
Keri Guns-Chapter 1
[spoiler]Life what is it? I always used to ask myself that. Remembering the times walking in the middle of the street… the middle of no where. Streetlights flashing the cars moving, people always come and go but why do I have to see myself not moving at all. It’s not my fault I’m a girl in a world all alone and has no place to go... My mind was rambling hearing the sirens wondering why I was left untouched. My family was murdered at a young age I was so scared Why did I witness such a devastating scene? It was horrid blood everywhere as I can recall it made me sick to my stomach this reality wasn’t something I could digest. I ran and ran in alley not wanting to face a life of misery; it was not too long ago when I was so happy every one was smiling mom, dad and brother.
Deep thoughts cutting me feeling such pain I cried as I kept on running it kept getting darker until nothing in my eyes was visible. I was consumed in fear, drained emotions these tears, what proves this little girl she’s impaired.
Suddenly I hit a wall very hard, what was surrounding me started to cave in this was merely a experience of becoming unconscious. I thought it was a dream, hearing laughter is it my mom? Is it dad? Is it brother? All that I’ve witness was it just a nightmare. I open my eyes chandelier glistening at my eyes.
I’m not familiar with my surroundings, lying in a bed that’s not mine.
Not as comfortable as the one my family provided.
Hey, there little fellow… you’re finally awake are you okay?
I turned around to see a guy right there with his back against the wall.
Speechless disgusted by that cigarette between his two fingers.
As he pulled away the cigarette from his mouth he exhaled it seemed like a burning house was under his chest the way he blew so much smoke.
Cough Cough*
Ahhh I see you’re the shy type not saying anything eh!
Well I hope you’re alright kiddo
I sigh
Who are you? And where am I? I replied
The name is Johnny, wow I finally got you to talk.
Oh you want to know where you are eh
Johnny takes a puff before he continues
Let’s just say you’re in area full of thugs, drug dealers, killers,’ hoes and whatever that goes.
Luckily, the boss decided to take you in if you have no where to go.
Boss who and what? I’m so confused and why would he take me in?
Ha-ha, you have a lot of questions for a girl your age
Sadly to admit this we are losing many of our comrades
And the boss doesn’t mind recruiting people
Who want to fight and protect the ones they care the most
But I’m just a girl who’s weak and so young for crying out loud I’m only 11
What can a girl like me can do? I feel useless... I have no where to go
My family was killed’. I’m weak not even matured.
Don’t you get it I don’t have that kind of potential!!!
Take it easy there fellow, its all about training the mind and gaining the physical attributes we can help you become strong and teach you how to take care of your own all you have to do is to help us too.
Anyways enough chit-chat by the way
what’s your name?
Keri Gordon that’s my name
Keri Guns is your name welcome to the family
Johnny then walks away
come with me lets eat with the family and I'll introduce you to your new boss kiddo
The curiosity I felt not knowing where i am and who I'll be with started to build up instantly.
After Johnny left the room it was quiet and I felt so alone.
The air of silence reminded me of what it was like when i was running alone with no where to go.
I kinda almost lit a tear thinking about all of this. What do you expect though it happened yesterday
but maybe being here will make my life much better[/spoiler]