![]() Chapter Ten: The clientA Chapter by Imagination-mageHiccup once again woke up with her
clingy boyfriend with his arms wrapped around her waist. She gripped his arms
and tried prying them apart only for him to cling tighter. “Dreki!” Hiccup bellowed. “Let go, I
need to get ready for school!” “Ditch.” Dreki mumbled into her
shoulder, kissing it lightly. Her face lit red and she began to flail. “Let go, let go, let go, let go!!”
Hiccup said, trying to grab for something to help her up. “RELEASE ME!!” Hiccup demanded. “Fine.” Dreki said and released her,
sending her flying. She rolled on the floor. Her legs kicked over a vase which
popped out of the pillar it sat upon and landed in Hiccup’s hands. A trap door
suddenly opened under her and she rolled down a stone staircase. Dreki glided
over, looking down into the tunnel and hearing Hiccup fall deeper and deeper.
It wasn’t until he heard a loud thud did he ask “Anything broken?” There was silence till Hiccup called back, more of moaned
back, “No….” Hiccup found herself in a darkened room, the vase still in
her hands. As she rose up, she stepped on a tile and torches soon blazed to
life. Hiccup found herself in a room filled with gold coins, rainbow colored
jewels, crowns, pearl necklaces, jade necklaces, diamonds, crystals and other
treasures that would have billionaires look like the homeless. She looked at
the place in disbelief, Dreki soon soaring down beside her and saying “Oh you
found it.” “WHAT IS
THIS?!” Hiccup screeched. “My
treasure.” Dreki replied, cleaning his ear out. “From all the years of your
absence from my life.” Hiccup was a little touched by his suddenly obsession of her
but snapped back to her anger “Why’s it under my room?” “I thought
it should be in a place where my most prized
jewel lives.” Dreki said seductively only getting slapped on the head. “Get rid of
it before someone steals it!!” Hiccup said. Dreki only shrugged it off and replied “They can’t get in
unless they’re accepted by me. You come in here, you die.” Hiccup trembled and Dreki replied “Let’s go back to sleep.” “No, I have
school!” Hiccup said and went back up the steps, Dreki following of course. “I’ll drive
you.” Dreki said. “I’ll take
a bus.” Hiccup retorted. “My car’s
faster.” Dreki said. “I like the bus.” Hiccup said bitterly.
They reached her room and the door closed when Dreki simply let his hand slide
across the door. Ancient writing followed him and the treasure vault sealed
shut. Dreki returned to Hiccup who was setting out her clothes. She had come to
realize trying to get rid of the expensive clothes Dreki bought her was useless
when he just either threw out or burned her old ones. “You’re
wearing them without a fight?” Dreki said, sounding pleased. “Have I finally
tamed the great warrior?” “No!”
Hiccup replied. “How much was all this anyway?” “Hmm, well
the clothes were freshly new, specially made and with a couple of threats half
off.” Dreki said, calculating the prices in his head. “Four thousand dollars
each.” Hiccup threw the clothes out of her wardrobe and bellowed
“Return them!” “Can’t,
lost the receipt.” Dreki said plainly. “Then sell
them!” Hiccup said. “No, they
stay.” Dreki said. “ARGH, you
aggravate me!!” Hiccup bellowed. “Aw, I love
you too.” Dreki said with a gorgeous model like smile. “ARGH!!”
Hiccup screeched again. ~ * ~ Hiccup
walked home today from school. She hadn’t told Dreki about her whereabouts
knowing he’d decline and pick her up anyway. To Hiccup, it was rather
embarrassing for your overly rich boyfriend to pick you up from a sleek black
European car that happened to be bulletproof and have guns hidden in the
compartments. So Hiccup lied and told him that Brooke had already offered to
pick her up, who was actually on the lookout for Jackie with Kazuma (currently
in South Africa she last heard). Hiccup had her headphones in and was listening
to one of My Chemical Romances songs,
bobbing her head lightly to the beat. As she turned a corner that was her
secret shortcut, she came face to face with Celty. “Hey
Celty.” Hiccup greeted. Celty responded with a wave. “You out
looking for demons again?” Hiccup asked. Celty shook her head no. “Looking
for your head?” Hiccup asked. She shook her head no again. Celty pulled out her phone and
started typing down her thoughts on it. Once done, she held it up for Hiccup to
read. Hiccup squinted at the screen and read aloud “I’m waiting for my client.
Wanna help?” She looked back at Celty who waited for her answer. “You want
me to help?” Hiccup asked. Celty nodded, typing another message down and holding it up
for Hiccup to read. I
have a feeling you can really help with this one. It
read, Celty adding another sentence. Hop
on. Hiccup giggled excitedly as she boarded herself on Celty’s
motorcycle. She wrapped her arms around her waist and soon Celty took off.
Hiccup had always been the one repairing motorcycles but she had never before
ridden one. She felt the wind push by her face and combing through her hair.
She smiled widely, suddenly hearing How
does it feel? She looked up to Celty who seemed to be waiting for her
reply. “Feels like
I’m flying.” Hiccup replied. Even without a head, she could tell Celty smiled at the
comment. They turned, dodging cars and hopping over civilians who didn’t move
fast enough. Hiccup couldn’t help but enjoy it, finding it humor to see the
terrified and confused faces of civilians. They soon came to a dark alleyway,
stopping midway. Celty looked up at it, the motorcycle humming. “Is this
the place?” Hiccup asked. Celty merely nodded and took out her phone, typing down a
reply. We
go by foot here. It read. Hiccup got off the vehicle; running her hands over it and
feeling it nudge at her leg lightly. Celty led the way, Hiccup staying close
behind her. They lost view of their only vehicle back home and soon came to a
large white building; it looked like a lab merged with a mansion. Celty
motioned for Hiccup to knock first. As she was about to knock, a voice said What do you want? She jumped a bit, but found a small speaker on the side. “U-Uh, you
called for Celty.” Hiccup replied through the speaker. You
don’t sound like Celty. The speaker countered. “I’m here
to help.” Hiccup replied. …Who’re
you anyway? The male voice asked, sounding
suspicious. “Hiccup
Sirius Haddock.” Hiccup replied. There was a pause for a couple of seconds till
the large metal gates swung open. Celty patted Hiccup on the back and led her
in. As they walked up the path, Hiccup’s phone suddenly rang. “Oh, uh,
hang on please.” Hiccup said, seeing the collar ID read Dreki on it. Phones
away. A voice bellowed making Hiccup flinch and frantically hid
her phone. The doors slid open and the two walked inside. They were welcomed by
a high tech lab that was filled with veils of unknown chemicals, knives, tables
for dissecting and test tubes. Hiccup cringed when a small baby form of a cow
in one of the many test tubes, being formed in a pink fluid. She clung to Celty
who patted her arm. “Celty…you’re
late.” A voice said. A spot light shined down on a single teenage boy who
seemed almost Celty’s age. He had spikey milk chocolate brown hair and wore a
white lab coat over his tight purple shirt and baggy jeans. His hands were
tucked into his pockets, his emerald eyes glaring at them. Celty walked toward
him, pulling out her phone and typing down her message. What’s
the emergency? Celty asked. “Come with
me.” The boy scientist replied and led them out. Hiccup stuck close to Celty
who seemed tensed as well. The three came to a door; the door had no handle but
a code in its place, the boy typing down the combination at the speed of light
and the door opened automatically. They came to a cozy living room, a roaring
fire place blazing with beige walls, velvet furniture and tall windows with
long curtains, velvet carpet, a tall bookcase and coffee table in the middle of
the two couches facing each other. Here
I thought Dreki was the only one who flaunted his money around….
Hiccup thought, Celty and herself seating themselves across from the scientist.
missions quite simple.” The boy said. “Get my test subject back.” “Uh…okay
what does it look like?” Hiccup asked. The boy turned back to her with the piercing glare and asked
“You said you were Hiccup Sirius Haddock right?” “Y-Yes…”
Hiccup replied, trying to sound polite. “Hmmm, I’ve
heard stories but you’re nothing how I pictured you….” He replied and put his
hand out. “Gary Ookido, scientist of paranormal activity and other alienated
beings.” “It’s a
pleasure meeting you, Mr. Ookido.” Hiccup said, shaking hands with him. “I bet
you’re fully aware that Celty can’t talk.” “Because
she has no head.” Gary finished, looking bored. “I’m fully aware.” Hiccup seemed a bit shocked that he seemed so bored by the
fact. “You see,
I’ve had my eye on this interesting being known as The Biker or Headless
Horsemen.” Gary replied, eyes fixated on Celty now. “I’ve always wanted to
dissect her kind, cut her open and see exactly what makes this demon or god
like being tick but she’s of course….rejected my offer.” Celty shivered at the thought of being dissected, Hiccup
glaring at Gary now. “Now about
my subject, she needs to be found before the New Moon.” Gary explained. “Why by
then?” Hiccup asked, seeing the question written on Celty’s phone. Gary held up a shot which was filled with a purple fluid
that which bubbled when shaken, he tucked it back in his pocket. “She needs
to take this medication every four
months. She hates it cause it hurts like hell.” Gary explained. “She escaped
before I could inject it into her, giving me this.” He rolled up his sleeve only to show a large gash that
appeared to still be healing. It looked like he was slashed across the arm, it
glowed red and tints of black cling to it like flesh. He pulled his sleeve over
it and said “She gets more aggressive and violent without it, even on the verge
of killing others. If she continues like this after the New Moon, she’ll go on
a rampage.” Hiccup tightened her fists and repeated “Wha-what does she
look like?” “How should
I know?” Gary replied bluntly, the two looking at him in shock. Celty
aggressively typed down a reply and held it up to Gary. You
want us to look for a dangerous extraterrestrial with no clue what she looks
like or what she’s capable of?! “Yup.” Gary
replied. “Are you
crazy?!” Hiccup bellowed. Gary tapped his cranium and replied “Slightly, but the craziest
are always the brightest.” Hiccup glared as Gary replied “The new moons in three days,
you have till then to find her and bring her back for her check up. Got it?” He turned to Celty and smiled evilly as he added “That’s
when you’ll get your payment.” “Payment?”
Hiccup asked. Celty only nodded and excused herself and Hiccup out of
Gary’s home. Once outside, they found the motorcycle a few yards away, waiting.
Hiccup was boarded on the motorcycle. Celty hopped aboard and the two were off.
“What was
he talking about payment?” Hiccup asked, she found herself in front of her new
home with Celty guiding her motorcycle in the garage. Inside was a line of
foreign vehicles that all belonged to Brooke and Dreki inside, one spot open
for Celty. She parked and turned back to Hiccup who had followed her along the
way. Celty seemed to have sighed and took out her phone, typing down her reply.
has my head…. Hiccup fell silent and asked “Why do you think I can help
you with this?” Celty started to type down her reply. Because
the subject is named Tasha Godspell, a Dream Eater who’s been haunting
dreams and occasionally eating souls. She was once our friend but disappeared
one day... “I don’t
remember a Tasha.” Hiccup said, the two going back out and inside the house.
Hiccup tried searching through her memories for Tasha but everything came up
blank. She suddenly realized she had followed Celty to her room, finding it to
look like a traditional Japanese room with boarded walls and floors of bamboo,
a futon on the floor with a large comforter over it. Celty removed her helmet
and Hiccup came face to face with a headless woman, black fog emanating from
the neck where her head should’ve been. Celty caught her staring and Hiccup
suddenly said “S-Sorry, I-I-“ “HICCUP!!”
Dreki screeched from upstairs. Crap,
I forgot Dreki called today! Hiccup thought, panicking now. She
raced off only to bump into Dreki. “Where were
you?!” Dreki asked. “I-I went
out with Celty.” Hiccup stuttered. Dreki face palmed himself and muttered “I knew, you would
pull a stunt like that.” “Sorry…”
Hiccup said, making puppy eyes and resting her head on his chest. Dreki only
sighed, picking her up and putting her over his shoulder making her shriek. “Put me
down!!” Hiccup demanded. “Nope, its
time for your punishment.” Dreki replied, kicking the door open with Hiccup
flailing on his shoulder, he closed the door behind him giving them
privacy. © 2012 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
Added on January 2, 2012 Last Updated on January 2, 2012 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing