![]() TwentyA Chapter by IsemayWatching and waiting as Lady Aleesia sampled the tea, soup, and bread sent for his sister made Gaeleath as nervous as the approaching nightfall. The likelihood that he would be prompted out of her room for propriety’s sake was every bit as real as the threat of poison. “Does anything taste peculiar? Sour? Unpleasantly bitter?” Ellus sniffed at the food and tea that Aleesia had sampled and tasted them himself as she looked uncertain. “I can’t tell if it’s Cuphisian cooking or-” Ellus spat the soup into a napkin. “The tea is acceptable, the soup is tainted with something.” Marravae’s grip on his hand tightened and a glance at his sister’s furious face told him that she’d be insisting they left at dawn. “How are you feeling, Aleesia?” Gaeleath eyed the Lady with concern. “I don’t feel ill yet that’s why I was uncertain. The bread doesn’t taste right to me either but all the bread they’ve given us has been similar to it.” The Arek smelled it and cautiously tore off a bite before chewing it and spitting it out. “There’s a sourness to it. I can’t place the herbs they’ve used.” A knock came at the door and Myrin stepped in with a smile. “I wanted to see-” “How I felt after the poisoned meal?” Marravae gave him a dangerous look and gestured to Aleesia, “If she dies or falls horribly ill I will-” “I promise you the food is clean!” Myrin held up his hands and moved to where Aleesia still sat with the meal. “I’ll taste it for you myself.” Gaeleath watched him carefully as he sipped the tea, took a bite of the bread, and saw the shock of recognition as he tasted the soup. The Cuphisian swallowed it and then shook his head. “I apologize for the mistake, it seems the meal intended for my sister with her evening draught, intended for her health, was brought to you by mistake. It should not make the Lady ill and it should not have harmed Princess Marravae but I will have something clean brought at once.” “Our servants will oversee the meal preparations.” Gaeleath spoke firmly. “I would have only our servants touch her food.” Myrin inclined his head though he looked as if he wished to argue. “I will send them to you so that you may give the command yourself and I will have the kitchens opened to them.” He stalked out looking as if he intended to strangle someone. “I think that answers the question of whether Myrae was attempting to help us or harm you.” Gaeleath muttered half under his breath. “That may be the evening draught to keep her from bearing her brother’s children. She suggested that you be given it when they came to speak to us earlier and the healers said that women with your sensitivities sometimes react to it as if it were a deadly poison.” “They came to speak to us?” Marravae looked at him with concern. “I have never known you to sleep so deeply as you did earlier. I spoke to King Merin, and both Myrin and Myrae. You didn’t wake until Ellus came and forced you to.” She closed her eyes and looked a little ill. “They give their women small doses of poison to empty their wombs of unwanted children.” Ellus tilted Aleesia’s face up and checked her eyes and then opened her mouth to look into it. “It’s customarily a small dose and I think you had very little of it. Vomiting may still be wise.” The woman nodded nervously and the Arek helped her to the empty basin and, after several fruitless attempts, managed to use the handle of a spoon to make her retch. Marravae prodded him and Gaeleath rose to pour some of the now cool water into the cup his sister had been drinking from earlier. He passed it to Ellus. Another brief knock came at the door and it opened with one of his servants and a Cuphisian healer. The Cuphisian looked horrified and rushed to Aleesia who was now shivering and catching her breath over the basin. “She should lie down-” “I will tend to them.” Ellus gave the man a scowl. Speaking to the servant, Gaeleath used their own tongue. “Only our servants touch the food for Princess Marravae and tell the others, Ladies and servants, to be wary of what comes from the kitchens. We want to leave in the morning and it seems Princess Myrae is either trying to help her brother keep us here or to harm her Highness. Harming her Ladies would harm my sister and we will not leave any of you behind.” The man bowed with a grim expression on his face. “I’ll see to it, your Highness.” Ellus was speaking to the Cuphisian healer over the soup and handing him the spare spoon as the servant left. The man tasted it and frowned. “I suspect it was a larger dose in the soup than customary.” “It shouldn’t have been in the soup at all.” “I agree. Allow me to take this to his Majesty. The Lady should rest and recover. Cemiri women seem more sensitive to these draughts than Cuphisian women but it shouldn’t harm her.” “Take it.” Gaeleath inclined his head. “And inform his Majesty that I wish to leave with my sister, her ladies in waiting, and our servants in the morning.” The Cuphisian bowed before he took the tray. Ellus opened the door for him. As the man left, Gaeleath heard a familiar voice. “I don’t care what your orders were. I am Lady Ossa of Sey and you will allow me to go to their Highnesses!” Gaeleath stepped into the doorway, “Our servants and my sister’s Ladies should not be denied entry.” He held out his hand and Ossa took it, brushing past the guards on her way in. As he closed the door she hurried to Aleesia. “Anrae and I came with the servant when he was summoned. He told us the food had been poisoned and you were ill when he came out. Anrae is going to organize everything for us to leave so that Prince Gaeleath doesn’t have to leave her Highness and I’ll do your duty as taster for the next meal brought.” “I believe Prince Myrin intended to escort me out after my sister finished her meal.” He glanced at Marravae and she was scowling at the door. “I won’t leave.” Ellus spoke firmly. “I suspect that I wouldn’t be allowed back.” “If they press us both into it by pleading for propriety…” Gaeleath shook his head, “I would have you go back to Prince Volas if you can and inform him of my sister’s health and our desire to leave, among other things. I’ll leave my knife with Marravae. May the Gods help anyone who tries to force her to do anything she doesn’t wish to.” The Arek smiled grimly and nodded. “We’ll stay.” Aleesia stepped to the bed and sat on it, she and Ossa wore serious expressions. “If her Highness-” “Stay. Please.” Marravae smiled warmly at the woman. “I’ll feel safer with you both sharing the bed with me.” “I’ll have our night clothes fetched when they bring the food.” Ossa looked relieved. © 2021 Isemay |
By Isemay
By Isemay
By Isemay
By Isemay
By Isemay
By IsemayAuthor |