Year Of Hell With A Bleak Chance Of Hope

Year Of Hell With A Bleak Chance Of Hope

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

The true story about the controversial 2006 rp war


Year Of Hell With A Bleak Chance Of Hope


March 12, 2006- December 1, 2006



Immortal Beloved





My name is Kevin Brewer but I prefer my poet name Immortal Beloved cause it’s the name that suits me quite well and I’ll be 21 July 2007. For the record I rented the movie about Beethoven and after eighty minutes I took it out that’s what I think of him minus the fact I love his fifth symphony because the pretty much describes my entrance theme if I were with WWE, ECW, TNA, or WSX. You’ll notice throughout this autobiography dealing with one of my personal battles that use different types of slang such as the first chapter I got that from the Xbox game which I play oh so much: The Warriors. Also in this book you’ll hear me use the word "n****r" a lot now I’m mixed and I know the real term of the word unlike some people whom think I use it as a racial slur but I simply tell them "You’re being a n****r stop being ignorant" and they still act like I said nothing so if you’re offended, my advice to you is get over it or take this book and either burn it or get your money back.

I am a charismatic, charming, love to roleplay online, controversial, humorous, hated, cherished, feared, highly intelligent bisexual guy whom always tells the truth most of the time but that’s who I am hate it or love it. And you’re probably sitting, standing, or working and scratching your head about me calling myself controversial well I am by telling the truth I made myself controversial and was banned for it. But rather than tell you right away I wanna take you back to April 19th, 2004 when I rejoined for the fourth or fifth time I’ve lost count since then so just relax and read my tale about my personal battle which took a toll on me not just physical but emotionally mentally and psychologically.

So now my tale begins I hope you enjoy.



Chapter 1: Small Time Outfit

Allright this is my fourth or fifth time joining AllPoetry or AP as I like to call it I was banned two times before so this makes my third time joining my apologies. I was banned for plagiarism now allow me to explain that what I did was go on the Internet and look for poems and post them under my name so that those people could see that someone was interested in their works and they could come to AP and post all their works and get reviewed and receive points for their work. But that story didn’t fly with the mods on the site and they booted me. The second time I asked permission from a lesbian site to use of their stories cause it was really f*****g hot and I was going to school at the time so I didn’t know school was gonna be closed the next day and when I logged in the next day I was banned for it again. Pissed off and upset my mind raced to find a way back onto AP and I did I created a new account some months later naming it Tardtrix.

So with a new name, fresh start I posted my old works from 2002 got several reviews and points for most of them. I got adopted and had a AP mommy named Lady Raven whom was the sweetest mom I ever met and I met her relatives all adopted on AP not her real relatives mind you just regular people from all over the world from California like her to Australia and me being from Maryland I loved meeting new people some were bad some were good. I flirted with some of the girls on there and occasionally had cyber sex and I’m still a virgin so it was fun and I didn’t have a care in the world little did I know that it would come back to bite me in the a*s twice.

So I’m 18 going on 19 out of school still enjoying the fruits of AP the critiques, points, winning contests, making new friends, still cybering, being happy. Then my life changed when I met Tina Imbery whom goes by: BlueIsisQueenAvarus aka Lady Calasouvve aka Bluevampyress aka OndencuiaBloodChant aka Ashreal Avarus aka Scorpiocora aka LadyBlueIcedRose aka BluesIsisQueenRaven aka LadyAshrealWolf on AP. I shake my head wishing I hadn’t met her in December 2005 and the events that followed hadn’t happened but they did. I met Tina when her AP name was blueisisqueenAvarus and she was kind, inticing, curious, seductive, weird to me when we first started talking only thing I can’t remember is who started the conversation but we got along from December 2005 to March 2006. During that time she gave me her phone number and we talked on the phone and online I ran my phone bill up to $900 and my parents were pissed at me for it so I was pissed at her for it and for threatening my little sister’s life. The phone bill was partly my fault because I would get wrapped up in hours of talking to her and I can hear her voice from back then and it’s eerie and disturbs me. She flat out told me that she was dating an underage boy named Jordan, had other numerous lovers, her plans to rule over the vampire nation on AP with me and I’m glad I didn’t, wanted to hear my bedroom voice which most of the time is me farting heh, and to cap it off she told me about her illness which was rare and caused her not to drive a car because if she drove a car she would have a massive seizure that could last up to two hours.

So naturally me being the sensitive person I was back then I felt bad for her and pitied her god I was such a f*****g softie.




Chapter 2:


A Set With A Serious Sense Of Style:

The Toy Fights Back

Sunday March 12, 2006 10:43 p.m.


Then she made the biggest mistake of her life and that was threatening my little sister’s life and Homey Claus said it best: "Homey don’t play that", so grabbing my laptop up I went to my room and typed up the one poem that would deem me controversial, hated, and surprisingly well respected on AP: The Toy Fights Back. After posting it on AP it didn’t take long until a moderator named Maatkara whom calls herself "A servant of truth and justice" which disgusts me to the core deleted my truth poem saying that I was harassing another poet so I bitched her out and got banned from for a couple days but the damage was done and I succeeded in cementing my name for exposing her for her crimes that she did to my friends. Now for the question nagging your head: "Immortal what did that poem exactly say and can I see it?" the answer is yes you can see it.

The Toy Fights Back

You how could you?

You threaten my younger sister threaten to kill her.

My pride and joy that makes me laugh you dare to take that from me?

You are a coward for that.

You want me dead then come down to me and do it yourself.

As long as my heart beats and my lungs take in air, I live.

You whom I showed softness.

You whom gave me back my Phoenix passion.

You who’s laugh makes me happy.

What did I ever do to deserve this bullshit you are giving me?

Why won’t you kill my Phoenix passion huh babymama answer me that.

You have low self-confidence if the only satisfaction you can get is by cybering with young boys.

Oh like a 16 year old named Zeal whose wife was Ahtemu.

Crimson whom you seduced and caused him to leave his wife Crimson Rose.

Countless others that I don’t know about s**t you’re probably cybering with a five year old.

And the phone sex you had with me? Please you faked the whole time such a shame to.

Then there’s good old Booby I mean Bobby he’s 21 so you won’t get in tooooo much trouble since he’s legal.

But all he is to me is a uniform, a sword and a gun nothing else and a real prick. Hee heeeee

Pffffffffffffffffttt you can’t separate roleplay from real life not to mention the fact you cheated on your husband who stayed loyal through all that s**t.

Now that’s a man with Phoenix passion and I respect him 110% for that.

But you I respect -110% because you live your life out as an online rpg because you’re afraid of living in the real world.

And you’re afraid of being rejected so you seduce young men like myself, Zeal, Crimson and others to do your deeds well no more will I fall for you ways.

You are a compulsive liar and a fraud.

Growing more and more pathetic by the millisecond.

You need to grow up and get a life and stop f*****g young boys.

Stop tearing apart families.

Stop tearing husbands away from their wives.

And if Bobby is willing to die for you then tsk he’s a fool to do that.

Don’t send a puppet to do your work do the work yourself.

I don’t want the puppet, I want the puppeteer.

Like Apollo challenging Rocky I want you.

I am Wyatt Earp and his Immortals and you are The Cowboys Gang defeated and broken of power.

I am Charles Xavier and you are Magneto defeated by my X-men.

I am God and you are Lucifer cast out of my kingdom forced to live in Hell.

I am Triple H and you are another charity case that was destroyed in my path.

I am number one and you are nothing.

I am a soldier and you are an Iraqi that has fallen victim to my M-16.

I am the Immortal Hulk Hogan and you are a victim of Hulkamania.

I am John Cena The Champ and you are a victim to the F.U.

I am The Nature boy Ric Flair and you have lost to me courtesy of my Figure 8 submission move.

I am The Deadman The Undertaker and you are but a number in my undefeated streak at Wrestlemaina.

I am John Gotti the head mob boss of New York and you are sleeping with the fishes.

I am Batman and you are just another addition to Arkham Asylum.

I am Wonder Woman and you are in the grip of my Lasso of Truth spilling all your dark secrets to the world.

I am Jedi Masters of old and you are Lords of the Sith defeated and gone forever your plague upon the galaxy forever demolished.

I am your pimp and your are my diseased-riddled b***h working the corners selling yourself cheap.

You are a fake.

You are a sham.

You are a piece of roadkill that I have just run over on the highway.

By the way if you wrecked I’d run over to see you having a seizure I’d ask "Quick what’s the number for 911?"

Now whatcha gonna do I said whatcha gonna do when the toy fights back?


And here’s the comments she had to say on Yahoo about it:

Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:20:02 AM): U are out of my group. How dare u write a poem about my personal life u f**k! I trusted u and opened up. U betrayed me and hurt me badly. I hate you.

Tina Imbery (3/12/2006 12:35:33 AM): i never want to speak to you again. I am humiliated and furious! I am a Queen you have no right to treat me this way!

So as you can see I wounded her to the core, destroying our friendship forever but it didn’t matter to me from then on I made it my mission my crusade to get her out of the Roleplaying community on AP and even off AP. Now let me explain something else about AP they say you can post WHATEVER you want but you can’t use poets names yet, people post love poems mentioning poets names and they don’t get banned for it but when I go and post a poem about what Tina did to me they ban me for it that’s just plain f*****g bullshit. I had thought on suing them and getting my ban reversed but then that plan kinda fizzled out and I soon forgot about it since I became wrapped up in the crusade. During the daytime I worked out when I felt like it running on anger and pure hatred for Tina I remember even telling one of the attendants there about the time me and her had cyber sex I shake my head laughing and feeling utterly disgusted not just cause I cybered with her but because I sunk that low adding onto the fact that she lasted only 20 minutes and 17 seconds strange that I remember the length but besides that I lost weight gained it back ate more ate less became more depressed and pissed off. My mother pissed me off cause she was on my a*s over stupid s**t almost all the time I fought with my second AP mother Ahtemu because Tina was her AP mother and her AP daddy was a real prick named Crimson Rose but his name is Seth Reed this m**********r and I use that term in whole truth he was a real smartass and a Jack Sparrow poser saying "Savvy that" left and right in his comments or conversations, hence a total loser. I told him off one time I said "Sethany you’re only five face bashings away from looking like Beetlejuice off Howard Stern" because that was true he was short and looked like a drag queen. He’s like herpes once you get it you can’t get rid of it.

Back to Tina so now I’m a month into the crusade and soon word spread like Katsumoto’s samurai’s leading their final charge against the US army that I had bashed Tina which was true but the other rumor that went around was that I had also threatened to rape her real life daughter Whitelove whose name was Amber Imbery. Now I tell you with all my heart and soul I don’t condone rape at all I hate a man no matter the color of his skin or his religion or ethnicity that man is a p***y a*s n****r and deserves to have a train run on his a*s in the prison shower cause I know central population loves a rapist. I am a virgin to the core but I got the mouth of a sailor, I believe in God and his Son but I don’t go to church because everybody there irks me. I know for a fact I never threatened to rape Amber at all I don’t know where the f**k she gets it from that I made this threat against Amber because it’s bullshit and besides if I wanted to lose my virginity I sure as hell wouldn’t rape a woman to lose it. That’s how much of a stupid c**t Tina can be but that ain’t the worst she’s done. She was a psy vampire no joke for those of you who aren’t into superstitions and spirits I’ll explain. When we first met over the phone I heard a low whispering and I asked her what is that and she said it’s ancient Celtic then she asked if I could feel her biting my neck and I could a tight pinching and I had two little pink marks on my neck but there long gone now but after I posted The Toy she got vicious and bit me more over and over but I could fight her off just grabbing at my neck and pulling away the pain was gone only to be there again and it drove me crazy to where I had a hard time sleeping plus she had spirit sex with me which is the same I guess as sex I shudder in real disgust because it makes me feel horrible.

But I do remember one time I had phone sex with her and she rode me spiritually and it was like 6:03 a.m. cause I wanted to talk to her but her line was busy until that time and she was like "How’s that feel Kevin good isn’t?" and I was agreeing with her snickering as she was fake moaning and s**t then she said "Now I’m gonna get rough with you when I feed off you cause I’m hungry" and I said "Ok feed from me" still snickering. "I lean in and tear your throat wide open savagely draining your blood from your body" she said moaning and I chuckled moaning as I felt her ride and feed from my neck. Then we told each other we loved each other and I fell asleep. I am a horrible person for selling myself that low to be seduced by a wife who cheated on her husband named Mike Imbery while still married to him but he stayed with her the whole time so I got mad respect for him.

After I posted The Toy Fights Back word spread quick about it since no one got a chance to read it thanks to Maatkara stupid lying a*s b***h and people came to me wanting to know what I said exactly in the poem so I sent everyone and everybody who wanted to see the poem and I got praised for writing it and put down for spilling her dirty secrets to all on AP but it didn’t phase me I felt like Tupac’s song Trapped but once I wrote The Toy I was free from my chains of bondage.



Chapter 3

A Minor League Team Finds A Diamond In The Rough

Now it’s May 29, 2006 two months into the crusade and this is the day I met my Sweet Aussie Princess that’s what I call her Karley is her real name and she is the world to me. I was with her from May til July helping, talking, cybering, learning about each other. She’s sweet and looks like the younger version of Scarlett Johansson with sexy lips perfect for kissing. She was a blonde but now she’s a brunette still loves me in some way. When I met her it was in the AP Chatterbox or the CB as it’s called and someone was talking about a boyfriend or girlfriend and she was upset cause her ap name was Heavenly Suffering and I didn’t know anything about her till we talked on Msn and I found out why she was so upset it was the five month anniversary of her brother’s death in a car accident so I stayed close to her comforting her and telling her it was gonna be ok and I was there for her. Plus she cut, got beaten, raped, molested, did drugs, drank and I did my goddamn best to get her to stop which I did for a while at least until July then my Msn didn’t show her online anymore and I just figured she didn’t wanna be on Msn or she got a new account and soon I forgot all about her then I found her again on AP with a different name and I had switched my Msn over to my spare account and we talked it was so much that me and her had to talk about. Karley told me that she changed her ways after her prick drug addict boyfriend beat her for getting pregnant by him causing her to lose the baby and I cried for her. Off and on she flirted with me as we talked but nothing happened don’t get me wrong I only go ahead if the girl wants to I never force myself or a girl into a situation she don’t wanna be in. Here’s another trip heh there’s a guy named Tuyen who’s got a thing for her so yeah and the worst part is he’s my exact opposite literally: does everything I’m afraid to do. Basically he’s the dreamy movie star version of me. But that’s just one of my lovers and friends and I got plenty more for you the reader to enjoy.


Chapter 4:

June 21st, 2006

Lilith, Shining Star, Darius, Abariel, Korey, Kels, Bella, Bamboo Shoot these are the people who I met from June to July and some I still talk to but for now I’ll explain who all these people are. Lilith is my ap daughter and yes we cybered and still do off and on. She’s nice, cute, just like Karley but let me pause my story here for a second to explain something else every girl I’ve met is my lover and friend and every one of them has been molested, raped, cheated on, beaten, cutter or burner, smokes, drinks, has a disorder, hates their parents, and what not. Now back to Lilith she was a funny but emotional girl who told me that I make her uber horny which made me laugh but it was true. She had been through I don’t know how many boyfriends all of them bad, hooked on drugs for a while and alcohol, molested and beaten by her dad, her mom did nothing about it. Shining Star is my second mother, lover, and dearest friend even though she’s a year younger than me. Her ex boyfriend is a total prick and somehow finds her on Msn even though she deletes and blocks him she used to cut but that’s about it for her other than the fact that she is drop dead hot and a tease which we both enjoyed. Darius is my main man and pansy general in the vampire nation I was his Military Advisor yet I did nothing so heh except by this time I was well known throughout the nation so people hated me or respected me which was cool with me I didn’t need protection like most people did in the nation I just did as I pleased no regrets just like DX yes I am an avid fan of wrestling as I stated in the beginning of this book only thing was I never did the Suck It part till later on. Abariel was my AP wife but I left her hell I don’t even remember why part of it was that I wanted to kill a guy who cyber raped her named Angelus so yea I was pretty pissed and gung ho on killing his character but I never got to due to something called a f*****g ban. We had two kids but never cybered since she met Angelus didn’t bother me at all she’s 48 now and for the love of me I cannot remember why I wanted her so bad I really don’t know and I sit here laughing about it cause it’s that damn funny. I don’t remember our daughter’s name but our son’s name was Woden yet I never spoke to him and he’s thinking about leaving the nation which I encourage and I’ll explain why when this crusade ends I promise. Korey is my rapist uncle on AP yeah he cyber raped me hehe I shake my head because he did it on purpose and it was funny I’d cry rape and he’d do it again I’d cry to Shining Star and she’d laugh.

Kels was a trip her name on AP is Silver totally funny and caring not to mention a DX fan just like me so ha in your face! She’s got a quirky freckled face serious but silly at times, short so I tease her about being short, we flirted with each other but never went any further than that. Just kidding heh now onto Bella she’s a weird one I cybered with her like three different times plus she was a mystery as in she knew s**t but wouldn’t tell of it. Bamboo Shoot is another friend of mine she’s turning 18 in 2007. She’s sweet, nice, kind, cutter, pretty much had a rough life growing up and we were friends at one time then I got tired of her and I can’t even remember why must be the Alzheimer’s kicking in hehe. Through her I met Animal Cracker whose name is Summer and her cousin but I call her sister Captain Jack Cupcake whose name is Emmy. Both of them are really sweet and nice but for now me and Emmy are on outs over meaningless bullshit which is so true all I wanted was space and she flipped out over it but, I still talk to Animal Cracker once in a while.

Mmmmmkay now onto the title of this chapter the date June 21st, 2006 yes it’s an important date but on June 12th, 2006 my favorite group reunited for the first time in a long while: D Generation X but back to the main date of this chapter heh this is the day I did two things on AP: one I created an RP area called The Slaughter House where anybody could come in and challenge someone to a fight no application no nothing was needed except for rules of course but that’s beside the point. Two I had my first fight in there with a guy called Crimson Rose aka roseofadyingshadow aka Seth Reed now some of you may know of him because he’s a flat out prick and he’s married which baffles me because who in the f**k would marry that a*****e who has the biggest ego and is built like Snoop Dogg yea he’s THAT thin plus he’s 6'5. He makes his living by causing others pain here’s an example remember Abariel? Well he just loves getting on her nerves so bad that she cuts herself over it and I’m there helping her out and trying to get her to not cut anymore and just ignore it which she does and sometimes it’s hard because Seth has this knack for going after suicidal people just for fun, hell his ex girlfriend is my best friend and she told me that one time when they were together he was asked by another guy whether he’d take cocaine or her and he said "I’d take cocaine over her any day". So while I was gone from AP the day after I made The Slaughter House I was told by my friends that he was going around calling me out and saying stuff like:

"You know what tastes good? P***y juice kinda like your mother’s" or something like that I can’t remember exactly but it was along those lines and I said to one of my friends and to him on the site in the group im’s "Yeah if you like fat chicks Sethany" and that s**t went on during the morning hours and I usually get on at night so I heard about when I got on that night. But I have very good news I have the original fight saved on my laptop and I’m going to show you what exactly happened and explain after some more things that have occurred that involve Sethany and The Slaughter House and now for your ultimate pleasure my first fight in The Slaughter House.


Forums / The Slaughter House /

Crimson Rose vs. Immortal Beloved

Immortal Beloved
June 21, 200


I walk in clothed in a black kimono and white shirt with a matching black pants and black Harley Davidson boots. My hair is black and purple mini dredlocks that have little blades dangling from them as I approach the center of the Arena I hear cheers and boos from the crowd

Lucian Valcor
June 21, 2006

sits and waits

*The lights dim, blackness fills the arena. The crowd gasps as the ground starts to tremble and from nowhere comes a whislting huricane wind. A wall on the south end of the arena cracks, and then explodes forth, pelting the chalnger and audience alike with sharp stones. From the hole left in the wall strides a tall mucular vampyre dressed in a long flowing leather trench coat and black leather pants. Over his shoulder he carry's a large golden sword with an engraved blade. His eyes are closed and a small smile plays across his lips. The audience is deathly silent as in the darkness the figure stops, and raises his head. His eyes open suddenly and glow blue, peircing the shadows and the filling every Vampyre, Liccan, Drow, and Human alike with a sense of dread mixed with admiration at a creature so sensationally powerful. The ground ceases it's tremors and the wind dies down, and in the ensueing silence is destroyed by the Vampyres voice, deep and yet very soft.*

"I have come Immortal, it is time that you reap the consequences of the agravation and irritating behavior that you have sown for so long. It is time for you to pay for all the trespasses against me, the ones I love, and this Vampyre nation."

*He turns to the crowd, a small smile playing across his lips*

"Do not worry all those whom have gathered here today to watch this glorious and violent spectacle. Today the AP world will be rid of this bottom dwelling, half witted piece of slime that has hindered and hounded the progression of our rightful rule over this world."

*Turning back to his opponent one last time, he swings his sword off his shoulder and rest the tip of it on the ground, in a half ready lacadasical stance*

"So Immortal Beloved, make your move..."

sits down and watches

*enters, bowing her head with respect to the other inhabitants of the room, sits close to her brother and watches her son and Immortal Beloved fight it out*

Immortal Beloved
June 22, 2006

crimson rose
June 22, 2006

*smirks and replies* n***a please hee heee a golden sword? ha ha *taking a blurred run at Seth I disappear and reappear having broken the sword clean in two without breaking a sweat turning to face Seth i waggle my finger back and forth* no sword for you big boy your weapons are no match for a mixed pure blood like myself from the future. come now gimme your best shot b***h

Silveren Maryianov
June 21, 2006
June 21, 2006
Reply crimson rose
June 21, 2006
Reply 1 - 50 of 65 1 2 next >


*raises eyes and smiles, and winks at the croud as he drops the sword*


"Tisk, Tisk Imortal, it seems that you have forgotten the ancient and ever so necessary "God Mod" rules that have been laid down for ages...But, I'll let you have that one, twas nothing more than a prop anyways...but I liked that sword so now you have once again insulted me..."

*A fog starts to rise from the ground and swirl around as the powerful Vampyre winks at Immortal.*

"Now enough of these petty games, injure me...if you have the balls..."

'snickers to myself' a interesting challenge I do say so myself

~enters and bows my head respectfully the sits off by myself to watch~

*smirks* you want injured? first learn how to spell my name correctly *runs hard and fast then jumps high and hard planting both my fists into Sethany's chest knocking him into the main entrance way*

*As Immortal speeds towards him, The vampyre moves suddenly, a snails pace for him, but too fast for any eye to see. Both of Immortals wrists become entwined in the trechcoat that Crimson slid off his body as he sidestepped the attack. A few mumbled words from his lips and the trenchcoat wraps around the wrists of his attacker and shapeshifts into a thick chain that pulls itself tighter and tighter. There is a snap as both wrists are dislocated. Standing now with arms across his chest, Crimson mutters a few more words and more chains shoot out of the floor and wrap themselves around Immortal's body, entertwining and tightening aslo. muscles tear and bones crack as they constrict even more. Smiling and standing a good five feet away, Crimson speaks softly.*

"Hasty actions reap "binding" consequences my dear Immortal, do you like my chains? I understand that they might not be "Bling Bling" enough for you, but anything forged in the deepest depths of hell usually isn't. Oh, by the way, seeing as the metal IS from hell, it has to be a very good conductor of heat...should I show you?*

*Smiling, the now shirtless vampyre raises his hand in a lacadaisicle fashion, concentrating his glowing blue eyes at the chain. In moments the chain has reached glowing red heat, sizzling the skin and filling the air with a charred smell of burning flesh. The chain continues to tighten, all the while never losing it's strength or hold*

"And that is why patience is a virtue my very unvirtuatous opponent. There are traps everywhere in a battle with me.*

*Closes eyes, dissapointed* ugh



June 23, 2006




June 23, 2006


crimson rose

June 23, 2006


Immortal Beloved

June 22, 2006


Lamia Luna Avaritia

June 22, 2006


Lucian Valcor

June 22, 2006


I believe that you need to learn how to fight, both of you

there is no judge, their are no rules, and this truly is just two people throwing words at one another, this is why I tire of ap...have fun little kids.


Hawk Avarus

June 24, 2006


*Sits and watches with mild interest*

Smirking which turns into a hearty laugh I shudder and the chains turn to ice and break away throwing my arms out to either side they snap back into place and as the steam clears I cough some spitting blood and shapeshift into a woman that he is familiar with

"Hi Sethers"

* takes his seat and watches*

*stops suddenly, mouth open, and then smiles...speaking very slowly and deliberately.*

"So you want me to f**k you now? Sorry bub, I ain't gay...but nice costume though...Anyways, it's a shame you changed form seeing as this fight is about to be fact, right now..."

*stands and draws her dagger, takes off in her vampyric speed and slams the dagger into Crimsons left shoulder blade. laughs loudly and disappears amongst the shadows whispering* and the winner is...

*stumbling and falling, the vampyre puts his hands to his shoulder, feeling the slow trickle of blood. Grunting, he pulls the knife out and looks at Immortal, a look of shock, and disbelief...which slowly fades into a smile, and a wink. Suddenly he flips the blade in the air and laughs out loud. Blowing a kiss to his mother in the crowd he turns to Immortal and speaks, chuckling and grinning ear to ear.*


"And so you have lost Immortal, according to the very rules that you have laid down for this arena...If someone interferes then you are disqualified...and well, that interference was in your favor I'll take that kingdom when ever you're ready to hand it over...sucker...ha!"

*he continues to laugh at Immortal's look of shock and outrage*

~shakes head~ that was a dirty trick, and you crimson are the true shame of the vampyre nation ~stands and exits~

~snarls~ "Not exactly I have not sided with silver at all maybe you have sided with silver and caused this controversy so I say you have cheated and i have concrete proof of it!

crimson rose:

4 hours ago

[delete ] [history] [reply] did i cheat a little bit? lol

crimson rose:

4 hours ago

[delete ] [history] [reply] ah, I do milady, to let your opponent make up his own rules, and then to let him be defeated by them, It makes me very pleased with myself, and my mother...

~Voice booming~



~another voice comes on and announces~


~Crowd cheers in an uproar~

And for cheating YOU must wear this:

~points right index finger at Seth and a blue beam engulfs him and disappears and he is wearing a blonde wig and yellow dress with heels~

~Crowd roars with approval and screams with cheers as roses rain down on the field~


Immortal Beloved

June 27, 2006



Lucian Valcor

June 27, 2006


"walks in too look at this" shakes head in shame of crimson rose...... 'sighs' this was very interesting seems that crimson never learns... and I doubt this will do him any thing since.... as always and as he did last time he will make another name and create another clan either way.... I am rather pleased with the outcome of all this especialy since crimson is now hunted by elysium and he now has no clan to back him..... 'laughs' it will only make it more easy to find and destroy him.....


Lamia Luna Avaritia

June 26, 2006


crimson rose

June 26, 2006


Silveren Maryianov

June 26, 2006


crimson rose

June 26, 2006


The grim reefer 420

June 26, 2006


Immortal Beloved

June 25, 2006



June 24, 2006



So crimson is to be hunted....interesting clan to back him? Why Lucian, do not be a fool...He has I believe ohhhh three clans who will back him. I prayed and fought for peace long enough. Immortal you are truly scum...that is not the way crimson writes at idiot. Malatrum will not be handed over to a non-vampyre f****t. You did not win....crimson did. Malatrum is crimson's and mine....dont forget think you can just take it...come and try...and maybe why you are all playing will just happen to not see the two new slayers in our midst...ahhh yes...perhaps Immortal staged this..keep our eye focused elsewhere so the truth of his plan is hidden...think on this all of you. Immortal never does anything without a backup plan.

Lady Blue~

Oh here is your apology Immortal...I am sorry you are such a f*ken freak. There...happy now?




June 27, 2006


Lucian Valcor

June 27, 2006


eh if you fight you will be fighting yourself... and not me or elysium we are truly out of the war buissness.... I am in the works of making a open society with a people ruled goverment system... any way good luck to your war... and my gates are always open if you want to come and visit the bar or some thing


crimson rose

June 27, 2006


you are making a mistake and backing someone who makes rules and does not abide by them, I see no concrete evidence...

Tis a shame, someone lays down the rules for his arena and then uses unconcrete proof for his accusations? Hmmmmm, tis a shame indeed...oh well, if it is war thou wishest, then it is war thou shall recieve...I never did say that I controlled Malatrum...never, no sir, Malatrum is in the name of my loverly bride...Atusha...HA! And even more, I won Immortal, your rules say so...whether or not It was planned, the simple fact of the matter is, I was attacked by someone to your benefit...SO YOU LOSE...loser... so unless you surrender your group then I shall destroy it and destroy you in the process, welcome to hell my small minded opponent...may you choose wisely...


All Power Is Mine...

Lord Seth...


crimson rose

June 27, 2006



Lucian Valcor

June 27, 2006


you realise immortal is a member of my councle there for a member of elysium...... you choose to battle him then you choose to battle me....... also atusha has challenged me to a battle quick headed or not it is her own fault and will be taken up on although this time the battle will not be public till the end so no one can interfer with the fight and "cough' set up the fight as you have done crimson

Im so gonna love this.... when I win I will make you my officle feet massager sethy... 'snickers'


Lucian Valcor

June 27, 2006



crimson rose

June 27, 2006


Ok, "lucy" personal feet massager? you have no idea what type of pile of s**t you've stepped off into, let the games begin...


Lucian Valcor

June 27, 2006


oh my Im so scared... I might actualy make you loose your oh so stable foot hole once again.... 'snickers' maybe this will be like old time sake when you were if I recal "the b*****d prince of avarus" that title didnt last long did it sethy ?

Why dont you both shut up? There is an idea! I for one hate Immortal with everything in me and would love to see him gone from ap forever....he is nothing but slime...

You back a lowlife who threatened to rape my irl daughter Lucian and I swear you will go down too.

The 'B*****d Prince of Avarus' was never a b*****d Lucian. He was truly a Prince.

And here we go again with "I am in the works of making a open society with a people ruled goverment system" similar is it not to the failed unified vampyre nation? You will build something up once again and let it fall because you will be soooo tired of all the drama...

And crimson...this fight was bull...neither of you did anything. If you want a fight do it well. At least make an effort. Immortal looked gay out there...oh he sorta is...

And you crimson have more in you than that.

Welcome to the Atusha of old boys...perhaps I will have both of you for my shoe shine boys...

heh i smell a tag team bout Lucian and Immortal vs. Atusha and Seth in a death match to the finish

is still watching from the shadows


Ahtemu De Winter

June 28, 2006



crimson rose

June 28, 2006


I got a better idea, why don't you and Lucy just tag team each other...


Immortal Beloved

June 28, 2006



June 28, 2006



Ahtemu De Winter

June 29, 2006


me tag team are you crazy!

wow, this went from nothing to nothing more, and in the end...just the bickering of people with little to much time on their hands, reminds me of me...but I don't think I was ever so childish...sigh, I truly think you all should just get together sometime and have a few beers, or a few punchs...or both, but this constant circle of madness just goes around and around. But whatever seems to make you happy, this site is about writing, and there seems to be quite a bit of it...enjoy your split personalities and childish demeanors.



July 5, 2006



crimson rose

July 5, 2006


Kiss my rosy red ever hairy a*s and f**k off mr. high and mighty, maybe if you had a life you'd quit trying to control people and settle into the oh so mundane exhistance of living a life of servitude to this s**t hole country. You are alone, and will always be alone when your true colors come out in the open.

Luv ya wolfie



thank you for conveying your o so apparent desires and attempts at homosexuality, I am sorry, I don't play as nicely as your but buddy and worst enemy immortal. I do not wish to fathom the enjoyable moments you to share together in your privacy, but I must say the show you put on out in public is rather raunchy, I hope your tentrum tantrums give you two a pleasant life hand in hand.

as for me being alone, you are absolutely correct, I can't stand people...and when I try it just gets all messed up, so I am beyond trying to relate with you people...but as always my door is always open, but seth...please don't let me find you paitently awaiting me nude hoping for a little help, you won't get any, but I will assure you, there are any number of cannidates here to "befriend you." I shall stick to my solitude, thank you. and have a good day.



July 5, 2006



crimson rose

July 5, 2006


Hmmmm, Don't worry, I know I'm not gay, You're an A*****e, and I can't stand you...that automatically disqualifies me for any gayness, but hey, maybe since you left ol' tina you might be getting a little confused? don't worry, she's not freezing or anything at night, she's got me to thank for a little bit of "Heat" you know? and as for immortal being me lover....odd man...just odd....I mean, what the hell? you walk around here all high and mighty, and yet, you're a marine...damn, shouldn't you be out there like fighting terrorism insteado f vampyres on the computer? no wait, lemme guess, a terrorist cell has penetrated ap(much like I penetrate your ex...) and are threatening the freedom of the US(OF)A!!! OH MY F*****G GOD!!! I SWEAR TO GOD I DON"T KNOW WHERE BIN LADIN IS!!!!!!!!! don't shoot me...hey, do you have a gun? or a waterpistol....HAHAHA!!! yup yup yup, "FLEE ALL YOU BAD IRAQIS...I WILL "E" INSULT YOU TO DEATH...AND IF THAT FAILS...I'LL GET YOU WET(just like I do with your ex...)WITH MY WATER PISTOL!!!(sans pistol) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! you are the countries finest huh? jesus f*****g christ, we got bill gates out here killing towel heads and f*****g camels...are you a camel f****r? are you are you are you? that's okay, you need to relieve stress(just like i do with your ex...sans camels...) and don't worry, i'm sure that when ever you get horny(just like your ex gets for me...sans...well...sans you HA!) i'm sure that you can find some starving child to blow you for a tic tac...(tsk tsk tsk you sick sick man...)

Thanks for the insults,

F**k you very much!!!

(Just like I do to your ex...sans you again, lol)


really, the sad part is I'm not offended, I never had tina...and if you did, well...I hope you finally could do something right...being a misguided youth and all, I hope you got something out of it, I bet she wouldn't.

anyway, I don't care for your childish ignorant wars...oops forgot the parenthasis...but anyway, vampires...and ap hmm...not an intrest either. You can say whatever you want seth...just know I got to you, and you could never get to me, and all I did was play at your own game...have fun.



July 5, 2006



crimson rose

July 5, 2006


Get to me? You can't get to me man, I'm ungettable...(except for your ex!) HAHAHAHAHAHA, OMG, that never gets old...whew! *slaps his knee*


Lucian Valcor

July 5, 2006


lmfao heh "no comment"

truly? from what I remember, something about drug charges and you not being alloud a country near her a*s.

but please continue on with your ingorant boastfull replys which mean nothing to me, I truly find them unfasinating, but I see they spark the intrest of others, so lets continue to speak on how you continuiously "can't get it up." ha ha ha.



July 6, 2006


*agrees with Lucian* sounds like a bad episode of Ricki Lake

I have to say that Crimson that is by far the most entertaining thing that I have read

Atusha storms into the room....wrath...cold and pure. Ice chipped eyes and mouth set grimly...her usually happy features have become true lopes behind. She steps in between Z and crimson rose...she is only five foot one but ohhh how she is furious...

"First of all how dare you bring my name into your petty throw my name about so casually..and as if I am an object! I am not. Besides being Atusha I am with real feelings and emotions. couldnt stand me actually challenging your authority so you slept with someone else and announced it publicly. A slap in my face. Which no one ever does nor ever will again...Then you have a queen to quickly take my place. Audacity to claim my bed's warmth after all of that! You have left me because of self pity ohhh lets see 2-3 times at least... never had me?? Dont be foolish. You had me and you let me go. Even though I still are mr.hardass I dont give a s**t how much I crush someone's soul. And yet...I take you back time and time a freaken again. Why? Because you never had me??!! Idiot. And lets have left me a total of 6 times now.

Both of you little boys need to grow up!!!! Egomainiacs fighting over nothing..nothing important. ANd then to bring me into this. Who the hell do you two think you are? Play with peoples feelings as though they were nothing. Hurt them so deep they can never recover. Z if you dont believe me...just ask anyone how I mourn your leaving...BUT OH NO YOU NEVER HAD ME ...f*****g bullshit and you know it! chose to push my friendship away as well not realising my heart. Why? Because you are the high and mighty crimson rose who spouts off whatever the hell he wants without a thought.

-takes a moment to try and calm herself-

And both of you announce private issues in front of everyone!!! Disgusting display. Did you not notice Ricki Lakes name here??? That is the worst insult ever. What went on between all three of us being announced publicly so you both can feel better about yourselves.

Do you know or care how both of you have driven me to tears daily and broken, you have no idea. Z doesnt give a f**k cause he is proud to be cold and not needing love...he only loved me because he felt sorry for me...Crimson ..oh know the reasons you have hurt me deeply.

I am sick and tired of both of you treating me as though I have no feelings...the decisions you both make affect not only you but me as EITHER of you care??!!! go about your ways..because you are tough and dont need anyone...and in the end, there is someone. Who is left to pick up the pieces of her heart and wonder how the hell she is going to make it through the day..whilst you go about your day feeling you were right in your choices and damn Atusha to hell.

Wake up...I am hurting. I know the answers to what you both would say..

Z- I am sorry for your pain. I only hope you can find someone better to make you happy. WHo is not ugly and who can support you. Guess what Einstien...YOU WERE IT FOR ME..I CARE NOT FOR MONEY AND YOU LOOK JUST FINE TO ME!!!!

Crimson rose- Sarcasm and an i dont give a f**k answer would come out of yours. Because I am crimson and he says whatever comes to his thoughtless mind. He can smile and charm his way out of it.Not this time.

I gave you a chance to start new crimson..a new life..everything. To you Z, i have given my all. I would have left all I knew to be with you because you did not want to leave your country.

In the end..both of you cast me away. And left me to my souls death. So keep arguing your pathetic arguments. Being all testosterone...enjoy. You deserve one another.

-tears coursing down her cheeks, she goes to leave..stopping beside Immortal..she looks at him with disgust..and spits in his face. "I hate you." Jaguar follows mistress out the door...all anyone hears is the weeping of a broken soul-

~my eyes falsh to a deep crimson and takes a deep steady breath~ although it was funny to read to hear that it all has a seriousness behind it I find that both you Crimson and Z are truly dsgusting creatures. To find that you have done this to my mother angers me severly. Yet it proves that neither of you have hearts ~exits to console my mother~

go, have as you wish, but it makes it seem as if you and crimsion had a relationship that borders that of friendship, I care not...I love no one, and when I said I never had you, I meant...I had never slept with you...and truthfully, I don't have you cause you will always share your heart with others, and hold back with me what you share with others...but besides, I love no one.



July 8, 2006




July 8, 2006


Lamia Luna Avaritia

July 7, 2006



July 7, 2006


Lamia Luna Avaritia

July 6, 2006


Immortal Beloved

July 5, 2006


Appearing beside Z, his cloak billowing, which was odd because there was no wind, Blue watched the exit as he said "Truely sad. Can you really just throw away that which you invested time and energy into? You cannot tell me you do not feel anything, nor ever did. We both know that's a lie."

Popping his neck, Blue then looked at Z, eye's flashing and changing to a blinding white, his cloak following suit he the finished "I am not one to question your life, or the choices you make. But I will say this. Your actions do not effect just you or the ones that you see, there are people all around that are effected by the choices of complete strangers."

Forums / The Slaughter House /

Crimson Rose vs. Immortal Beloved



July 8, 2006


<< reply to 'go, have as you wish, but it makes it seem as if you and crimsion had a relation' by

Dont you dare judge me!!! You care love not..blah blah..anything new you want to share??!! I told you about crimson a long time ago..and you didnt have a problem with no but then suddenly I was wrong...I havent slept with either of you morons! I live in Canada for Gawds sake!

I gave you my everything Wolfie..every gawd damned thing...I made mistakes..omg its true I make mistakes...I changed my ways and was coming to live with make a life with you!!! And then you blew me off.

You have my heart in the way you will need and deserve it. I love all my family and friends on here and that I will not be ashamed of!!!! YOu do have my heart you stubborn selfish man!! Ask anyone here...even crimson. Ask how many times he has had to put up with me crying over you leaving...and has stood by when I am so happy I felt I was worth something when you came back...go ahead..ask

I told you I would leave ap and myspace completely if you would only have me back..WHY??????? BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!!! YES I LOVE SETH..HE WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAMILY..SO GET USED TO IT..BOTH OF YOU...

But love no one...I begged and pleaded for you to not pursue me..I didnt want love...didnt want to get hurt..for two months you fought with me on this..And then, I fell. I fell so hard for you...and then you leave. And leave. And leave.

I have not held anything back from you...and when I did before..god I wonder why? Was it maybe I was afraid you would leave me after promising you never would???? Or find someone else?

You want to air everything..all our secrets and such...well go ahead. I have never claimed to be perfect. But I deserve to be forgiven and I deserve the love I yearn for...

But love no one.

Then you should have freaken left me alone!!!!! The way I asked you too...And yes Lamia...I agree neither seem to have hearts..

Neither of you have any right to have done this so publicly..none. I am embarrassed...and stunned. -looks around- The Mighty Atusha has been broken because of a mortal emotion as love. More powerful than any of us...And it has left me so very very souless..I cant eat nor sleep..I cry all of the time. I am weak..yes..because I never thought nor dreamt love could hurt like this.


-tears course down..I know none of the two will care...they will walk away and not once look back at my pain..cold and heartless..treating me as an object...and nothing more. Someone they can get over and leave without a thought. I hold onto Lamia..and weep. All i have held in just comes out...and I fear I have lost my mind.- And this is no role play either..I am hurt deeply.



July 8, 2006


<< reply to 'Appearing beside Z, his cloak billowing, which was odd because there was no wind' by




July 8, 2006



Z---51 - 65 of 65 < previous HYPERLINK "/board/topic/89823/1?limit=50"1 2

Raising a brow, and looking at shadow, Blue asked "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

As it is, none of you truly know me, and as is...well judge me as you will, but I care not, you know not what has happend personally between tina and I, but as is I wish to break up with her, and I no longer love her, if this affects others, I am sorry, but I have my reasons..I no longer love her. If you enjoy my poetry, I am sorry, for it shall be a while till I write again, take care...bye.



July 8, 2006




July 9, 2006


"I do not think it really matters what happened. You cared for her, and I think you still do. You're just angry at the moment. You both are." he said as he watched Z. "But I will say my part. You invested alot into your guys relationship, and you wont give it up so easily, Just chill for a while. Afterall, you never truely stop loving someone"

He then turned, and left the arena. A look of understanding on his face.

Atusha stands away from Lamia...tears dried. Staightens shoulders and warmth in the eyes for the man she still will always love.

What happened Z--- shall we air that as well...I am certain since my name has been dragged through this anyway...

I made mistakes which I corrected and changed my ways. And I sought to make you very happy which is impossible because you are so bloody stuborn to see what you have in front of you. ANd because you decided for me..that we are to be no have left me to a life of loneliness and heartbreak.

So are tough and need no one. You do not care how one hurts or daily their heart they cry themselves to sleep...and cannot look into a mirror now without remembering you telling me you never found me beautiful...I cannot eat nor sleep. ANd for the first time in my life ...I have felt I am not worth love.

You can walk away from here and not once look back with regret at the torn soul in front of you...because why? You no longer love her...

You did not show me have showed me death.

-Atusha walks away...not looking back...even tho her stomach churns and she feels like falling to her knees..Venutia close at her lost to her forever...her heart hardens once again as it did before her beloved Wolfie..and this will stay unbending.-



July 9, 2006



July 10, 2006


walk in on all fours with green eyes blazing and white fur shining in the moon-light...the tension in here can be cut with a knife!...sits down for a minute

*growls low making her eyes glow an evil blood red color and slams fist down on a nearby table shattering it to peices*

What the hell is wrong with you two (Seth and Z)? Why the hell are you people so f*****g amused by other's pain? Honestly, how low can you possibly get? You BOTH have hurt my dear friend..and that, quite frankly, PISSES ME OFF BEYOND BELIEF!!

To Z...

I do not know you that well, nor do I know the history between you and Atusha. HOWEVER, you hurt her...and that, quite frankly, pisses me off. In her words: WHY ARE YOOU BEING A F*****G IDIOT?!?! No one deserves to "love no one". Even someone as low as Seth needs to be happy (although for him I have no idea why).


You f*****g cold heartless son of a b***h. How many times am I going to have to speak my mind before something goes through your thick head? Quit thinking with your damn dick. One of these days it's going to get you into so much more trouble, and when you can't charm your way out, all I'm going to do is sit back and laugh.

You claim that I go and sleep around and say I'll do whatever it takes to be happy. However, I'd like to differ with you. See unlike YOU, I don't go around screwing every person I can manage to get into my bed. I don't rush int anything. Yet are just something else.

The reason for me saying that your something else? Well if I have to help Atusha make a point, then I will. As much as I really would love to keep this from the public, I'll say it. You go and cheat on every "queen" thats by your s****y side. The reason for me knowing this? oh just a tid-it of information that I got from a friend. "I'm a w***e and it costed you so much trouble to grab a f**k from me". Well guess what. It was a f**k, it was rape. Who said I wanted anything you had to offer? Besides, it wasn't only once either. It was at the least, three times. Oh and mihgt i care to add, that Seth now has a child, even though he won't be seeing him? That's right, Seth is now a father thanks to his cold and heartless thoughts about himself getting a "good f**k". But...then he ran and ditched me for awhile and thought he could melt me into his arms again...WRONG!

And while I'm on the subject, let me say this. Seth you do anything so much as lay a finger on my son, and I will have your damn head. I don't need a heartless player teaching my son how to act. I can teach him on my own, since that's ive been doing for the past two years that he's been alive. I'm more of a man than you ever will be, and that might be saying a lot sinc I'm the COMPLETE OPPOSITE SEX!...

Now...if you try to steal my son using someo from your clan of Hell...I will still e after your damn a*s. I don't need you Seth, and I never have. I have family enough to help me where I need it. Oh and if you try coming after me, I'm ure my husband and brother won't be to thirlled, and possibly my mother too. So watch your own a*s Seth. Not everyone here is your friend just because you like to use charm.

Just warning you...

*sits in the shadows with her eyes still glowing blood red*


White Rose Dragon

July 17, 2006


crimson rose

July 17, 2006


Sandrine Arnoux

July 17, 2006


Sits down, and laughs until tears come out of his blue eyes



"Listen b***h, if you hated me as bad as you say, then I believe that you'd leave me the f**k alone. I haven't chased after you or your son, and I don't want to. But as for all this s**t about "Don't or else?" I never did respond to threats well, and I never did care much for people telling me what to do, or what not to do... Listen, it could not be rape when it's happened five or six times baby, and when you say that you didn't want it, then maybe you could not scream my name next time. Yup, I've cheated on every single queen I've had, and never has any of my w****s that I keep for my private amusement given me as much grief as you. And as for the son, welp, my herim now has a new rule... all b*****s much be fixed before coming in, so remember that before you come crawling back to me...face babe, you went to bed with a monster, who showed you your true power? Who gave you the strength to rise to the challange of this world? Who discovered you...Me babe, and as far as Your brother? I don't give a f**k. send whoever you want to my way, because they will all die, or worse...and as for me not being as loved as I might think, fine, I don't ask for love or anything, just stay out of my f*****g way, and I'll be happy...because Seth does, what Seth wants to, and always shut you damn suck hole and quit bothering me...or I will bother you, and you won't like the way that I bother you baby, you really f*****g won't.

Gosh the mispellings seems all should go back to preschool and remember remember the fifth of november....

*walks in and i look at The Idea* hello my friend. sounds like this was one f*****g hell of a bitchfest

why of course it was first fights are always the bitchiest besides Seth is nothing more than a punchline long forgotten


D Generation X

January 26



AKMAbariel Darktree

January 26


Emerald Jewel

January 26


D Generation X

January 25


YOu shouldn't speak ill of the dead as they are both gone now Seth in rl was a courageous and decent man Immortalaka kevin was ok in his own way. I will do as I see fit YOU are not my boss if i say Seth is a punchline long forgotten then that is what he is still I believe he is alive and well since he lied to his ex gf about having cancer told it to her face because she told me right after he said that so he is nothing but a punchline long forgotten deal with it or act upon it but the fact remains: June 21, 2006 is the day Seth made an a*s of himself ~laughs heartily wearing a Guy Fawkes mask~ glad I had that picture of him in that dress framed hehe

Okay so you saw the fight and now I’m going to tell you what needs to be told. So Malatrum was to be handed over to me but I never got it until some months later, Seth faked his death which was really f*****g lame, and remember this is before I really got to know Silver because she was Seth’s AP mother. As for The Slaughter House it’s not in my name anymore it belongs to some jackass named Raymond Cloud aka Scarlette Rose Moon on AP. Apparently one of the moderators decided to award him full ownership of it which pissed me off royally and I talked to him to figure out how he exactly got it he said that one day he logged onto the site and voila he owned it which made me suspicious so I went to my moderator AP aunt AnnD whom is sweet as sugar and so f*****g nice and I mean nice she’s the best person to go to when you got problems or just need a good friend so after talking to her she said she’d look into it. Going back to Raymond he told me that he had a match with Korey then they got into a fight and after booting him out he put up an application which pissed me off even more. I told him you gotta take the application off and he refused telling me that if people don’t know how to properly roleplay then they aren’t allowed to join. So I’m beyond myself and restraining my anger I laid him out then just gave up and logged off then another day I talked to him again about taking the application down and he said he did but in fact he didn’t and ooooooooo I could just scream and beat his head in.


Chapter 5:

August-September 2006

This is going to be a short chapter because I don’t remember much except for one girl I met in particular: Melanie but I called her two different names Mells Bells and Sweet Baby Dragon. We met sometime in early August I think the 14th but I’m not quite sure about it but anyway I met her on AP and then we moved onto MSN to continue talking and cybered with each other. She too was beaten and treated poorly growing up but overall she was very sweet and pretty plus so great to talk to but she was sheltered which she did to herself but overcame that later on in the months going from shy to full out b***h which surprised me and I haven’t heard from her since. I think the main reason for why I can’t remember much is because during these months I was depressed and full of anger so I apologize for not remembering much but I can assure you that next month will be a little more longer than this one was. But I do remember another important date from September: 9-17-06. This date is important to me because it was the night DX took on the McMahon’s and Big Show in a 2 on 3 handicapped match and won, but more importantly that match itself reminded me of who the f**k I am and what I was capable of and what I could do.


Chapter 6: October 16th, 2006

The Crazy Major Leaguer Takes A Dive


Yeah it’s now October kiddies and The Crusade is going good at least I thought so more depression and thought of suicide crossed my mind day in day out my high went from T.I.’s "I’m A King Remix" to "My Hell" by Disciple since I practically lost myself and people were turning on me and bitching at me I felt like the whole world was caving in around me so hard to breathe and I was literally suffocating. My heart racing and chest tightening the claustrophobia lynching me like a n****r knowing he’s innocent only to be hung by a tree branch for being black so I faked my death via telling people I committed suicide but the truth in it is that the night before I was totally in a zone thanks to that dumb a*s b***h n****r Tina I went downstairs to the kitchen and going into the last cabinet above the microwave I pulled a carving knife and drew it across my left wrist the cold steel drawing a small line of blood I went back upstairs and changed my display name from Immortal Beloved to Now A Proud Member Of The Cutter’s Brigade on MSN while I was talking with Care at the time. I got most of the convos between me and my friends and the secrets they’ve told me which is where those secrets will stay all for the ones pertaining to the Nation but for your viewing pleasure I give you Memoirs Of A Misfit which I wrote up when I was pretending to be Vincent and Sophie Yea, I got skills m**********r...




Memoirs Of A Misfit

I sit here tubes in my arms my girlfriend Sophie sitting to my left text fighting with Tina then she hands my cell off to Vincent who makes a funny face and continues the fighting.

Soon after he takes off for dinner then Sophie follows after while giving me a soft french kiss that I savor for every second our lips are together then she leaves and I sigh.

"S**t I’m writing my death letter my memoir heh and it’s gonna be longer than my dick" I say to myself with a chuckle licking my lips then wiping my mouth off.

"How to do this up? Well that’s easy: My Way" I say with a smirk.

Lamia I regret never having the chance to marry you and have wonderful children with you my great friend.

Abariel my ex-wife tell my daughter that her father was a great man who fought for freedom but went out with a bang even though we had our differences over Angelus and how quick you can replace me.

Woden my son I regret not being there for you as a father or friend the only advice I can give is this: never let anyone rule you over be yourself.

Angelus you deserve to be raped then you’ll know the pain shame and embarrassment of it.

Drifting you are a pathetic excuse for a human being for taking a rapist back into your arms it just goes to show what depths you’ll sink down to.

Wulf I treasure our friendship that we had and maybe someday I’ll catch you on the flip side of this s**t.

Greendayluvr you are a suck up just like Zeal.

Darc Raven King Nothing heh wow man I wanted to talk to you but you blocked me I offered you a free shot to kill me and you said it would stain your honor damn man I guess I shall still call you King Nothing.

Seth my f*****g uncle I got you figured out cause you are about four things: you use "Savvy" in every question and statement you make, making gay jokes about me which are really lame, faking your supposed "cancer" that’s like saying Michael J. Fox is cured of his Parkinson’s, and last but not least you went up to Olds, Alberta, Canada to f**k Tina and lied to your ex about not being able to get in so congratulations to you you’ve successfully moved down to the last rung on the ladder of evolution.

Silver my good pal once I get the hang of being a spirit I’ll come visit you late night and have fun :).

Lucian you’re still an a*****e.

Grim you’re a pig faced freak that should’ve died when that gun was pointed at your head.

Tina my nemesis, my enemy, my grandma ugh even that family relation sickens me you know how I feel about you all my hatred. You sicken me with your antics when your family members begin asking questions to why you have done different things to them what do you do? Run away then come back and say: "I do not have to answer any of your questions I disown you all of you for treating me in such a way" please drop the sad a*s coward routine it’s giving me hemorrhoids heh and they itch like a son of a b***h!

You getting raped at 17 must’ve done something to your brain or some s**t cause your sweet Amber got the same thing you got but she’s sugar and spice and you’re licorice and ice so stop with the "I’m Atusha" speech cause it’s older then Andy Rooney’s ballsack. You are the lowest form of a beggar cause you had to f**k the help which puts you on the same rung as Sethany.

Symitar you are a p***y b***h a*s n****r for banning me for telling the truth.

Maatkara you are no Servant Of Truth that’s my title.

Korey you’re gonna have to find a new guy to rape.

I look to my right wrist that has "Pain Is Nothing" carved in it and sigh as tears run down my face.

But I smile as another idea hits me.

I have decided to give you the people two things well three actually.

One I shall give my points to three people or one person who successfully takes out Tina, Seth, and Angelus believe the points are in the quad range.

Two I’m giving you the uncensored version of The Toy Fights Back and The Evidence Revealed since they were removed from the pages of ap.

Three Sophie told me that Dec 18 marks the year anniversary of Avarus what a great way to cause controversy I vote that there be an election for a new queen since the one we have now is hardly ever on and if there is an election have it be by fighting not politics and hold the fights in The Slaughter House please? At least honor a dead man’s last wishes.

Here’s The Toy Fights Back:

The Toy Fights Back

You how could you?

You threaten my younger sister threaten to kill her.

My pride and joy that makes me laugh you dare to take that from me?

You are a coward for that.

You want me dead then come down to me and do it yourself.

As long as my heart beats and my lungs take in air, I live.

You whom I showed softness.

You whom gave me back my Phoenix passion.

You who’s laugh makes me happy.

What did I ever do to deserve this bullshit you are giving me?

Why won’t you kill my Phoenix passion huh babymama answer me that.

You have low self-confidence if the only satisfaction you can get is by cybering with young boys.

Oh like a 16 year old named Zeal whose wife was Ahtemu.

Crimson whom you seduced and caused him to leave his wife Crimson Rose.

Countless others that I don’t know about s**t you’re probably cybering with a five year old.

And the phone sex you had with me? Please you faked the whole time such a shame to.

Then there’s good old Booby I mean Bobby he’s 21 so you won’t get in tooooo much trouble since he’s legal.

But all he is to me is a uniform, a sword and a gun nothing else and a real prick. Hee heeeee

Pffffffffffffffffttt you can’t separate roleplay from real life not to mention the fact you cheated on your husband who stayed loyal through all that s**t.

Now that’s a man with Phoenix passion and I respect him 110% for that.

But you I respect -110% because you live your life out as an online rpg because you’re afraid of living in the real world.

And you’re afraid of being rejected so you seduce young men like myself, Zeal, Crimson and others to do your deeds well no more will I fall for you ways.

You are a compulsive liar and a fraud.

Growing more and more pathetic by the millisecond.

You need to grow up and get a life and stop f*****g young boys.

Stop tearing apart families.

Stop tearing husbands away from their wives.

And if Bobby is willing to die for you then tsk he’s a fool to do that.

Don’t send a puppet to do your work do the work yourself.

I don’t want the puppet, I want the puppeteer.

Like Apollo challenging Rocky I want you.

I am Wyatt Earp and his Immortals and you are The Cowboys Gang defeated and broken of power.

I am Charles Xavier and you are Magneto defeated by my X-men.

I am God and you are Lucifer cast out of my kingdom forced to live in Hell.

I am Triple H and you are another charity case that was destroyed in my path.

I am number one and you are nothing.

I am a soldier and you are an Iraqi that has fallen victim to my M-16.

I am the Immortal Hulk Hogan and you are a victim of Hulkamania.

I am John Cena The Champ and you are a victim to the F.U.

I am The Nature boy Ric Flair and you have lost to me courtesy of my Figure 8 submission move.

I am The Deadman The Undertaker and you are but a number in my undefeated streak at Wrestlemaina.

I am John Gotti the head mob boss of New York and you are sleeping with the fishes.

I am Batman and you are just another addition to Arkham Asylum.

I am Wonder Woman and you are in the grip of my Lasso of Truth spilling all your dark secrets to the world.

I am Jedi Masters of old and you are Lords of the Sith defeated and gone forever your plague upon the galaxy forever demolished.

I am your pimp and your are my diseased-riddled b***h working the corners selling yourself cheap.

You are a fake.

You are a sham.

You are a piece of roadkill that I have just run over on the highway.

By the way if you wrecked I’d run over to see you having a seizure I’d ask "Quick what’s the number for 911?"

Now whatcha gonna do I said whatcha gonna do when the toy fights back?


Immortal Beloved

Certified DX Misfit

Now for The Evidence Revealed

The Evidence Revealed

Well It would seem that the bag of hot air known as BlueIsisQueenAvarus aka Bluevampyress aka OndencuiaBloodChant aka Ashreal Avarus aka Scorpiocora aka LadyBlueIcedRose aka Tina Imbery likes to meddle in other people’s relationships for starters.

But first I would like to show you all my conversation with Tina the night Immortal attempted suicide.


2 days ago

[delete ] [history] [reply] Immortal..what do you want?



2 days ago

[reply] [delete ] [history] actually this is vincent you twit immortal is on the phone with me right now contemplating suicide



2 days ago

[delete ] [history] [reply] Make sure he does it right. I would hate for him to fail really. And as for you..why dont you join him?

to :

2 days ago

[delete ] [history] ~punches your stomach hard~ you hold your tongue or i'll cut the freak in womb out of you honor or not


Back some eight months ago when my brother Immortal and her just met they were friends something she had never had.

But when she told him over the phone many times of the affairs she was having and this enraged him so because it involved friends that he knew such as Zeal, Lady Shadow, his mother Ahtemu, Lamia Luna Avaritia, Shadowed Storm Valcor, Wulf Eyez De Winter, and many others that are unknown to me or whom are afraid to come forward and admit it.

So enraged Immortal grabbed his laptop and wrote what would be the ultimate killjoy to his and Tina’s friendship:

The Toy Fights Back.

Now I have obtained the uncensored version of it because when he posted it back in March it was deleted by Maatkara whom is still believed to be in Tina’s back pocket.

So here it is the uncensored, uncut, unedited version of The Toy Fights Back.

The Toy Fights Back

You how could you?

You threaten my younger sister threaten to kill her.

My pride and joy that makes me laugh you dare to take that from me?

You are a coward for that.

You want me dead then come down to me and do it yourself.

As long as my heart beats and my lungs take in air, I live.

You whom I showed softness.

You whom gave me back my Phoenix passion.

You who’s laugh makes me happy.

What did I ever do to deserve this bullshit you are giving me?

Why won’t you kill my Phoenix passion huh babymama answer me that.

You have low self-confidence if the only satisfaction you can get is by cybering with young boys.

Oh like a 16 year old named Zeal whose wife was Ahtemu.

Crimson whom you seduced and caused him to leave his wife Crimson Rose.

Countless others that I don’t know about s**t you’re probably cybering with a five year old.

And the phone sex you had with me? Please you faked the whole time such a shame to.

Then there’s good old Booby I mean Bobby he’s 21 so you won’t get in tooooo much trouble since he’s legal.

But all he is to me is a uniform, a sword and a gun nothing else and a real prick. Hee heeeee

Pffffffffffffffffttt you can’t separate roleplay from real life not to mention the fact you cheated on your husband who stayed loyal through all that s**t.

Now that’s a man with Phoenix passion and I respect him 110% for that.

But you I respect -110% because you live your life out as an online rpg because you’re afraid of living in the real world.

And you’re afraid of being rejected so you seduce young men like myself, Zeal, Crimson and others to do your deeds well no more will I fall for you ways.

You are a compulsive liar and a fraud.

Growing more and more pathetic by the millisecond.

You need to grow up and get a life and stop f*****g young boys.

Stop tearing apart families.

Stop tearing husbands away from their wives.

And if Bobby is willing to die for you then tsk he’s a fool to do that.

Don’t send a puppet to do your work do the work yourself.

I don’t want the puppet, I want the puppeteer.

Like Apollo challenging Rocky I want you.

I am Wyatt Earp and his Immortals and you are The Cowboys Gang defeated and broken of power.

I am Charles Xavier and you are Magneto defeated by my X-men.

I am God and you are Lucifer cast out of my kingdom forced to live in Hell.

I am Triple H and you are another charity case that was destroyed in my path.

I am number one and you are nothing.

I am a soldier and you are an Iraqi that has fallen victim to my M-16.

I am the Immortal Hulk Hogan and you are a victim of Hulkamania.

I am John Cena The Champ and you are a victim to the F.U.

I am The Nature boy Ric Flair and you have lost to me courtesy of my Figure 8 submission move.

I am The Deadman The Undertaker and you are but a number in my undefeated streak at Wrestlemaina.

I am John Gotti the head mob boss of New York and you are sleeping with the fishes.

I am Batman and you are just another addition to Arkham Asylum.

I am Wonder Woman and you are in the grip of my Lasso of Truth spilling all your dark secrets to the world.

I am Jedi Masters of old and you are Lords of the Sith defeated and gone forever your plague upon the galaxy forever demolished.

I am your pimp and your are my diseased-riddled b***h working the corners selling yourself cheap.

You are a fake.

You are a sham.

You are a piece of roadkill that I have just run over on the highway.

By the way if you wrecked I’d run over to see you having a seizure I’d ask "Quick what’s the number for 911?"

Now whatcha gonna do I said whatcha gonna do when the toy fights back?

This poem sparked the fight between him and Tina which still goes on today but rewinding back a couple of months Immortal found himself involved in another fight this time with her long time friend and current lover: Seth aka crimson rose aka roseofadyingshadow.

The fight itself was a joke and Seth cheated to win and lost the match however after their fight that set off yet another feud with another current lover of her’s: Robert Parks aka Z", aka Rackeel, aka "Wolfie".

Months would pass and the battle raged on as he would find out things about her and expose the truth about them say for the time he exposed the truth that Tina and a one Kelsey aka AKSilverMarellus, aka Silveren DrakenSire posed as slayers called Dravessa Tensire and Israfel Morbus which fueled the fire between them even more.

Now let’s go forward in time to June 20th, 2006 does this date seem familiar to you people? Of course not but it is familiar to one Ashtaen Mairela Avarus and one Darius Marellus aka LordDariusMarellus oh wait I forgot one other person Tina. This is the day when Tina took Darius away from his wife Ashtaen and why did she do it? No one knows but I bet she does but of course she won’t answer any questions because she’s afraid of losing her loyal family members.

Then in about a month later her affair with Seth had come to an abrupt halt via this message

BluevampyressAvarus 8 hours ago A cold mist and breeze fills the room.......Atusha appears...defying logics of air and ever present. Eyes paled to white..Fangs sharp and hisses of displeasure..wrath barely contained... "You dare to invite someone to your chambers? I am so readily replaced? And you do this in public?!!! In MY clan??? I loved you. You were my King...Get the f**k out and don’t enter my clans anymore. Do not darken my doorways ever again...AND IF ANYONE IN THIS ROOM SLEEPS WITH ALMIGHTY LORD SETH...YOU HAD BETTER KEEP IT QUIET...OR YOU WILL FEEL MY ANGER...DO NOT FLAUNT THIS IN MY FACE. OR YOU WILL WISH YOU HAD NEVER HEARD OF ATUSHA AVARUS...IS THIS CLEAR????!!!! And Lord Seth...if your intention is to take any of my members...go ahead. I will not force them to stay..They will always be family and welcomed back.." The Queen walks up to the Lord....blood is spit in his growls low and lunges in just the noise...ears flatten... "You are dead to me." Swirling fog envelopes...and curls...Queen and cat fade...

And here is Seth’s reply to her outrage

crimson rose 10 hours ago The new queen of Malatrum will be Lady Silver. You all WILL respect her and love her as much as I do. And all of those that are sympathetic to Atusha and her bullshit, then leave with her. Your fate will be the same as hers.

As you can see quite short and to the point and like my brother says "The fake a*s light show was a hoot!" heh

Then going to into the month of August and the date being the 14th a new king is revealed: Darek Osiris Ravox aka Darc Raven.


BlueIsisQueenAvarus on Aug 14, 1:39

My darling children, family and friends. I have decided to take a new King. He has made me so very happy and I can honestly say you will all love he. I ask thee to be happy for me this time. Because in addition, for the first time as Queen, I am taking him as a husband. I will keep thee posted on the day of our wedding."

Teal eyes dance and sparkle...the Queen is glowing.

"May I present to thee thy new King, Lord Darc Raven. My fiance and husband to be. He whom I am so very proud of."

almost giggles but then clears her throat delicately*

"I am sorry for not acting as Queen but I feel like a schoolgirl and can honestly say no one has ever made me this happy. Long be the rule of my Lord Raven."

The roof top

Darek Osiris Ravox on Aug 15, 12:20

*As i pace the roof top, i think out load to myself* "wow... what a turn of events... A wondering bard become king... an interesting tale to write about" *sighing* "I hope i don't mess up in any way..."


Darek Osiris Ravox on Aug 15, 12:32

*still pacing* "how is a king supposed to be? i've writen about them, but never known any enough to know how they act" *sighing again* "i can tell this is going to be a lot of work..."

Darek Osiris Ravox on Aug 15, 5:12 p.m.

Noting that he is being watched, but not wanting them to know that he has noticed them yet. Conjuring up a violin and summoning a small creature that folds a flute, both begin to play an elegant tune. the tune is one from my childhood that was played by my step-parents to help me calm down whenever i was nervous, scared, or angry.

I saw and heard this from Immortal way before the suicide and his removal from Avarus this sickens me to the core. This is how we reward a throne by just giving it away? That is blasphemy and upon the same night Immortal was talking to him on ap and he said to him "I would be king before you would"

Then after he removed me from Avarus I asked him why he received the throne and he said this

[new System Message] Darc Raven replied to your topic on ah, saying: no, it was because i had gained her trust. she first wanted me as an ambassador, but i had declised that offer. then after many more talks, she asked me to be king. and at that point also asked for us to wed.

This is how you pick a king these days by just giving it away like candy? That is most shameful matter of fact I don’t believe this bullshit I think the real reason he was made king was to push Immortal further from the throne and keep it that way.

I also believe that Seth’s comeback and her marriage was also planned from the very beginning but do I have evidence to support it? Not really no it’s just the chain of events that have transpired since Darcy that’s what Immortal calls him :) took the throne.

I believe that Seth is faking his supposed "cancer" problem I need physical evidence that he is actually sick via a picture.

As for this evidence if nothing is done about Tina Imbery then I shall go to the moderators and have them brought into this.

As for you Tina you know when you lie? Everything time you open that big stupid whoring mouth of yours!

You have gotten involved in relationships with your own children what gives you the right to interfere with whomever they choose to love?

Just because you have had bad and poor choices in lovers that doesn’t give you the god given right to mess around with other’s love affairs.

Why did you interfere with Lamia and Mensk?

Why did you send girls after Zeal knowing he was in a relationship with another girl already?

Is it because your jealous of their affairs?

And look what you made Lamia do she killed her own lover because of it!

I hold you responsible for his death.

You have no right whatsoever to interfere on other people’s lives!

You who loves a girl with multiple personalities and people say that I shouldn’t do this Trial.

Wanna know what Immortal said that night he cut himself?

"She wants it done right fine then" and he hung up.

All you do is bring pain, suffering, sorrow, and hurt to those you touch.

You cast out those whom challenge you and why?

You push those away who want answers to what you have done why?

You whom have made it totally uneasy to trust anyone anymore.

No one can trust anybody anymore because all that is happening is mistrust and deception.

When I first came on AP everybody was up in arms and when I made my claim to the throne first thing you did was send assassins and how many did you send?

Two one being your daughter Lamia and another being Lady Ilena. Lady had to decline and Lamia actually talked to me rather then carry out her duty.

She’s a smart girl destined to be a great ruler someday.

She also told me that you wanted to rule over her clan The New Elysium Army which I find interesting.

Why rule over that you already have what two clans of your own plus other clans you have protection over but no you don’t stop there.

No no you want it all don’t you all that power because you’re a power hungry queen I see that you have taken back ownership of Avarus what are you going to do now? Spread your fatness over the nation and take control of it all?

Half the people who know you have given up on you because your drama is so boring.

You’re never online.

You never answer your cell phone which folks by the way is 1 403 507 0212 :) it’s in Canada so make sure you use your cell phones.

I bet your husband doesn’t even know the s**t your causing.

His number by the way is 1 403 556 7392 :) ask for Mike which is also in Canada Olds, Alberta.

Face it your losing your empire.

Your popularity.

Your name.

Your sanity.

Your willpower.

Your edge.

Your rule.

Your loyalists.

Your children.

Your faith.

You are a washed up fraud whom gives a position away like candy to a baby.

I have said enough I must take my leave for now I shall return this weekend but his gf, Enigma will be online till saturday.

In closing I would like to say a little more since this is on page 15 heh told ya it was gonna be longer than my dick :).

I am the Wizard of the Word that’s what you heard and anything else is quite absurd- Run-DMC.

If I burn I’m gonna singe.

But hey if I could turn the clock of time back would I do it any differently?

Pffftttt F**k no n***a you must be crazy! Hehe

Now the moment you’ve been waiting for!

The never-before-seen interview of Tina with Matt Lauer!

A huge overweight Tina sits in a green chair her fat hanging off the sides and back not to mention the floor she stuffs her face with Cheese puffs and chips as Matt sits across from her trying to hold back his lunch.

"So Mrs. Imbery can you tell me a little about yourself?" he asks coughing slightly as she smothers a Little Debbie Cupcake into her mouth.

"Well I’m great Matt pleasantly plump" she answers farting for 30 seconds.

"Ah well how did this happen to you?" he asks waving a hand for a grip to turn on the ventilation system.

"Matt this happened to me because I had sex with so many guys and I became lonely so I turned to Little Debbie and Utz for comfort" she says shaking with makes her rolls look like an earthquake causing Matt to puke in his mouth then spit over the left side of his chair.

"Wow quite a story what can you tell me about Immortal Beloved?"

"He is nothing to me I once held him dear now he is nothing to me" she says burping and farting once again.

"Wow what did he do to you?" Matt asks waving his hand in front of his face cause her breath smells like rotten eggs.

"Well Matt he hurt my stuffings" she says breaking into sobs and Matt reaches for a tissue box and leaning over he wipes away her crumbs and tears then she pulls him into her mountainous form.

"Oh Matt I didn’t know you cared about me!" she cries smearing her rolls all into him as he fights the urge not to barf on her.

"I don’t ma’am I was just helping out" he groans feeling the urge to puke.

"You do care!" she squeals spreading her fat legs apart and bats fly out from under including a family of ferrets.

"No not like that!" Matt says puking hardcore all on her face and fragments of pizza, chips, milkshake are evident.

"Oh Matt spray me again" she says shaking her rolls and he does bringing up his breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, and milk.

"Now f**k me Matty my boy" and she forces Matt down into her smelly p***y.

"No please no!!!" he begs as he disappears between her rolls never to be seen again.

Now one last time I’ll do it and you’ll never see it again anywhere else.

This public service announcement has been brought to you by your good friends at D Generation X who would like to remind you that if you ain’t down with that we got two words for ya:

SUCK IT!!!!!

This is The Certified DX Misfit aka Immortal Beloved signing off forevermore may my legacy find it’s way to another and continue my ways.

So playing Vincent my good friend and Sophie my girlfriend which was a pic of a raven hair girl in a bathtub with bubbles up to her tits I continued my reign on AP under my new alias: Octavian Wild Storm and here’s his appearance:

Octavian Wild Storm’s Appearance


He stands 6'6 weighing 330 pounds of muscle with a bald head the name ‘WILD STORM’ carved into his forehead which bleeds slightly but he doesn’t care.

His left forearm bares the Eye of Horus which shows the injustices done to a person then takes the pain and suffering and transfers it to the person who brought it upon that person.

His manner of fighting resembles all forms known and unknown.

He fights with the combined powers of RESHEF the god of war and thunder and SOPDU the ancient warrior falcon god bringing death and destruction as he goes.

His eyes are those of the Egyptian god Seth varying in color and mood he is in but for the most part they are onyx but behind the onyx you can see a bronze twister and lightning crashing which is just a sample of his magnificent power.

He wears whatever he chooses to as he walks you can see his attire change like falling diamonds.

Upon his left wrist he wears a silver bracelet that has an egyptian bird and a symbol that is similar to the alchemy pendant but it’s composed of many circles. On his neck he wears an alchemy pendant which increases his power beyond any alchemist and on his lower back in the corner are four transmutation circles connected by their points.

His voice is an eerie gasp.

On his left ring finger is a silver ring with a phoenix engraved upon it he wears this because he is part phoenix along with his vampire and lycan attributes.

His wingspan is 12 feet wide and colored black white and red from bottom to top but he only flies when he feels like it and to transform into Bennu the ultimate phoenix whose power is unstoppable once engaged.

As he walks you can see little glints of blackish purple electric crackle all over him his presence makes the whole area grow cold and brings about heavy despair no matter how strong a warrior may be.

His magicks range from the birth of the first spell to today’s means he can simply burn away your hand if you throw a punch without flinching.

He has various inking upon his bodice: a large green phoenix upon his back, a white blue eyed tiger across his right side curving around to his stomach, a black dragon that runs from his right shoulder to his left shoulder a black wolf going down his left leg, a right white handprint of a female over his left breast symbolizing his Furyan heritage, a red star with three curved lines on his right shoulder symbolizing his Klingon lineage, on his head is a poem in ancient egyptian about his mother Neri whom died by the hands of a traitorous queen, a medium sized "D & X" in lime green on the back of his neck, also on the phoenix is a small and old description of a phoenix which is in white text and says:

Another living creature we saw,

full wondrous, such as man has never seen;

'twas near in scope to twice the eagle's size,

with plumage iridescent, rainbow-hued.

Its breast appeared deep-dyed with purple's shade,

its legs were red like ochre, and its neck

was furnished round with tresses saffron-hued;

like a coxcomb did its crest appear,

with amber-tinted eye it gazed about,

the pupil like some pomegranate seed.

Exceeding all, its voice pre-eminent;

of every wingèd thing, the king,

it did appear. For all the birds, as one,

in fear did haste to follow after him,

and he before, like some triumphant bull

went striding forth with rapid step apace.

and the chinese symbols for Honor and Justice on his right arm also on his right forearm on the top is a King Cobra that has it’s tail coiled around his elbow and the head rests on the back of his head with both fangs on his right index and ring fingers and on the bottom is a black scorpion that stretches the entire length of his forearm.

Other than that he has many more tricks up his egyptian indian purebred sleeve........

Pretty f*****g cool huh? Well if you don’t like it then take a sugar coated sample off my Prince Albert and choke on it :). I created my three tri-kingdoms but in separate groups: Avarus, Maryian, and Egypt. Kingdom of Avarus was to trump Tina’s lack of responsibility and duty in the original Avarus and it worked but only for awhile. Kingdom of Maryian was to be a combined controversy from another character I made Maryian Avarita joint ruler of Maryian and Avarus which pissed people off and finally Kingdom Of Egypt was Octavian’s personal home since my pen name acct was banned due to harassing that fat b***h and the other 50 percent was from me cybering with a poet named wandering starlet who was 15 and I was 20 but we were in love so they banned me saying I solicited a minor and harassed another member of this site the price: lifetime ban till 2099 :P christ I would be dust or bones by then so I went around the ban and made a spare account like I had done so many times before and boom back in the game.

I took a helluva beating psychologically because when you look at the current 57 pages you think: "Jesus christ this kid is really fucked up he needs to be on anti-psychotics or some s**t" but I digress no I don’t yes I’m a crazy m**********r but I earned that title s**t I was a hero to the people who wouldn’t stand up to her but let me show you some of the poetry I wrote during Oct-Nov:

The Past

I am upset.

I am hurting inside and out.

I have lost the meaning of love.

I don’t know who I am anymore.

My heart is dead and decaying to the core.

I can no longer see my Angel as clear as I used to.

I am not happy.

I wanna die.

I don’t wanna be here anymore.

Songs from past and present remind me of old muses that have now torn me apart.

The vice grip tightens on my CHF heart everyday tighter and tighter.

I await the ever consuming heart attack that will take me away from this putrid world.

I contemplate taking the cutting knives downstairs and slicing my wrists and neck ending my futile life.

I can no longer sleep like I used to.

I have mild sleep apnea.

I think the Amish people got what they deserved I don’t give a f**k what anyone says because all people can do is b***h and moan about it from behind their computer screens.

I know for a fact that Darc Raven’s girl’s p***y is so tight that I needed the Jaws Of Life just to get my pinky finger in there.

When I pulled it back out it was covered in green fungus that had tiny little hairs in it which in turn made me puke up at least 40 pounds of Triple Classics.

Her n*****s are so small that she needs tweezers and a magnifying glass just to find them.

To make them hard she needs dry ice and a breast pump cause they’re so small but then she made the fatal mistake of letting them stick to her skin and pulling the ice off she pulled her tits clean off.


I am stuck masturbating about a s**t I don’t know why but I just do.

And no it’s not Tina whose last name should be inbred :)

I have lost my faith in everybody I know.

I have lost my trust in everybody I know.

People talk about me behind my back and it bothers me some but not really.

If Darc lost his virginity to Tina then he must’ve penetrated one of her many rolls.

Same goes for his girlfriend.

I sit here naked looking at my fingers working the keys and sigh with a heavy heart.

I hate my body.

I hate that I am not attractive.

Maybe I should be like Darc be all chummy with people, sleep around, get the throne handed to me as a present even though I didn’t earn it.

Or I could be like Tina considering I got the tits for it I only need maybe a little padding, let my hair grow then dye it blonde, get raped, slide into the throne, get power hungry, spread my legs for every guy to come and get sloppy seconds, terrible tasting thirds, filthy fourths, freakish fifths, sickening sixths, savage sevenths, eggplant smelling eighths, n****r licking ninths, and bloody tampon scented tenths.

Then I have to abuse my power and make people afraid of me, then go back to cutting again after someone spilled my dirty little secrets, drink again because my wolfie left me, rebuild my walls up and talk s**t about people behind their backs, seduce young men with lines like "Could you help me unzip my dress?" Or "Let me help you with your group" as I rub their thigh up to their dick.

I am a homeless person.

I am down on my luck.

I am s**t out of luck.

I miss who I was.

I miss who I am.

I miss what I was.

I miss what I am.

My reason for fighting Darc is because he did not earn the throne that and if he wants me gone then fighting me is the only to get rid of me.

I almost forgot if I wanted to be Tina I’d have to have a rare seizure that makes me act like Timmy off South Park.

Because then I’d go "deee deee deee" and I’d have to hide all the mirrors because if I look at them they’d scream like Michael Jackson, then I’d have to screw people over and make them feel bad.

I don’t know what love is.

I don’t know how to love anymore.

I can still make myself laugh somewhat.

But it’s not enough.

My moments of true happiness are short lived.

Sadness plagues my heart 24/7.

People tell me to leave the issue of my ap ex wife abariel being raped by angelus alone.

Well I won’t comply because it’s horseshit.

The a*****e got a goddamn pardon for raping her but it was before we even met.

But it still irks me aw hell maybe I should go and rape people and get a pardon for it.

Zippy doo daaaaa

But why rape it’s dumb it just proves that you’re a p***y n****r meaning that your are a coward and an ignorant one at that.

Shaking my head I wish I could go to where angelus lives and rape him with a two by four while drinking an ice cold regular Pepsi.

And his wife, Drifting Maryian I pity her and hate her at the same time for keeping him.

It’s f*****g retarded it’s like she’s got battered wife syndrome.

"I’ll kick him out if he does it again" babe take a machete and slice his shriveled dick and balls off and call it a day it’s very simple need I draw you a diagram?

Damn girl your better off dating Pesi for s**t’s sake at least she’s cute and innocent.

Or my brother for that matter at least he’s an honorable man.

I feel myself fading from reality and escaping into another realm.

A realm where everything is dark, cold, scary, horrific.

A place where I see what happened to different people as I perceive them.

Tina getting raped.

Abariel getting cyber raped.

Darc being burned away.

A place where my darker inhibitions take over and run wild.

A place where I go around raping and killing men and women.

A place where I am numb to everything.

A place where I can get away with everything.

A place where Tina hangs in the town square with harlot carved in her forehead and the sight pleases me whole heartedly.

A place that is beautiful but deadly.

A place that my dreams come true in different parts.

A place where I am normal.

A place where Hells bells ring out every hour.

I wish I could walk straight and not have to buy a new pair of boots every 3 months.

I wish I wasn’t afraid of sex.

I wish I was as Casanova online as I am in real life.

Because in real life I am nothing like that.

Every girl thinks she’s talking to a hot guy with a six pack but in reality it’s a guy who lives with his parents, weighs 400 pounds, and is a loser.

Same goes for the guys and sometimes you get lucky sometimes you get the chick who needs a bag over her head and keep it on.

Or you get a pedophile.

But hey kiddies let me bring you back to the main focal point of this part soul bearing part rant part DX humor piece.

Come 10-17-06 if Darc accepts my challenge but I guess he won’t cause he’s a p***y and wants to act like Tina then again if he does win, lose, or draw the next day if I am not on msn, yahoo, aim, the phone or ap then that means I have killed myself.

And if you ain’t down with that then you know what to do.


SUCK IT!!!!!!

Falling Away From Me

Living in Purgatory fighting to escape and failing everytime.

Sitting here half crying over god knows what.

Feelings of excitement, anxious, panic.

Wishing I could take my life away.

Tumbling end over end back toward the bottomless pit known as nothingness.

So tired unable to lay down and sleep.

Mind running rampant losing concept of time and space.

Thinking and making up fictious glory moments.

So sad so broken.

Unable to be put back together again.

No form of glue will hold this battered man together.

Bad taste in my mouth from a burp turned up mild puke.

Seeing blackness outside of my vision wishing it was Death coming for me.

Wishing I could close my eyes and feel the icy ocean drown me to Titanic letting me rest forevermore.

Wanting to get thrown through plate glass and roll around it broken shards bleeding all over laughing crazily gaining my sanity.

Looking inside through the never ending monsoon of sorrow for a small glimmer of love and not finding any.

All hope lost in my oblivion.

Hollowed out and broken apart like a pinata with sticks of hate and abuse as little tiki monsters dance around below.

In an altered state slitting my wrist it bleeds razorblades fresh and sharp.

Happiness is fear.

Fear is joy.

Pain is bliss.

Bliss is suffering.

Sorrow is destruction.

Destruction is fun.

Dancing is sadness.

Sadness is bone shattering.

Bone shattering is a firewall.

Firewall is bloodshed.

Bloodshed is foudroyance at it’s best.

But as I myself read these it’s looking through the keyhole at someone else who used to exist yet still that person does because that person is me. See now your confused or might understand slightly let me explain to you.

On I went by Immortal Beloved in real life my nickname was Immortal or Oreo or my real name though everybody was convinced that I had blurred the lines between real life and roleplay I’ll admit maybe I did but no I really didn’t I called most of my AP friends by their character names because I either didn’t know their real names or I knew them and just stuck to calling them by their RP names. Though I gotta say people on there took s**t too seriously and when you through drama and ego’s into it ugh V_v it makes a very nasty environment to try and enjoy yourself in, I’m not kidding you may laugh thinking it’s funny but you see silly m***********s talking trash and getting away with it or laying someone out for the right reasons and getting bitched at for it it’s dumb and childish.

N*****s reside on AP and I’m talking real deal ignorant s***s that abused their power in the RP to make themselves better than everybody else and where did I fall into? The golden beacon everyone hated and respected for the biggest dog in the yard because it’s like this if I see the big dog and we scrap I’mma take a chunk outta yo a*s before I go down for the count because I play for blood not turf.



Chapter 7

Dec 2006: Survival Of The Fittest



Nah there was no big celebration like that for me beating and defeating Tina but I did it took me nine long, hard, struggling months to do it but I did it I beat the pedophile once and for all.

Between Dec 1st-14th is when she resigned her post in Vampire Family Avarus and stepped down I was finally happy and relived hell I remember asking Caroline on MSN messenger "Can I finally lay my sword down?" course she took it as though I wanted a cyber blowjob :P typical Care bear love that girl but she’ll always be my mother, lover, and friend because she’s the one who helped me out when Tina decided to drive me insane and had me talking to my pillow and drooling. Now you just read that and you don’t understand well you remember how I said I can astral project and s**t? Well Tina was better than me and she overpowered me and I literally felt her fingers pressing into my brain and the multiple biting attacks she did to me after that astral attack; I have never felt that vulnerable in my entire life.

And of course as a result of winning the controversial RP war I was banned again lmao and I blamed AnnD for not banning her for being a pedophile and allowing her to stay on the site while I was banned for life practically whilst she roamed free on the site. Oh well life did go on or did it?



Chapter 8


2007: The Aftermath of The Crusade

So it’s 2007 happy f*****g new year and all that s**t I had continued stalking Tina via texting her left and right till April 6th, 2007 or maybe it was March I don’t really remember all I got is some texts that I saved which I liked and of course I got Yahoo Messenger chock full of convos from 2006 up to now which is 2009 lol.

So without further ado here’s the texts:

March 29, 2007

Tina- U started it u know. and fine, i'm sorry for being mean.

Stretches and yawns lazily. Mmm but of course. grins teasingly by the way i still hate u laughs and snuggles under covers.

Shocked but aroused spreading thighs a bit to feel u rub me more moaning low and sultry curving back into you and moving in time.

Nods and feel like melting at your touch arm reaching up to hold you close to my neck

I tighten around ur c**k making space even smaller wetness creams ur fingers i purr and moan with desire

Trying not to gasp as i speak "most definitely still hate me?"

I cum again so hard it hurts but f**k, it feels so good

U have to stop make me feel so good so i can hate u proper whimpers

Laughs between pants no i truly need to sleep plus anything u say u will copy and post throws a pillow at u

kisses u gently then bites ur tongue laughing again and covers self with sheet to sleep.

giggles against u and sighs sleepily

I shall think about now kisses u hold me while i sleep do be a gentleman for once

Reacing down i left the hem of my nightie then soft fingers guide ur c**k into my heat i ease down on u achingly slow.

pinches ur butt and smiles

snuggles and presses light kisses against ur chest silky hair tossed slightly

laying here with u smiles did u have a good day?

still ill with seizure

Aw thank u no but i will be u are so sweet it is scaring me

Hmm so we are too much alike so why do we f**k so well then?

because it's a need we have for each other

April 4th, 2007

Die? Travis my heart died. What about that? No i dont trust rite now. Dont bother trying to thaw me. Just let me be ice then! ~Lady Blue~

april 6 2007

you promise if u are unbanned you will NOT harass me?

lol i promise not to bring in personal we wont rule together but we can work together u can teach me not to lose my temper so easily.

she is a personal assassin to Strike Midnight she is very battle oriented thats her love she has Strike with a few power members and is part of the knights guild.

Because i joined the midnights and refused to leave because Darc ordered me to he told Lamia the only way to kill me only he knew and she did though she cheated because techniquely i had already died.

apr 9th 2007

i aint ur babys mama lol leaning in and nibbling ur ear hips f*****g u hard and deep feel my tightening

moves off u in a gentle sway covering us in a sheet nuzzling you. purrs perhaps my kevvy luv i shant ride u anymore dont want ur heart sore.

places hand over ur heart sending it a calming peace you werent complaining during kevvy should have let me know before. perhaps no one has

kevin that was the most sweetest thing i have heard. I am speechless

april 10th 2007

Rolling gently on top of u placing searing kiss upon your neck hand cupping side of ur face feel warm breath against u ~Lady Blue~

Purfect luv murmurs want to work out again but with me?

Really kevvy i dont want to hurt u but i have to tell u i cant love anyone dont want to i work cause i want to i work to forget.

You may not believe me but i loved the man who was my husband u accused me of many things with him. but u didnt know he had stopped loving me way before i left and way before wolfie. he just stopped and i had no one i spent 2 xmas' alone because his parents hated me and i wasnt welcome in their home i fell apart.

then wolfie came along i never planned on loving again then he just stopped loving me too one day. i dont know why so again i am alone u know? my heart and soul just have died and i dont know how to go on but i have to and my kids they are my only lights i love them fiercely. i dont want a divorce i want my family back but he just doesnt want me anymore so please never say those things u did cause it was all wrong.

April 12th, 2007

In the famous words of a dear friend I told Crimson to suck it. HAHAHA See? I am like you LOL


Jungle cat stalking steamy dream heat and musk scent blend intoxicatingly Lady Ice and your w***e all in one private dancer flawless


I blocked him but only after I called him a dragqueen hahaha ur a real bad influence on me lol.


Breath is warmer tongue caresses your hardness then velvetous lips encase you. Lips go back down licking and sucking my scent upon us both. Good my sweet I love letting u feel them.

Whatever I do here is what I would IRL to you EVERYTHING.


it’s a healing embrace allows love and strength to flow from me to you a soothing grace just 4 u.

It’s amazing huh? From friends to enemies to f**k buddies via text messages but that’s in the past sighs strange how it takes the past to understand and help you with the future in the present huh?

Ap wise newbies were running the site all of us O.G.’s had left for a time course I was banned but oh well still I was keeping in the loop till my ban got lifted Darc Raven mr. King Nothing was trying to stir some s**t up I forget what but it was pointless and he got ignored by the main rp group so he’s nothing but a cocksucker who turns the women he’s with absolutely bonkers and ape s**t after dating them.

Now let me see this is the end of Chapter 8 cuz I had lost my laptop for about a year due to a fight with my mother and the cost: lose my laptop till further notice but I did witness this s**t in late 07:

Sasha’s wet t-shirt 8-10-07

Josh got into Dave’s face and made him back up 8-22-07

Dave snitched me out 8-23-07

However 2008 is much better trust me.

Chapter 9

The Return of The Certified DX Misfit


Okay so let me rewind 2008 for ya: in the beginning I spent most of my time with new friends like crystal aka Power Girl because she’s built like her tits included lol but she’s the coolest mom I ever met but she was heavy into drugs n liquor but she’s clean now and we’re still friends and talk whenever I can get ahold of her. But in the meantime as I was drinking now and then I was hounding AnnD to let me back on the site and I got my laptop back as you can tell but here’s August 24th, 2008 the day I was let back onto the site via AnnD’s ban lift I came back and did as I always did: raised hell and made people wonder why I was back it was simple I wanted a fresh start though it wouldn’t last long.


This is the date I met my new girlfriend, Basetsgirl aka Sarin Rayne but her real name is Melissa Gray.

Now she’s 26, out of the army 3 years, clean and sober for 2, and perfect right? Well that’s what I thought till she fucked me over royally. So here’s the story on her.

Her dad had fallen ill so I was always keeping her happy by talking on the telephone she was sweet and all great and f*****g phenomenal with astral sex but in reflection that’s all she was good for anyway so she fell in love with me remember that okay well on 1-27-09 I saw her in the shower astrally and meh she’s got great tits, small a*s, barely any curves, good hair, ehh that’s about it and she’s 5 foot even aka cocksucking height lmao. But in April only three months later she says she wants to take a break first thing I say "Is there someone else?" "No I just want a break" well after a trip to the hospital for my ear infection and minor heart race because I wanted morphine I called her up the next day told her what happened and she told me that someone wanted to talk to me turns out it was a mutual friend of ours Dakkarious Rayne aka Jordan so I was happy for a change meeting someone else from AP then he said "Oh by the way I’m her fiancé" so she took the phone back and I was pissed and she was like "I was gonna tell you" then gave me the line of "I don’t really have to explain anything to you" so after a week of dodging me she finally explained that she fell out of love with me and Jordan came down on a bus to help with her dad being sick, had bought a ring, dropped to a knee and proposed she accepted on the spot.

So I was more pissed off :P so I told her "Impulsive aren’t we?" and she hung up so I called back and tried to talk to her but I gave up on the c**t so f**k them both and the horses they rode in on.

Man I find that whole relationship so low the fact that she "fell in love" with me, used her dad as a drama anchor to reel me in if he’s even really sick and if not then pffft fuckwad can die a horrible death I don’t care how or when just die mwahahahaahah and she had a gun and knife fetish what the f**k? Kay that’s easy rape her slit her throat blow her brains out lmfao lol >_< I’m a morbid sadistic son of a b***h ain’t I?

Anyway moving on to 9-28-08 this is a convo between me and Kelsey aka Silveren DrakenSire when Caroline got banned last year.

9/29/2008 7:19:05 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz why did care get banned and what did i do exactly

9/29/2008 7:19:43 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved none of your business on the first one because hell, I dont even know and secondly, you walk in and assume you have power. you use and abuse it. and you dont follow rules

9/29/2008 7:19:47 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved thats from her stand point

9/29/2008 7:19:58 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz V_v

9/29/2008 7:20:02 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i'm trying to help

9/29/2008 7:20:03 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz and b

9/29/2008 7:20:19 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz how am i to know the rules? i was gone 2 yrs remember?

9/29/2008 7:20:32 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved well dont walk in and assume things havent changed.

9/29/2008 7:20:34 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved now I have to go.

9/29/2008 7:20:37 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved good eve.

9/29/2008 7:20:39 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz why

9/29/2008 7:42:00 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved because I had to go ru.

9/29/2008 7:42:07 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz oh

9/29/2008 7:42:16 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz god i hate ppl

9/29/2008 7:42:39 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz and for the record i didnt make angelina a mod for a power trip

9/29/2008 7:42:46 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i never go on a power trip

9/29/2008 7:42:50 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved thats nice

9/29/2008 7:42:56 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved still broke a promise and didnt consult with the others

9/29/2008 7:43:13 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Well how am i to do that when hardly anybody's on?

9/29/2008 7:43:15 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz O_o

9/29/2008 7:43:19 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved doesnt matter.

9/29/2008 7:43:22 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you have ways to contact us.

9/29/2008 7:43:33 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i know that V_V

9/29/2008 7:43:42 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i'm talking bout care she's hardly on

9/29/2008 7:43:50 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and you know I have ways to contact her.

9/29/2008 7:44:04 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Raymond?

9/29/2008 7:44:06 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz ugh

9/29/2008 7:44:08 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz please

9/29/2008 7:44:40 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz what makes him so good

9/29/2008 7:44:46 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved hes fair.

9/29/2008 7:44:51 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and doesnt make rules without asking

9/29/2008 7:44:55 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved nor has he forced himself into anything

9/29/2008 7:45:06 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i'm not forcing

9/29/2008 7:45:11 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz see this is why i took a break

9/29/2008 7:45:20 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you have forced yourself into it.

9/29/2008 7:45:31 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved Raymond is a mod by consensus

9/29/2008 7:45:35 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I am a mod by allowance

9/29/2008 7:45:38 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and Lamia is an assumed mod

9/29/2008 7:45:51 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz pffft thats so dumb

9/29/2008 7:46:03 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i make a post to get people's reactions

9/29/2008 7:46:08 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i wanna see feedback

9/29/2008 7:46:15 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you unrightfully imply things.

9/29/2008 7:46:34 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i have just as much right as you guys do

9/29/2008 7:46:42 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved no, you dont.

9/29/2008 7:46:46 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved we dont just go in and do it

9/29/2008 7:46:47 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved we ask around

9/29/2008 7:46:50 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved get suggestions

9/29/2008 7:46:51 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz V_V

9/29/2008 7:46:52 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved earn respect

9/29/2008 7:46:56 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i've earned respect

9/29/2008 7:47:04 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved youve earned hatred and disgust.

9/29/2008 7:47:09 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I respect you

9/29/2008 7:47:11 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz from who the 3 of you

9/29/2008 7:47:14 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved Caroline somewhat respects you

9/29/2008 7:47:19 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved but everyone else, theyre annoyed.

9/29/2008 7:47:23 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved we have to hear about it

9/29/2008 7:47:26 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and its annoying us

9/29/2008 7:47:35 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz so f*****g do something about me

9/29/2008 7:47:47 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I value what you want to do and what you say, but you seem to never realize that you just keep pushing it and pushing it

9/29/2008 7:48:03 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved do I think the mods are a great idea? yes...but you have to consult people, and find the RIGHT mods...not just make random friends be it.

9/29/2008 7:49:03 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i choose the 3 of you for a reason because we're the originals we now how to regulate if i wanted to i would've added korey, darius, and a couple others

9/29/2008 7:49:24 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved a couple others who dont deserve it.

9/29/2008 7:49:33 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I have no idea whot the hell count maryian whatever is

9/29/2008 7:49:35 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved he is a no name

9/29/2008 7:49:41 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved Darius would be just as unfair if not worse

9/29/2008 7:49:51 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and Korey is having a b***h fest atm

9/29/2008 7:49:58 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Count mariyan is justin V_V

9/29/2008 7:50:00 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved yeah

9/29/2008 7:50:01 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved kay

9/29/2008 7:50:03 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved he has a name

9/29/2008 7:50:04 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved we all do

9/29/2008 7:50:08 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved but Ive never heard of him before that

9/29/2008 7:50:18 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i've known him since 06

9/29/2008 7:50:20 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and then Dante starts carrying the name of Mod

9/29/2008 7:50:23 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and then Angelina

9/29/2008 7:50:28 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and then whoever else enters that group

9/29/2008 7:50:35 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz but i've made it clear

9/29/2008 7:50:45 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz if you're not an officer you're not a mod

9/29/2008 7:50:51 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved only after the fact.

9/29/2008 7:50:53 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz now bane's pissed at me

9/29/2008 7:50:56 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved only AFTER we had the problem.

9/29/2008 7:51:14 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz sighs i hate my life

9/29/2008 7:51:20 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved youre in over your head.

9/29/2008 7:51:21 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz would it help if i was re banned

9/29/2008 7:51:26 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you tried to accomplish too much in a short time

9/29/2008 7:51:48 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved the mods right now are a triangle of friends who trust eachother and have been fair throughout it all.

9/29/2008 7:51:54 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved none of us fight, though we can if we must

9/29/2008 7:52:01 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved we all brought eachother in, and have grown with eachother

9/29/2008 7:52:07 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved we have the same style, same thoughts, and same reactions

9/29/2008 7:52:12 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved that is why we will work well

9/29/2008 7:52:17 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and why your group would not have dear

9/29/2008 7:52:42 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz so i'm not good enough fine then

9/29/2008 7:52:51 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved its not that you arent good enough

9/29/2008 7:52:55 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved its that you dont like to follow rules

9/29/2008 7:53:02 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you KNOW your style is unfair

9/29/2008 7:53:08 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you break every rule you can

9/29/2008 7:53:08 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz its all i f*****g know

9/29/2008 7:53:15 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved ask us to teach you hun

9/29/2008 7:53:19 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I will GLADLY help you

9/29/2008 7:53:19 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i dont conform

9/29/2008 7:53:29 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved we have rules, and they haveto be followed for it to work

9/29/2008 7:53:32 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz rules are meant to be broken

9/29/2008 7:53:34 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved were having the same problem with John

9/29/2008 7:53:36 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved no, they arent.

9/29/2008 7:53:41 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz oh yes they are

9/29/2008 7:53:56 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved Kevin I was attempting to get you into the real mods, but youve changed my mind.

9/29/2008 7:54:04 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz the real mods

9/29/2008 7:54:10 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz ugh all it is ego's

9/29/2008 7:54:14 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz f*****g ego's

9/29/2008 7:54:15 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved all it is is respect

9/29/2008 7:54:19 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i do respect

9/29/2008 7:54:19 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved people LISTEN to us

9/29/2008 7:54:31 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved they accept the rules knowing were attemping to make it better

9/29/2008 7:55:02 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz and raymond telling me to prove myself

9/29/2008 7:55:04 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz scoffs

9/29/2008 7:55:17 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i've proven myself

9/29/2008 7:55:40 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved youve proven you can roleplay childishly

9/29/2008 7:55:50 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved Ive NEVER seen you step up and actually play

9/29/2008 7:56:04 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz well when i fight dakkarious watch

9/29/2008 7:56:14 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved youve already disrespected us, why should I care

9/29/2008 7:56:28 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved dont get me wrong, I love Kevin. I just am starting to hate Immortal.

9/29/2008 7:56:39 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz I AM IMMORTAL

9/29/2008 7:56:45 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz flesh and f*****g blood

9/29/2008 7:56:53 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz in rl and rp

9/29/2008 7:56:53 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you change when you get into character.

9/29/2008 7:56:56 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved just as we all do

9/29/2008 7:57:06 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz no it's the same everyday

9/29/2008 7:57:31 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved maybe from your standpoint.

9/29/2008 7:57:42 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz then f*****g kill me god

9/29/2008 7:57:55 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved its been suggested and I wouldnt allow it.

9/29/2008 7:58:00 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved let us teach you how to play in the game

9/29/2008 7:58:41 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz nah i'd rather go down fighting

9/29/2008 7:59:11 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you could atleast thank me for attempting to help you instead of just turning on you.

9/29/2008 8:01:30 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz why dont you turn? you've got the ego for it go ahead turn your back on i need it i'm the one who's always wrong i'm the one who tries to be nice and shwo that humor is a way in the rp i'm trying to help i posted in all the main groups becuase everybody isnt in every group i justl............................

9/29/2008 8:01:35 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz :'(

9/29/2008 8:01:50 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved you just are in over your head.

9/29/2008 8:01:55 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and disrespecting me isnt helping.

9/29/2008 8:02:17 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz pffft you're disrespecting me

9/29/2008 8:02:31 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved no, Im telling you how it is.

9/29/2008 8:02:36 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz and i'm telling you

9/29/2008 8:02:39 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I am not making personal bashes nor am I dissing you.

9/29/2008 8:02:49 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz neither have i

9/29/2008 8:03:01 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved yes, you have.

9/29/2008 8:03:09 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I dont have an ego at all, I am just realistic.

9/29/2008 8:03:46 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i havent told anyone about your cancer

9/29/2008 8:03:58 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and I appreciate that.

9/29/2008 8:04:04 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved thats personal, has nothing to do with the game

9/29/2008 8:04:10 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz exaclt

9/29/2008 8:04:14 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz exactly

9/29/2008 8:04:19 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and whats your point

9/29/2008 8:04:31 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved thatd be stooping to a point of disgust to betray my trust that far

9/29/2008 8:05:03 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz See? i know my limits i'm not as stupid as i was 2 yrs back

9/29/2008 8:05:26 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved that good, but that has nothing to do with the game

9/29/2008 8:05:31 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved when and if I die then it may

9/29/2008 8:05:33 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved but until then no

9/29/2008 8:06:53 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz sighs

9/29/2008 8:07:06 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved if youre going to use my cancer against me I might as well exploit myself.

9/29/2008 8:07:22 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i never said that

9/29/2008 8:07:38 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved then dont bring it up, kinda hurts a bit more on a personal level.

9/29/2008 8:07:47 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz now you know how tina felt

9/29/2008 8:07:59 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i wont go that far unless it's all i got left

9/29/2008 8:08:07 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz and i want to be banned for life

9/29/2008 8:08:21 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I should have never told you.

9/29/2008 8:09:10 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz look you got my respect look if i wanted to i could air out everything i know

9/29/2008 8:09:14 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz but it aint worth it

9/29/2008 8:09:19 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz for glory?

9/29/2008 8:09:21 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz f**k no

9/29/2008 8:09:33 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz for my hubris?

9/29/2008 8:09:35 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz f**k yeah

9/29/2008 8:09:54 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz for complete cutting off from my friends? never

9/29/2008 8:10:42 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved I still have a sick feeling in my stomach that I ever discussed it. Shame on me eh? Either way, atleast I tried to help you out. Cant say the same for many others.

9/29/2008 8:10:57 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz no not shame on you

9/29/2008 8:11:34 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i love you kels nothing changes that

9/29/2008 8:11:56 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved if it comes out then Ill lose the respect of many people Kevin. Ill probably lose it all because in reality Im not the strong character I play.

9/29/2008 8:12:02 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved Many people would take advantage of that.

9/29/2008 8:12:34 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz have i ever taken advantage of you in the 2 yrs we've known each other?

9/29/2008 8:12:45 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz have i ever put you out in the open to be slaughtered?

9/29/2008 8:12:46 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz no

9/29/2008 8:13:07 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and I appreciate that. Im trying to return the favor yet its being thrown in my face.

9/29/2008 8:13:22 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz it's just i hate conforming

9/29/2008 8:13:26 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz its pitiful

9/29/2008 8:13:28 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved dont we all?

9/29/2008 8:13:34 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved it took me FOREVER to get used to this game

9/29/2008 8:13:40 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved but I did it and now Im one of the best

9/29/2008 8:13:47 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz hell it took me only one fight and boom

9/29/2008 8:13:49 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz :P

9/29/2008 8:15:45 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz me thinks care got banned cause she posted something about me :P

9/29/2008 8:15:53 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved she didnt.

9/29/2008 8:15:57 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved she would have told me.

9/29/2008 8:16:03 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz V_V damn i love reading rants

9/29/2008 8:18:44 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz hmm strange i dont see her as one to get banned

9/29/2008 8:18:59 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved she gets banned a lot.

9/29/2008 8:19:04 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz why?

9/29/2008 8:19:15 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved people lie.

9/29/2008 8:19:24 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and she didnt get banned.

9/29/2008 8:19:39 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz well in here last message to me she said she was banned

9/29/2008 8:20:02 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved she had just gotten off a ban.

9/29/2008 8:20:08 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved not too long ago

9/29/2008 8:20:18 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz for what

9/29/2008 8:20:26 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved none of your business. none of my business.

9/29/2008 8:20:31 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz oh

9/29/2008 8:20:48 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz probably got into it with some smartass

9/29/2008 8:21:03 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved could have

9/29/2008 8:21:22 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz heh

9/29/2008 8:21:25 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz damn

9/29/2008 8:26:03 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz sighs and leans against wall

9/29/2008 8:26:16 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved hm?

9/29/2008 8:27:26 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz nothing just pondering

9/29/2008 8:31:57 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz is everyone really afraid to come out of the OCD coma?

9/29/2008 8:32:16 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved everyones afriad the rp will get banned entirely.

9/29/2008 8:32:33 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz tsk s**t

9/29/2008 8:33:25 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz well if people feel its my fault then hell i'll fight nothing else to do

9/29/2008 8:35:34 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz it's plain and simple when people got an issue with me they go and run to tell you or someone else and that pisses me off cause they aint got the balls to say it to my face

9/29/2008 8:36:05 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved it pisses me off cause I have to hear about it.

9/29/2008 8:36:15 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz so tell them to go to me

9/29/2008 8:37:00 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and you know they wont.

9/29/2008 8:37:09 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz wonder why?

9/29/2008 8:37:12 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz shrugs

9/29/2008 8:37:28 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved does what youdid to tina ring a bell or make sense

9/29/2008 8:37:36 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz ah

9/29/2008 8:37:44 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz well idk half of the newbies

9/29/2008 8:37:55 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz or the originals cause they keep changing their name

9/29/2008 8:39:34 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i rp fair albeit i dont do it the way it should be but nonetheless i still play fair

9/29/2008 8:39:43 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved no you soooo dont

9/29/2008 8:40:00 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz how do i not rp fair

9/29/2008 8:40:02 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz i dont cheat

9/29/2008 8:40:08 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved YOU CALL IN THE SITH FOR GODS SAKE

9/29/2008 8:40:15 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz ><

9/29/2008 8:40:18 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz it's rp

9/29/2008 8:40:21 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz its meant to be fun

9/29/2008 8:40:29 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz not so serious

9/29/2008 8:40:37 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved well it IS serious and you have to adapt to that

9/29/2008 8:40:58 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz how is it supposed to be serious if people cant even have an opinion?

9/29/2008 8:41:34 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved its serious in the way that its almost becoming real life

9/29/2008 8:41:44 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz well it aint 2006

9/29/2008 8:41:47 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz thats for sure

9/29/2008 8:42:16 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved its been through a lot of changes.

9/29/2008 8:42:20 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz well 14 people are ignoring me

9/29/2008 8:42:30 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz and i got 107 people on my favorites

9/29/2008 8:42:32 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz lol

9/29/2008 8:42:48 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved dear Lucian came back

9/29/2008 8:42:50 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and shook it up

9/29/2008 8:42:54 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz how/

9/29/2008 8:42:57 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved Lamia and I were gone for a very very long time

9/29/2008 8:43:01 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved in which the newbies played

9/29/2008 8:43:04 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz naturally

9/29/2008 8:43:05 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved then when lucian came back

9/29/2008 8:43:06 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved to rule

9/29/2008 8:43:09 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz V_V

9/29/2008 8:43:09 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved she came back and helped

9/29/2008 8:43:12 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved he made laws

9/29/2008 8:43:13 PM Immortal Beloved [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz ><

9/29/2008 8:43:14 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved made rules

9/29/2008 8:43:16 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved people followed

9/29/2008 8:43:17 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved he left

9/29/2008 8:43:20 PM [K]3llZ_[K]iLLz Immortal Beloved and I came back in his stead

I don’t know you’ve read my blogs including the one Ego’s, Image, & Reputation well this convo falls into that because Kelsey is known for her ginormous ego and throwing her weight around but I will say she’s a great kid deep down, hell we’re all good deep down back then we were kids young and just coming into the rp world of things now we’re grown up and learning to mature even myself I’ve come out of my shell and shown my true colors and I’m not afraid of how I am or what I do much less what I say.

Remember how I said my return would be short lived? Well I made a post on 10-7-08 for a contest homeboy wanted jaw dropping and m**********r I wanted the gold trophy so I made an entry called Unknown Entity 20 words and basically I supported pedophiles, said women should be raped, people are n*****s, and something about kids I cant remember exactly but here’s the ban notice I received for it all:

Banned from Allpoetry

A moderator, with approval from a manager, found that someone broke the rules enough for us to refuse access to the site to them for a time.

This ban was placed on: immortal beloved, taryn uriel, darth regicide, lukas cage

And anyone from specific computer networks.

This ban started on Oct 7 1:28 PM 2008

This ban will last until Nov 5 6:03 AM 2010. It is now November 26 07:25PM

If this is not you, please contact us at [email protected]

ban edit:

You have contravened site policy and returned with a new name. Please do not create any other accounts as you are no longer welcome here. We will contact your ISP if necessary as this is considered an abuse of their service. You are now permanently banned from allpoetry and all sister sites.

Your post, Unknown Entity, was in violation of site policy, as it promotes illegal activity (rape and pedophilia) and used a racial slur. Whether these are your true sentiments or not, the post was inappropriate.

It is unfortunate that you have chosen to do this, as Ann was very compassionate with you and allowed you to return after you were permanently banned before. I have discussed this post with her and she agrees that the permanent ban needs to be reinstated. You were given another chance to be a member here, but you abused that privilege.

Please do not return with any other names. You will have to find another site to post your work and do your role playing. You are no longer welcome here.


moderator manager

So as you can see my ban went from 2099 to Nov. 5th, 2010 which means I have a yr till I can go back.

I got into it with Ann over it and she wouldn’t overturn the ruling so I gave up on AP after that.

Here’s the death of Crimson Rose 7-9-08

The Death Of Crimson Rose



Crimson Rose

Jun 9 6:25 PM


*There, on the outskirts of Elysium rises a statue of Crimson Rose made of black Marble. A wicked grin dances across his features as burning letters engrave themselves into the base of the statue.*

"Here sleeps Crimson Rose:

The Son of Silveren,

B*****d Prince Of Elysium,

The Bane of Darius,

The Brother of Chaos,

The Creator of Malatrum,

The Destroyer of Avarus,

The Killer of Atusha,

The Bane of Mensk,

The Once King of Elysium AND Avarus,

The Bane of Hades,

The Soulless son of Cerberus,

The Once General of Elenia,

The Undefeated Slaughter House Champion,

Husband to Matisera,

Lord of Hades,

Creator of the Revolution,

Friend to few,

Enemy to many..."

Below this, in Crimson's ancient handwriting it reads...

"Refute any of my achievements, it matters not because we all know I fought tooth an nail for every single one. If you need me, summon me, but be ware for my awakening comes with a severe price.

I'm the "s**t" m***********s, and don't you forget it!"

Looking at the statue almost makes you think that the face is mocking you as you pay your respects.


Angelus Darktree

June 10


~Angelus silently appears near the tombstone as his yellow eyes dance over the writings he smiles to himself slightly then mutters~

"Yes my brother, you were the s**t and you always will well my brother in chaos. You've served long and hard much like a certain body part of yours has to Matisera..."

~chuckles as he speaks then kneels down taking out a long slender dagger decorated with the Darktree Symbol. Re-arising up he calmly steps behind the tombstone and plunges the dagger into the top of it leaving the darktree's roots to go down into the stone~

"You were a good brother...farewell old friend, until the whoever decides to let you loose again..."

~stepping back he stands silently watching the tombstone for a few moments~


Angelina Avaritia

June 24


I walk up silently behind my father and place my hand on his shoulder before kneeling before the statue

"Father...Crimson's not really dead. Not as long as we remember him."


Sarah Darktree

June 10


- The young Darktree made her appearance, her shoulder length poker straight black hair moved softly as she walked, She wore a full body suit made of leather, it was open in an oval at the chest, Connected it had black boots that laced up, Her eyes grazed the grave as she placed a hand on her father shoulder, never saying a word as she did this-


Angelus Darktree

June 10


~gently places a scarred hand on his daughters then speaks staring at the tombstone~

"He was a good son of a b***h this place won't be the same without him..."


Sarah Darktree

June 10


-Sarah glared at the tombstone a bit then look at her father-

''He was the reason I died....''

-her words were in a whisper-


Angelus Darktree

June 10


~gently kisses his daughter's forehead~

"I'm sorry Sarah...but he was a very ancient friend and I came to pay my respects to him. How are you young one?"


Sarah Darktree

June 10


-Sarah smiled softly-

''We'll talk about it At home father..''

-she disapeared-


Dante Dra akenSi ir

June 11 Reply

* Dante appears in a burst of flames right beside Angelus and Sarah, his white neck-length hair blows slightly in the breeze...his exspression is he walks up to the statue of Crimson Rose...Dante lowers his head as he draws his ancient sword, " Rebellion " and stabs it into the the ground...infront of the statue...Dante kneels down to the ground and bows *

" A good friend you were Crimson, and you whenever anyone needed your always did the best you could. I give you my sword. A sword that I have won many battles with over the centries and decades...Not once has it lost a battle...nor shall it ever...through time I hope we meet again...and I just hope that we will be on the same side. "

* Dante stands up, a single tear falls to the ground as he turns around starts to walk away *



June 29


*chooses a time to come alone, he looks around and listens for movement before kneeling before the statue, his face is sad except for his eyes which have a determined look on them* you b*****d...but I don't blame you, this stuff gets old after a while...*he looks up slowly and sighs* how is it? We both wanted her dead, wanted her to fall, but we hated each other, maybe its because I'm free longer a dog of service *he pulls out a black sword, the blade is a fine amber color, its been sharpened to perfection and cuts the wind as he places it on the grave*this is Halcyon, if you see her wherever you're going...cut the b*****s heart out for me and stomp it into the friend. It's a shame we couldn't have said that in life *smiles and wipes my face as I turn and disappear into the night*


Immortal Beloved

August 29


Looks at statue and smirks "Man he stole my gloss for my statue tribute a*****e"


Crimson Rose

September 29


*The earth trembles and the Statue racks, falling in half and crumbling on the ground. Everything goes dark, a darkness that cannot be seen through, and suddenly, everything is back to normal.

All except the hole in the grave of Crimson Rose*

Lamia Luna Avaritia

September 29


~leans agasint a wall~ well hello crimson

The once great Elysium Army has fallen 8-13-09

Summer Darktree [The Elysium Army] (silveren threatens to kill me becuase I refuse to allow her to say my rp mother lamia is dead, lamia left she never died. Silveren only has elysium because my mother took a break, she couldn't even earn the kingdom she claims. She also w****s herself to angelus who also betrayed the rulingqueen Lamia of 5 years. So yeah I'll probably be dead and banned but like that matters. Everyone here isn't what they used to be and it's sad to see that. Weak, that's all I have to say)

Summer Darktree [The Elysium Army] (what no one has anyting to say? well since I will be gone from here by tomorrow more than likely here are a few things to think about. Lamia left because you guys were going to kill her at crimsons will. He wanted her gone becuase she didn't listen to him and she killed ONE person. Now you are following an idiot who kills people because she lies and is stupid enough to get cuaght. Lamia LEFT she didn't die. You guys are all drones and just want a leader, even through you all fought so hard to have "rights" you are all idiots who don't know how to honor someone who done you good, someone you called a friend. I mention her name and people are all "oh lamia i miss her" don't do that. you can't honor her when she's here, you don't honor her when she's gone. You let a b***h rule you, elysium was a home with a queen who let you all treat her like s**t, if lamia did this you would kill her, heck you tried to. But since the imposter came in taking something that didn't belong to her, you all follow blindly, all of you are pathetic. Like i said I'll probably be banned from elysium after this but this was once a free kingdom. Appearantly it has fallen far, and the home it was once is no longer here.)

Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] (( Summer, Lamia left. She kicked everyone out of the New Elysium Army and then deleted it, telling the moderators to lock her account so not even SHE could get into it.... She wants no part of it anymore. ))

Summer Darktree [The Elysium Army] (yes but she didn't DIE and that's what's going on, silveren took elysium it should have stayed dead, and you all live on like it's nothing you are all pathetic and like i said you imposter has one person catch her lie and threatens to kill them, so I'm sorry but I don't see how any of you can be called her friend, you all stabbed her in the back while she was here and if I'm not mistaken who are you to talk menase is it? isn't crimson your husband? and he planned to kill her so to me you are as good as s**t cuase even you called her a friend and you were probably one of the peopel to get him to back off and you didn't. You two helped draw her back here the first time and you sat by as an enabler to allow crimson to put lamia through hell when you don't even know what is going on in her life. So sorry your words are worthless as much as someone sayng that they will kill me in an rp and ban me when they can only go so far. Your imposter isn't even in her own drakensire dynstay, it's pathetic maybe she should change her name.)

Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] (( listen, kid... I didn't do anything. I didn't have a clue what Crimson was doing until way after he did it, see? Because my hind end was too busy giving birth to a little girl.

All that he did was play on Lamia's paranoia. She fell for it, hook, line and sinker. I had nothing to do with it.

In case you haven't noticed, unlike everyone else, I don't RP all the time, and when I do, I'm not in the business of stabbing anyone in the character or out.

Silveren just recreated Elysium in her own image. If she didn't, someone else was bound to. I could care less on that account. At least she's trying to do something with it instead of running it into the ground.

I'm the only one that still holds onto a group that was opened up by Lamia. So get your facts straight before you go off on me again. I was asked to close that group and I refused. I still refuse. People are going to do what they want to do, sweetie, and there's not much you can do about it.

And from your own words, you have proven in your provinciality that I am better than shite to you and to everyone else. So kiss it, dearie.

The name is Manesa, btw... please strive to get it right next time... ))

Summer Darktree [The Elysium Army] (no lamia found out through silveren that it wasn't playing on paranoia he tried to get her killed via blue angelus and silveren and now you call her stupid so again "kid" which I assure you I'm not. your husband did nmore than you saw. perhaps more than you know and he's as much of a b*****d as you and tell me if you were there do you relaly think you would have stopped him? I doubt it. Also your the one that has to suck the dick of the b*****d that throws a fit when he doesn't get his way. Maybe you should look at the sides you are standing on and realize the only reason he's nice to you is cause he gets head from you and p***y when ever he wants. or would you like to go back to the good old days when you and him fought and you were upset cause he did nothing, just sat around and drank spiked orange juice...oh did you forget that with the brith of your child oops my bad.)

Summer Darktree [The Elysium Army] (I'm off I'll probably be gone by morning the rest of you in immortals grand words . SUCK IT

oh and menasa go ahead and respond but you are talking to air "sweetie" and only insane people do that

Amethyst SilverMoon [The Elysium Army] ((Then I recommend you take your own advice before we consider YOU insane...because in essence, no one is listening to you, and YOU are only talking to air. ))

Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] ((he told Silveren that Blue and Angelus were with him... Then he told Blue that Silveren and Angelus were with him, then he told Angelus that Blue and Silveren were with him. And he knew that one of them would run and tell Lamia what he told them. And he knew that Lamia would freak out and leave. So he managed to manipulate her into giving up her group and leaving, and so far Silveren's Elysium is doing better off without her.... - This is coming STRAIGHT FROM CRIMSON'S MOUTH and I am just typing it out. So, you can suck it.

Go ahead. Log off from a discussion that you know that you cannot win because you don't have all the facts. ))

Amethyst SilverMoon [The Elysium Army] ((Okay...I just actually read all of these notes...heres a pointer that will stop all the Drama:






Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] (( Love ya, Ray...

Basically, Crimson just proved what a master manipulator he was, and he played all of you for it... ))

Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] (( oh yeah, and I DO MEAN all of you.

I don't condone what he did, playing them all against each other. but he did it, and he has proven that he's good at it...

So Caroline, I love ya babe, but you and Kels, and Korey, and whatever Angelus' RL name is, you all got played by him.

I'm sorry. There's not much I can do about it. I don't have to defend my actions if I don't want to. I've gone to bat for that woman more times than I can count. and would I have stopped him had I known what he was up to? Yes, I would have. because I don't like it when people do stuff like that. it's rude... ))

Amethyst SilverMoon [The Elysium Army] I think perhaps I will ban her... Not for starting drama..but for her ..ahem...

*looks in the rule book to find another reason*

Oh oh ...yeah! For her directly and verbally attacking another member of the site

Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] (( Yes, I love the colorful vocabulary this one has on her... ))

Amethyst SilverMoon [The Elysium Army] ((Indeed...I would wager to say she is what...12? What was your guess? ))

(a day later)

Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] ((Goofy, that WAS else has such a high opinion of Lamia as SHE does. She only joined 5 days ago and is probably miffed that Elysium is actually ACTIVE. Something it never was when SHE was "queen".))

Silveren DrakenSire [The Elysium Army] ((still would like for all members of other elysiums to join this one and that one be used for something else -.-))

Silveren DrakenSire [The Elysium Army] ((oh and all, Summer is bannen from Elysium for her blatant disrespect towards Manesa.))

Darkness Rising [The Elysium Army] (( cools... ))AnnD [The Elysium Army] To all members of the group 'The Elysium Army'

After many months of complaints and problems that have arisen from this group, Admin has determined that it would be in the best interest of the site and membership for this group to be closed down.

We have received complaint after complaint about and from this group, and all have centered around perceived or real threats of violence and much inappropriate sexual discussion and messages sent via the group messages and privately.

The group is continually in violation of site policy and therefore must be removed.

Please understand that groups are encouraged here, but when they become so destructive and hurtful to the members, then they serve no constructive purpose.

Role play is very popular, and we have tried to deal with the individual complaints as they arise, but when the group becomes this disruptive and out of control, we have no alternative but to shut it down.

Please do not create any other group that will continue this pattern of behavior. The power struggles and conflict are just too easily allowed to get out of control and we ask that you engage in more productive role playing and group activities.

Such threats of violence and sexual innuendo or graphic sexual discussion will not be tolerated and will ensure the removal of any groups being conducted in this manner.

I am sorry we have had to take this action but it has unfortunately been deemed necessary.

From this moment on, all members will be removed from the group and the group will be removed in its entireity from AllPoetry.


Site Supervisor

To all members of the group 'The Elysium Army'
After many months of complaints and problems that have arisen from this group, Admin has determined that it would be in the best interest of the site and membership for this group to be closed down.

We have received complaint after complaint about and from this group, and all have centered around perceived or real threats of violence and much inappropriate sexual discussion and messages sent via the group messages and privately.

The group is continually in violation of site policy and therefore must be removed.

Please understand that groups are encouraged here, but when they become so destructive and hurtful to the members, then they serve no constructive purpose.

Role play is very popular, and we have tried to deal with the individual complaints as they arise, but when the group becomes this disruptive and out of control, we have no alternative but to shut it down.

Please do not create any other group that will continue this pattern of behavior. The power struggles and conflict are just too easily allowed to get out of control and we ask that you engage in more productive role playing and group activities.

Such threats of violence and sexual innuendo or graphic sexual discussion will not be tolerated and will ensure the removal of any groups being conducted in this manner.

I am sorry we have had to take this action but it has unfortunately been deemed necessary.

From this moment on, all members will be removed from the group and the group will be removed in its entireity from AllPoetry.

Site Supervisor

10-17-08 Kelsey abusing her Creator powers

This is how far she is taking the whole creator thing..

Silveren DrakenSire is "The Judge." She will hold all of the creator powers and none of their weaknesses, being put to use when necessary and deemed appropriate. She is also the oldest currently living, being THE Ancient ((of both Vampyres and Lycans)). She is a moderator. Classified as Chaotic.

Angelus Darktree will be the "Creator of Form", he controls the state of a substance and can make anything from anything even nothing. He has recently been brought in as the youngest of the Ancients. He is a battle hardened warrior and serves as an Arch-Knight and Strategist. Classified as Good.

Amythest Silvermoon is the "Elemental Creator." He has full control of the elements and any properties that are a part of them. He is one of the younger of the older group,thought not an Ancient, yet maintains respect. He is the head moderator of the roleplay. Classified as Good.

Creator Of Energy Is Currently Not In Use, Though One Is In Mind For It.

Darius Zariel is the second youngest of the Ancients but one of the more uncontrollable. He is the son of Lamia and husband of Silveren ((most of the time)) and leads Maryian. He is the master of Shadows and he is the original Shadow Stalker. His powers with Shadows are unmatched and will remain so. Classified as Evil.

Blue Jewel is the second oldest of the Ancients. He is the right hand to Lamia and is influential in many Kingdoms. He is often behind many of the grand plans, including the Creators. He is a moderator. Classified as Good.

Mensk is the second oldest Lycan and the last of the Lycan Ancients. He is Lamia's ex husband and current outcast of the Vampyre community. Classified as Evil.


These are the powers that be, any questions?


((Please note, the process to becoming an Ancient requires years in the real world and as such you can not simply submit an application and expect to become one. There are four creators, no more and no less. Each has a predecessor though the powers tend to stay within the group. Moderators; to become one speak to Amethyst who will in turn speak to Silveren and Lamia. Years of practice and a shown fairness are required. These players cannot die otherwise they would not serve as Ancients, Creators, or Moderators. Don't act like you can kill them, it just won't happen. The list is not yet completely done.))

Is she serious?...i mean COME ON!!! lmao we are getting alot of people together to destroy the "Creators" more "coucils" either...there are only the ancient....and only the ones who are not the power hungry myself....(i mean i dont god mod...yes i get a little cranky sometimes but who doesnt?) Grim, Lucian, Caen....and i think that is all i put....everyone else just gets to powerhungry to have the title...and as one of us leave...the ancients will die out...our power will not be passed will just die...till our generations are powerless....But Izabelle and Alucard and Madeline are the closest things to the ancients....and they arent even people playing their is me and JD playing them out....but yea....just thought you two would like to stay updated...and Kev....put this in your book :P


Chapter 9

2009 & Beyond

So its currently November 26th, 2009 the year is practically over celebrities have come and gone, I had another relationship that went to s**t because she was insecure and went back to her ex her name Morgan Kincaid that was back in August. Great kisser, always had me hard, always loved to cuddle on the back porch with me, sweet, but in the end all she wanted was my c**k god here’s the funny part: when she grinded to my c**k on the porch she looked like that giant slug from the swamp of Dagobah when she contorted her face kinda freaked me out but we ended officially on 9-16-09. Now I got a new woman I’m happy to be with and her daughter is cute as a button hopefully we’ll last well into the years cause I love her. I’ve gotten in touch with my old high school friends and made new best friends both from ap and high school so im happy for that very very happy for it. Holidays around the corner don’t know how it’s gonna go or end I’ll just wing it I guess like I always do a one man army with the heart of a teddy bear.

But if you’ve enjoyed this novel good for you if not then f**k you and mr. Ed but if you want more then drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do for you. As for AP am I going back despite the controversy? Of course my friend Dani aka Ashtaen Lady Shadow got me into it again crazy b***h lol but I love her though. Now if you wanna get ahold of me in any way shape or form: Facebook- Oreo Brewer

YIM- [email protected]

cell- 443 519 8786

Don’t be afraid to contact me I wont bite just ident yourself and we’ll go from there now I will leave you with two things:

One the quote I live by: Can you believe the lie and lie to believe?

Two: my comeback from last year do enjoy

Then: "Time to die you twisted fucked up b***h" Immortal said as he closed in on Atusha.

"Never you can’t stop me no one will you forget I have more power than you ever will!" Atusha barked as Immortal jumped at her blade in hand she held a hand up and he flew into a wall spider webbing it and falling to the Avarus palace floor he got back up coughing and made another run at her and found himself caught mid air and Atusha cackled blood pouring from her left cheek where he scored a mark earlier "You shall not interfere in my affairs anymore worthless dog!" a portal opened up and Immortal was sucked into it forever banished from the Nation but not before he yelled his final words "YOU GODDAMN B***H I WILL BE BACK AND WHEN I DO I’LL SEE YOUR HEAD ON A PIKE!!!" and he vanished along with the portal which spilled into Purgatory, a home very familiar to the controversial one.

Purgatory: The Wastelands

In the wastelands of Purgatory a place that separates Heaven and Hell and where some people are sent to as punishment, bounty hunters come here for reward collecting or simply to annihilate their contract hunt. Even demons from hell sometimes roam through Purgatory looking for prey to either feast or play or both, but very rarely does any man or creature escape from Purgatory until today.............

"She sent us after this guy and he’s not even around the f**k kinda s**t is this?" a green man with the head of a Mantis and the body of a slender bodybuilder said.

"I don’t Jakx but Atusha said kill him and don’t fail or she’ll have our heads" a gruff looking man said to the green man who was cocking his pulse rifle.

"F**k Carner can’t we just say we killed him and go home" Jakx whined.

"Oh shut your trap dickhead she wanted proof"

"What kind of proof?"

"His shirt or his head"

"Lovely what for?"

"You know her never could get enough trophies for her collection" Carner said spitting tobacco juice on the dust covered wasteland.

Behind a boulder a man sat panting softly meters away from Jakx and Carner waiting across from him was a beared man with a dog like face and a white scar running from his left temple down to his right jawline smirked mimicking a butcher with his Dwarven war blade which measured 2 feet long at the man behind the boulder the man smirked back and nodded.

"I’m getting sick of this" Carner said sighing heavily.

"Me too" the man said bounding backward hands placed on the boulder he backflipped into the air wrapping his feet around Carner’s head and snapped it with a sickening crack.


"YEAH IT’S ME IT’S ME IT’S D-D-P!!!" and the man flipped the rifle around so the nozzle was under Jakx chin and pulled the trigger ZWIP! And Jakx’ head exploded into pieces.

The man had on all black except his shirt had a limegreen "DX" on the front and his hair was short brown and black rimmed glasses then he relaxed and laughed.

"Man they sucked"

"Way to go Immortal once again you rob me of a perfect kill" the other man said.

"Oh Archer I promise next m**********r comes at me you can have him"

"Fine by me by the way look out" Archer said casually and Immortal ducked as a black and red skinned demon launched itself into the air only to be cleaved in half by Archer’s sword.

"Good job want a cookie?" Immortal laughed.

"Maybe later I don’t know but it would seem that we must move" Archer gestured at the oncoming horde of Aliens shiny black eight foot tall creatures with acid for blood deadly as hell itself.

"Oh f*****g great that b***h didn’t hold back after all" he chuckled shaking his head as the dust winds blew harder he ran headlong at the charging Aliens and the first one that came at him leaped at him but he caught it head first and drove into the ground with a bone breaking pedigree.

"Punk a*s b***h" he spat on the creature’s dead body then slammed his left shoulder into the remaining Aliens and became tangled among tails, claws, and stabbing mouths.

"Immortal!!!" Archer cried out and began slicing and dicing the Aliens hides to free his pupil.

"Enough of this s**t!" and the Aliens screeched and shrieked as they were drowned in their own acid then exploded in a cloud of limbs and acid blood.

Immortal jumped up and brushed debris off of him and looked at his ruined shirt which was sizzling and smoking with holes from the acid.

"F**k I liked this shirt" I said stomping the ground in a tantrum.

"Calm down it’s only a shirt it can be replaced"

"But you don’t understand man" I said shaking my head as I growled then saw a horde of Aliens approaching and smiled charging head first at them and yelled

"I BROUGHT MY FRIENDS TOOO!!!!" and uncloaking an army of Predators appeared and joined my charge and together we crushed the army of Aliens until the ground rumbled and the clouds parted and a large golden foot appeared.

"What the f**k is that?" I said ripping the arm off of an Alien then looking into the distance I saw another figure walking his posture waverering from the heat.

The man walked black and purple energy crackling around him as he gathered twin balls of lime green energy and fired them first at the leg coming out of the clouds then at a PredAlien coming at me from behind which hollowed out it’s head and part of it’s chest.

"Holy s**t is that who I think it is?" I said to myself as a thunderclap resonated and another figure landed in front of the set of golden legs holding twin swords each attached to a long chain his skin was pale white except for a red mark running over his left eye and down the left side of his back his name was Kratos.

"Back off this one is mine!" Kratos shouted twirling his blades.

"No he’s my b***h!" the other man said fast approaching then halting with twin purple and black energy balls in his hands ready to launch them at the fully emerging Egyptian sun god, Ra.

"I’m not listening to you anymore YAHHHH!!!!!" and Kratos launched himself up at Ra’s face scoring at mark then getting swatted to the ground crushing a dozen Aliens which became tangled with another army rising from the ground the army of Anubis: bodies of men with the heads of dogs.

"Invertigo!" I yelled as a group surrounded me I twisted my body snapping two of their necks with my hands and feet then blew the other four away with a X formation leaving indentations in all of their chest from my hands and feet. Standing back up I wiped my forehead and headed for Kratos the other man and skidded to a halt as I watched the two of them half working together and half fighting with each other while Ra swatted them around like flies hitting them with blasts of fire.

"Octavian is that you?" I shouted summoning my black phoenix power and firing a shadow blast into Ra’s chest which sent him stumbling slightly.

"Immortal glad to see you actually decided to join in" he yelled sarcastically as he let his whole bodice become engulfed in green flame and bringing his hands back he gathered a green ball of flame wrapped in purple and black energy and fired it at Ra just as Kratos swung his blades around lopping off his gigantic left leg, a massive wave of blood gushed out all over and soon more forces came out: Sith, armies of Sauron, demons, The Fallen, and all things that wanted me dead and for everything that b***h sent I countered it even with the help of my brother, Maryian Avarita I was getting tired from running on just adrenaline then switching gears over to rage and hatred slowly but surely I knew I was dying.

"Maryian this s**t is totally fucked up" I groaned as I snapped three necks of demons; two with either hand and the third with my legs falling to the ground but rebounding as one of The Fallen came at me only to be knocked back by a spear imbedded in his chest looking behind me feeling the angel’s blood run over my face I saw Leonidas and his mighty 300 smirking.

"Need some help there friend?" Leonidas said extending his hand and pulling me up to my feet handing me a sword pulling on his helmet he yelled

"SPARTANS!!!! BLEED THEM DRY!!!!" and they charged banging their swords against their shields protecting neck to thigh taking no prisoners I hacked and slashed my way till my body burned all over that’s when I saw Archer running towards me and pitching forward from an Orc’s arrow sticking out of his back and chest tossing the sword I ran at the Orc taking arrow shots and when he ran out I pounced him and pummeled his ugly f*****g face until I felt bone split my knuckles making me spill my own blood. I tore it’s body apart hurling body parts at the mayhem all around me.

Bashing skulls and knocking jaws out I knelt beside my mentor and cradled his dying form I couldn’t take it and I yelled "TINA YOU GODDAMN B***H!!!!!" that’s when I felt the heat of an explosion and saw Ra blow up his blood raining onto the battlefield I looked down at Archer watching his finger point toward the sky and I saw a ray of light slowly descending then halting a couple feet from me the sounds of lightsaber clashing and weapons discharging drowned away as the ball of light turned into a form and laying Archer down I stood up fists clenched I gritted my teeth and approached the changing form.

"Who the f**k are you?" I shouted as the glowing form changed into a woman, one that I knew and fought to see and one day hold in my arms forevermore, Amy.

I stumbled over to her and hugged her tight and she did the same back sniffling softly.

"What took you so long babe?"

"Too much f*****g time and I couldn’t stand it anymore" she said kissing me softly I savored those gummy peach ring flavored and textured lips and that tongue pouring into my mouth like flowing milk.

"Ditto baby bear" I said smiling wincing slightly as my split lip cracked some but I brushed it off and held her tightly.

"I do have good news for you tiger" she said pushing me away smiling so lovingly then let me go and held her hands above her head a small white glowing sphere appearing.

"What’s that for?"

"Your grand exit You’re free" and Amy pointed at a fissure flashing white peering into darkness.

"Where does it go to?"

"I don’t know but it takes you out of here now go I’ll hold the horde off"

"NO! You’re coming with me" I said fighting my oncoming wave of tears.

"Don’t argue with me now F*****G GO!" Amy yelled as the fissure opened wider and the sphere grew larger in her hands.

"But what about Maryian and Octavian?" I said fighting off the sorrow as the tears letting my angst get to me watching them blowing away Aliens, zombies, vampires, lycans and Sith that crossed their path, God it was so gory and yet beautiful at the same time.

"They’ll get to you in time this is your only chance you’ve been given another chance at freedom don’t f**k it up" Amy said growling as the sphere grew even more and started rising out of her grasp and I pulled her to me kissing her deeply seeing the pain in her eyes as she took my mouth into hers again tears running with the words of "I love you" speaking across her lips I let her go and dashed then jumped into the crackling fissure and looking back into it I saw Amy turn and launch the sphere which consumed everything the fissure closed up leaving me in a crumbled castle.

Looking around I kept my wits about me not knowing who or what lurked in these ruins and gazing at the shaft of light pointing down I saw a banner with "RUS" on it and chuckled then said "This is what happened to Avarus knew this was coming stupid b***h didn’t listen and now look at her prestigious castle"

Inside The Ruins Of Avarus

Tossing the banner down I looked around and the flood of memories came back: Darc as king, Wolfie as king, Caroline as queen, me and Zeal against the Nation, Being public enemy number one, all the goading and fighting and Seth along with The Crusade.

A small green creature came at me from the shadows standing but 18 inches tall and said with sharp fangs and a small weird voice "Long Live Atusha!" and I shook my head then stomped him dead with my black Harley Davidson boot grinding him into the palace floor and saw my blood on the ground from my fight with Maryian and saw the gate with my double still hanging there.

"Well it’s nice to see some thing’s never change" and an dark echoing laugh sounded throughout the palace and a rumbling sound shook the foundation as a mantle of stone with a throne slid out with a man with stark white skin nothing but bones and ratty white hair glaring down at me "What’s a matter Immortal don’t you recognize you own creation?" Thaxter Jones cackled his laugh echoing around then he jumped down from his throne and landed in front of me yellow teeth a gleaming twisted smile.

"Thaxter my god I thought you were lost in my thoughts forevermore but I see Tina has taken you out of my memories and re-created you into life"

"And I’ve been upgraded too you little s**t!" Thaxter growled and gave me a vicious uppercut which sent me into the air and crashing into the wall which crumbled on top of me damaging my body furthermore shrugging off the pain and rubble I jumped up and saw him transform into me same everything and glaring at me I roared and did a corkscrew kick at him which set him off balance and I capitalized on his footing driving my fist into his chest but he fell back bringing his boots into my stomach and punting me backward causing me to land on my back hard but we both rebounded facing each other I said

"We do this it’s Mortal Kombat!" and we jumped at each other kicking and punching each other shedding blood here there and everywhere till I fell back into the corner of the throne and he ran at me spearing me into the far wall spider webbing it so I drove my right and left elbows into his back hearing my bones crack and shoot pain all over my body so picking him up I threw him down into the ground watching his head snap back and up hard he yellow teeth coated in blood but he laughed and spun back up driving his right boot into my jaw breaking it knocking five teeth loose so I grabbed his boot and twisted it breaking it spun him around and hurled him into the far wall on the otherside of the throne room which made a part of the palace crumble down even more along with the rubble came a boombox that clattered to life and blared "Man In The Box" by Alice In Chains and I jumped onto Thaxter and pummel his face into the wall over and over and over and over until he’s wearing a mask of crimson.

Without warning, Thaxter switched and bashed my face into the wall "Wanna be five bashings away from looking like Beetle Juice off Howard Stern?!?!" he cackled slamming and hammering my face till I felt my face break here and there more blood spilling, he left go flinging me backward into the throne where I lay panting bleeding more than I should’ve been but still I pulled myself up shirt hanging off me some I held my ground unsteadily and Thaxter looked at me

"YOU MISERABLE SON OF A B***H WHY WON’T YOU DIE!!!" and he speared me but I caught him and with all the strength I could muster slammed him down on my knee the snapping of his spine echoing throughout the dead hallways I dropped him down and spit on him then he whimpered.

"WANNA KNOW WHY I WON’T DIE BECAUSE I NEVER GIVE UP AND NEVER SURRENDER NO MATTER THE ODDS!!!!!" and feeling some of my power creep back into my veins while the box blared "10's" by Pantera my eyes went black and white and extending my hand over him a white flame bursted out and burned him away leaving ashes and the smell of crisp burnt flesh, hair, and clothing then my shadow phoenix power left and I collapsed but dragged myself up still running on rage and hatred uncaring about the screaming pain in my body I kicked over the throne watching it crumble then gazed at the wall behind it and kicking it in I walked into a secret passageway I had made before I left.

Inside The Ruins Of Avarus, Immortal’s hidden room

I limped down a small hallway tears streaming from the pain and sorrow for not having Amy with me as I found my old room I rummaged through a box I pulled out from under the bed and going through it I found an old snowglobe that played "Infected" by Demon Hunter but it had a mini sized version of Care dancing so shaking it up and winding the crank it played and I smiled hoping she was still around as my lip bled more. Sitting the globe down on the stand beside my bed I groaned as my ribs cracked into place every 20 minutes and found a couple other things then stripping away my battered and butchered clothes I headed to the shower groaning as the hot scalding water washed away the blood and scorched my healing wounds even more until after a half hour passed I left the shower fully healed but aching my body reeking of Old Spice shower gel I wrapped a white towel around my waist wisps of steam rising off my skin, I started to move the box off the bed when something jumped me from behind and flinging whoever it was onto the bed I saw it was a woman.

I chuckled and looked her over she had long black hair, same color tank and long silk cotton skirt, She glared at me and jumped at me but I caught both her fists glaring back I said

"What is your issue babe?"

" left me here" she responded in a Romanian accent.

"Well I had many lovers back then what made you special?" I pondered looking her up and down lightly grinding to her then pushing her back onto the bed and gazing into her eyes I remembered what drew me to her and pushing her skirt up some I traced her cavern’s entrance then forced fingers inside her he probed while she bit her lips then fought at his assault which lasted for what seemed like eternity and while Immortal continued bringing her to peak the only song that revolved through his head was "Killing Me Softly" by The Fugees once she climaxed he released her only to be brought back into her embrace with a fierce kiss that lasted into hours long passion unbridled then she let him go leaving his stead having taken her fill of him did she let him rest. Later on Immortal awoke to see it was nightfall his thoughts flickered back to the Middle Ages when he fought and killed Maryian’s wife in cold blood but he shook that memory away and went to the bathroom where he took a piss then shaved his hair away leaving it smooth and bald just how he liked it, then he rummaged through his closet found his outfit that he be most comfortable in.

I grabbed my Harley Davidson boots and clapped them together saw both the mini four inch blades come out the tips smirked lighting a Marlboro then inhaling let the smoke flow out my nose as I clapped them again concealing the blades I pulled on my black Bugle Boy 77 jeans followed by my UFC fighting gloves that were leather and covered my fingers up to the knuckle I tightened my boots up and standing I grabbed the leather vest off the bed which was tan reading "WARRIORS" across the top with a skull and wings in the center all in red, white, and yellow I pulled it on heading for The Slaughter House flicking my butt into the toilet.

The Slaughter House

I arrived at Slaughter House to see much had changed the air felt different so kicking the doors open to the arena the scenery had not changed all that much: blood and gore served as the new paint job, weapons lay strewn about broken or abandoned indeed many wars and battles had taken place in my absence moaning as I cracked my back and the rest of my body I ran inside and flipped back and front performed a corkscrew kick landing on my feet panting then jumping I scaled the cliffs heading toward the DJ booth long abandoned and sighed pulling my iPod out loading it into the booth and "Down With The Clown" by Insane Clown Posse blared echoing all over Slaughter House.

I head bobbed then walked out feeling a change in the air I saw eight black armored riot cops who surrounded me in a semi circle I chuckled

"Let me guess Tina sent you huh?"

"Dead or alive Immortal You’re coming with us" As "Forever" by Chris Brown played I flicked my switchblade and hurled it at the fifth riot cop’s throat killing him I smirked

"Lovely you guys are mortals" and they leapt at me tasers crackling as they tried to tase me into submission I scissor kicked three of them as the other four dogpiled me I laughed and booted them up and off of me driving my right fist into the first cops jaw knocking him into the air I grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground then spun kicked him into the arena where he landed on a half broken spear dead, the second cop wasn’t so lucky when "Cyanide" by Metallica came on cause my adrenaline kicked into overdrive and my left fist broke through his armor and connected with his solar plexus knocking the wind out of him and headlocking him I pulled up breaking his neck then backing up I brought my right boot into his head blade and all instantly killing him I laughed and said "You f*****g p***y go home and change your diaper b***h" but then the remaining five got me down and shitkicked me till I spit up blood pummeling me with nightsticks and tasers combined I groaned and moaned grunting with more pain than I had even in Purgatory I growled and yelled "INVERTIGO!" feeling my body spin into a breakdancing spin as the LAX Theme by Konnan on TNA came on I pulled my feet into my chest as the cops fell on their backs but they rebounded also so I speared the third one driving my fists left and right into his helmet till it broke into broken shards I saw a sullen hatred filled face blackened and bleeding from my impact punching and before he could drive his nightstick into me I took a shard and slit his throat next "Party Like A Rock Star" by Shop Boyz came on as did one of the tasers on the back of my head I grunted in pain and grabbing the giving arm I threw that cop over my shoulder laying him flat while I spun around and clothes lined the other two stomping both my feet down the dual hidden blades appeared and dropped to my stomach legs spread both blades buried in their chests I rolled off them and stood only to see that outta anger like me they stood back up so I ran up to them kicked them in the nuts bleeding them more they held they’re c***s and I pulling twin spray cans tagged they’re eyes saying "It’s D Generation X b*****s!"

The last riot cop cut his losses and ran but grabbing up a taser I tossed up lightly jumping up and spin kicking I kicked the crackling rod at him catching him in the back piercing his heart "F*****g Right!!!!" but he still crawled away pulling my switchblade out from the dead riot cop’s jugular I pounced the dying cop rolling him over as "Take You There" by Sean Kingston played I pulled off the helmet and saw Amy’s face blood trickling out of her mouth her body spasming as I pulled the rod out of her I was fucked up but then the tears came and she laughed like Tina did I growl jamming the blade into her jugular breaking the point off standing as the doppleganger croaked another laugh then died I jumped down from the cliffs onto the second dead riot cop’s body my fist driven into his face I stood up sweat, blood, and tears streaming all over my body dirt coated my body here and there "Goddamn wimps" and left while "The Omen" by DMX feat. Marilyn Manson played.

Inside The Ruins Of Avarus

I came back to the fallen kingdom and saw another fissure appear I took a offensive stance then relaxed as Octavian and Maryian appeared beaten and bloody but healing up I asked the first thing that hit me

"Did she? Is she-----"

"I don’t know last we saw was that sphere which wiped out everything I pulled Maryian with me into my dimension to be safe and reappeared in his kingdom where Atusha had laid siege to it but we took it all back" Octavian said with a dark smile.

"Yes it was hard f*****g b***h decided to put more demons in the bowels" Maryian said shaking his head.

"Well I see you’ve gotten some action"

"Erotic and hardcore" I smirked then Octavian said opening a portal up "We must go and free my kingdom of her tyranny as well Maryian"

"Yes we shall comeback or did you want to come with us?"

"No I’ll stay here and secure Avarus" and they both nodded and disappeared leaving me to the moonlight and I collapsed to my knees crying punching the crumbled floor with bare knuckles thinking on the clone of Amy and couldn’t shake it then I heard the boombox crackle with static then "Bittersweet" by Apocalyptica featuring H.I.M. played gently which drew my attention as did another portal I got up tears streaming and yelled "COME ON YOU FUCKWITS I TAKE YOU ALL WITH ME!!!" and a woman stepped through wearing a dirty white tank top minor cuts here and there, blue capris by DKNY, and white Sketchers the boombox switched dials and "Close To The Flame" By H.I.M. played and Amy stood in place of the portal looking distraught but strong.

"Amy?" and my eyes rolled into my head and I collapsed and awoke to her lips on mine gentle, moist assuring, Amy leaned up smiling softly tears streaming as she tried not to cry herself my hands wandered upward over her battle riddled bodice to her neck pulling her back down to me kissing her deeply and fully letting her know I needed her and she could care for me like no one ever could she lifted away hovering locking gazes with me as I pushed her hair back kissing her deeply again while she sat up pulling me with her, Amy slid my vest off and I lifted her shirt away kissing between her warm mounds our bodices wracked by pain and brought together by need.

"The Sacrament (Disrhythm Remix)" by H.I.M. played as we found ourselves against the wall frenching deeply grinding, panting, crying in joy and discovery of our passion for each other her back pressed into my chest I lightly squeezed her hips after unbuttoning her capris gyrating into her as I nibbled and kissed her neck on the left side, her left hand wrapped around my head right hand on my right hip urging me to do more. Amy turned to face me smiling then frowning as one of my wounds bled lightly but I kissed her gently wrapping her in my strong weary arms and held her for a short embrace but it seemed so much longer I parted away slowly sliding her capris down showing her teal thong as "Close To The Flame (Rappula Tapes)" came on while I pulled her back into my arms laying her down we laid sieged to one another her hands exploring my body freeing what was still covered and I the same with her she chuckled softly sniffling while "The Path (P.S. version)" started as I entered her letting our love making last into the early morning which greeted us with rain as the candles still burned and flickered with us entangled beneath covers of cotton and silk, Amy stirred kissing my chest murmuring my pet name Tiger one last song played as she took me inside of her: "Lose You Tonight [Thulsa Doom Extended]" I moaned softly awake smiling softly Amy rocking her hips slowly sensually bringing me to climax with her sweat glistened and bits of my blood dried on her skin I bit my lower lip back arching releasing my love with hers intermixing making our love eternal her hands roaming over her body, Amy moaned my name in ecstasy’s glory as we rode out our climax into another sleep awaking later we showered together wrapped in each other’s arms.

The multiple showerheads coating us in warm cleansing rain bringing out her alluring green gaze and I took her in the shower just out of pure bliss then we cleaned each other off sitting on the bed wrapped in towels talking about what happened both in Purgatory and in Avarus and The Slaughter House then she said two words that drained all the happiness out of me "It’s time" and I just frowned but she did as well kissed me softly and said "Mmmmmmmmmm get dressed I want another dance with you"

We dressed she wore a dazzling red dress coming to mid thigh and black dress heels and I wore a black tank top, white long sleeve Starter shirt, baggy brown Paco cargo pants, and ghost white Reebok sneakers she pressed against me as "Forever" came back on and she smiled swaying her hips then spinning away from me I half stepped and gyro spun as the first chorus came on then came back up spinning 360 until we met again leading each other smiling I broke away crip walking then did the running man as she spun then we met again and danced I twirled her in a circle and she kept the spin as her dress flew up then at the break I pulled her to me foreheads touching both of us panting she traced my lips and kissed me gently then pushed me back and ran at me I caught her and setting her down she said "I love you so much spin me one more time" and frenched me deeply and I did twirling her around our bodies black against the white background she spun around until she lessened and lessened and finally disappearing leaving me alone the world came back into focus and reality reset itself and I cried again then sniffling and wiping my tears away I shouldered and closed down the grief and dawning my Warriors vest I went back into the light to do what I only knew..............


My thoughts on AP RP

When I think on the RP community back then this is what I’ve come up with:

Tina is nothing but a f*****g t-shirt at best.

The vampire nation on ap is nothing anymore since last year because when you really look at it people have quit, kill themselves off, or leave ap altogether.

Because RP is so lame in The Slaughter House people like Darius have been recycling what’s left of the RP nation and it’s getting old hell everyone should leave rp for good because it’s boring now because the key players are boring now as well.

Tina plays three different cards family, prey, and power. And she uses these to get her way almost all the time. It’s true she uses the family because it’ll force the ones she keeps closest to decide where they stand on the debated subject in a sense family vs family. She’ll prey and pry into personal matters and use that heh heavily against someone like for instance if she knows what that person holds dearest to them she’ll turn whatever it is to them and make them submit to her will. The only power she wields is her lame a*s cry wolf about me "threatening to rape her daughter" card to everyone she comes in contact with especially if it involves me or something about me.

We all use these to get our way either by saying the right thing at the wrong time or the wrong thing at the right time.

And the really funny thing is the newbies who come into the nation are too stupid because when they read about what Tina said they automatically self consciously choose to hear the one sided argument when there’s two sides to it that they wish to either hear about or stay deaf to it.

It really galls me that everybody wants to act like a little kid and point the finger of blame at someone else when they were in the wrong to begin with and Tina is a perfect example of it she wants to act all sweet, loving, caring, and innocent but she’s not she’s full of lies, deceit, back stabbing, crooked, has the biggest ego I’ve ever seen, she wants people to choose sides between her and me and it’s stupid as hell shaking my head I know for a fact and that no one else is willing to say it so I will f*****g cowards it’s getting old Tina find something else to peak at your ego like a couple of crosswords or wordsearches. She’s only doing this because she can get the weaker people that she knows to side with easy and that includes the newbies who parade around The Slaughter House s**t if she wants to pull her weight slinging it around I don’t care you wanna side with me side with me doesn’t phase me doesn’t matter I’m banned from ap due to two n*****s named symitar and Maatkara when it should be Tina banned for life and me on ap enjoying myself and not having to look in through the keyhole when the door is locked forever on me just because I told the truth about her wicked and evil ways. It wouldn’t surprise if both of them were in her pocket seeming as they are both involved with all my site bans I’ve had hell proof like that heh would help me get back on the site and them kicked off. But don’t go straight up to them and be like "Oh yeah I heard you got beef with Immortal Beloved why you like that?" or "All he did was tell the truth and you banned him for it what kind of a mod are you?" cause then they’ll threaten you with a ban but if you stood up to them like that heh like I did you got balls that also goes if you’re a girl too. Just remember one thing if you talk to Tina watch what you say cause she told me over the phone she keeps a record of everything she hears from anyone and if you don’t believe just ask her yourself should she deny it then she’s lying to you. Now me on the other hand I do the same thing well not EXACTLY the same thing I just listen and if one day someone should piss me off I’ll write up a bash piece of them but oh well woe is me.

It’s really sad though because now Tina’s banned due to Seth being a little kiss a*s cocksucker that he was born to be it’s a low down dirty shame that he’s able to stay on AP and we’re both banned for life and I mean it’s unfair and unjustly. Tina got caught just like I did cybering with an underage boy on one of her spare accounts on the site that’s true I got the same thing except I kept coming back onto the site under various aliases and whatnot so I got into more trouble because of that and meanwhile, Sethany’s allowed to be on the site on his third strike since he just got off of a ban and he’s a glorified snitch just like me. He ratted Tina out just to save his own a*s and make himself look better and guaranteed he’d sellout his own WIFE just to get away with murder because that’s how low he’ll go.

But as for me I’ve been granted a way back into AP via AnnD is going to talk to the moderators to see if I can come back since now there’s evidence supporting my claims that I made of her having cyber sex with underage boys back in March 2006. If I’m brought back it’s gonna be different since all the groups are now under review by the powers that be because people have been dragging real life problems into the roleplaying realm and in truth it’s my fault for that. The reason for my saying that is because I exposed Tina for what she did by dragging her seizure illness, martial problems, and misgivings that she’s done me and others in the past onto the site so pretty much I sparked the controversial war by fighting with Tina. Many times I’ve been asking myself and others have asked me: "Would you do it any differently if given the chance to?" and my response is maybe I just don’t know. If the policy wasn’t in place I’d do it again and warn myself to keep the cybering off the site and done more to find out as much as I could but kept it on my laptop then presented it to the mods instead of posting it in The Toy Fights Back. But then I wouldnt’ve had a great poem that got such great feedback and gave me respect from different people I would’ve remained a small time outfit instead of a crazy major leaguer. I wouldnt’ve been a Certified DX Misfit or the most controversial son of a b***h to come to AP. I wouldnt’ve made the punchlines that I did probably wouldnt’ve written the poems I did and gotten the amount of points I accumulated during my time on AP. Hell if I hadn’t met Tina none of this s**t would’ve killed my soul like it already has.

Damn sure wouldn’t have had the time of my motherfucking life that I did on that rollercoaster of sex, lies, Narcing, friendships, depression, mourning, joy, happiness, the good, the bad, and the dragqueen, and everything else.

The End

© 2011 Immortal Beloved

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Added on November 27, 2009
Last Updated on February 24, 2011

The RP War Diaries


Immortal Beloved
Immortal Beloved

Manchester, MD

My heroes are males and females who report that they were raped no matter how long ago it was you are my true heroes no matter what people say YOU guys are the true heroes!!! and you got my respect 10.. more..
