Lords Of Misrule

Lords Of Misrule

A Poem by The Iron Horseman

A caustic comment on the mess our so-called leaders are making of our world.


What do you do when your leaders don't lead?

When they govern by media manipulation?

Doesn't it just make your heart bleed,

That their idea of truth is misrepresentation?

When they buy a television network,

To promulgate their lies,

Then resort to wet work,

To shore up their alibis,

Their lack of credibility with their knee-jerk

Should come as no surprise.

When the supposedly different parties,

All sing the same self-serving song,

And there are no more red and blue smarties,

Something is very clearly wrong.

Is it any wonder

So many choose not to vote?

When a crime is passed off as a blunder,

It sticks in the common man's throat.

Corruption is so endemic,

It's no longer worthy of note.

The politicians spew their polemic,

Then they turn their coat.

Disillusionment is rife,

The citizen has no redress.

Lack of representation leads to strife,

Where that goes is anyone's guess.

Did I say I had the answers?

I'm sorry to say I don't.

But if you;re looking for politicians to solve this,

I'm pretty damn sure they won't.

They are the Lords Of Misrule,

The disease, not the cure.

The jokers, the fools,

The pathologically impure.

And we elected them!

© 2018 The Iron Horseman

© 2018 The Iron Horseman

Author's Note

The Iron Horseman
Just pointing a finger at those responsible for the mess our world is currently in!

My Review

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Reading this, I was musing that things haven’t changed much since the medieval age, have they? Then people were sucked and looted openly by unscrupulous rulers, now we have the same stuff ongoing in the name democracy in civilised societies. At least there was more honesty then!

The power nexus is a powerful one, involving the politicians, media barons, industrialists and even opinion makers with high corruption at all its levels. It’s more evil and indestructible than anything we have ever faced. I’m afraid, common people and their votes are just a small part of greater dynamics.

You write with a lot of clarity and great, flowing rhymes. I loved it.


Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you, Kitty Kat. You are absolutely right - we are the serfs in the medieval system and the pre.. read more


Hot topic for me especially in Australia personally. Nice wording and flow used.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

I'm not surprised that you have the same problems in Oz, Declan. We have a useless wet for a Prime M.. read more
Your words. Hard and true. We elected our leaders. I told people. Someone voted for men with self-greed as their goals. Powerful and worthwhile words shared my friend.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you, Coyote. Have a Happy Christmas, my friend.
Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

You are welcome my friend.
What a great write, message so well conveyed. I do believe this may be the first of yours I have read, so I am delighted to come across a quality poem. It's not just your side of the pond that has this problem, we have a fair share of it ourselves. Politicians elected to do a job who then decide they know better and the electorate are too stupid to know what they voted for. Maybe we should have another referendum because it didn't go the way we planned it.? What sort of message does that give out for democracy? A powerful write. Thank you and all good wishes.


Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you, Chris, for this wonderful review. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

Many thank yous, and Merry Christmas also to you and yours.
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Clever, biting, on-point title and poem my friend. Every line here is a sharply and masterfully honed diatribe against the pompous megalomaniacs in power now. I love the movement, fierceness and the power of your words and rhyme. The “Lords of Misrule” they truly are. And the last line Is the brilliant kicker. Bravo Iron Horseman- your point is well-made!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you very much for this great review, Annette. I think your 'pompous megalomaniacs' sums them u.. read more
Annette Pisano-Higley

6 Years Ago

We have a bad-tempered child at the wheel of government. Your poem is spot-on and honest my friend. .. read more
The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you for your best wishes.
But don't lean on that bad tempered child belief too hard; I .. read more
Hahahaha as the saying goes "the rich only get richer" and all the rich happen to be at top (money buys followers; so much for the common folk like us for a chance) and when they get up there, their greedy noses poke into all of the other countires businesses and stir trouble. Sigh... And we pay for their actions while they throw money in the air and walk off. Theyre nothing but lying cheating cowards hiding behind benjamins and dollar bills!!!! Making the rules to own us and for their benefit! Its a pick your poison in the elections! Pick the least of the evils! And what do our taxes get them? Gold plated certificates to act like world class jerks!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

I couldn't agree more, my friend! We are the sheep and they are shearing us!

6 Years Ago

Yeah! Thats a perfect description!
I took a political science class in the late 1970's & the teacher described this exact mess that we are in . . . he showed it, step by step, how we were first going down this crooked path where democracy would no longer represent the people, but instead big money & big corporations. Now it's many times worse than we could've imagined. All the while we told ourselves that we were alot better off than many of the countries we go in & screw up with our military might. Oh I need to shut up now. I admire you for saying this like it's a worldwide problem . . . in many ways it is, but I tend to believe that the USA has taken this to it's most unimaginable extreme becuz of the prez that most of this country did NOT vote for. I love what you're saying but now I'm even more disappointed (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Wow! What a great reaction, Margie. Like your teacher, I have been predicting this mess for a very l.. read more

6 Years Ago

Every single day I have to bolster myself against the deep revulsion I feel . . . my upbeat writings.. read more
The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

I know what you mean. It would be so very easy to drown in the morass! But you, my friend, glow like.. read more
lots of blame to go around isn't there ;( ... idiot that i am i will hold to hope .. and once the elections are over ... they are over ... i don't listen to any main stream news .. radio news and live coverage of House and Senate activities are where i go ... i don't believe anything on-line at all ... i vote for the one that is promising to do things i agree with ... then i pray for them .. whoever is elected ... what they do certainly effects everyone ... i think it is more than just our leaders, however ... i must include those who slant the "news" and have no opposing views presented in the "commentary" programs ... and us ... who allow "passion" to be whipped into mindless acceptance and rude, vulgar and many times violent behavior ... spewing hate, innuendo and all the slanted truths believed ... pitiful ... OK .. i think me blood pressure is up ... going to go take a couple of my natural herb Valerian ;) nice rant my friend .. emotive to the teeth .. has very easy rhythm ... i like the use of line, space and font .. it all works

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you, Noodle Monster! I love your rant in response, too. It does make you feel totally powerles.. read more
Einstein Noodle

6 Years Ago

maybe they should have children together bruuuuuuuuuahahahaha! ... seriously tho .. i does make me f.. read more
History repeating it's over and over again. The rich ruling us all. And the masses being falls. Great poem. And televisions and radio shows are a great way for us to get fooled by their lies exactly.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you, Dawn.
I usually don't like political poems but this one's very true and I actually like it a lot, good job

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Thank you, my Freaky friend. Strangely enough, I am not a political person, but things have deterior.. read more
Ghost writer

6 Years Ago

Well put, I agree
You have the same problem in America as we have in Britain.
Crap politicians who take the money but aren't up to the job.
But heah, you've got a caravan heading your way. The military on standby to blow them away.
We're still trying to get out of Europe whilst the bloody liberals are trying to keep us in.
It's a mad world we live in.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Blowing right past the fact that I am in Canada, not America, (thank god, given the Trump menace), I.. read more
Paul Bell

6 Years Ago

Mind you, pretty boy isn't any better.
Don't you panic a bit living next door to trump.
The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

I agree with you - the pretty little rich boy is as wet as a yard of pump water! And yes, the idea o.. read more

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12 Reviews
Added on November 9, 2018
Last Updated on November 9, 2018
Tags: politicians, politics, leadership failure, government, satire, poem, poetry, misrepresentation, corruption


The Iron Horseman
The Iron Horseman


Aspiring new writer. I enjoy writing stories, poems and song lyrics. In fact most of my poems are song lyrics! All constructive input is welcome. If you think something sucks, tell me so. I won't be o.. more..


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