![]() King Of All ClansA Chapter by Immortal Beloved![]() during the 2006 rp war![]() Why should I be elected King Of All Clans? I’ll tell you why. I have the mind set of Wyatt Earp in seeing justice done to those who need it. I wish to be able to shake hands with the leaders of the vampire families and the head slayer clans. Hold meetings on a day of the week with the clan heads to decide on new proposals. All bloodhunts and assassinations would go through me before getting approval and if it’s because a person is cheating on you then that will get dismissed. Anyone who doesn’t wish to follow under my rule will be banished from the clans and dubbed "Unforgiven". All members of every family will respect one another. I have natural charisma when it comes to various subjects. In this hopefully huge vampire family if you make one wrong move it could be your last. All families can stay separated if they wish to do so. I would rule with an iron fist of truth and love in all it’s forms. And if you’ve done wrong I will tell you myself not through a puppet. There will be smear campaigns against me by other vampires in the other families ignore them no matter what they say. If want the truth about then I will tell you them myself whether it’s on Yahoo, MSN, on over the phone. Some will say I’m a deranged bisexual freak. A- I am not deranged I do know how to get around and where I live. B- I am bisexual and if you don’t like it then don’t vote for me. C- I am a freak I have a freaky mind I have a freaky way of acting sometimes. If you attack my family my real life family in anyway you will be dealt with accordingly. Everybody talks big about killing me or making me wish I hadn’t joined Allpoetry well they are weaklings full of cowardice. I will never back down or die no matter how many bloodhunts are set on me or p***y threats are sent to me on ap or messenger. I won’t take this position by force or by how many kills I make to get it. I will achieve this throne by hard work, determination, and by letting the votes by you who find me suitable for this throne. Clan kings and queens who rule with a dirty rep will be de-throned and dubbed Unforgiven giving their heirs rightful and immediate placement on the throne and if they can’t handle then I will give them an advisor to help them. And if you say my name never say it in vain cause then you’ve made a great enemy. If you say my name in good graces then you’ve made a great friend who can make you laugh and be your best friend. I want this position like if I had to face the Immortal Hulk Hogan and it took me three times to defeat him then I would know that on the third time around I won fair and square and he would pass me the torch. I don’t this throne to be made from blood and bones of innocents and needless controversy. I want my reign to be created from honesty, truth, compassion, love in all forms, and friendship. I wanna be the king who you can call a friend and play around with. I wanna be the king who can be your virtual prom date when your boyfriend stands you up for some other skanky b***h. I wanna be the king who treats and sees lower class citizens as equals. I want to be the king who you can consol for advice on anything. A king you can accept for being truthfully honest with you. A king who would smite the coward aggressors not with guns and knives but with bare hands. A king who not be corrupted by alcohol or drugs.
A king who will hear your ideas and put them to good use. A king who has a righteous reign as true as Eddie Guerrero’s heart. I won’t be a pawn in anyone’s game of chess. I won’t be a puppet to a puppeteer. I most definitely will never be someone’s toy ever again. And for me to be able to handle the pressures I need a queen, a companion of sorts who will always be there for me when I need her. So if you wanna rule with me as Queen of All Clans submit your applications to me via e-mail and in your clans and I’ll choose wisely from all the applicants whom enter. Until my ban is over In Pace Requiescat. © 2009 Immortal Beloved |
Added on August 5, 2009 Author![]() Immortal BelovedManchester, MDAboutMy heroes are males and females who report that they were raped no matter how long ago it was you are my true heroes no matter what people say YOU guys are the true heroes!!! and you got my respect 10.. more..Writing