, trying to prove themself only to fail. :( God, that must suck. It reminds me of me. lol Anyways, Great job! It was excellently written. ^^

Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very nice twist and good pace throughout the story. Apart to the typo/grammer issues this is a very strong story.


Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

That's so sad! I hate it when things like that happen. You wrote this very well, though, especially for it bieng 4 a.m.!

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very nice work on the story. I would've never predicted the end... he kills an officer... a savior... a man to his rescue. Absolutely great.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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That was the most powerfulest most inticing story I have ever read....It kept my attention to the end...The thought of Dylan dying was sad, he only wanted to show himself and prove to everyone that he is not only a goof-off...The ending was incredible most people can't grasp the feeling of a person before he dies and you did so wonderfully!

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 16, 2008



Valhalla, ME

I'm a 17 year old from maine. I just recently decided to try my hand at some short story writings. Hoping to get some useful feedback to improve on. Thank you all very much. ** UPDATE** I am now 2.. more..


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