![]() Chapter Four: MemoriesA Chapter by Imagination-mageHiccup slapped the boy who kissed her, shoving him off and covering her mouth as she said” YOU…YOU…YOU!!!” “Uh, that isn’t what I thought after I met my future bride…” Dreki said, rubbing his red cheek. “BRIDE?!” Hiccup said, she nearly chocked on the words. She got up and continued “I am a single girl who plans on graduating high school with no problems and getting into a good college! Now leave!” Dreki looked at her with large puppy eyes which she couldn’t resist to. His eyes were wide and his pupils dilated. Hiccup ignored it, her head beginning to hurt as she took Hannah’s wrist and dragged her away. What the hell is up with that boy?! Hiccup thought irritably.
“Who was that hottie?” Hannah asked, they were getting ready for Anatomy now and Hiccup had tried everything in her mind to forget about the unknown boy who ambushed her in a kiss. “Hey, are you listening?” Hannah asked, shaking Hiccup awake. “Huh, what?” Hiccup asked, suddenly being slapped. “I asked, ‘who was that hottie’?!” Hannah asked. “You know, the one who engulfed your plush lips and I swear I saw some tongue action.” “Shut up!” Hiccup said through gritted teeth slapping at Hannah who shielded herself. Hannah only laughed and said “I’m kidding, kidding, I’m just jealous I didn’t get ambushed by a hottie who kissed me on sight.” “He was a freak with a horrible brain dysfunction.” Hiccup said curtly. “I hope I never see him again.” “Oh come on, you enjoyed the kiss.” Hannah said. “You were just sitting there.” “He took me by surprise…” Hiccup said, she was grinding her teeth now. As Hiccup set out her books and notebooks, students began filing in. Hiccup was soon whistled at and even heard the rude remarks “Hicca.” She rolled her eyes and organized herself, pulling out a notebook that had pictures taped onto the front. They were various pictures of Hiccup and her old friend Tasha and her pet cat Cake. She was a close childhood friend who loved the way of the hero always believing that females had every right to be as manly as a guy. Someday the guys will be the damsels in distress and I’ll be there to save them! Her quote echoed in Hiccups head making her smile to herself. “Okay class, let’s begin.” Their teacher said, snapping Hiccup from her little fantasy land. Hiccup hid her notebook under her textbook. She got her pencil case out and set it to the side, feeling at peace. “Today we’ll be learning about the skeleton and liver today.” Their teacher said, the class groaning. Hiccup only shrugged, knowing that she’d easily breeze by it. She was playing with her water bottle now. “But first, we have a new student.” The teacher brought up, everyone looking at the one next to them in confusion. Hiccup shrugged again, popping open her water bottle and taking a sip. The teacher motioned for the new student to come in. A boy with sun kissed skin and droopy black hair walked in, wearing light jeans and a red shirt. “This is Dreki Nightshade.” The teacher said. Hiccup chocked on her water, spewing out the water and pounding on her chest. She shot up and said “What?!” “Our new student Dreki Nightshade will be shadowing in this school for today, do you have a problem with it Sirius?” their teacher asked, raising an eyebrow. Hiccup had to try and not blow up but instead went with “No sir…” She slunk back into her seat and leaned back, she crossed her arms and their class continued on.
As soon as the bell rang, Hiccup quickly packed her things away and made her way out of the classroom. She was lucky that apparently, a large mob of girls- including her friend Hannah- had surrounded Dreki and kept him busy so he wasn’t able to notice Hiccup slip away. Hiccup sped walked down the halls and trying to reach her next class in one piece. But she first arrived to the girl’s bathroom, finding herself utterly alone as she turned the faucet on and splashed her face with water. Once her face was drenched, she looked at herself in the mirror. “Okay, okay, okay, this is completely normal.” Hiccup said, trying to convince herself. “It’s…perfectly normal for an extremely hot guy to kiss you then show up at your school. Yeah just be invisible yeah, invisible.” She dried her face off and ruffled out her hair, getting her bag on properly and left the girls bathroom. She turned to continue down the hall till she ran into a hard chest. She felt the muscle, her face becoming bright red when she recognized the red fabric. “Hello again.” Dreki said, his voice sounding as smooth as silk. Hiccup pushed herself away and just kept her focus on the ground. Her face was a bright red and her green orbs were wide with shock. Why oh why did we meet again?! Hiccup thought. The universe is against me! “I said hello again.” Dreki said trying to get Hiccups attention. “H-Hey there.” Hiccup said, her voice wavering. Shiz balls! “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that you can’t handle being in my presence.” Dreki said, he sounded smug. Hiccup took a deep breath and shook her head, shoving the boy away and standing up straight. “I can handle anyone’s presence!” Hiccup said bitterly, Dreki looked shocked. “I am my own warrior so I don’t need some hot guy to come out a no where and tell me what to do or how to feel!” “So you do think I’m hot?” Dreki asked. “Yes, I admit it but you’d have better luck asking out the more popular girls.” Hiccup said and walked on past him. “Now you’re making me late for class so toodles!” With that Hiccup turned the corner and disappeared, not wanting anything to do with the boy. “But!” Dreki called making Hiccup stop. “You should really check out those packages you found.” Hiccup froze suddenly, feeling a chill run up her spine. A familiar feeling of guilt washed over herself at the thought of completely ignoring the gifts. She shook her head and said “You’re crazy; you’ve got the wrong girl I suppose.” As she turned the corner, a painful headache surged through her head causing her to nearly fall over. She gripped her head and gritted her teeth. Ugh….what’s happening? Hiccup thought. Flashes of unknown scenery blinked before Hiccup’s eyes making her sweat and breath heavily. “Hey Hicca, class if starting!” Hannah called. She spotted Hiccup swaying back and forth as she slowly made her way to the class. Hiccup suddenly fell over and landed hard on the floor. Dreki heard Hiccups fall and was there in a matter of seconds. “Hiccup….” Dreki said, shaking Hiccup. “SIRIUS!” “I-Is she okay?” Hannah asked. Without a word, Dreki carried Hiccup and hoisted her on his shoulder, disappearing through the high school doors. ~ * ~ She dashed through the woods, a mallet in her hand along with a bow over her shoulder, arrows on her back as she swiftly raced through the trees. Her heart was beating madly as she excitedly chased down her target. She wore battle armor, her gloves leather and her boots large and furred around her ankles. Her long amber brown hair flowed in the wind; her green eyes gleaming as the dim sunshine slightly gleamed down on her through grey clouds. She stopped suddenly, peaking over. She had been led to a clearing, a large pond in the middle of it. There lay her target, a sleek dragon with a rather flat head and large bat like wings. It slurped the water thirstily, letting its guard down momentarily. She placed her mallet on her waist, the weight no longer bothered her, she was accustomed to its weight by now. She got her bow ready and loaded an arrow. She pulled the string back and took aim. That was when her foot backed into a branch causing it to snap. She silently cursed under her breath as the dragon spun its head around and growled at her. She released the arrow, sending it flying but the dragon easily bashed it with its tail. It lunged, knocking her over and pinning her down to the ground. Her face was red as the dragon sniffed at her. I am going to die! The girl thought. The dragon snorted soon wrapping its tail around her waist and taking flight, taking the girl along with it. “Ahh!” The girl screamed as they flew higher and higher into the sky. “Oh great God, oh my god!!!” She continued screaming till the two came to a cave. The dragon dropped her at the entrance and gracefully landed in front of her. The girl bolted up, getting her mallet and holding it up for her defensive. The dragon growled irritably. Why do you always hunt me down?! The dragon said telepathically. “Shut up, get out of my head!” the girl screamed taking a swing at the dragon. “If I kill you then the villagers will leave me alone!” She was about to land a hit till the dragon caught the mallet and slammed her fist against the wall so she would release the mallet. He released her and took the mallet throwing it out of the cave. “Hey, my mom made that!” she screamed about to jump in after it till the dragon grabbed her by the foot and dragged her back. He pinned her down and the girl began to struggle. “Let me go!” she screamed. You’re a very unusual human…You give off the scent of dragons… the dragon said. The girl kicked him in the leg making him back away. She looked angry. “It’s your fault that everyone hates me!” the girl said angrily. “If you hadn’t crash landed in my house, I wouldn’t have let you free! I would still…I’d still have my mom…” The girl suddenly stopped, rubbing at her eyes as tears freely fell. The dragons went down with sympathy. In one fluid motion he transformed into a human, half man half dragon. He approached the girl and sat beside her, his tail coiling around her so she would sit closer. He put an arm over her shoulder and allowed her to listen to his heart. His heart beat was slow and rhythmic, reminding the girl of her mothers once beating heart. “Thank you…” the boy said suddenly. The girl sniffled and wiped her nose. She tried staying angry but it was extremely hard with beautiful man cuddling her. “For what?” the girl asked. The boy kissed her lightly on the head and hugged her tightly. “For everything of course…” the boy replied. “By the way, should I call you Sirius like you want?” The girl remained silent till she replied “No…I want you to call me Hiccup…”
Transition: Three Years
Hiccup and her new found fiancé were racing through the forest. Hiccup had by now run away from home and lived alongside her lover, Dreki as she now called him. When they started being together, Dreki opened up to her and confessed that he had been having feelings for her for some time. They arrived at a hut in one of the many swamps. “This is where my aunt lives.” Dreki said quietly. “Am I going to meet her?” Hiccup asked, her green eyes beaming. Dreki only shushed her as they opened the door. They were welcome to a luxurious home with furniture that Hiccup had never seen before in her life. They walked inside, Dreki never letting go of her hand. “Brooke!” Dreki called. “What?!” a voice called. Arising from the shadows was a skeleton who wore a masquerade dress with an over coat, frilled at the elbows. And swaying as she walked in her tall high heels, having a large nappy afro she walked in, leaning on a cane when she was standing. “Why hello there.” The woman or skeleton, Brooke said. “H-Hi…” Hiccup said bowing low. “I-I want your blessing!” Brooke smiled a skeleton smile, placing a finger under her chin and lifting her head up. There was suddenly flesh creeping onto her skeletal features, making her human with dark skin and matching Dreki’s eyes. “Of course.” Brooke said.
Transition: Eight Years
Hiccup was racing through the woods now, her hair unevenly cut. She had bruises and a few quick slices that were dripping small drops of blood. She stopped when someone dressed in all black stood in front of her. “You betrayed us!” the figure screamed towards Hiccup, raising her samurai sword and swiping at Hiccup who quickly dodged. A loud explosion erupted far to the south, Hiccup panicking that Dreki’s battle was still raging on. She was suddenly slashed at the cheek, throwing to the ground and having a blade pressing at her throat. “Say goodnight…” the figure said and slashed at her throat….
Hiccup awoke with her own blood dried onto her skin. She looked around suddenly seeing a headless warrior looming over her, a head tucked under her arm as her cape blew in the breeze. “This is the one Celty.” A familiar voice said. Looking to the side, Brooke was there as well. She stroked the uneven hairs from Hiccups face that stuck to her forehead due to the blood. “You do realize this is illegal?” the headless warrior, Celty, said. The head spoke for her, the neck merely turning as if to look at Brooke. “Th-Thank you…” Hiccup said, she felt her neck and realized the fatal wound at her jugular was healed. She rose and bowed low, Celty looking at her in confusion. “I am forever in your dept.” Hiccup said. Celty merely looked down at her, her head smiling. “I’ll ensure you live out that dept.” Celty said. “Rise, mortal…” Hiccup rose and looked at Celty with eyes full of respect for the Headless one. She smiled and for the first time, Celty seemed to blush. “I’ll pay you back for this great deed.” Hiccup said and the three returned to Brookes home.
Transition: Three Years
Hiccup stared at the volcano that erupted many distances away. For the past years she’s been with Dreki and Brooke she has unlocked many secrets of herself. She was a mystic being who was to be one with the dragon, one that would soon save the world but end her life. Dreki was of course, devastated when he heard the news even though she tried to keep it hidden. He locked her up to ensure she wouldn’t do something so stupid. But every woman craved freedom. Now, her home village was being killed by the wrath of the vengeful spirits that were bottled up there. Hiccup grabbed a hammer and smashed the window, easily slipping out. She had out grown her hair again after the encounter with her assassin, so it had returned to its regular length. She raced to the volcano where she knew, the ultimate sacrifice needed to be made.
Looking down at the pool of lava frightened young Hiccup, fear suddenly succumbing her. But then she thought of the village she grew up in, the dragons that were in need of saving…then her beloved Dreki. She took a deep breath, she fell plummeting to her death; or so everyone thought…. © 2011 Imagination-mage |
1 Review Added on December 7, 2011 Last Updated on December 7, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing