![]() Twenty-twoA Chapter by IsemayBoth Ossa and Ellus tasted her food before Marravae was permitted to. It was a modest meal though there was enough for all of them to eat, a soft unleavened bread topped with melted cheese, hot water with bitters, and a simple vegetable soup. After the first mouthful she found that she was ravenous. Her appetite seemed to meet with Ellus’ approval. “Don’t eat too much, your Highness, but it’s a good sign.” He gave Gaeleath a smile and a nod. “The worst should be past now. She should sleep well tonight and be ready to travel, if they allow it, in the morning.” “We’re grateful to you for your help.” Gaeleath returned the smile. “I am proud to be able to offer it.” A knock came at the door as they were finishing their meal. Before it could be answered, it opened and King Merin, Prince Myrin, and a few of the Cuphisian healers stepped in making the room feel crowded. “I hope the second meal met with your approval? I gave the command that anyone adding anything to your food or drink should be flogged.” King Merin eyed the remains of the modest meal. “It was simple and clean.” Gaeleath inclined his head. “My sister ate well and Ellus believes-” “I would have you stay a few days longer to be certain of her health before you go. Your servants will be the ones to handle your meals if you prefer it that way and her ladies in waiting are welcome to remain with her as she pleases.” Her brother narrowed his eyes but before he could say anything else the King raised his hand, “It would be foolish to travel with her so soon after she was so ill. I cannot send you and risk her health deteriorating by the time you reach your home. A few days will harm nothing and perhaps some things can be mended in that short time. “No malice was intended and my daughter has been thoroughly scolded for her foolish attempt to help. She’ll be going to visit her mother’s family in the morning to set your minds at ease.” “My dove…” Myrin took a seat on the foot of the bed and offered a conciliatory smile, “What I did, trying to give your brother the sleeping drops I’d brought for myself, was foolish, beyond foolish. I am truly regretful for all of it. If I had known you would drink the glass I poured for him I would never have done it. Nor would I have joined you in bed if I had known you… that you weren’t quite yourself. I can only beg your forgiveness.” “Why were you in my tent?” Marravae frowned at him. “It wasn’t appropriate.” “No, forgive me. I brought the drops because I have trouble sleeping and I came in to get them. I take them in a little bit of Zophin. You looked so unbearably beautiful as you lay sleeping that I couldn’t resist. Perhaps I should have known something was amiss when you were so easily persuaded after our little quarrel but I swear to you, my dove, I didn't poison you or give you any drink to make you more receptive to my advances. “Whatever penance is required for my poor behavior, I promise you, I will perform it and I will gladly go on a hunt with you and your father and cover myself in glory to prove my worthiness whether or not Volas gives you Bridgeburn as a wedding gift. All I ask is the chance to make amends.” His reasonable tone and the hopefulness of his expression made her feel uncertain. She looked over at her brother who was wearing the same calm, composed expression he wore when playing Fyra. There was more happening than she was seeing. Turning her eyes back to the Cuphisian Prince thoughtfully, Marravae gave a slight inclination of her head. “My temper has begun to cool, Myrin but…” “No one has called for the arrangement to be put aside entirely,” Gaeleath spoke with calm assurance. “We appreciate that you are making an effort to prove to us that the incidences of tainted food and drink were not deliberate or malicious. It doesn’t change the truth of what we discussed earlier. If my sister does not return home after all of what has gone on in Prince Volas’ presence he will assume she has been forced.” King Merin lifted his hand again. “I agree. My son needed to offer his apologies to his future bride and gaining some small measure of her forgiveness will ease his pain at having accidentally made her ill. Perhaps it may also ease her mind about the character of the man she will be marrying.” He smiled coolly at her brother and she felt a twinge of nervousness. Her brother, however, returned the smile with a dip of his head. “The healers will make certain the Princess and the Lady who had an unfortunate reaction to the first meal are well and then retire. I’ve arranged a place for the Arek healer with them so that the ladies are unbothered by men in the night and they can all return in the morning since you’re so fond of the man.” “Arek healers are much like Cemiri healers. We favor many of the same remedies and there is a familiarity of demeanor that makes his presence comforting.” “How so?” One of the Cuphisian healers looked baffled. “You defer to us and suggest choices, an Arek or Cemiri healer is deferred to and they don’t suggest, they command.” Marravae couldn’t hold back a smile at the proud grin on the Arek’s face and the baffled looks of the Cuphisians. “It’s true.” “It makes him seem certain and our healers seem uncertain in comparison.” King Merin’s expression became amused. “I understand now how he would be more of a comfort in a time of illness. “Perhaps, if your meal has been finished, I might impose on you, Prince Gaeleath, to reassure the Cemiri servants and the Lady who has been attempting to make arrangements for your travel tomorrow?” Her brother inclined his head and then came to give her a kiss on the top of hers. “Sleep well. I’ll be back in the morning.” “I will. Let Anrae look after you?” Gaeleath laughed quietly and gave her a second kiss on the head. “I will.” She tried not to grit her teeth as Myrin came to her as well and kissed her hands. “Sleep well, my dove.” Her response was a polite inclination of her head. Once the King and both Princes had left, the healers looked both her and Aleesia over before leaving as well. Ossa dragged a chair in front of the door before they began to change into their night clothes. “Do you think they’ll uphold the arrangement?” Aleesia asked in a hushed tone as they all settled into bed. “I don’t know. I suspect not but…” She reached her hand under her pillow to find the knife safely hidden there for her peace of mind. “You were the most wronged,” Ossa whispered. “If they can have you agree that the matter isn’t so serious it can be brushed aside. I think they intend to keep you until you do.” “I think you’re right.” Marravae shivered and both of her ladies in waiting moved a little closer. “Are you cold?” “No, I… I’m just nervous I think.” “I’ve never known you to be so uncertain and nervous.” Aleesia squeezed her and she shivered again. “Earlier when I had lain down to rest I couldn’t stop shivering.” Marravae sat up feeling confined and suffocated for a moment. “Ellus made me walk-” “For hours, I remember.” Aleesia climbed out of bed and helped her get out also. “A few minutes of walking might do you good.” “Do the windows open?” Ossa leapt up and began trying them finally forcing two of them wide and letting cool fresh air into the room. “Some air may help.” “Air would be wonderful.” Marravae walked to the window and breathed deeply before resuming her pacing. © 2021 Isemay |
By Isemay
By Isemay
By Isemay
By Isemay
By Isemay
By IsemayAuthor |