Hello, my name is perfection
and I’ll tell you about the days I won’t let happen
at least for a while
from the morning songs of death by asphyxiation
and the warm clothes from the dryer
by the fire you did not light.
Hello, and here’s the story of how I
fucked up the beautiful ending
to a sad story we did not write
by that hospital bed.
A girl in a long dress by the roadside
called for the keys to heaven and hell
but was given an axe instead.
A boy with 17 bullets through
his chest stole half a world’s hearts
because his stopped beating at number 5.
Both sides are prone to excess
and so I learned from the best.
Last night, an angel in ribbons puts you in chains.
She doesn’t see you escape, so her duty must be done.
A week later, she tastes your blood in her coffee.
She adds sugar.
A month ago, a spree killer.
A year ago, a pop star.
Tomorrow, your mother.
All given days like doses of
bleach and things just seem
cleaner, don’t they?