![]() Chapter Nine: LoveA Chapter by Imagination-mageHiccup was pacing her bedroom, the thought of Jackie, or
Anastasia kept on finding its way into her mind. She remembered the sudden
scared look in her eyes as she suddenly ran for it, going from cocky, cruel
teenager to timid and scared five years old. Hiccup didn’t have the heart to
tell Erica just yet that Jackie ran away, but she needed to tell someone. Dreki
arrived in the room, looking tired suddenly as he fell into her bed face first
and groaned in the cushions. Hiccup sat beside him, patting his back before
Dreki wound his arm around her waist and pulled her down so she lay next to
him. Her feet flailed in the air as she let out a scream of surprise. Dreki
curled up next to her and said “I’m tired…” “Then
sleep.” Hiccup said, trying to pry his arm from her waist. “Good
idea.” Dreki said and pulled her into the covers with him, Hiccup protesting as
she felt Dreki’s lips at her neck. She failed in the bed as Dreki tried holding
her down as he continued his kisses, chuckling into them. Hiccup soon pressed
her hands on his chest and pushed him off saying “Quit that!!” “Hey…your
face is incredibly red…” Dreki said, suddenly worried that she might’ve caught
a fever. Hiccup felt her face, she was incredibly hot and she hadn’t even
realized it. Her face grew brighter and she said “U-Uh, it’s because…because…” Dreki smiled suddenly and cupped her face in his hands. He
brought her face close and placed his lips over hers. The feeling of passion
came again, making Hiccup nearly drown in it. She now remembered how Dreki
would always kiss her like this, making her feel needed. Dreki gently pushed
her down so she was lying on the cushions, kissing her deeply and running his
now humanoid hands through her hair. His other hand was running up her side and
her face was becoming a strawberry red. Dreki moved down to her neck, nipping
softly making her gasp. As his hand was about to go under her shirt, the door
flung open and Brooke declared “Come on Hicca, don’t want you late for school.”
right you are!!” Hiccup said, bolting up and pushing Dreki off, quickly racing
towards Brooke and disappearing out the door with her. Dreki remained in the
bed, smiling to himself. “Almost had
her…” Dreki said and fell back, falling asleep. ~ * ~ “Hicca,
Hicca, are you okay?! I heard what happened!” Hannah said, looking through
Hiccups hair to check for any stitches. Hiccup giggled as her friends light
fingers tickled her scalp till she finally swatted her away. “Yeah, I’m
fine.” Hiccup said, half smiling. Hiccup was happy her friend was finally
finding ways to become friends again, not asking too many questions that
involved Dreki. The two were now walking through the hallways of their school,
heading for lunch now. Hiccup and Hannah arrived at a grassy hill, taking their
McDonalds out and beginning to eat away their food. “So, you
dating?” Hannah asked. “Uh, you
could say that…” Hiccup said. Yeah, I’m
dating, if you define dating as in destined to marry a half human half dragon
hottie who has billions of enemies I apparently had…. “Really,
whose the guy?!” Hannah asked, suddenly drawn into it. “You can’t leave your
bestie out!” Hiccup gave her a look, her eyebrow raised and giving her a
crocked smile. She soon succumbed and replied “I’m dating Dreki.” “Really,
the hottie who shadowed us at school and took you home, never to be seen
again?” Hannah asked. “Yup, we
met and we sort of clicked.” Hiccup replied, she took a large bite of her
burger and ate, enjoying the food. Hannah seemed to be giving her a
disapproving look but continued “Well if your happy, then so am I.” “Did you
want to date him?” Hiccup asked, suddenly worried. “Oh no,
it’s okay. I’ve got a hottie of my own.” Hannah said. Hiccup looked at her
skeptically but she continued on about a mall day she planned on going at the
end of the day. Hiccup smiled a little, happy to have some quality time with
Hannah. Today
Brooke picked up Hiccup from school in a sleek black car, honking three times
to get her attention. Hiccup hopped into the passenger’s seat and buckled
herself in. “So how was
school?” Brooke asked, trying to sound motherly. “Good, I
guess.” Hiccup replied. “Hannah isn’t ignoring me any more.” “Hmmm.”
Brooke said, not really liking the name. Hiccup looked at her and asked “What?”
“I didn’t
say anything.” Brooke countered. “You always
say hmmm whenever I talk about
Hannah, what is it?” Hiccup asked, Brooke starting the car and moving on. It
was true, Brooke growing an unusual habit of giving Hiccup a sour face whenever
Hannah was brought up in any conversation. They drove down the streets in utter
silence, Hiccup waiting for an answer. They soon made a turn and drove into a
Starbucks drive through, Brooke ordering two coffees and parking the car in the
parking lot, far off from the others. She sipped her coffee and said “I don’t
trust her.” “Why, she’s
just a shopaholic.” Hiccup said. “No, she’s
a control freak.” Brooke said. “I’ve seen how she treats you Hicca and I know
she’s up to no good.” “How do you
know, you’ve been stalking me?” Hiccup asked. “Look, I’m
not the only one who feels this way.” Brooke replied. “No one in our house
trusts her. Erica’s been having visions, involving Hannah Hiccup. I want you to
stay away from her.” “You can’t
enforce that!” Hiccup said. “I
can’t…but Celty can…” Brooke said, Hiccup suddenly jolting. She remembered the
vow she made to Celty when she willingly revived her. Promising her completely
loyalty and obedience. “Celty’s
always out.” Hiccup said, it was true. Celty was normally out patrolling the
streets of “But you’re
always on her mind, her main priority.” Brooke said. “She’s afraid you’ll put
your trust in the wrong people and end up dead…again.” “I know
that Brooke, I-I won’t do something stupid like that again.” Hiccup promised,
drawing a cross over her chest. “I swear it.” “Good.”
Brooke said and took a big sip of her coffee. “So anything else you wanna tell me?” Hiccup squirmed in her seat and mumbled “A-Ana ran away….And
her name is really Jacqueline Ox Lantern…” Hiccup went into detailed about what happened and how it all
started in the first place, Brooke only listening and sipping her coffee. When
Hiccup’s story came to a close, Brooke released a sigh and said “So the Ox clan
has some hope for survival after all. Hiccup your probably don’t know this but
Jackie is a really big part of the chain.” “You mean…” Hiccup asked. “Yeah,
she’s basically a time bomb waiting to go off, when she does, who knows what’ll
happen?!” Brooke said. “All hell could break loose!” “Gee, that
doesn’t make me worry.” Hiccup replied sarcastically. “Look
Hiccup, Jackie isn’t someone whose gonna willingly
hear you out.” Brooke explained. “She’s one of those girls who both respond and
fear confidence. You gotta show her you’re a fierce leader yet a gentle friend
who understands you.” “But how, how?” Hiccup asked, almost pleading.
“Brooke I really need your help!” Brooke only smiled and said “This actually reminds me of the
day I met Celty.” “How did
you guys meet?” Hiccup asked. “Well I met
her on her usual days, slaughtering a poor soul who didn’t pay her back after a
year. Gathered his blood in a bucket and walked off with it.” Brooke said,
reminiscing the memory. “I was ordered to keep watch of her, to ensure she
didn’t go mad and kill innocent souls; which she hasn’t.” “Almost
like me I’m guessing?” Hiccup asked, taking her first sip of her coffee and
surprised to find a taste of mocha in it. She took a large swig of it and
listened as Brooke continued with her story. “Celty was
soon after Dreki, she finally lost it and sought the feeling of mystic blood on
her skin.” Brooke said and turned to Hiccup. “There are beings out there that’d
do anything for mystic blood.” “Mystic
blood?” Hiccup asked. “Yeah,
legends say that with it, you’ll have Gods power…” Brooke said. “You’ll live
forever, you’ll be everlastingly powerful and you’ll have magic like no other….
Those who’re like Dreki are in grave danger everywhere.” Hiccups eyes widened, her fist around her paper mug
tightening to the point where the edges crinkled. Brooke put a hand over hers and
continued “When Celty was about to kill him, you got in the way. She was about
to kill you as well but you gave me the time to attack.” Hiccup remembered the day all too well, the day she truly
thought that herself and Dreki would die together. Dreki was badly wounded; a gash on
his side spilling blood that was so red and vibrant it almost looked like it
could paint the white roses a ruby red. The Reaper advanced upon him, Dreki’s
eyes wide with fear as the scythe blade was about to come down. Hiccup suddenly
bolted, throwing herself over him and screaming “DON’T YOU TOUCH HIM!!” The
scythe blade stopped momentarily. Hiccup opened her eyes only to see a sword
piercing through the Reapers side. The Reaper fell, Brooke behind with her
sword in her hand. Dreki had passed out from blood loss and Hiccup was in a
panic. “Come on, we’ll take him to Erica!”
Brooke said and helped Hiccup carry Dreki back to her home. “Hiccup,
its alright.” Brooke suddenly broke in, breaking Hiccup from her thoughts. Hiccup
turned to her and wiped her eyes, even though she wasn’t crying. Brooke put a
reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly. “After
Celty was hit, I went back only to find her still alive.” Brooke explained. “I
was about to finish her off but she sobbed and said she had never seen someone
so stupid for love….She also
mentioned she was very envious of you.” “She
doesn’t have to be.” Hiccup replied with a smile. Brooke smiled back and said “I took her home and she
apologized to you, which you happily accepted. Once she was healed, she
disappeared but always kept in contact with me.” “She really
trusts you Brooke.” Hiccup said. Brooke smiled widely and said “Everyone trusts
me, I’m Brooke.” Hiccup took another sip of her coffee till Brooke said “So….Are
things in bed between you and Dreki protected?” Hiccup spewed out her coffee, coughing madly and beating her
chest. Brooke burst into laughter as Hiccup wiped her mouth and said “Why would
you ask that?” “So you
have been naughty.” Brooke said, shaking a finger. Hiccup blushed darkly and said “No, no, no,
nothings happened!” Brooke leaned back in her seat and mumbled “No fun at all.
So he just sneaks in and sleeps there? He really respects you...” Hiccup held back a fake laugh and asked “How, always peeping
on me when I’m in the shower, always trailing his hands all over, giving me
kisses everywhere.!” She covered her face as it began to heat up and grow even
redder at the thoughts. Brooke only chuckled and said “He would’ve raped you if
he had no respect. You really don’t know how his kind works…” “What?”
Hiccup asked, Brooke starting the car and pulling out of the parking space.
Brooke only smirked and only said “Just go for it…” and began the drive home. ~ * ~ Dreki was
still asleep when he heard the sound of a car pulling into the garage. His ears
twitched as he eagerly sat up, the covers rolling off him and his eyes going
wide like a puppy finally seeing its master. He hopped out of bed, now in his
boxers and pulled on some baggy pajama pants. He was just coming through the
kitchen when Hiccup entered, her bag on her back and her face red apparently.
Dreki brightened up and lunged, embracing Hiccup in a tight hug and screaming
to see you too.” Hiccup breathed out, patting his back. He sat in the chair,
his long tail now wagging as he asked happily “How was your day?” “Fine…”
Hiccup said then tried something. “Hannah talked to me today…” Dreki looked at her with wide eyes and a frown, one of his
canine teeth sticking out from the side of his mouth, the sight was simply
adorable. He’s
so cute!! Hiccup thought, her face red suddenly. “That’s
nice…” Dreki said quickly but looked back up with a smile. “Anything else?” “I aced my
history essay.” Hiccup brought up. Dreki jumped up, leaning in and wrapping his
arms around Hiccups neck so she could be closer and kissed her fully on the
lips. “That’s
wonderful!” Dreki said once the kiss was over, standing on the chair now and
almost declaring it to the world. “We’re having sundaes for desert today!” Hiccup giggled and looked at Dreki while his back was
turned. His long bat wings were spread- knocking over plates and vases which
shattered- and his tail being dragged behind him, the flaps on the end now spread.
He had a lean yet muscular upper body, his arms strong and his dark hair almost
reaching his shoulders. Hiccup had a light brush on her face now, her irises
growing wide. Dreki hopped down and said “You must be tired, you should rest.” He gently took her hands and took her to her- well their- room and opened the door for her
once there. He set her down and said “I’ll go prepare dinner with Brooke, what
would you like?” He’s
trying to give me space… Hiccup suddenly thought. She took
Dreki’s hand and forcibly pulled him into the bed, Dreki lying flat on his back
and Hiccup leaning her head on his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat. She
felt Dreki’s fingers comb through her hair. “You’re
distancing yourself from me.” Hiccup said and looked up at him. “That’s
uncalled for.” It was Dreki’s turn to blush as he turned away and asked
“What gave it away?” “The five
second kiss and only one at that.” Hiccup said a smirk on her face. “You
suddenly caught a fever when I kissed you this morning…” Dreki said, he sounded
so worried. “I was afraid you’d get a horrible fever.” Hiccup blushed darkly; her smirk suddenly wiped right off
her face. She looked up and reached up to Dreki, pulling herself up. She cupped
his face and placed her lips over his own catching him by surprise at first but
soon melted into it. He pushed her onto her back and deepened the kiss. I
really do love this guy… Hiccup thought happily. © 2012 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on January 2, 2012 Last Updated on January 2, 2012 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing