![]() ThirteenA Chapter by Darius Greeves![]() Lee explains the situation to Sarah and has a secret to admit...![]() Lee
woke with a bitter taste in his mouth. Reaching up to his neck, he realised he
had not had a good night’s sleep. The movement to do so aggravated his bruised
rib. At once he sat up and hunched over, holding his head. He looked around his
lounge, trying to recall what had happened the night before. As things became
clearer, he felt a keen embarrassment. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed Sarah
to see him like that. Surveying the room, his weary eyes settled in front of
him on the coffee table. The note he had received was sitting, straightened
out, right in front of him. It was a kind gesture from a woman who had no
reason to look after him. It was quiet in the room and registering his
headache, Lee stood up. He made his way to the counter in his kitchenette, and
opened up one of the cupboards. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water,
before sliding open one of his drawers, reaching in and pulling out the Vicodin
he had been prescribed. He popped one in his mouth and washed it down with the
water. An overkill for the headache, he knew, but if he was going to have to
take it anyway, he might as well get it over with. Lee felt the tablet make its
way uncomfortably down his oesophagus. He then turned and walked to his
bedroom, opening the door he was surprised to see Sarah, sitting on his bed
fully dressed, staring at his wall and sipping from one of his mugs. Her
attention turned to him as he opened the door. ‘Good
morning!’ She beamed, clearly ignoring the events of the previous evening. ‘Morning’
Lee replied wearily, the husk in his voice catching him off guard, ‘You stayed
overnight…’. With this statement Sarah’s smile faded. ‘It’s
weird isn’t it?’ she said quickly ‘I shouldn’t have stayed… you don’t really
know me and…’, Lee interrupted, ‘No,
no. Sarah it’s fine. Thanks for staying’. Sarah’s smile returned tentatively.
Lee looked from the woman to the wall. This prompted her to speak. ‘It’s
very impressive’ she offered, ‘Thanks’
he replied sheepishly, keen to deflect the compliment, ‘Listen I’ll walk you
through it in a minute but…’ Lee feigned a smell of his armpit, ‘I’m gonna have
a quick shower, you don’t mind do you?’ Lee pointed to the en-suite that jutted
off the far corner of his room. He assumed Sarah had already used it. ‘No
of course not, I’ll just leave…’ ‘There’s
no need for that. I’ll just close the bathroom door’ Lee made his way over to
the bathroom. ‘Also, is there any chance you could make me one of those’ Sarah
looked at him quizzically as he pointed to her mug and he returned a guilty
look forming a ‘please’ shape with his hands. She rolled her eyes and stood up.
‘Thanks Sarah’ Lee said before ducking into the shower to clean himself. Upon
exiting the bathroom Lee saw the steaming hot cup of coffee he had requested
waiting for him on his bed side table. This confirmed to him that his
interpretation of this woman’s eye movement was correct. As he brought the mug
to his lips he was thankful for the pick me up, and equally thankful for his
heat resistant tongue, allowing him to slurp a hot drink as soon as he received
it. Gulping down his first sip he turned to Sarah. She seemed not to be
bothered by the limited covering he had on, just a towel wrapped around his
waist. He supposed she had seen something far more embarrassing the previous
night. She looked at him expectantly, clearly the cup of coffee didn’t come
free of charge. ‘So….’
She finally said, ‘What is all this?’. She gestured at the wall, a collage of
newspaper cut-outs, pictures, reports and post-it notes written by Lee himself. ‘Well…’
he said, readying himself for what would undoubtedly be a difficult explanation
for the mental jumps he’d made, and recorded on this wall of his. ‘Let’s start
with what you do know’, he hoped
letting her start would tell him where to pick up on the holes in her
knowledge. She turned to the wall and scratched her chin. This amused Lee as he
did the same but only when he was sporting some stubble, which, of course,
could not be said for Sarah. ‘Well,
I managed to read some of the reports your partner filed before I came over…’
Lee hadn’t realised James had done any of the paperwork. He was obviously
reliable when it came to things like that, it suited his meticulous nature. ‘So
I know who this is’, Sarah’s finger landed on the first image Lee had seen in
the case. The girl in dungarees as he
knew her. The image was in the upper right-hand corner of the mind map and
marked by a red question across her face. ‘Who
she isn’t more like….’ Lee began, walking in front of Sarah, closer to the
wall, as if giving a presentation. ‘Sure’
Sarah nodded, allowing him to take over and at the same time indicating her
knowledge of the rest of the documents on the wall was limited. ‘Right’
Lee began, ‘So what we know is that at some point 10 years ago someone from the
FBI...’ ‘Supposedly’,
Sarah interrupted. Lee glared back at her, indicating his disagreement. ‘Someone from the FBI’ he continued
‘visited our man Harvey Aikley’ Lee rested his finger on the picture he had of
Harvey Aikley, drawing in Sarah’s attention. ‘What we also know’, he moved over
to the other side of the mind map, ‘Is that 50 years before that, this man was
killed in the same house in what looked like a professional hit’ he pointed at
a grainy black and white picture of the oil tycoon. ‘I decided to start with
the FBI agent. If I can find out who he is….’ He didn’t finish the point,
letting Sarah’s own imagination fill in the information they might be able to
garner. ‘Great,
but how in the hell are you gonna find that out?’ she asked. This question led
to a smile worming its way across Lee’s face. His excitement obvious, he moved
to the middle of the mind map. ‘That’s where it gets interesting. So first I
just called and asked if they could tell me who made the visit to Harvey
Aikley’s house, around the time Harvey had told me it happened. Unsurprisingly
they said all that information was confidential blah blah blah. So I tried a
different angle. All this classified stuff and data protection, you have any
idea who it doesn’t apply to?’ Sarah didn’t follow, she just shrugged her
shoulders. Lee’s smile turned into a full blown grin. ‘The IRS’ he said simply.
‘If there’s one thing which take precedence over even national security, it’s
taxes’ ‘I
don’t understand’ Sarah said blankly ‘The
IRS have access to the card statements of the FBI. Any expenses claimed have to
be checked and re-checked. Expenses are exempt from taxation on salary. So all
I had to do was request the data from the IRS on tax exemption for that year’ ‘But
there’s millions of pieces of data like that… hundreds of millions even… what
can you do with that’ Sarah was asking the right questions. ‘This
is where it takes a bit of thinking’, Lee continued, ready for the question,
‘So you’re right, receipts for tax exemptions of that month number in the
millions, but we can whittle this down. First, we take only the state we are
looking for’ Sarah nodded, following his statements. ‘This takes us down to
10’s of thousands, still too large a net but much better than before. The next
trick requires a bit of outside the box thinking’ He pointed at a list, ‘This
is a list of all the FBI agent’s cell numbers I could get a hold of, from my
own contacts and from the stations. Notice anything about all the numbers?’
Sarah looked hard at the list, Lee didn’t really expect her to spot the pattern
but to his surprise she quipped, ‘8!
The fourth letter from the end is always 8’, Lee smiled at her, impressed. ‘Right!
I assume it must be because all the sims were ordered at the same time and came
off with a factory number at the end. Anyway, then all I did was cross
reference all the phone records for that time of the month, with phones with that
digit in that place. This gave me about a hundred hits’ ‘I
still don’t see where you’re going with this’ Sarah tutted impatiently. ‘Well
then all I needed to do was attach one of the phone numbers with one of the
accounts’ ‘Yeah
but how on earth did you do that?’ with this question Lee’s smile returned to
its fullest. ‘You
know something that can be claimed as a tax exemption?’ Sarah caught on. ‘Phone
bills!’ she exclaimed ‘Damn
right. So all I do is try and get the two to overlap and…’ He pointed to some
numbers written in red at the top of the mind map. ‘I
get these 3 numbers and accounts’ ‘So
what did you do with them?’ Sarah asked eager for the result, ‘Well,
obviously when I asked for the bank or telephone company to provide me with
information of the owners they refused. But then I asked for information on
linked accounts or frequently contacted numbers and followed up on those.’ ‘And…?’
Lee was building up the suspense. ‘I
found this guy’ He pointed to the picture in the middle of the mind map.
‘George Taylor. FBI agent but well down the food chain. I hoped to go and speak
to him, try to find out who the big players were…’ ‘What
did he say?’ Sarah asked eager to jump to the answers. ‘He
didn’t’ Lee pointed to a newspaper cut out at the bottom of the mind map before
sitting down, his smile vanished. It read “FBI
search for missing agent”. ‘He went missing last week’ he finished, at
which Sarah’s jaw dropped. ‘That
can’t be coincidence…’ she suggested. Lee shrugged, ‘Maybe
not. But that’s where my goose chase ended I’m afraid’, with that he got up and
started sliding on a pair of boxers while Sarah was looking the other way. ‘And
now the chest is missing, so where do we go from here?’ she asked, still not
looking Lee’s way. As he finished getting dressed he turned and looked at her,
then to his laptop. ‘Well….’
He began, ‘Can I trust you?’ the question caught Sarah off guard. At first she
floundered for an answer before composing herself and speaking confidently. ‘Yes
you can’, Lee nodded and pointed to the laptop. ‘The
chest might not be completely gone…’ © 2016 Darius Greeves |