

A Story by Isidora

D'Renio of the House of Dreygas, Leilana, the Eldest of Dark Ones, and their poisoned love.


Pain, swirling dots, a rainbow of agony dancing before me; I feel sick again, but it’s different this time. Something that doesn’t belong is in my blood, killing me.



I turn my head, and there you are, watching me, your face uncovered and blanketed with a smile. My love, you whisper, the hiss and accent grating on my nerves. I want to move, away from you, but nothing seems to work anymore.



You take my head and cradle it in your lap, your claws slightly scraping my scalp as you pet my hair. Why were you never this gentle when I was yours? Wh-what are you…


A soft giggle, and I see the little girl still in you, bent and stripped of innocence. I give you the promise of the Favored Consort... Your claws dance over my cheek in a mocking caress, but all I can do is stare up at you, my stomach twisting. I c-can not-



Don’t be silly. I haven’t seen you this happy, or smile this much, since Eldest Ruby died. Why are you so happy? Why are you doing this to me? You press your lips to mine, and I all I see is her. She’s waiting for me at home… L-Leilana, let me g-go, pl-please…



You stare at me, and you know exactly what I’m thinking. I know it, your eyes always clouded like that when you were angry, turning like the sky turns colors. She doesn’t matter anymore, dear one, you whisper, your voice light, but do you think I can’t hear your jealousy?


I can feel the sharpest pains in my neck, but I still can’t move away. We’ll be together in the end, my king… More poison, sharp and painful, begins pounding in my body; I can’t change, I can’t move, I can only stare up into your eyes, hoping you will take pity on me. How ridiculous a thought...



Your smiling face, hard but soft, angry but loving, is the last I see before your darkness takes me.

© 2008 Isidora

Author's Note

It's crap, yes, I know. I just need to write more Der/Leilana interaction so I can figure them out better for the stories I'm (eventually) going to write.

My Review

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Are you shitting me? This was not crappy at all!

I totally love this piece, it feels really feel to me.

This was totally warm and I enjoyed it.


Posted 16 Years Ago

Is D'Renio's gal ELEMIAH!? :) I thought so, but I'm not entirely sure... OH! Or is it Raziel? *ROFL* Sorry, had to go there xD Wonderful imagery, and wonderful story line :) I liked it so much i eated it! :3 *belch*

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

oh my gosh! My soul is in tears! I am dry, because of my happiness for this poem, though. It's warm, but violent, like the weather. Natural disasters, straight up.

Posted 16 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

>: Der is awesome. Also she's crazy and stuff. She actually kind of reminds me of Silver, in the way that she just won't let go of him

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on May 25, 2008
Last Updated on May 25, 2008



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