I climbed up the castle as the dragon raged around the princess. I was her prince, the savior of this story. He blew smoke from his nose. His scaly eyes held fire and his tail held spikes. They could be released into her skin at any moment. Just a couple more feet until I was at the window and could save her from this beast. She was frightened and was frightened for me. I could see it in the way she tried to position herself in front of my opportunity.
He slashed at her with his claws, causing her to shift just enough for me to climb through. I jumped onto his sandpaper back; my hands were around his evil throat. He brought his venomous tail around.
I fell, with a spike in my heart. She was so beautiful. Her hair golden and her blue eyes. I saw one last tear drop from her eyes and hopefully it'll be the last one she cries.