Prattnoy The Fratboy

Prattnoy The Fratboy

A Poem by The Iron Horseman

A sarcastic sideswipe at an elitist part of the education system that many of us have come to despise.


Prattnoy The Frat Boy, crass and cruel,

Convinced he's smart while he acts the fool.

Bullying the boys, hassling the women,

Never in class, always gone swimming.

Struts through the quad, nose in the air,

With his preppy clothes and his blow-dried hair.

Believes his own legend, thinks he's a big deal,

There's nothing inside but soggy oatmeal.

He travels in packs so he can act tough,

But catch him alone, he doesn't have the stuff.

Drives a flashy new car but can't stay on the road,

He's all surface gloss, with the soul of a toad.

Breezes through college with all perfect 'A's,

Dumb as dirt, but Dad always pays.

Cheats on his finals, still produces dreck,

Passes anyway when Dad writes another big cheque.

Goes out with his mates, to celebrate,

Walks in the wrong bar, finds out too late.

Meets a working stiff who doesn't like his kind,

Knows he thinks he's tough, decides to change his mind.

Puts Prattnoy down without breaking a sweat,

Then puts down his friends, just for a bet.

Prattnoy ends up in the Emergency ward,

Wondering what the hell happened, he hadn't even scored.

Did Prattnoy learn his lesson then?

No, he did it again and again.

Spread nothing but pain and aggravation,

All courtesy of 'A University Education'.

Phi Beta Kappa -

Flush it down the crapper!

© 2018 The Iron Horseman

© 2018 The Iron Horseman

Author's Note

The Iron Horseman
Some stereotypes exist for very good reasons!

My Review

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Featured Review

I was already in love with this just from the title, but as I read on, your quippy trippy tirade really hit the spot as we endure all these swamp creatures now running our country instead of draining the swamp. I really love this whole scene, which could be taken from any number of my own vintage stories! Excellent rhyme, rhythm & scads of sass! Keep making us laugh! (((HUGS))) fondly, Margie

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thanks, Margie. I was trying for a combination of humor and vitriol. I heartily dislike this variety.. read more


You are right. Money can buy you education. But one day. You must have some brains to survive.. Thank you my friend for sharing the logical and wise thoughts.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thank you, Coyote. I hope it made you smile too - that's what it was intended to do! :)
Coyote Poetry

7 Years Ago

It did and you are welcome my friend.
The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Good........ :)
ahahahaha i especially enjoy the voice i hear in your closing ..too many Universities have flushed the good life of our Republic down the leftist political correctness crapper! i never got involved in the frat scene but i recognize those boys when i read them in your poem ... met some in the Navy too.... still unable to learn the lesson ;) so much wasted energy to keep such a front up ...and those "buddies" always drift away in time .... seems the memories they hold would be pretty empty ...

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thanks, EN. Yes, these guys crop up everywhere and they are never anything less than obnoxious.
Awesome write! This was entertaining from start to finish... the tempo was perfection for the subject! I've known a couple of guys like this in my day, luckily, I was always the "working stiff" in the equation. Lol

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thanks, Travis. In that case, keep up the good work! Lol.
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hahahaha! Awesome! Call those kinda boys 'coyotes". Only tough in a pack.
A kush life means they'll never be bad enough for the real deal working class!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Glad you liked it, BBP. You are right about that - they never can cut it, but they sure do make a lo.. read more

7 Years Ago

Too much noise! lol
This is really well done. You certainly turn a phrase. I like the scathing quality in this.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thanks, NG. Scathing says it well!

7 Years Ago

I always admire the rhyming in your offerings. I completely suck at it. Were I to be forced to rhyme.. read more
The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

:D. To each their own, my friend. We all have different talents. It's what makes life so interesting.. read more
The title totally drew me in and then the poem exceeded my expectations! Seriously, it is such a fun concept and it is well executed. There are a few ending lines that feel a bit awkward but are ultimately funny. Good job!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thank you, Ellen. Glad you liked it.
I was already in love with this just from the title, but as I read on, your quippy trippy tirade really hit the spot as we endure all these swamp creatures now running our country instead of draining the swamp. I really love this whole scene, which could be taken from any number of my own vintage stories! Excellent rhyme, rhythm & scads of sass! Keep making us laugh! (((HUGS))) fondly, Margie

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thanks, Margie. I was trying for a combination of humor and vitriol. I heartily dislike this variety.. read more
Should make this into a party political broadcast.
Unfortunately, the clowns that its aimed at wouldn't realise it was about them.
Still, hope it was a good punch.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

Thanks, Paul. Which party. though? The a*s-hats? :)
Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Just class them all as a*s hats.
The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

You got that right!
Well, where else would we find these brilliant politicians???

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

7 Years Ago

The dog pound? :)

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9 Reviews
Added on February 23, 2018
Last Updated on March 17, 2018
Tags: irony, humour, humor, satire, elitism, natural justice, education, politics, bad behaviour, privilege


The Iron Horseman
The Iron Horseman


Aspiring new writer. I enjoy writing stories, poems and song lyrics. In fact most of my poems are song lyrics! All constructive input is welcome. If you think something sucks, tell me so. I won't be o.. more..


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