Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Max entered the kitchen, opening the fridge and peering around inside. “Uh, Les, what were you planning for dinner?”

“Pancakes for the children. Some steak for us adults. Dean should be out grilling the steak for me right now,” Les responded from her seat at the island.

Max moved from the fridge to look out the window; sure enough, she could see Dean at the grill, Cas sitting nearby watching.

“Where did Sam and Bai wrangle all the children at? In the playroom or something?” Les asked, looking over to Alyssa.

“I think they’re in the playroom...” Alyssa said. She sat at the table, mixing a bowl of pancake mix.

Leslie smirked as she watched her mix. “So, mixing that kinda hard aren’t you?”

“I got muscles, I might as well use ‘em,” Alyssa said without looking up.

“And then you can explain to all of the disappointed children when they come out flat.”

“They’re flapjacks, they’re supposed to be flat,” Alyssa argued.

“No.....” she muttered, her arms crossed. Not a lot of people tried to argue with her about food.

“Yeh, they are.” Alyssa said, “If they aren’t, why don’ we make ‘em a different way?”

“Fine. It’s not like I may know about food a little more than the rest of you,” Les sighed as she left the kitchen- to check up on the two grown ‘adults’ that were outside.

“What’s up to Les?” Dean asked his youngest sister, as he turned to look at her.

“Nothing really. I just needed some fresh air,” she said softly. “What’s up Cas?” she asked, as she looked over at the dark haired blue eyed man.

“Nothing. Talking.” Cas shrugged.

“Hmm. I don’t think you’d be the two who would talk in adultlike ways.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Cas asked.

“You are so childlike, especially around Dean,” Les said.


“Uggggggg. Go help Max. I want to talk with my brother.”

Groaning, Cas stood up and went into the kitchen.

“What do you want to talk about?” Dean asked Les.

“Just stuff.”

Dean turned to look at her. “What kind of stuff?”

“What did you think about my choice to adopt a child, instead of just remarrying?” Leslie asked, hugging herself nervously.

“I guess if you want to. It’s better than risking yourself again.” Dean clapped his mouth shut and stared at the meat.

Les sighed. “Not very helpful you know, but thanks anyways.”

“You’re welcome,” Dean mumbled.

“So how are you and Alyssa since you two had the baby?”

“Um, good, I guess....”

She snorted. “Well, could you play catch with Danny later. He looks up to you, you know?”

“He does?” Dean asked, surprised.

“Wow.......not one for the details, dude,” she said, with a happy light in her eyes, “but, yes he does. You are not only just an uncle to him but a father figure too. Just don’t think that’s weird or anything.”

“No, it’s...fine. You all looked up to me anyway.” Dean remarked.

“True. True,” Les said, “Well I am going to go help Sam and Bai inside.”

“All right,” Dean said. “This stuff’s almost done, so tell Max to hurry it up.”

“Oh, do you really want me to tell her that?” Les asked as she started to walk back inside.


“Fine. You can take out her anger when she realizes that you told me to tell her,” Les muttered.

“What?” Max asked as Leslie walked in, looking up from the stove. Cas was leaning on the counter next to her.

“Um. I was told to tell you to hurry up, by you know who.”

Max frowned. “Uh-huh. Tell him I don’t take instructions from him anymore.”

“Oh, is that an order?” Leslie said, raising an eyebrow. “Y’all know that this is my house right?”

“Yeah. But you love me.” Max grinned in an overly sweet way at her sister.

“Love you...maybe. Just don't order me ‘round in my house no more,” Les said as she walked from the kitchen, towards the sound of screaming children.

“Maybe ten more minutes!” Max called as she flipped another pancake.

“Aunt Leslie!” came a child’s voice- one out of four children.

“Yes....?” Les answered.

Levi ran up and hugged her knees. “Play with me?” he asked.

“Course,” she said softly, smiling down at her nephew. Levi let go of her legs and grabbed her hand, pulling her over to a pile of Legos. Les let him pull her, and she sat down once they reached the legos.

“What do you want to build?” she asked him.

“A tower!” he exclaimed, his blue eyes lighting up with excitement. “A really big one!”

She smiled, her green eyes shining. “Okay, we shall make a big tower then.”

Sam and Baillie who were sitting playing with Becky and Belle in the corner. They looked up but then went back to playing. Levi pushed a pile of Legos towards his Aunt Les, smiling. He had already started his tower, three or four small pieces stacked together.

Les smiled seeing it. She looked at the Legos in front of her and reached out and started to stack a few of them together. Levi giggled and placed a few more on top of hers. “Like this!” he said proudly.

“Okay,” she said, reaching out for some more.

It was at Max’s call for dinner that Les stood back from the tower Levi and she had created. It was a good size for being built in just ten minutes. Levi grabbed Les’s hand. “You’re a good builder,” he told her matter-of-factly.

“As are you. You ready for dinner?” she asked him.

Sam and Baillie had already started to lead the other two children down to the dining room. Levi nodded. “Okay.” he smiled.

She smiled back down at him and took his hand. She bent down and picked him up and said, “Let’s not tell your Mommy that I did this.”

Levi wrapped his arms around her neck and laughed. “Okay, Aunt Lesie.”

She ruffled his hair and started to leave the room, shutting the light off after she walked out. “You ready to have some pancakes?”

“Pancakes, yeah!”

“Come on!” Levi’s twin Becky called up the stairs, “You’re taking for-eveeeer.”

Leslie rolled her eyes slightly. “We’re coming. We’re coming.”

“Yeah, Becky.” Levi put in, giggling at his aunt’s expression.

Sam’s voice echoed upstairs, “Come on Beck! You’ll lose your spot at the table!”

“Coming Uncle Sammy!” Becky called and disappeared back down the stairs.

Les followed Becky down the stairs and set Levi down on the floor. “Go on, Levi. I’ll follow you.” Without a word, Levi raced down the hall as fast as his short legs could carry him.

Les smiled as she watched him go. Sam chuckled, “You’re good with him, Les. I think you’re his favorite aunt.”


Max pushed past them, holding plates of pancakes. Alyssa followed, holding drinks, and Cas was right behind them with a tray of steaks. “‘Scuse me, food coming through!” she said.

Les smiled. “Well at least today, I didn’t have to serve.”

“Ha, ha, very funny Leslie,” Max said dryly as she went through the door to the dining room.

She laughed and said, “But hey, I was playing with your children while you did so. So it’s a fair trade.”

“I can’t talk to you when you’re in another room!” Max called, “Come in here already, we’re waiting.”

Leslie just laughed and walked in after Sam and Baillie. Max, Cas, and Alyssa had put the food they were carrying down on the table. Alyssa was in the corner holding baby Bobbie, and Cas and Max were serving the twins. Sam was handing Danny and Belle a plate of pancakes- though Danny was complaining that he wasn’t a child anymore and should have the grown up food. “Come and join the party!” Alyssa said, smiling as she prepared a bottle for Bobbie.

Les smiled and went over to Danny, whispering into his ear. After she stepped away, he quieted down.

“Come on ‘Lyss, come sit down with us,” Les said as she left the kiddos at their table.

“All right, all right.” Alyssa stood up and joined the other adults at the table, holding Bobbie delicately.

Sam and Bai sat next to each other, as Dean walked over to Alyssa and said: “Here I can hold her while you sit down.”

“Thanks.” Alyssa passed Dean the baby and sat, pulling a plate towards her.  Dean sat beside her, and bounced Bobbie slightly, smiling lightly.

“You should eat first ‘Lyss. I can handle  Bobbie for a little while you do.”

Alyssa smiled at him. “This. This is why I love you.” She kissed him on the cheek and got herself some steak.

Baillie giggled as she watched her brother-in-law and his wife. She looked over at Sam before she reached to get herself some steak. “Hey, get me some too Bai,” Sam said, leaning back in his seat.

“Why, can’t a big boy like yourself get it yourself?” Bai joked, looking at him with shining eyes.

“Because I can’t reach,” Sam responded jokingly, stretching his fingers out in the direction of the food.

She smacked his arm and said, “Sammmmmmyyy! Noooooooooo!”

Dean looked over with a raised eyebrow, and Cas said, “ hitting at the table!”

Max snorted and smacked Cas’s arm. “Shut up and pass me the salt.”

So the meal went by with typical fashion of the Winchester family. Once the meal ended the adults were in the living room with adult beverages, while the children were in the playroom, except for Bobbie- who Dean was still holding since she was asleep.

Max shut the door to the room and curled up next to Cas. “So, how's everyone’s lives been?” she asked.

Cas wrapped an arm around Max, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

“Hectic,” Dean answered, as he set Bobbie into the playpen Les had set up.

Les, who was curled into an armchair, replied, “Normalish. I suppose. Lot more work since Danny wants to do sports now.”

“Do you object with that?” Sam asked her, as he looked over at her. He actually had to look up at her since he and Bai were sitting in front of the fireplace.

“Well, I am because I know that Pierre can find him more easily if he is out in the community doing all of these things. He found us when Danny was six,” Leslie replied to her brother’s question.

“He did?” Max asked, surprised.

“Yeah,” she said softly, staring vacantly at her hands.

“What happened?” Max looked worriedly at her sister.

“He wanted me to go back to him. Wanted me to become his become his punching bag. Danny was in the house at the time too, and we were shouting at each other in French, so he couldn’t understand us! I was so scared...” she said, tears rolling down her face as she relived the memories.

Max got up from the couch and wrapped her arms around her sister, Leslie hugged her sister back. “If he comes back, I’ll put a bullet in 'em,” Max said angrily.

Leslie just nodded, wiping her eyes. “I will tell you...I promise.”

“You better!” Max said, gently swatting Leslie. She went back to her position next to Cas.

“I have an idea. How ‘bout we all kill him?” Sam suggested.

“And then we can all be sent to prison for murder?” Bai asked, “but who wants to hear some happier news?”

“Me!” Max said, raising her hand. Cas just smiled and raised his hand as well.

“I could do with some good news,” Alyssa added.

Dean looked over and said, “Come on Bai, why don’t you share?”

“Go on,” Sam said.

Baillie hugged Sam’s arm nervously and said, “I am expecting again...” She looked up at Sam, her eyes wide with a mix happiness and fear.

“You are?” Sam asked, an excited light shining in his eyes.

She nodded, her green eyes still looking at his face. Her eyes flickered over to the others in the room. Max was beaming, and Alyssa was saying, “Oh, good, Bobbie will have a cousin close in age.”

Leslie smiled and said, “Well, you know you can come to any of us if you need help.”
“I know...but I may need some time. I found out a few days ago,” Bai said, cuddling closer to Sam holding her glass of water.

“Well, congrats Bai. I’m happy for the both of you,” Dean said, his arms around Alyssa.

© 2017 Catherine Frain

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Added on February 3, 2017
Last Updated on February 3, 2017


Catherine Frain
Catherine Frain

Omaha, NE

Welcome to my profile! I love to write as you can see- so feel free to write a review and check out the rest of my work. I am slowly posting stuff from my Google account here so yeah! I hope y'all kee.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Catherine Frain