![]() Twenty-OneA Chapter by Darius Greeves![]() Meet Dr. West![]() Lee
walked to interview room 6 with trepidation. It was a feeling he had not had
when preparing to interview The Silent Man, as they were referring to him. He
didn’t know the reasons behind this change in mood. Perhaps it was because he
had been demanding to speak to him all day, or perhaps because he had just led
an operation that almost killed this man. Either way Lee had done everything in
his power to put off this interview with Eli West, but now, the time had come.
He turned the door handle and took a deep breath. He entered the room, he
hoped, with an air of confidence, as James followed " his supporting cast. As
he sat down and straightened the folder in front of him he eyed the man in
front. His messy hair suggested an age much younger than his eyes and pot belly
did. It was hard exactly to gauge the man’s age. Lee extended a hand, ‘Eli West
is it?’ ‘And
you are?’, already more progress had been made than in Lee’s earlier interview. ‘Detective
Lee Harding. We met.’ Eli nodded, ‘This is Detective James Smith he’ll be
assisting me with this interview’ ‘So
you’re the one in charge, they tell me’, Lee looked at James, who shrugged. ‘Well
I guess that’s right. What is it you’ve been wanting to talk to me about all
day then?’, Lee took note of the man’s British accent. Eli looked from Lee to
James, fidgeting and visibly nervous. ‘How
do I know I can trust you guys?’, Lee wondered just what had happened to make
the man mistrust two police officers, ‘What
makes you think you can’t?’, Lee replied. At this Eli smiled and shook his
head, ‘You
really don’t know what you’re up against do you?’, ignoring the taunt, Lee
pushed on, referring to his notes, ‘So
who exactly are you?’ ‘I
told you. My name’s Eli West’ ‘But
what do you do? You’re British I take it’ ‘I
am. I’m a doctor in nuclear physics. I did my PhD in experimental fusion
reactors’, Lee looked up from his papers, intrigued. ‘How’s
that working out for ya?’ ‘Not
that great at the moment’, Lee almost couldn’t believe he was getting answers. ‘Dr.
West, What were you doing in that house?’, Eli thought about the question for a
moment. ‘I
was being held captive’, again Lee shot a look toward Eli, before trying to
subtly turn his eyes to James. ‘Well, in a manner of words’, ‘Held
captive by whom?’ ‘By
your government Detective Harding’. A silence filled the room. Neither
detective knew how to respond. After about 10 seconds of silence James had his
input. ‘Excuse
me?’ ‘You
heard me’ ‘Why
were you being held by our government?’, James and Lee were entertaining what
were obviously the man’s wild fantasies. He smiled again briefly. ‘Alright
boys I’m about to break something to you which you clearly haven’t been
informed of. Your nation is currently engaged in an intelligence war with
Europe’, ‘What?’
Lee replied immediately. ‘Look,
I’m not a politician. Read the news ok? What you probably currently refer to as
the “European Union”’ Eli made quotation signs with his fingers, ‘exists today
only in name. In 6 months it will be dissolved and replaced by a far stronger
economic, political and military union. The Coalition of Allied Governments in
Europe’ Lee and James stared open mouthed, ‘The political scene is changing in
Europe. What I’m telling you is that in 6 months’ time there will be a new
world superpower. CAGE will be one nation in all but name. Anyway the point is
the political leaders of this union and of your country have some seriously
different foreign policy objectives’, James quizzed Eli’s story, ‘What
does this have to do with you?’ ‘I
was employed in CAGE’s new research unit. All we really cared about was the
funding. Anyway I developed a prototype nuclear fusion reactor. But they soon
informed me they weren’t going to use the technology for power’ ‘A
bomb?’ interrupted Lee, ‘Yeah.
But this thing could be mass produced " I’m talking factory levels, and each
one ten times the strength of the Tsar Bomba. So I contacted your intelligence
service. Gave them the location of the facility and hopped on the next flight
to Washington. And they blew it up’, ‘So
why hold you captive’, Eli laughed. ‘You
ever heard the term there’s no such thing as a free meal?’ Lee nodded, ‘They
didn’t want to rescue me. They wanted the bomb for themselves. So they asked me
to develop the reactor and I told them no. They tried to convince me they
needed it for power’ ‘The
chest…’ Lee put the final piece of the puzzle in himself. ‘That’s
right. They brought me that thing to try convince me they had some impending
energy shortage’ ‘What
do you mean try?’ retorted James. ‘That
chest is like 50 years old man. Everything in there is bullshit. Probably
hundreds more wells have been discovered since then, not to mention all the
purification techniques that have been developed. It meant nothing’ the words
hung in the air. It was like Lee had been hit with a bomb. ‘So
it was a lie?...’ ‘Afraid
so’ ‘They
killed one of our men to get that chest. Put another one in a coma…. And it’s a
lie’, Eli leaned forward over the table. ‘They
are willing to do anything to get their hands on that bomb. All of them’, at
this final sentence something clicked in Lee’s head. ‘So
the guy upstairs, he was trying to get you back’, Eli’s face slumped. He went
ghostly white. ‘What
do you mean the guy upstairs?’ ‘The
guy who drove up to the house. We arrested him. He’s upstairs in an interview
room.’ ‘Oh
god. What have you done? You’ve taken him right to me.’ ‘Don’t
worry doctor West you are completely safe here. He’s in handcuffs’, Eli grabbed
Lee’s hand from across the table, ‘Lee,
look at me’ Lee did so, ‘Trust me when I tell you this; If you’ve arrested him,
put him in handcuffs, taken him here, if he’s told you anything, that is
exactly what he wanted to happen.’ ‘What?’ ‘Detectives,
the man upstairs is probably one of the most dangerous you will ever meet. He
is currently sitting exactly where he wants to be sitting. Inside the same
building as the man he’s been chasing for the last 6 months.’, It was after
this that the lights went out. © 2016 Darius Greeves |