Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by Itislaissezfaire



      “I’ve got food for the little patient!” Amber chimed, strolling into the living room. Her stilettos seemed in contrast with her navy blue tank top and Bermudas. With flushed cheeks, she took a deep breath. “You wouldn’t believe the traffic…”
              “No, I wouldn’t…” I mumbled sarcastically.
       “If you hadn’t jumped out the window like I had said, then we wouldn’t have been stuck here taking care of your brother.” I rolled my eyes in disbelief.
              “It got his attention, didn’t it?”
       “Ya and almost gave me a heart attack; but anyways…I know how much you love Taco Hell!” She took a seat next to me and handed me my solo taco while she digged into her salad.
       “Where’d you get that from?” I questioned with a mouth full of food. Wiping away the spit on her cheek, she frowned in disgust.
              “I didn’t want what you were having.”
              “Oh yes, because 3 calories is mighty appetizing…”
       “I can’t help it if you are born lucky. Unlike you, some people have to work for their lovely figures.” She bit into a piece of lettuce and smirked. I shrugged off her rude behavior and decided to see what was on TV. It was as if this summer were going to drag on, and everybody had somewhere to be except Amber and I. Nothing could have grabbed my attention on any of the channels, even if they had wanted to. I flipped over to the Discovery channel, tuning in to a pack of monkeys, savagely eating a piece of fruit.
              “Hey, look Amber; the monkeys are doing the same thing you’re doing: watching their weight.”
              “At least those monkeys can get laid.” I peered over to the TV set to two monkeys revving up their love life. I shuddered.
       “I don’t think you want to get laid,” I laughed. I turned the channel, interrupting a soap commercial, trying to brain wash it’s victims into indulging into its wild ecstasy.
              “Apples look good,” Amber commented, getting up to throw away her trash.
       Angelo’s mother use to smell of apples, I trailed off. Angelo had been gone for two days now, and even if there were no signs of his returning, for some strange reason, I wasn’t worried. Angelo hadn’t been the type to just disappear and not say goodbye. Plus, I still had that wish, didn’t I?
       “I’m bored!” Kevin slumped down on the couch. I twisted in my seat, uncomfortable at how close he seat. I guess he noticed this because he began to scoot closer until I finally couldn’t take it anymore…
              “Kevin, what do you want?!”
              He smiled grimly, concocting an evil plan in his small brain. Folding his arms against his chest, he stated plainly:
              “—that kiss…”
              “Yes, now.”
       “Kevin— I began to object as Amber returned. I shut my mouth, trying to breathe evenly through my nose.  Kevin stared voraciously at Amber. It was as if he were now that monkey I had just watched, eyeing the prey he would catch. I shuddered horribly.
              “Amber,” I said calmly, “Would you do me a big favor?”
              Her forehead became pinched, obviously very confused at my request.
              “What?” she asked hesitantly.
              “Kevin here…”
              “Yes,” she pushed.
              “Well, you see…”
              Her eyes became bugged.
              “I need you to kiss Kevin!” I pushed out. She stared at my in shock.
              “I’m sorry but you have to—for me, please???”
       “Oh no—no—no—no…NO!!!! I am not going to kiss him…” She whined, standing up. Grabbing her things hastily, she dashed to the door, only to be blocked by Kevin. Pouting, he leaned in towards her. She turned around, staring evilly at me.
              “This is your fault!” she pointed out. I shrugged nervously.
              “I know and I’m so sorry but if you don’t kiss him, I’m going to be questioned and I really don’t feel like it.”
       “You a*s!” Facing Kevin, she tried to dash out the door to his left but he was too quick. He caught up to her. She tried again, this time, to his right, but it was useless. He had her trapped.
              “You’re the devil’s child, you know that?”
       “Yes, now where’s my kiss?” With Amber’s back to me, all I could make out was the shoes of Kevin, but I was sure she was rolling her eyes. Slowly, she leaned down, probably squeezing her eyes shut, and then waited for Kevin. Reaching up on his tip toes, he placed his hands on her shoulders and than he went in for the prize. All was quiet until Amber started to flail her arms and begin to scream.
              “You pervert! You sicko! I can’t believe you just did that!!!”
              “What? I couldn’t help myself…” Kevin stated, resuming the innocent child status.
       “You are a disgusting 10 year old! I hope the next time you and your little buddies read a porno, it bursts into flames!”  With that said, Kevin ran out of the door, giving me no time to ask questions. Amber turned around, tears building up in her eyes.
              “I’m sorry,” I apologized sympathetically. It must have been hell kissing my brother.
              “Ya, whatever…” She replied, grumpily.
              “Was it that bad?”
              “He tried to stick his tongue in my mouth…”
              I winced. “He’s only 10, Amber...” I tried to explain.
              “Well, for a 10 year old he knows a lot, doesn’t he?”
              “I’m sorry.”
              “Stop apologizing…I did it already, okay? Just promise me you’ll never sign me up for something like that again?” She asked.
              “I promise,” I swore.
              “So…what was the real reason I had to kiss him?”
              “I’d rather not tell you…”
       “Because if she did, all she’d get out of it was embarrassment. Something totally fair compared to what she just did.” It was that aroma; that same befuddling aroma that I couldn’t think with it surrounding me. I had grown use to his smell; the way Angelo had smelled; but this was new—very new. It was a fresher more indulging version. Frozen with anxiety, I turned around, almost staggering off the couch. Amber let out a gasp of air. What stood before us—or behind us—was a girl…the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Ringlets of blond hair fell loosely down her shoulders as she stood up straight. Cat like eyes, studied us intently, and delicate yet strong fingers wrapped themselves around bronze arms. She had a tight smile, a soft curved face. Her hazel eyes peered into me—I could almost feel them jab there way inside.
       Like I had done that first night, I shook my head vigorously, trying to get that smell away from me. And like before, it worked. I was able to think clearly. Gazing over to Amber, I could tell she had been under the same impression, still awed. She walked around the couch, her finger gliding over every inch of the material. She was playing with us. All Amber could do was turn to face her and try her best to get out of this fit. Kneeling on one knee in front of us, she raised her hand at me. I flinched and she chuckled.
       “So this must be the girl he was talking about…” She mumbled to herself.  I tried to say something, but another wave of perfume hit me, making me spiral down into confusion. Her sweet little laugh echoed in my ears. Amber wasn’t moving at all. All of a sudden, the beautiful stranger stood up and grabbed me by my chin. I tried to pull away. She was too strong, so I gritted my teeth.
       “Really, there is nothing appealing about you, actually. Mother was right. You humans are most dull.” Turning my head to the left, then to the right, she studied me, occasionally twisting a piece of my hair with her finger. Finally, she let go and the wonderful perfume left. Amber relaxed, taking a deep breath. She looked at me, her eyes full of nervousness, and then to the girl. She tightly clenched the couch. I tried to sit up straight, my leg making it barely impossible.
              “Who are you?” I asked with caution. No, she wasn’t human. She seemed stronger than Angelo.
              “No need for introductions, really. I just came here looking for someone— she tried to explain.
              “—Angelo,” I finished for her.
              “Yes,” she replied, annoyed, “So, you are the girl, aren’t you?”
              “Depends on who’s asking….” I hissed. Smiling evilly, the girl placed her hand on her knee, and then leaned over to me.
              “You don’t want to play with me…” She back lashed.
              “Aww, because that’s what I was planning, too—
              “Hope,” Amber whispered, “I don’t think it’s wise to be messing with her...”
              “Listen to your friend,” the girl warned.
       “I don’t know who you are and neither do I care to find out,” I spat, “But how dare you barge into my house and try to order us around!” I was becoming pissed at her sassy attitude. At first, she looked stunned, backing away. Then, a smile slowly crept up her face. She began to laugh heavily.
              “Huh?” I was so confused. Did she find my anger amusing?
              “I’m sorry,” she said between bursts of giggles. “I was just playing with you…”
              I slumped back, rolling my eyes. Finally, she quieted down.
              “Name’s Gella!” She chirped, taking a bow. She wore a summer dress, oddly familiar to mine in that dream—
              “That dress!” I choked.
              “Oh…this, well yes, I just loved it! I saw you wearing it, and I couldn’t help but want to wear it as well!”
              “But how?! Angelo created that dream for me…”
              “He’s my brother, silly! We’re all connected...”
       Angelo had a sister?! But how?! They looked nothing alike. With her golden hair, bronze skin and his…well…dark, curly hair and dark skin, it seemed impossible for them to be even remotely related.
              “Of course, we’re related, honey bear!” It was as if she were reading my mind!
       “Don’t call me ‘honey bear’,” I grumbled. Gella ignored me, sauntering over to my dad’s vase. “And get away from that!” I ordered. I wasn’t in the mood to have to dive.
              “Relax seaweed!”
              “Stop calling me names!”
              “Hey, Hope, I’m going to go now. Bye!” Amber said, running out.
              “See, you scared my friend…”
              “Weird, isn’t she?”
              “Weird?! You’re the one who’s acting like a little kid and—
       “Do you know where my brother is?” Gella asked in a worried tone. It was as if her mood had shifted from dangerous, to playful, to now serious.
       “No,” I replied, solemnly. I wasn’t lying and I think she could sense it. Gella walked over to me and then sat down. With her hands folded over her lap she looked at me:
              “I haven’t heard a single thought from him in days…”
              “Are you looking for him?”
       “Yes; although he’s making it hard. I became worried when I couldn’t hear anything.” She stared at me with intense eyes. Weren’t they just hazel?
              “Listen, I’d like to help, but I have no clue where your brother is. I’m only human remember?”
              “Yes, I know. But I am absolutely sure he was here. I just have to find him…”
       “Maybe he doesn’t want to be found,” I commented. If I were to have an annoying sister like Gella, I would have done the same thing as Angelo. I felt bad though, she was truly worried. He was her brother after all.
              “See!” She said.
              “Stop nosing in my thoughts!!!” I complained.
       “Sorry, it’s really hard not too. Yours just seem to be out in the wide open, unlike most people. Maybe that’s why Angelo liked you.” She winked at me. All I could do was frown.
       “Angelo is pretty strong,” she continued, playing with my hair. I slapped her away. She chuckled. “For him to block off his thoughts from me, well, I must say he’s probably been practicing.”
              “Why are you so interested in what he’s thinking?” I growled.
              All of a sudden, Gella closed in the space between us as she leaned in. Her clear eyes became suddenly dark.
       “He shouldn’t be hanging around a human—especially you,” she hissed. “You weren’t his assignment, yet he found you—I blame it on your open thoughts. I’m going to bring him back to the council…”
              “He was talking about you…”
       “Ah, so you know about him being illegal; figures that he would tell you. Yes, I’m the person looking for him.” She stopped talking, and I was soon hit with a nauseating feeling. As she started to talk again, it died down.
       “So he said it would take years? I guess my brother was wrong. I guess that’s why he learned to block his thoughts. He thought I wouldn’t be able to find him.”
              “If I were him, I would have done the same thing...’ I hissed back. I shoved her backwards. She began to giggle evilly.
              “You’ve got spunk!”
              “What?” I asked confused. Either she was bipolar or officially crazy.
              “You know what, I like you,” she laughed. “Even if you are human…”
              “I can’t say the same for you.”
              She grimaced.
       Out of no where, her hand reached out, grabbing my wrist. She then yanked me towards her. I shuddered in pain from my leg. With her so close, I could feel her cold breath on my ear.
              “You’re going to help me find him,” She whispered.

© 2008 Itislaissezfaire

Author's Note

Rough draft

My Review

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Added on July 17, 2008




I live to write. I write to live. That's just me. Writing allows me to lock onto a world that will never be; to explore the depths of imagination, and to express the ideas that I have been holding in .. more..
