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Judgement Day

Judgement Day

A Story by K.M.Brown

We all will die, but where do we go when we do? What if we are given a choice? Will we make the right one?


Judgment Day

The last thing I remembered was drifting lazily away to sleep. Now I am running. I have no idea where I am going or how I got here. I am so fast that all I see is a blur of colors. I screech to a sudden halt.


I am standing in the middle of a desolate field. In front of me are two rope bridges. One stretches over a raging sea. I can hear the sound of the blue-green waves crashing against the rocky cliff sides. The other is suspended over a dark abyss. The ground on which I stand is mostly a barren, rocky wasteland with the occasional white rose sprouting from the cracked terrain.


I need to make a decision. There is a feeling inside that keeps forcing me forward. I longed to choose the bridge that hung over the water, but something inside of me is telling me no. I don't know why, but I choose the second bridge. I am still so confused. I slowly move my foot until it is tentatively resting on the bridge. It seems like it will hold. I begin to tiptoe across.


Snap. The plank under my left foot shatters, and is sent spiraling downwards into the dark cavern below. My legs are dangling over the darkness that threatens to swallow me every moment. I am hanging on to the flimsy board in front of me that at the moment is the fragile line between life and death. I start to lose hope, but I know I need to keep going. I drag myself up.


I've had enough. When I turn to leave I see it. The finesse with which it moves is mesmerizing. It's tall with piercing red eyes that stare into the innermost depths of my being. Its cascading ebony robes flow gracefully behind it. It's completely shrouded in darkness. It's coming right at me. I'm just standing with my knuckles turning white as I grip the rail of the bridge. It's still coming.

I turn and run while my fiery red hair streams behind me. I stop. In front of me is a thick wall of fog that threatens to envelop me. I let it. I walk through, and the other side is spectacular.


Golden gates rise up to the clouds. Angels fly all around me. I'm in heaven. When I imagined the end, it was always over in one cataclysmic moment, and my fate was decided for me. I never thought I had a choice.

© 2013 K.M.Brown

Author's Note

This is a story I had to write for school last year. It's very short because there was a word limit (which I exceeded, as usual). I did not focus on a plot or characters much.

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Added on October 8, 2013
Last Updated on October 8, 2013
Tags: death, heaven/hell, judgement day