Year Of Hell With A Bleak Chance Of Hope Bonus Material

Year Of Hell With A Bleak Chance Of Hope Bonus Material

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

extra info that I just found the other night


Immortal Beloved (4/1/2006 11:59:01 PM): nah i just can't see i live ot torture i can be a real menace or a little angel depending or which way you push me you pushed me to menace so i have to say poeple enjoy juust as much as her grandpappy enjoyed her

Tina Imbery (4/2/2006 12:06:01 AM): Prepare to endure eternal torture for that. U enjoy pain. U got it.

Immortal Beloved (3/18/2006 12:52:04 AM): go f**k rackeel- wolfie's old name


Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:00:18 AM): ur a c**t so it fits you just well
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:03:20 AM): and i stole your group and spilled your secrets
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:20:02 AM): U are out of my group. How dare u write a poem about my personal life u f**k! I trusted u and opened up. U betrayed me and hurt me badly. I hate you.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:20:17 AM): now you know how i feel
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:20:31 AM): what was the know what about
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:25:53 AM): U have no idea how i feel. Not one iota. I...f*****!!!
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:26:04 AM): great and i stole your group name
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:26:09 AM): so ha!
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:31:47 AM): at least i spared your daughter
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:35:33 AM): i never want to speak to you again. I am humiliated and furious!
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:35:49 AM): good i'm glad now you know how i feel
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:35:52 AM): so ha!
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:44:06 AM): U f**k with my daughter ever and you will never know peace again. May ur phoenix passion burn u up and consume ur heartless soul.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:44:35 AM): she is an innocent harm will not come to her but you leave me alone
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:44:39 AM): forever
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:51:02 AM): U are nothing to me. You are dead to me. I will never speak ur name nor acknowledge you.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:51:41 AM): i am dead to you good i hope you are hurt because when mess with this bull you gets more than the horns
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:55:03 AM): Yeah bullshit is part of the bull.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:55:16 AM): duh retard
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:56:50 AM): Ignorant illiterate
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:57:04 AM): tsk ha kindergarten insult
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 12:57:15 AM):
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 1:00:11 AM): U actually understood that? Wow ur smart
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 1:00:42 AM): duh assclown
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 1:01:14 AM): not blonde like someone i know
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 1:08:57 AM): skank
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 1:30:49 AM): Ondenucia kisses your sisters forehead and then urs. Smiling coldly.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 10:29:27 PM): you need to get out more often
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 10:37:59 PM): Of course i will. Just waiting until we are settled in a bit more
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 10:38:12 PM): no i meant buy a car
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:02:14 PM): real cute you are pitifukl
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 11:12:30 PM): What are u talking about? Aveshe nehme sommne tehukt. The phoenix risen shall burn out and forever be ashes.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:12:55 PM): uh huh abra cadabra you are a loser
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:13:05 PM):
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:17:49 PM): you are a coward
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:18:18 PM):
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 11:19:21 PM): I am using Hydra magik u moron.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:19:31 PM): oh wow
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:19:37 PM): not a moron
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:19:59 PM): The Toy Fights Back You how could you? You threaten my younger sister threaten to kill her. My pride and joy that makes me laugh you dare to take that from me? You are a coward for that. You want me dead then come down to me and do it yourself. As long as my heart beats and my lungs take in air, I live. You whom I showed softness. You whom gave me back my Phoenix passion. You who’s laugh makes me happy. What did I ever do to deserve this bullshit you are giving me? Why won’t you kill my Phoenix passion huh babymama answer me that. You have low self-confidence if the only satisfaction you can get is by cybering with young boys. Oh like a 16 year old named Zeal whose wife was Ahtemu. Crimson whom you seduced and caused him to leave his wife Cri
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 11:26:05 PM): i am Ondenucia. I care not what u think or who u are.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:26:22 PM): uh huh *claps* nice trick you not scare me
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:27:01 PM): gosh maybe i should comment on Whitelove's page saying"oh babe i am so glad you got raped when is it my turn?"
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 11:38:03 PM): I would not care. Write what u will.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:38:20 PM): wow you don't love your daughter
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:38:24 PM): cool
Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 11:45:47 PM): I am Ondenucia. I care not for anyone.
Immortal Beloved (3/12/2006 11:46:14 PM): uh huh sure tell Rackeel i want him in two weeks at South hanover ymca
Immortal Beloved (3/13/2006 12:18:27 AM): sending you out the door baby bye bye bye
Tina Imbery (3/13/2006 12:21:33 AM): And?
Tina Imbery (3/13/2006 12:32:02 AM): So?
Immortal Beloved (3/13/2006 12:32:20 AM): mmmmmmmmmm lick me where i pee


Tina Imbery (3/11/2006 8:03:54 PM): F**k off. I am busy with Crimson. We are making love and u are annoying me right now.

Tina Imbery (3/11/2006 11:20:42 PM): All i asked was for friendship. I turned u. I opened up. Then u went and claimed u were my lover. I am a queen and no one treats me that way.

Immortal Beloved (6/12/2006 2:01:57 AM): Marellus darkknight 4 days ago I have heard (and seen ) possible proof that some few people are trying to raise an army so they can attack the Nation. I, for one, am not going to just stand by and watch. I know we are not a Clan but an expanding Empire, but mayhap our rulers would allow us to fight in this. I will also be standing with Avarus and Elysium in this matter, should they join to resist, no matter how much it might piss anyone off. I owe loyalty to my Clans as well as the Empire, so I will defend. Reply Marellus darkknight 4 days ago It seems to be lead by Immortal Beloved and lordmaxwell... Reply Ahtemu Tallon 4 days ago not seems is Reply Marellus darkknight 4 days ago I stand corrected: It IS lead by lordmaxwell and Immortal Beloved. Reply LordDariusMarellus 4
Immortal Beloved (6/12/2006 2:02:33 AM): days ago THank you for this information loyal soldier.......This uprising will be stopped immediately..... Reply

Samantha Stuart (3/11/2006 8:36:18 PM): crimson rose 5 hours ago Hear this, It is time for the charade to end. I am Crimson Rose, and I am now the King Of Malatrum. I have other identeties, one of them being Roseofundyingshadow, and i have only transferred the ownership to my other name, so from now on, you will address Crimson as your king, and i'm pretty sure that Roseofundyingshadow won't be to active for a while. It's really no big deal, but i thought ya'll shold know. Another thing, This clan has been with out a queen for along time, as i have been searching for someone who was strong and good for us as a family.
Samantha Stuart (3/11/2006 8:36:21 PM): I have chosen someone, and have indeed fallen in love with her, in time you will see who it is if you do not know. All i am going to say is that she is going to be my queen, and I will not change my mind for anything. If you don't like her, then leave. That is all i have to say Lord Seth King of Malatrum

Samantha Stuart (3/13/2006 1:18:19 AM): Dj blacktard: 10 hours ago [delete ] [history] [reply] I hate you the clan doesn't want you anymore and god please loose some weight you twunt I wouldn't touch you with a strap-on but to put it nicely i hope you choke go jump off a bridge it is the wish of the Queen and of the Blood hunter me and if you come back to ap or if you tell anyone YOU ARE BEING WATCHED so don't get cute and pull a fast one you will be watched day and night not matter how much you hide and don't come back to any of the clans you are not wanted so take your ugly bunny off of ap and don't come back or you will pay Dj blacktard: 10 hours ago [delete ] [history] [reply] so yeah i checked out your freewebs page and was repulsed by you and your friend and then I said to myself man i could eat them out but the

Samantha Stuart (4/4/2006 10:14:57 PM): I am Lady Ahtemu Shadow Rose Shadow Princess of the Obsidian Clan High Princess of the Malatrum Clan and Princess of the Lucin Clan and High Priestess of The Thrown of Isis Queen of the Coral Cavern and Queen Assassin of the PhoenixOnslaught Assassin Guild and Queen of The Choas Clan and Goddess of Roses and Purity upon AP Mount Olympus and youtr mother deal with it!

Immortal Beloved (4/27/2006 12:20:29 AM): Error: Sorry, this account or computer was banned from The ban is on Immortal Amorous, from computer address You are Immortal Amorous, from computer address This ban has been placed by Maatkara until forever, because: jess666/Immortal Beloved/qwan/Bennu Weben/Immortal Amorous: PERMANENT SITE BAN You are permanently banned from this site for the reasons you received and as detailed on those account files re innapropriate and illegal behaviour towards a 15 year old girl. Any further attempts to open accounts here will also be banned. Maatkara, Moderator

Maryian Violence wow

Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:50:00 PM): BAD enough i got this punk Maryian being a coward
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:50:27 PM): giggle which maryian??
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:50:32 PM): violene
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:50:36 PM): violence
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:50:45 PM): giggle oh violence
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:50:48 PM): i challenged him to a fight and he backed down
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:50:51 PM): i dont trust him
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:51:02 PM): he is my nephew
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:51:10 PM): and i told him to
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:51:17 PM): he's a tricky prick
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:51:33 PM): lol i told him not to fight you
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:51:39 PM): no no i wanna
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:51:51 PM): im sorry
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:51:57 PM): no you let me fight him
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:51:57 PM): i told him not to
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:52:07 PM): i wont let him fight you
Immortal Beloved (7/9/2006 9:52:18 PM): goddamnit woman why
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:52:29 PM): because i love you both lol
Samantha Stuart (7/9/2006 9:52:35 PM): and i dont want you two hurt



© 2009 Immortal Beloved

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Added on December 1, 2009

The RP War Diaries


Immortal Beloved
Immortal Beloved

Manchester, MD

My heroes are males and females who report that they were raped no matter how long ago it was you are my true heroes no matter what people say YOU guys are the true heroes!!! and you got my respect 10.. more..
