My mind just imploded with the imagery, and the symbolism, and the metaphors, and all those other lovely things that you managed to cram about 457298457249 of into 24 (I'm bad at counting, so I could be off) words.
I'm just not going to comment on how brilliant you are anymore.
But this poem. It could mean so many different things depending on who you are and what your story is. We all tend to mold what we experience/read to our ideas of reality and our experiences--but who's to say what the true meaning is (besides you)? Certainly not I. I'll continue completely spamming your account now...
At first, this was quite confusing to me. Upon greater pondering, I've found few intriguing meanings attached to this poem. Perhaps it's about a young lass, whom would always dance and dream of ballet, yet lost inspiration upon having her tapping shoes confiscated and wept when the dream was gone? Perhaps the shoes themselves stood for talents, any talent whatsoever. Anyhow, this is a finely crafted piece. Keep up the poems, Alyssa.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you, Tai! (as always) You have a unique way of looking at things. I honestly don't know about .. read moreThank you, Tai! (as always) You have a unique way of looking at things. I honestly don't know about the girl. Sometimes story fragments come up and they come in poetry.
again, (though redundant) thank you! You have no idea how much I appreciate this.
Alm is short for Alyssa Marie. I'm sixteen now, I don't claim to write well. I'm sorry if I review bad.
Sometimes I bake snickerdoodles, the smell of cinnamon and vanilla on my fingertips lingers... more..