Renesmee's Story ~ Part One.A Story by ImmortalLove![]() Renesmee's POV After breaking dawn. Note that i do not own any of these character or the twilight saga, Stephanie Meyer does and i give All respect for her.![]() One I woke with a start as I heard the light nocking on my bedroom door. I slip out of my bed and run my finger through my golden brown curly hair. In the five years since my birth I had grown a lot. Hell, I am going to reach physical maturity in two more years! I should look like a three year old baby girl, but, well, I don’t. I look like a sixteen year old teenager. Well, i guess i am not really a 'normal teenager'. I am a half-vampire-half-human girl who grows with incredible speed. In other words, i am weird. Well, i think so anyway, i wouldnt use the words such as 'a wonder' or 'a miricle' like others would. I have the facial features of my father, and his hair colour. I have my mum’s eyes and my Grandpa Charlie’s curly hair. I also have the maturity of my mother, or so everyone says. I groggily drag my feet over towards my bedroom door and yank it open. Aunty Alice is standing there, hands on hips. Her smiling face bright and alert. “Morning, Ness.” She says, embracing me in a huge hug. “Hi, Aunty Alice. Is there a reason your waking me up?” I ask sleepily, rubbing my eyes with the top of my hand. “I wanted to take you shopping today!” Aunty Alice grins and grabs my hand, tugging me towards the staircase as she skips along. “Shopping? No.” I pull away but she grabs me by the shoulders and laughs. “You’re not going anywhere.” She pulls me into the kitchen, much to my protest. As much as I love her, I hate shopping. I mentally search for an excuse that will let me off the hook, and save me from my worst nightmare. “I have, um, plans today.” I say pathetically. “You do?” She eyes me suspiciously. “Yes.” Although I do not really, Aunty Alice can’t see mine or Jake’s future so she would have no clue weather I am telling the truth or not. Alice continues to stare at me in suspicion before turning her head around slowly. “Edward!” She calls to the empty stairs. “No!” I blurt out, much to soon. “I thought so.” Aunty Alice looks amused. I hear the door click open and to my surprise I see Jakey standing there, smiling. Jacob Black is my best friend who i have know my whole life. My whole five years since Jake imprinted on me, marking me as his soulmate, and him as mine. “Jake!” I hug him, extreamly glad to see him. He hugs me back without hesitation. “Hey, Ness, you free today?” I turn to Aunty Alice and grin, knowing I have won. “Well then.” She rolls her eyes and sighs. “Some other day we are going shopping, Renesmee.” She points her finger at me and smiles. “We’ll see.” I run up the stairs to get changed. Two “Thanks for saving me, Jake.” I say as we walk down the gravel road, my feet crunching underneath me. “I don’t know how I would live through that much pain and torture.” “Of course. I’d hate to see you go through the pain of buying stuff.” Jacob jokes, rolling his eyes. I shrug. “I guess I’m like my mum in that way.” He smiles down at me. “You’re like your mum in a lot of ways, you know that?” “So I’ve been told.” “Where do you want to go?” He asks, kicking a stone. I watch as the stone flies out of sight. I shake my head. Show-off. I stop walking and place my hand on his cheek and show him a picture of us running through the forest. Jake grins. “Race ‘ya.” Jake says and runs down the road, his feet pounding in werewolf speed. I chase after him, catching up behind him. I had inherited my speed from Dad, but I am still half-human so Jake and I are about equal. It sucks, really. Just as I am catching up to him Jake cuts left. I dig my heels into the ground and I topple over, landing in a pile on the ground. I sit up, rubbing my head. “Nessie!” I hear Jake’s voice call in worry. He runs up to me and slips his arm under my head, suporting me. “Ness, you okay?” I glance up into his worried eyes. find it silly of him to stress over me falling over, it's not like i dont do it often. I had inherited my clumbseyness from my Mum. I laugh hysterically and Jake's expression turns from worried to creeped out, then back to worried. Most likely for my metal state. “I’m fine.” I assure him and he nods, sweeping me up and placing me on my feet. I stumble a little at first, and Jake has to catch me to stop me from falling. He glances away to hide his laughter. I nudge him in the ribs and tell him my clumbseyness is not a laughing matter, but he just ignores me and takes my hand. “We should get home.” Jake smiles at me, throwing me swiftly onto his back, he runs back towards the house. Three “Finally, your home!” Aunty Alice meets me at the front door, nodding at Jacob in greeting. “There’s so much to do, so little time!.” “What do you mean?” I ask, confounded. What was the occasion. “Well, your party is tomorrow night!” She says as if it was the most obvipus thing in the world, which it should be to me back to be honest i had compleatly forgotten about it. “Jake, your coming, right?” I ask, whirling my head around and smiling hopefully at him. “’Course I am, wouldn’t miss it.” Jacob grins at me. “Edward, can you come here pleaee! We need to talk Nessie's party!” Alice calls. Dad comes in a few moments later. “What about Nessie's party?" Dad asks, coming down the stairs of our house. “Where is Nessie staying tonight?" Alice asks, tapping her foot lightly on the marble ground. "Why cant i stay here tonight?" I ask Aunty Alice. “We can’t have you here when we are setting up! It’s a surprise.” Aunty Alice says, turning to Daddy. “So?” “Well, Charlie is going out with Sue and already made plans…” Dad says. Alice glances at Jacob. “What about you? You and Ness are friends. Can she stay at your house?” Daddy’s face hardens. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” “It’s our only option, Edward.” Auntie Rose says, entering the room. “I suppose we could get a hotel room for her.” Dad glares at Rose, hating the idea of me being at Jake's house all night. “She’s fine to stay at my house.” Jake offers, much to Dad's dislike. “Will Billy be there?” Daddy asks. “Yeah, all night.” Jake replies. Dad considers, but before he has the chance to answer, or refuse, Alice butt's in. “See you in the morning, Nessie. Here’s your bag.” Rose hands Alice a bag and she throws it at me. I step out the door, waving to them. Four “I beat you, again!” I laugh as I exterminate Jake in a video game. "Why am i so good at this?" I joke. “Damn!” He laughs. “Another one?” “Fine.” I shake my head at him. Jacob hits the buttons furiously and I laugh as he beats me. “Hah! There!” I laugh hysterically and roll onto the floor in a fit of giggles. “You let me win didn’t you?” “Yep,” I squeeze out, still laughing. He shakes his head and gives up. I like an idiot. I smirk at him. I rise and move over to sit next to Jake on the bed. I pluck some popcorn from the bowl delicately and place it in my mouth. Jake takes a handful and shoves it in his mouth. “Pig,” I mutter and he grins. “Close.” He laughs. “Dog,” I say, my grin widening. He laughs harder. With him smiling at me like that I have the sudden urge to kiss him. Jacob must have realized that I was staring at him because he gives me a worried look. “Nessie?” I snap out of my trance. “What…?” “Why were you staring at me like that?” He asks. “Oh, I’m just tired.” I mutter, fake-yawning. “We should get to bed then...” He rises. I had bought a blow-up air mattress to sleep on. Jake switches of the light and I slide into the air mattress, now suddenly exhausted. “Night, Ness.” Jake says and i hear him faintly yawn. “Goodnight, Jakey.” I say. When I hear him snoring I mumble, much too low for him to hear, “I love you…” Five “Wake up, Ness.” Jake shakes me viciously, and i almost hit him with annoyance. Why was i being woken up? “Mmm…what?” I mumble, my eyes still closed. What time was it? “Happy birthday.” Jakey says. I push myself up and squint at him. “What time is it?” “Ten o’clock in the morning.” Jake says. "Happy birthday!" He repeats. "Mmm, yeah whatever." I reply groggily. I roll off my air mattress and land on the floor. Jacob laughs and helps me up. “Clumsy girl, just like your Mum.” He grins. I glare at him, grab my brush and run it through my hair before walking into the kitchen, following Jake. Billy is still asleep. I know that because I can hear his snoring from the other side of the house. “Cereal?” Jake asks. “How about breakfast in bed?” I joke. He rolls his eyes. “Girl’s nowadays.” He pours two bowls of cereal. A small bowl for me and a huge one for him. “Dog.” I mutter and he laughs. Jakey shovels down the cereal and the grabs another bowl. I shake my head at him and chuckle. “How do you eat so much?” I ask. “I’m a werewolf, we need food.” Jacob grins before shoveling down another massive spoonful. I walk up behind him and lean over his shoulder hugging him tightly. “Happy birthday.” Jake says, smiling up at me. As my hand rests on his armi am careful not to reveal my thoughts to him. Six “Happy birthday!” Alice rushes up to me as soon as I step one foot in the door. I am blown back by all the enthusiasm, but that's always the case with Aunty Alice. She embraces me in a huge hug and grins at me. “Happy birthday, Ness.” Auntie Rose calls from the hall. “Happy birthday, Renesmee.” Mum says, hugging me quickly. “Yo, Ness, happy birthday!” Uncle Emmett jogs up to me and gives me a noogie. I laugh, pushing him away and he grins. Jasper and Dad say, “Happy birthday” At the same time. I had been told by Jacob that I was only allowed to enter through the back-door, so that I do not get to see the decorations. Bummer. “Time to get you ready.” Aunty Alice says. She leads me up the stairs and into her room where all her makeup supplies are stretched out and ready. I sit through pain and torture as Alice applies makeup and twirls my hair up into a fine bun, leaving some of it toppling down my face in golden curls, i blow at them in boerdom. “Beautiful.” She says as she stares at my face. “Now time for the clothing.” I watch as Auntie Alice skips to her cupboard and pulls out a dress. “This is your dress.” The dress is a deep blue colour. She hands it to me and helps me slip into it. “Your mum wore this to her prom.” Alice smiles. “Really? It’s really pretty.” I say, inspecting it curiously. My mum and prom? Two words that didnt fit together. “It looks very different on you than it did on her.” Aunty Alice says. I glance at her. “Why is that?” “Well, your mum had a cast of her leg.” Alice smiles. I had heard that story. Mum was almost killed by a vampire named James, but Daddy had saved her. He bit Mum and broke her leg. “Here are some shoes.” Alice says and I slip them on. I step back to look in the mirror. The girl who stares back at me is pale, still very pale. Her full lips are glossy and her hair is a twirl of golden light. I am pleased with my look. “Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.” Aunty Alice says. "Of course it would look beautiful since it was dont by me." She laughs and helps me out f the chair. “Everyone is here.” Aunty Rose says, opening the door. Alice turns to her and gestures to me. Aunty Rose smiles at me. “Very beautiful, Ness.” I smile and look at Alice. “Should we go down now.” “Yes.” Aunty Alice says. “Come on.” She leads me to the stairs and gestures to the room. It is decorated in blue, the same colour as my dress, my favorite colour. “Wow, you shouldn’t have done all of this.” I tell them. “It’s your birthday!” Alice says, laughing. “Of course I should have!” I laugh. Mum rushes up to me. “Nessie you look excellent.” She looks at my dress and smiles. “Thanks Mum.” I grin and look around to see who is here. The wolf pack is standing in the corner, pigging out on the food. There are other vampires that I know around, Granma Renee is talking to Grandma Esme, and Grandpa Charlie and Sue are talking. There are other vampires and humans that I have not met yet lingering around, waiting to meet me. “Stunning, Renesmee. Absolutely beautiful.” My father says. “Yes indeed.” Uncle Jasper says from beside him. I spend most of the night meeting people and talking, receiving gifts, waltzing and dancing with my family and friends. There is one person I need to see though. I wonder if Jake is here. As if my thoughts were heard (and of course they were), Alice skips over to me. “Here’s your surprise.” She says, giggling. Jake is standing there, wearing a tux. A tux! I had barely seen him wear a shirt let alone a tux! I smile. He does look extremely good. “Nice, Jake.” He looks nervous and embarrassed. “Here,” Jake hands me a small box. I open it and pull out a small piece of jewelry. It is a silver wolf with opal eyes. Opal, my favorite gemstone of all time. “Thank you, Jacob, it’s beautiful.” I say, hugging him. I am extremely tired from all my dancing and talking, I head outside for some fresh air. I sit on the log out at the back of the house. I turn when I hear crunching of footsteps and see Jake, sitting there. “Hey.” “Hi,” I say, patting the space next to me. He sits down. “Want some help?” He hooks the necklace on and I smile at it. “It really is beautiful.” “I’m glad you like it.” He says. “You look beautiful tonight.” I blush. “Thank you.” He stares at me and holds my eyes. Jacob’s eyes are beautiful and I stare at him in a trance. Without realizing it I place my hand on his cheek. Sending picture to him. I suddenly snap out of my trance and realize what I had done. I blush wildly. Jacob doesnt seem embarassed, although. He looks at me with compleat adoration. Jacob slowly moves his face closer to mine and he kisses me. I kiss him back. I wrap my arms around Jacob murmur. “I love you.” Jacob’s eyes rise to mine as he says, “I love you Renesmee Carlie Cullen. You are my soul mate." A Soul Mate Is The Person Who Can Bring You Life To Life…. © 2010 ImmortalLoveAuthor's Note
7 Reviews Added on July 13, 2010 Last Updated on July 16, 2010 Tags: Renesmee's story, remesmee's POV, breaking dawn, twilight, eclipse, new moon Author