![]() Not One TruthA Story by Doku![]() first story so bare with me![]()
You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
We need men who can dream of things that never were.
Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.
The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.
Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you.
Man is what he believes.
It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny.
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Eternity is now for if the deepest needs each of us has, even if we are not conscious of it, is that of eternal life which covers the root causes of so much that has gone wrong with modern life: the loss of any awareness of eternity. For most people nowadays, it is the temporal and transitory things of life that are most important. That is not surprising, for those things are immediate, tangible, and visible. But it is still lamentable, because it means that the eternal dimension of life – that part of it that is divine and thus enduring – falls by the wayside, unnoticed and unacknowledged. we are not active as part of a whole, working toward a higher goal, we will deteriorate inwardly and outwardly. Only if our hearts are in a task greater than ourselves will we thrive in earthly matters too. Society will deteriorate, physically and spiritually, unless each of its members has a task to fulfill for the sake of the common good, and for creation. A good thing? maybe, whether we are aware of it or not, eternity is our only joy. It strengthens us in our earthly life, which is ephemeral without eternity. Anything we might hope for in life, everything we have that brings us joy yet we must not forget that whatever good we accomplish is not the result of our own strength. If we forget this, all our efforts will fail, because we will lack the incentive to dispense with worthless things and seek the truth. Oh, how hard it is to draw oneself out of the vanity of one’s own life! Perhaps the greatest danger that threatens us comes from being overly involved in the small, ordinary happenings of daily life – from becoming so enslaved by them that they fill our heart and soul. To go about life in this way is to go about unprotected, unaware, distracted, and removed from reality. Let us never allow ourselves to be dragged down by pettiness, or take the things of this earth so seriously that they burden us day after day. Let us live constantly in the Promise. We must go down into the depths; that is our calling. Yet at the same time we must keep the heights in our hearts. Our human calling goes beyond death into eternity. Our life on earth – fraught as it is with trials and darkness – can work for the good of the world and for humankind. That is our joy. We find ourselves in darkness, yet we live in the light; we know sorrow, yet we have joy; we are burdened, yet we have wings to meet our God, the eternal light and life of all creation. This is our joy now, and in this joy we shall remain. We must fight; we must hold the standard high; we must let the light shine forth. We must never be discouraged for the world is a reality;only by a reality can it be overcome. If we can release the things that bind us in this manner, we will be saved, for a whole new life will begin for us. The old world must be given up in this way – at the cross, and through judgment – if the new world is to begin.Everything that exists on earth has something mysterious hidden in it. Every visible being carries the stamp of the eternal. In this certainty a wave of blessedness will come over us; and it will never leave us, even though we suffer deep anguish again and again. In this certainty we can weep and rejoice at the same time. We must go through death not in order to die, but so we might rise again. Again and again we experience goodness – in tangible, material ways as well. By this we see that though someone close to you has died, they live within you, amongst you now and forever. As soon as one begins to live, your whole life will be transformed. Then you will marvel: so many things that used to burden us or tempt us to worry will suddenly seem quite insignificant. Right into death we must go for that is our first lesson of life to live in the midst of death, so that the Risen One is glorified. Therefore we should not say, "In the midst of life we are surrounded by death," but "In the midst of death we are surrounded by life." We should not mourn, but rejoice. Words do not convey the import of this truth, but every heart must receive it: you need no longer struggle to escape the valley of death, or to run from it as from an overpowering enemy. Stand firm instead at the side of the Risen One, and proclaim life in the midst of death for the one who conquered death through your past lives shall the source of power and light, life will be victorious even in the death for we are promised resurrection. One could almost say that to die is to rise again. It was not meant that the Savior alone should rise from the dead. Why should it stop there? We do not just die when death comes to us; we die into a resurrection. We are meant to live. And thus our lives should bear the stamp of life – the stamp of resurrection. Gifts we cannot yet comprehend – wonderful gifts of life and immortality will indeed experience abundance at every step. But it is not just a future idea with no present reality. I hear from many a miserable person: "I have found happiness in my wretchedness, for the gift that is already in my heart. In the midst of pain I cannot see. Societies bonds are not unbreakable: whoever tackles them in earnest, believing in oneself can surely be a conqueror and be freed for victory is already assured in the begining For I do not need anyone else; but I will not be alone. For all I stand with those who take a lonely stand on earth So many people have given up, lost hope. But even if the whole world no longer believed in the possibility of transformation, we would still have to believe that here on this earth that people could and will die in the comfort of life and in the comfort of death, too, But in order to make anew one must be destroyed to become filled with the power of eternal life and radiant light of the twilight.ha, to think only in terms of what is "natural," to expect help from the natural world alone – that is fanaticism! Yet to this day, if you forsake such help and to not depend on the Holy Spirit and the power of God, people will say you are deluded. In actual fact, however, there is no doubt that biblically speaking, it is unrealistic and deluded to depend on the world’s sources of strength; and fanatical to rely on its nonsense as if it were the real help or remedy. Through the beholder one can find freedom from the bondage of much that would be otherwise impossible to escape or overcome. We are independent of time and season; a new year does not impress us. Our lives bear the mark of eternity to not be swallowed up in what is transitory, but calls us to what is eternal? thus making us immortal, timeless beings filled with eternity. The tempter has an easy time with people who lack insight into ones owns plans for knowledge of what is true or untrue to let us not forget that in overthrowing the Tempter one tends to include false realities to controle another at their own disposal. On our own we cannot rise above the laws of this world, but united we can make a difference. In the midst of temporal darkness we can be transplanted into everlasting light; in the midst of death we can have life and peace. So let us continue to work and trust that though there may still be shadows, they will soon be scattered. Those who hold firmly to one's self will enter an eternal peace without end. That is our comfort and hope. Everywhere people are being saved are so they think; that is, they are finding themselves in the new world where they can find fullness of joy even in the midst of all sorrow. To live in this new world – to live in their own dreams that gives strength for life, strength for whatever must be suffered and borne; strength even in dying. It gives hope that whoever calls upon the name of their own shall be saved, and knowledge that divine powers are at work, even if silently, here and now. Will we fear the dangerous days that are foretold, the days of the end times? No for it is bound to happen sooner or later but we shall not be confounded to the lies of this world neither. Physician of souls who gives health of body and soul for time and eternity. Who gives all this to those who are willing to drink at this fountain of deceptions home! How great is your protection over those who have faith! but we do not see these hosts; but the time may come again when we are allowed to perceive their presence as a reminder of the truth in the stories of old. For in the end the redemption of the whole world will seize to be. People think that after they die everything will suddenly fall into place. But if you do not have eternal life here, do you really think it will be any better over there? What gives you that hope? It would seem to me that when people die they will be just the same afterward as before. If they see and hear nothing but themselves in this life, won’t it be the same for them in the next or even if their is a next, that knowone can tell or actually been to but only read in a silly book? But if they are gripped by eternity while still on earth, then dying – the laying aside of the body – will pale in comparison to beginning a new life full of heavenly joys. As surely as the world sets its hopes on machines, I set my hopes on the power of the Spirit. It is so strong that it can reverse everything that seems doomed. The Spirit can bring about a new heaven, a new earth, and a new life – and we ourselves will see it. What is a miracle? an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause? a wonder; marvel ? a wonderful or surpassing example of some quality: a miracle of modern acoustics? why concieve what they do not understand? Setbacks use to propel oneself forward to misjudgment that was taken as a force to do right into a better outlook, a mindset of power for each day that an brief resolution or a reform would take place. ha, to say so many things that the beholder wishes to retract from their issues and to envelope their demons to the peak of perfection to finish what has began and to finally realise that it is how you use the knowledge you have been given to stand tall when others would turn and run, to put your work in when everyone quits, to claw and tear from everything the beholder have...one has only just began! When eternity is forgotten, human destiny is robbed of its real significance, and the goal of life limited to the search for fulfillment on an earthly plane. Remembered, it enlarges our view and, through what is best and noblest in us, reminds us of the promise of another home on a higher plane: the world from which we come, and to which we must one day return. To be mindful of eternity is to know that our earthly existence will one day be overshadowed by the eternal reality of everlasting life. Anyone who opens our minds to this knowledge does us a great service. That is why the words collected here, unassuming and simple as they are, are so powerful, and so significant. "eternity" is not just another word for the hereafter – for some vague, future haven where the souls of the departed find rest. No. For them eternity is a present reality whose transformative power is already breaking into time, and whose glory is already visible here and there, wherever there are eyes to see it. And so for us, it is a guide and a beacon, a source of strength, a fountain of hope that never fails. We need this hope urgently, no less than we need our daily bread. If
© 2009 DokuAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on June 21, 2009 |