![]() to dustA Poem by Seth Armstrong![]() a poem about drowning.![]() Rippling threads of
countless memories Swirling ceaselessly on
the water at my feet Rising in glory like
flaming whips; but all the more vibrant, fraught with far more
passion And love. Weedy-green sea stalks With secrets to a severed
past Lie languid at the
bottom, beneath the golden crystalline
glass surface. Endearing and singing,
they entreat me; pull them up! pull them up!
Release them from these
muddy banks! Twist them, pull them,
grind them, crush them; grab them and yank; grit your teeth and tear; leave not ’til these muddy
banks lie bare. The waves lap at my feet
like fire, the coldest flames ever
borne. Above the water, the
broken clouds scream: a warning of encouragement, a chanting of death; a music of fire from the depths of my
heart-- yet deeper still; a source unknown, A Silencing Threat. The water engulfs my
feet, swallows my legs; to my hips, to my chest; up the shoulders, to the lips; into the nose And over the ears; swallow the head, the tips of the hair. Enveloping me in that muddy realm. Yank and pull, grind and scream; these roots run deeper Than I could ever dream. Yet pull and pull with grace long lost, with hope now drowned, with heart of fickle
frowns. Each tug turns weak, each effort, travail; fire fighting and yet fleeting; and there I stand
drowning, Pit against a foe Whose enmity runs too
deep. The broken clouds scream
once more, But nothing shall pierce
this muddy veil. All light fleets and fades, all strength fails and
wanes. “All lovers young, All lovers must Consign to thee, And come to dust.” The cold waxes, then
wanes; a warmth flickers, and
endures until the final throes, Until The End Of Time. Another yank, another
pull; another weakness, Another
failure. Grip slackens, water
fills; vision fades to dust. © 2019 Seth Armstrong |