A Friendly Introduction

A Friendly Introduction

A Chapter by Isolation

Meet the first characters. Learn what they look like and other characteristics.


Chapter 1

No one clearly understood this dystopian world as well as Achilles Mutilus.His dark brown hair was combed over like a proper boy. His emerald green eyes cursed this forest community that he and his family live in.His usual outfit of choice was his white button-up with his black bow tie, he wore three ear piercings along his ears. His skull and crossbones bracelet was covered most of the time by his shirt.

In this world if you disobeyed once or did something wrong you would either be tortured or killed. Forms of torture and killings varied. The most dishonorable death was to be burned, this meant you dishonored your name. Though he was good at keeping himself from trouble that was all about to change when he met her.

Caedicia Grumio, her hair as purple as wolfsbane, her glasses as black as coffee. Her blue eyes complimented her light freckles very well. Her outfit of choice was a black and white spiked choker with a skull necklace. Her black and white hoodie made her look poor, to Achilles this made no sense. Her family was of the richest, she did not obey rules and got bailed out of torture and death. She never respected anyone, she walked out of her house everyday with bruises on her face and other visible places. What he didn’t understand was that she was training in fist fighting with her brother, Jax.

Her brother had black hair as did his father, blues eyes just ran in the family. He almost always wore a brown button up with a black sweater vest. He may seem like a book worm but he will kill a man if someone hurts his family. He had been practicing in boxing for most of his life. On there way to school Caedicia walked up to Achilles, something she had never done. She talked to him the whole way to school about her training and how good she had gotten. He knew she was getting to something that was bad.

“How good are you, let me fight you.” She said with an evil smirk on her face.

“I’m fine. I don’t want to get my a*s kicked by a female.”

He just looked at her beautiful face for a second then walked away.

“Ya know walking away while someone is talking to you is rude!” She screamed at him to return to her now,” You have to obey, because you’re a good boy.”

Achilles kept walking saying nothing, his quilt of disobeying destroyed him. He knew that it  would be dishonorable  getting into a fight with a girl.

She ran up to him and grabbed him by the right shoulder and turned him around. She let go of him lifted her right arm and swung. He fell to the ground but quickly recovered wiping the blood from his busted lip. His sleeve was stained with his blood. Achilles got up in her face for a few seconds, she snickered at his effort to try and be scary.

“WHY?” His futile attempt to be aggressive was failing and even he saw it.

“It looks pretty bad” A voice from behind them said. It was her brother Jax.

“Dicia, home now. Tell mom exactly what you did wrong. Later you will come by to Achilles house and formally apologize for your actions. Then you will apologize to mom and dad for disrespecting our name”

“But- but..” Caedicia’s voice trailed off a bit as she saw the anger in her brother’s eyes.

“I teach you how to fight for self defense not for showing off. Now off you go.”

Achilles just stared at him in shock of how easily he told her what to do.

“Come now let’s get ya’ cleaned up.” He walked him to school and to the nurse, Jax explained everything while he was getting his busted lip taken care of.

Later that day when he was walking home he saw Jax walking with the older kids who would bully him all the time. He walked as fast as he could away from them with his head bowed and his binder covering his face. Achilles walked home everyday, he walked about 30 minutes everyday because he lived a little farther from school than most kids. He didn’t mind because it kept him in shape.

When he got home he saw that the Grumio’s car was in his driveway, he sighed and thought to himself,” She better not lie about this.”

As he walked in he saw Jax and Caedicia waiting in his living room while his parents were out of sight.  He sat in the love seat his parents had recently just bought. He stared into Caedicia’s dead eyes, Jax looked over to Achilles and nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen. He noticed their parents were in there. Achilles bowed his head once more. Looking at the ground he noticed Caedicia’s feet were constantly moving as if she were nervous. Being respectful he kept his mouth shut.

After a little while both parents walked out,”Achilles, I would like to apologize for Caedicia and they way she acted, if needed I will pay for your medical bills.” Mr.Grumio looked at his wife as she was still talking to the mother. Mr. Grumio told Jax to get in the car. 30 minutes had passed and the Grumio family had left, his mother walked up to him.

“Achilles, thank you for not losing your cool and that Grumio girl. Unfortunately we have been invited to dinner tomorrow night at the Grumio residence.” His mother said as she was sighing.

“No problem mom, I know my manors unlike her. She should have been killed already with the way she acts. She lashed out at the teacher last week and he let it sled because her father is loaded.  It just makes me mad because if I did that I would be dragged off and killed.”

“Please don’t talk like that. You know how their family is, they have eyes and ears everywhere. If their ‘spies’ find out what we are saying it is straight to the gallows with us.” His father said while walking out the roast chicken his mother had prepared.

The next morning he was getting ready for school when he got a text message from Jax it read”Hey Caedicia said she is sorry and will be apologizing later at school today.” he replied back with an okay and hopped in the shower. He slipped his silk pyjamas off and revealed his 4 pack and his biceps, he turned on the water to warm and stepped in. He took a shower for 20 minutes when he got out he dressed his busted lip changed into his usual outfit of choice and headed out for school.

While he was walking he saw Jax in the distance with Caedicia, Jax ran up to him and dragged Caedicia with him,”Go on Dicia.”

Caedicia spoke,”I’m sorry for showing off and busting your lip…” her voice was trailing off.,”It’ll leave a nice scar though.” she broke out a smile and laughed a bit as she was looking at his lip.

“It’s fine you were just trying to show me how good you were at this fighting stuff and I ignored you.” He looked at Jax after he said these words and they all started walking together to school from that day forward.

© 2017 Isolation

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Added on October 6, 2017
Last Updated on October 6, 2017



Glenwood, MN

I am 14 years old and I love to write. The stories I post will be fragments of the real thing. I know not many people will view them but these stories hold a very special place in my heart. Please enj.. more..

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A Poem by Isolation