![]() IndependenceA Story by InsanityInduced![]() My latest short horror fiction story, took me a few days to write. About Charlie, an independent young adult.![]() Independence
Chapter One " Sincere Preparation
Conflict was considered his enemy; Charlie was an independent young adult, growing up on the decreasing streets of South-East England. He stood six foot tall, muscular too; fitness was high on his list of priorities. He had just achieved the young age of nineteen; he had also planned on visiting his beloved friends later that evening in celebration. As the time ticked by Charlie was greeted with the usual “happy birthday,” and “have a great day Charlie,” after he had turned the legal drinking age of eighteen his birthday seemed less significant.
He was combing his medium-length, light brown hair into his preferred position; he could see his mother in his peripheral vision peeking her head through the dark wooden door that separated the hallway from the bathroom. “Charlie, you will be sensible tonight wont you? Just try to stay on your feet,” Questioned Charlies mother, in a soft, caring tone. “Yes mum, I’m always sensible,” claimed Charlie as he grinned a cheeky grin. “Alright, just making sure,” Charlie knew his mother was just looking out for his well-being. He took one last glance in the strategically placed mirror and exited the bathroom brushing his hand against the light switch briskly ceasing the bulb of its sole purpose.
Chapter Two " Friendly Derision
Charlie had arranged to travel via his friends’ hatchback to his destination because his usual means of transport consisted of trains and buses. They had decided to gather in a small, countryside pub to banter and reminisce. As the time came, of seven in the early evening, Charlies friend James (Although his friends knew him as Jim) arrived promptly on time, wishing Charlie a sincere happy birthday in the process.
After an effortless journey to their required destination they arrived at the mature tavern, the fossil-like pub was constructed many years ago in the style of a cottage, possibly transformed, it certainly had that cottage atmosphere. At the front, huge ancient doors concealed the entrance, pinned above displayed “Stag N’ Bull,” which was the ale house’s proud choice of titles, revealing a treasured heritage.
Charlie forced the aged doors open, the smell of ale and tobacco greeted them, shortly before Charlies remaining friends had, who seemed eager to congratulate him. Seven of them in total including Charlie took a seat around a large decorated, polished oak table, “So Charlie, how does it feel to be nineteen? One year away until you’re out of the teenage years!” Enthusiastically queried his friend Harold, taking a seat opposite him and perching his head between his hands, appearing more interested. “I don’t feel any different, I suppose after last year my future birthdays will seem less significant.” Charlies friends chuckled, casting their minds back to that eventful night. Charlie had ended up getting himself arrested after drinking well above his limit and choosing to urinate on a police car, his friends saw this as more of an achievement than anything else, after all, you’re only eighteen once.
Forging a memory out of the night, the time shot by. It wasn’t until Charlie inspected the time later in the night, discovering it was twenty minutes passed eleven, ten minutes until last order would be called. In an eager dash, they scrambled to the bar to drink as much as they could handle within ten minutes, as Charlie took his last gulp of vodka he stumbled backwards almost losing his balance, it had been a well spent night. Out of the blurry haze that was now his mind, he pondered how he was going to return home as all of his friends had been drinking. “Hey guys, does anyone know how to get back to mine?” escaped Charlies mouth with some effort. “I don’t think the trains are running today, but there are buses that replace the trains. You might be able to catch one before they finish,” Stated James, surprisingly informative. “Alright, I better head off then. It was great seeing everyone here tonight and I really appreciate you lot taking the time to come tonight,” Charlie addressed to his group of friends; they knew he was intoxicated as usually he was a very bashful person. Along with some sincere farewells he exited the establishment on course for the local train station.
Chapter Three " Inconvenient Circumstances
The walk had begun to sober him up, mentally reattaching his brain to his limbs. The crisp November breeze ran through Charlies hair, like wind passing through a wheat field, eventually he reached the local train station. It had a cosy waiting area situated at the front of station, combining glass and metal to construct the structure. Charlie attempted to access the conveniently built area only to find it was locked, It was late so he wasn’t surprised although he was disappointed, It wasn’t the best looking waiting area he’d ever set eyes upon however the piercing breeze had been penetrating his nostrils, inflicting a mild headache.
When the bus finally arrived, Charlie was pleased to see the large vehicle despite the fact it was running late, unreluctant to escape the brisk winter night he stepped onto the bus. The first thing Charlie noticed was the stereotype bus driver; he had medium length, greasy hair that hid the thriving acne residing on his forehead. He was also overweight and had various stains mounted upon his fading white shirt, maybe this man of poor hygiene didn’t seem very approachable, however Charlie had learnt from past experience not to judge a book by its cover.
The relieved teenager slowly plodded towards the back of the bus, his muscles grew weak from the chilly climate. He threw his muscular right arm to swing himself round the pole that had been placed to display the red stop button; although this was a train replacement bus consequently the buttons had been disabled as the bus stops weren’t negotiable. His gluteus maximus took its position on the uncomfortable, partly ripped seat, releasing no comfort at all.
Charlie had placed his multicoloured headphones upon his ears for most of the journey, his desired genre was inhabited by the sound of extremely loud bass. Half way into the drive, he noticed the plotted course had taken the bus down a few countryside roads, winding and full of sharp turns, maybe this had been the quickest way but it defiantly wasn’t the most accommodating. They traversed through the darkness, the beams powered by the bus headlights were only strong enough to unveil the pitch black to a certain extent.
With no warning or suspicion a bulky deer darted from the surrounding foliage, his eye’s blended into the night, his nose driving breath vapor into the gloom. His footsteps were ponderous as he took notice of the capacious bus careering in his direction. A gigantic crash was followed by dead silence; the bus had collided with the helpless deer sending it hurdling sideways, smashing the deer into the cold, solid roadside in conclusion.
Chapter Four - Grease Monkey Required
Both Charlie and the bus driver sat there in shock until hesitantly pulling themselves out of their seats to face each other, Charlie could sense the bus driver was on the edge, but not just because of the incident that had transpired. “Christ, have you seen the damage that animal has done?” The bus driver snapped at Charlie, the youth hadn’t expected the first thing to emerge from the drivers mouth to be the concern for this vehicle over the state of the dying deer that lay strewn lifeless in lights view. “Have you got no consideration for the deer you just hit?” Charlie snapped back at the bus driver, his question was rhetorical; Charlie knew he had no sorrow.
Charlie shoved past the stumpy bus driver, he had no respect for this man. He then proceeded to turn back to the bus driver with despising eyes. “Can you open the doors? Also what’s your name?” Charlie inquired. “My name’s John, I don’t mean any disrespect towards the animal. It just means we’re going to have to phone a mechanic to fix the bus.” John explained, hoping Charlie would take another outlook. “Right John, how about you get on to that mechanic you was speaking of. I’ll check on the deer.” Charlie ordered, but in a patient tone, attempting to ease John’s evident stress level.
The doors swung open, the bitter began to creep inside. Charlie doubtfully stepped out of the bus, as his vision began to weaken his other four senses started to heighten; hearing, smell, taste and touch. Nevertheless he could still see the headlights display, he gazed at the deer before approaching it. Charlie took one look at the defenceless deer and pronounced the poor animal bereft of life, it was covered in crimson bruises, vital fluids drained out from the beast coating the road dark red.
John joined Charlie outside, also assessing the deceased hoofed creature. “We can’t do anything for him now. Best we just drag him to the side of the road in case someone doesn’t spot him,” John advised. “I guess you’re right, did you call the mechanic?” “Yes, he estimated twenty-five minutes.” “Alright, good. Help me move this deer then?” “I’ll grab the bottom half.” John positioned himself at the lower half, which meant Charlie had to move the head. The deer was in a gruesome state, however they both encouraged each other, with some discipline they managed to heave the ninety pound deer to the roadside. They retreated to the comfort of the bus.
It was three in the early hours of the morning, John and Charlie grew restless waiting for the mechanic. They didn’t speak much, Charlies alcohol fuelled state had now passed and he was knackered, they both were. After thirty-five minutes of patience the mechanic turned up, John descended the bus to approach the repairman. “Oh my, quite a crack you have there. May I ask what caused it?” Asked the suspicious mechanic, the deer had been placed out of view of the light. “A deer! It just ran out the bushes, nasty accident. I can only assume it died instantly.” “Oh a deer! We receive a surprising amount of deer related incidents round here, jump back on your vehicle and I’ll check under the hood for any internal damage” Informed the mechanic. “OK. Keep me posted,” John insisted whilst strolling back on board.
“Could I have one?” Questioned john, noticing Charlie had started chewing gum whilst awaiting the return of John. “Alright, tell this guy to get a move on?” Charlie leant his right arm towards John handing him a slim strip of chewing gum, encased in a shiny silver wrapper. “I’m sure he’s working as fast as he can.” Stated John. “Alright, well, at least check how bad the damage is.” John nodded confirming his agreement, he marched to the front of the bus. Meanwhile Charlie had rotated his head to peer out the window; nothing was in sight aside from the rays of moonlight infiltrating the treetops above. Just as he was about to turn his head towards John who was now nearing the front of the bus, he caught the glimpse of an obscure unidentifiable shape, moving between the forest, it had blended well into the lightlessness. He was about to alert John of movement outside until he noticed he wasn’t on the bus anymore, he jumped to his feet and bolted to the front of the bus, the squeaky doors remained open.
Chapter Five - Connection Lost
Charlies previous sighting was in the back of his mind as he bounded off the bus, something he feared worse than foreign presence in the darkness, was the thought of being left alone in the middle of nowhere. As he reached the front of the bus he could only see one person, John. He was running his hands through his hair, muttering to himself, facing the tow truck the mechanic had arrived in.
“Where’s the mechanic gone?” Charlie asked hastily. “He’s gone.” Replied John; leaving a great deal to the imagination. “Gone where?” Asked Charlie; with a hint of aggravation in his tone. “I came out here, he was gone.” Stated John with anguish in his voice. “Why didn’t you get me then?” “I checked to see if the mechanic had left his tow truck keys behind.” Claimed John. “And? Did he?” Charlie inquired. Charlie felt like John wasn’t revealing the whole story, nevertheless he was tired and was in need of some slumber. “Unfortunately not.” “Can I just use your phone to ring my parents? I would use mine however I accidentally left it at home.” “Fine.” It had became clear John didn’t want to be left alone out here either, with the mechanic vanishing into thin air, leaving his truck behind.
John retrieved his mobile phone that he kept in his shirt pocket, keeping it intact. Charlie snatched the phone from John’s fingers, he was too tired to consider manners. He carefully punched his home number into the mobile phone with his index finger, releasing a short beep with each button pressed. He pushed the green call button and placed the phone to his right ear, another short beep emerged after a few seconds. He drew the phone back to investigate the complication. The signal bar was empty.
“No damn signal!” Charlie shouted in anger, discharging a blatant sigh. “Are you serious? We need signal,” Expressed John. “I know we need signal, but we haven’t got signal,” Charlie explained in an irritated voice. “There’s no need to take your anger out on me, we need to get signal. I suggest we venture along the roadside until signal becomes available.” That’s the last thing Charlie wanted to do, despite that he knew signal was a necessity.
“I’ll just grab my bag,” Charlie uttered. He rushed back onto the bus, fetching his bag which contained no items of use; he was off the bus and ready to continue swiftly onwards.
Chapter Six " Obscurity Prevails
They took their first tentative steps into the darkness, they decided sticking to the road would be wise. If signal didn’t become available then perhaps another car could assist them, that’s if one showed up, however at four in the morning that didn’t seem likely. John had thoughtfully packed a flashlight before commencing his planned route earlier that evening, just in case a situation like this had occurred. John ran his pudgy thumb over the flashlight switch, exerting a luminous glow onto the trail ahead.
The duo advanced along the road timidly, ten minutes into their journey still no signal was present. John became exhausted due to his unhealthy lifestyle. “Can we take a break?” “Alright but just for a minute or two, we have to keep moving.” John trudged in the direction of an extensive fallen tree, he assumed it would make a suitable bench. He slouched onto the degenerating timber; he removed his crumpled handkerchief from his trouser pocket, which had become compact against his broad thighs. He progressed to place the handkerchief onto his forehead, to wipe away the beads of sweat that had been harvested from his saturated fringe.
Charlie had taken the flashlight from John and had undertaken a scan of the forest, he was curious as to what he had seen during his time on the bus, it had been dwelling, devouring his mind as they had been walking. “What are you looking for?” Asked John inquisitively. “I’m not sure, I thought I saw something earlier.” Charlie felt barmy when he heard those words roll off his tongue.
Charlie pivoted on the spot to face his acquaintance, he shone the shaft of light generated by the flashlight inspecting the cascaded tree. As he lit John up, from the shoes upwards, he lurched backwards. A hooded figure stood behind John, the unknown being wore a lengthy black robe, camouflaging its stature, and its hood also withheld its face. “GET BACK!” Screamed Charlie emphatically. John hurdled to his feet in wonderment and shock, he swung one-hundred and eighty degrees to investigate the enigmatic stranger.
John couldn’t hold his nerve and departed into the forest, Charlie thought if the flashlight didn’t waver he could remain impervious to the strangers’ true intentions. Charlie could hear John scuttling amongst the fallen leaves behind him, he made sure to keep the hooded villain in display of the light as he curled his neck to view his cowardly companion. Nothing was apparent without the flashlight directing him. He turned back to analyze what he had been confronted with, much to his bewilderment the anonymous figure had fled out of range.
Chapter Seven " The Ruler of Sin
Charlie stood in the center of the road, paranoid that the forest dwelling monster would come back for him. He recalled John scurrying around behind him, eager to alert John that he was now alone, Charlies voice echoed throughout. “JOHN! HE’S GONE!” He awaited a response although none came, he repeated to bellow into the night. It seemed as if John had disappeared deeper into the growth.
Charlie had to make a hard decision, would he seek the driver as without him, contacting the outside world would be impossible. Or perhaps return to the bus, he did have the flashlight after all. Although in the past he had been attracted to a life of independence, a companion in this situation would’ve been comforting. He headed in the direction that John had fled in, this wasn’t his desired route, yet he felt it was his only option of reaching salvation.
He paced at speed through the woods, browsing the surrounding area with the flashlights rays. He sensed someone, or something was watching him, it would have been impossible to inspect everywhere, not without daylight. “HELLO?” Charlie barked, praying John would hear his cry of distress. It had become crystal clear that no human presence was around.
He trooped on in pursuit of life, though he feared what may happen if that thing returned, you could spot him for miles around, the flashlight had become a beacon. He spotted a small well in the distance, his feet speed increased as his walk transformed to a race. Light displayed the deep drop within the well as Charlie directed the flashlight downwards. Whilst walking through the forest he had considered hiding until sunrise, although he would have to unveil a place to hide suitable enough, the well drop was too deep!
Deciding to take a five minute break, Charlie slid his back down the face of the well to sit on the muck yet have some back support. The flashlight flickered furiously; Charlie bashed his hand against the side jiggling the batteries inside as he did so. The light returned to full beam, he determined the batteries must have been fading, so he switched the flashlight off.
He descended into darkness, his vision left impaired. Raising his left hand up to his face, he begun to nibble at his finger nails, as a sign of instability. The silence came to an abrupt close, it sounded like a footprint in a patch of dry leaves. Charlie immediately gathered the flashlight that had been resting in his lap, he located the switch and forced it upwards, radiance shot out once again. He maneuvered the light in the direction of the sound he had heard, it had returned.
The black robe and extended hood was the last thing he wished to come across, especially as he was now seated. He forced his legs into the ground, driving his back hastily up the well, being scratched in the process. He tried to run, but was unable. It seemed like his feet had been glued to the ground, pinning him on the spot. Charlie gazed at the hooded figure, his flashlight still fixed in its direction. Movement occurred. The stranger reached both hands up to his hood, black leather gloves covering them, revealing no flesh.
The strange figure gently dragged his hood back a few inches, revealing his head. His flesh had been scorched black, as if he had been engulfed in flames. His eye sockets were bare, revealing two holes, like looking directly into the abyss. His smile grew, presenting a perfect set of sparkling white teeth. This provided no contentment. A low-pitched voice departed his lips, sending great shivers down Charlies spine. “You cannot escape me, foolish human.” Confidently explained the grotesque looking stranger. “Who are you?” Charlie cried. “I am merely a servant, sent from the depths.” Charlie was in disbelief that this was reality, he kept scrunching his eyes up to try and wake himself. “A servant? For who?” “For my lord of course.” “Your lord?” “The ruler of sin.” Charlie started to put the pieces together, but it couldn’t have been possible. “You mean, Satan?” “He goes by many names, Satan is amongst them.”
Chapter Eight " Forsaken
“Why are you here though? For what purpose?” “When humans spoke of the apocalypse, they were somewhat correct.” Charlie interrupted “Somewhat correct?” “My Lord has decided to convert the human race. To bring a new era, to create hell on earth. “What makes you think people will lose faith in God?” The burnt man screeched as Charlies question came to a close. “Never speak his name! They shall become converted as he is Lord of the underworld, he shall bring fear, and the human race will be crushed into an eternity of torture.” The stranger explained, as if he was reading the words off a script.
Charlie was speechless; he still wasn’t convinced that this mysterious man was speaking the truth. “Humans can’t survive for eternity though.” Charlie claimed, thinking he had outwitted the stranger. “When the truth is revealed, about what lies beneath. The human race shall yield, into eternal retreat.” Recited the burnt man. Charlie was dumbfounded, still pinned in position. “And because you led me on this chase, I have something special planned for you!” The stranger exclaimed. “What’s that?” Charlie asked, imagining the pain they could inflict upon him.
In the spur of the moment, the burnt man extended his leg to kick Charlie in the chest. Charlie faltered backwards, he was now unstuck. His feet were launched into the air as he barrelled over the well entrance, plummeting to the bottom. He was dazed, his vision had become blurred, he was on the edge of passing out. “I shall see it that you remain down there forever!” The stranger shouted from the top of the well. Charlie then slipped into a deep unconscious sleep. When he awoke he was met by precious light, but not from what he had expected. As he glared into the sky, from the bottom of the well, his heart dropped. The sky had been painted a light orange with streaks of red. The burnt man had been telling the truth, and Charlie would remain down there forever, without death to release him.
Days, weeks, months passed. He screamed until his lungs could scream no more. He turned mentally insane, trapped in that forsaken place, anyone would have. Charlies once valued independence had been exploited. Within his bag he had been carrying a diary, along with a pen. One day he decided to write down what he was going through, with no thought as to who would ever read it.
‘Date Unknown: I doubt anyone will ever read this, I have been cursed with immortality therefore it shall forever remain in my care. I lost track of time a while back. Something that has been repeating in my head, since that dreadful night.
When the truth is revealed, about what lies beneath. The human race shall yield, into eternal retreat.
My mind is unstable. I feel as if one day I will become brain-dead, with the image of the stranger burnt into my mind. I fear for the health and sanity of my fellow race, if a servant could inflict this on me, I couldn’t imagine what his lord was capable of.’ © 2012 InsanityInducedAuthor's Note
Author![]() InsanityInducedWest Sussex, England, United KingdomAboutHello, my name's Tom, I'm 19 from South-East England. I am looking to improve my skills in writing horror fiction and therefore appreciate any feedback. The black robe and extended hood was the las.. more..Writing